StormChaos - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • HT fashion ................. but would more than likely turn into a flame about who's the best dressed in TW b:pleased
  • TBH the only one that seems to be worried about losing land is you . Not Tao, not Rad, hell not even the rest of Enrage but you.
  • Well Im sure if Enrage take 1-2 weeks off attacking anyone ( since it wont kill the TW map ) Rad and Tao would be more than willing to fight each other, if they didnt have the worry of being ganked by Enrage as well.
  • Maybe ... Maybe not But the other TW factions fighting amongst themselves rather than ganking the #1 Faction 100% makes Enrage's job easier and edges the map ever closer to one colour. A bit like 3 people squabbling in the backyard over which alarm system to fit ... while the burglar is inside stealing their stuff.…
  • Imo it would be a tough call to make who's the #2 . Will we see a Rad/Tao war ... hmm depends if the leaders think it serves them getting into an e-peen " Who's the 2nd best " contest or if their goals would be better met by keeping ganking Enrage. To me if Rad and Tao get into a pi**ing contest the only winners are Enrage…
  • We only get the stuff that costs $ never the fun stuff b:chuckle
  • I would assume the loss if from the mobile payment company taking their share .. I doudt they offer the service for free. The only way PWI could make up the short fall would be to offer more than 1 zen per $1 for mobile payments, but then you would get those using paypal etc wanting the same rate.
  • At least Enrage tried instead of going for the easy option. The result might not have been what was planned but respect to Enrage for giving it a go. Been a while since they fought, so I would expect them to butt heads in some way. Be nice to see who's the no:2 Fac now ( all depending on time's and ganks ofc ) Edit: How…
  • Last part sums it up and is why SL should be changed so that it does not protect gear from dropping, only binding or GS should do that.
  • We only get the bad stuff. O for a working arena etc etc and tournie being brought back
  • Would that be the same " no " they stated when asked about refine transfer stones or a differant no ? Coming to a Cash shop near you .. Unlock levels 106-150 for the bargain price of $50 Purchase
  • Because they cant bid on Tao ? b:avoid TBH they should take this week "off" and use the defense for training. Even if they make the fight last two hours while they try differant squad set ups, cata tactics etc etc etc , it will be more use to them than a quick 15 minute " roll ". And Only one bid on Rad this week and Kudos…
  • Its not lame no, Tao is the weaker of the two by a long margin atm so it made sense to bid on them not Enrage. Are Tao still the 2nd best though ? Granted they have more lands than Rad but are they stronger ? Be a tough call atm IMO
  • Its not just about the pay, though Im sure for some it is. You also have those who have to be on the winning side, wether thats because of a false sense of self worth it brings them or e-peen or w/e, as soon as their current faction starts to lose instead of staying and working hard to help rebuild they jump ship to the…
  • I thought some of the gold FF weapons had a chance to drop in the instance ? But anyway. if you can get it from packs then the drops will be nerfed, Nirvana for example. Why let people farm it to easily when they can make $ from it
  • Just you and who cares ?
  • I wasnt online for the war but was there the usual Smack talk Bs in WC after ? Ive seen a few Belial members be pretty vocal in the past so doudt this time was any differant. But sadly its always going to happen. You get the few people who are humble in defeat and the others who are idiots in victory.
  • You quoted me so I would just point out FYI Im not in Belial. b:pleased The no defense crystal rush is a tactic Ive seen Tao use in other wars. Most of the time it works this time it didnt. There's no excuses TBH apart from " the plan didnt work " and before you get all defensive thats not a detrimental comment to Tao ..…
  • Im not sure if its arrogance or not thats not my call, but the " no defense crystal rush " seems to be a common Tao tactic vs a few factions not just Belial. Against others who cant field a strong TW force its a low risk venture but against someone like Belial who can field 60+ the result can fall either way.
  • Looks like Belial has been forced into something that in the recent past they have seemed reluctant to do .. attack Enrage. How long they stay there is down to how much Enrage wants to risk a possible Rad/Tao/Belial gank or how confident they are they can defend one. Imo i think Enrage will let Belial stay on the map for…
  • This: Breeds this : End game is aimed at Cashshop user both by PWI and the players themselves. Someone could level the old way to 1xx and might be a great player, but because they cannot afford to be a CS ho then are spurned by their peers. Seems like most TW guilds would rather have a Cash shopped lvl 1xx noob than a Pr0…
  • If they wanted to grief you for 3 hours why did they attack your crystal straight away ? it defeats the object. Either they have no clue how to grief someone or your information source was flawed
  • Nope lol reset for me aswell and been closed aswell so maybe changing the entries
  • Because people have stopped caring. PWI has made it clear: $ > Game balance $ > Players $ > Fun $ > High level content $ > Well anything else So people can either try to ignore it or ragequit. Funny that PWI is pushing people to lvl 100 but not adding any new content for those that are already there. I feel sorry for those…
  • The other side of the coin is " Why would they let their biggest rival which are stronger than them atm ... become even stronger by taking easy lands ? " Granted the tactics come in to play of maybe losing two or three lands instead of one, and the effect that has on moral .. but is offering their biggest contenders only…
  • Plenty of depth on the server .... just its spread to thinly between to many non land holding TW Factions.
  • If you lose land on a defense each week without gaining any back on an attack, who you lose it to is a moot point.
  • The only problem with that is what others have already stated. Ie: 15 People leave Enrage and the game for w/e reason > Enrage "easily " recruits another 15 people from the other non land holding TW factions to fill those slots. > Keeps Enrage at a high performance level while keeping the other non land holders weak. The…
  • Note: Not asking for a map reset in anyway shape or form.. Just throwing out idea's That is assuming everyone stayed in Tao, Enrage and Rad . A map reset might be viewed by those not entirely happy in those factions as a perfect chance to leave and make their own/join another. Since they would have a good chance to take…
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