Watter - Lost City Arc User


  • Lack of chi (I started a sin, sins have like FRIGGIN INFINITE CHI) Lack of CC... the other classes get a lot more. LONG CHANNEL. Just holy f.ck! We're not the hardest hitting class anymore. I know that's not new, but it bugs me a LOT :/
  • Got bloodpaint at level 34... I still don't see much difference in survivability with bloodpaint lol seriously The level difference is 1 or 2, and sometimes I'm higher level than the mobs :p These mobs hit me for 130-180, and I have 1426 HP...
  • I think I didn't make myself clear... I didn't mean attribute points, I meant stats like HP, Magic Atack, Physical Def and those stuff :p I'm building Full Int of course. And Nurfed, thanks a lot for the calc link :D I'll work on that. And, well, I have no points in vit, should I really start putting points there? ._.
  • Holy damn, the brazilian servers are a nightmare. I played there too, and unfortunately spent some good money there... that sh** sucks o-o Well well, turns out I think I'll just stay in Lost City and try to buy some reset stones to fiz the stats in my mage... I'm such an impatient ****!
  • Oh God. Yesterday, for the lack of responses, I started a wiz in Harshlands... You guys made me want to go to RT, but I'm already Lv22 and I'm so sick of this beginning (I must have leveled 8 or more human characters when I played before), I know all the quests by heart >.< I think I'll go crazy if I start a mage again.…
  • Yeah, I'm already searching for a nice faction :D And dude... I suck at merchanting :/ I seriously do, I have some kind of cosmic block that makes me suck at it :p I really gotta learn it :/ I rely on spending money and grinding b:sad
  • Not possible to join a good faction at Lv 78, I guess... But I'll try :D 90 dollars is quite expensive :p I'm not sure I'd spend this much so quickly... I'll put 50 dollars as soon as I can, but I'll have to waste almost half of it restating... (PWI was my first MMO... I messed up the attributes a lot b:surrender) But as I…
  • Erm... question... Can a Lv75 find a nice guild? I just can't do anything here without some friends .-.
  • Add me ingame and make ALL THE BHs for me <3 hehe, It's notorious the dificulty in finding help in here... I'll put 50 dollars in here just to get started, I guess... And as I came back after a long quit, I don't know anyone in here lol it's excruciating
  • So... the early-mid game is dead? Just like pretty much all other versions of PW? That sucks --' How the f*** should I level then? lol Oh God, I was really hoping I'd come back for real... So hard to find a decent MMO these days -.-'' Now I truly see that "Free to Play" does NOT exist...
  • Miscalculated, 2 years ago :D There's really frost available for Lv75? Gotta pay any fee? Gotta use hyper exp stones? And where do I go to get BH parties? Considering Archosaur's center is emtpy :/
  • LOL okay, nice feedback, guys :D Yeah, I guess I always felt that wizard is a coinsink lol But anyways, I'm planning on putting 50 or 100 dollars to bump me from 75 to 9x already... And keep in mind that I don't play for 3 years, I'm not used anymore to abbreviations XD like... What's AD and IG? And "josd 2x or 3x recast"?…
  • And also, in these kind of fights (duels, occasional 1v1s in TWs, pk), demon mages are that much better than sages?
  • just one question... how did the mage shrinked backwards?
  • You guys made my day (: I guess somethings did change here in PWI :D Well, I've played many other games in these two years, I guess I've at least acquired some more experience XD And I'll try hard and lvl my *** up already :D Thank you a lot for the responses (: have an awesome life
  • really weird... http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/9551 says that it reduces CRIT RATE for 15 secs (5 secs more than lvl 10 SS)... http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/items/9551 and http://www.pwdatabase.com/ms/items/9551 say it reduces ACCURACY for 15 secs... '-'
  • well, wizards have a great power, u better never doubt about it... i've seen a wizard pwn any sins that came to her in secs... BUT... to unlock this great power, they need a LOT of real money... simple like that, if u can't spend $400 a month, don't play PWI... this game is pretty much screwed, now (mainly after the…
  • what lvl r u? :P u have no avatar there '-' and... i'll just consider ur post if u never ever cashshoped, cause i won't... xP
  • well, that's the matter... this "time" is a lifetime >.>'' i have real life...
  • yeah, that's it ^ but... dang!! is it even possible to get full nirv. set with good shards and refine weap. to +10 without cashshopping? NO!! pwi just suck **** now >.<'' it'll only become "international" when all players have equal chances... as these "chances" are defined by cashshopping now, all players should be able…
  • lol, remember when i was lowbie... i was like "zomfg, i have too much moneyz, i'm so rich! gonna buy skills b:pleased... *some seconds afterward* QQ damn, what are those spirit points at all? why i don't have much of em??? i'm rich, why can't i buy skills? grr!" and now... "argh, 800k spirit... AND NO ****** MONEY TO BUY…
  • sin: just an OP class to atract more cashshopers ;)
  • is it a sage/demon book? '-'
  • some days ago i was in west archosaur, watching people PK... (Lost City server btw) then this wizard appeared... she was something around 99-100-101 and pked me 2 times... she 1 hit me with her WotP... and she easily killed anyone around... sincerely, she was the most OP player i've ever seen (considering i've never seen a…
  • lol sumone brought it from the depths of the wizard's forum...
  • yeah, adroit, SO NOOB O>O it ruined my day lol is it a fail troll? or a fail player? or a fail-lifed person? omg, HP IS important, it defines wether 1shot or not...
  • btw, http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=86d53d8fe20f6afa my char :P it's VERY noob, i know, but i can't spend rl money, they don't sell gold here, where i live '-' there's much to change, but what should i do first? shards, restat? oh, another question... i'll buy an intermediate reset tab, it restat 50 points in 1 attribute...…
  • *raises hand* i have a question... i'm 72 atm and all my armor (i mean, body vestement, pants, boots and wristguards) are up to my lvl and ***... i'm thinkin bout sharding it with phys. def. or HP shards, but i'm not sure if i should shard it all by now or wait till 80 and shard my HH80 armor or wait until 90 and shard…
  • that's it. DOT! what u said is SO right... let's enjoy FW at it's beggining before it becomes a constipated cow **** like pwi nowadays.
  • nyah >:p mez don't haz an X in the name u.u in Lost City, i don't know many "x" wizards '-'