


  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i don't exactly congratulate them...it's like meh.

    a lot of hyper freaks get to 100 then drop off playing, cuz the game ends for them lol.

    noob barbs in FCC can be attributed to noobness before FCC level, they have to be sucking before that, and it can't be only hyper FCC doing this. my guess is BHs. BH levels you so fast in the lower levels. some players use their high level mains to clear the dungeon, and then use their high level mains to kill the boss, while their alts on a separate account sit there and watch.

    I never undertood why they came up with the idea of sending people to level 100 without increasing the level cap.b:bye

    For some reason, people dont know that the importance is the trip. Just imagine playing Halo and skipping several levels. Would you play the gameb:chuckle
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I never undertood why they came up with the idea of sending people to level 100 without increasing the level cap.b:bye

    For some reason, people dont know that the importance is the trip. Just imagine playing Halo and skipping several levels. Would you play the gameb:chuckle

    probly because of the 10000000 Q.Q's about how hard lvling was

    so pwi found a real nice market that everyone wanted but then found kinda sucked

    long story short carefull what you wish forb:chuckle
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • StormChaos - Heavens Tear
    StormChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Remember when oracles first came into our boutique? Recall the dismay, and rise of flames and pitchforks of the community, you chastized these people, dubbing them the name ORACLE NOOBS. You called them detrimental to the community, you berated and belittled them... and I was fine with it.

    Now we have their sister species, something I dub the Hyper Noob. Going into FCC with 2x and an eso, killing the same mobs over and over does not make you skilled, it just means your body is accostomed to repetative tasking. Squad after squad gets filled with these 99-102 knuckle heads who do not know their classes.


    You all congratulate them! I mean, what the hell? It is by far NOT an accomplishment to buy your levels! What happened to the hate, the community band against these insults to our classes and parties!

    'Oh youre just jealous.' one might retort, but what is there to be jealous of... I feel sorry for them.

    Seriously, bring back the hate for these noobs, and stop cheering them on. There is something wrong with you if you allow it to continue.

    PS: this is a rant after partying a huge number of hyper noob barbs who blow @ fcc.

    Because people have stopped caring.

    PWI has made it clear:

    $ > Game balance
    $ > Players
    $ > Fun
    $ > High level content
    $ > Well anything else

    So people can either try to ignore it or ragequit.

    Funny that PWI is pushing people to lvl 100 but not adding any new content for those that are already there.
    I feel sorry for those that dont TW or PK since the game pretty much stops at 100 < and people want to rush there lol
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Oracles are the worst thing for PWI. All those Oracles do is sit in one spot and kill the same mobs over and over until they have to move to a higher spot to kill higher mobs for more exp from the oracle. Even then, they don't have to move, they can keep grinding the same mobs for small amounts of exp and...wait. Did I just say grind? That is what they are essentially doing, grinding the same mob, but just getting extra exp from it. That means they are the same as those Hypers who grind the same mob until they level. However normal grinders do the exact same thing just without the exp bonus, so doesn't this make the oraclers/hypers more economical about leveling?

    Hell, I guess this means that anyone who grinds their levels is basically a noob. Honestly, the only way to "learn your class" and still level, doing both properly, would be to do nothing but dungeon runs, such as BH's. But wait, you are already 11-20 levels above that, so you have to do nonstop FB runs at your level to be learning your class well.

    Good thing we still have those Crazy Stones...wait, no we don't. In order to learn your class, you have to actually be attacking mobs, and getting free exp for just talking to an NPC and making a few stones doesn't quite count. That means DQ and WQ are both out as well, because just going place to place on a mount or by flying doesn't teach you how to play your class well.



    Now, does it matter how someone obtains their level? No, congratulations, you reached 100 in two weeks, now go support this game some more so I can keep playing it free. Does it matter if someone knows their class? Hell yes! Are the two related? They can be, but then again I have seen people in past factions who leveled their Barb normally, but yet not only did they not level Flesh Ream, they didn't even use it. I've seen Blademasters who would never using Stream Strike while tanking, saying "but it costs too much chi." That is your only skill meant for aggro, and you expect to tank with using just normal attacks?

    It doesn't matter to me how you get your level. I don't care if you oracle all the way up to 100, as long as you know what you are doing. Play your class right, we have no problems. Don't play it right, one of us is leaving the squad if you don't listen when your squad is telling you what to do.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Um... you do realize it's more effective to tank with regular hits as a Fist BM anyway, because in the time it takes to use Stream Strike you could have gotten two or more hits in... and if they aren't a Fist BM and they're using just normal attacks then kick 'em, 'cause that's a fail BM.

    Anyway.. on topic, as long as you know what the hell your doing Oracles/Hypers are fine, the only problem is that half the people in this game with a credit card buy them and instead of learning how to play and how their class functions in a squad they hit level 80 in a week then try to do things. It doesn't work that way, you can buy levels but you can't buy skill and experience. And those two are WAY more important than level.
  • AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    finnaly some1 gets it b:victory tbh though i'd take either, depends if they've taken the time to realize how to play. but ya i agree with oracles u have to hit lvl 30 first, with hyper from lvl 1 u can pretty much 1 shot **** on x12 and get a few lvls instantly. but right now i wouldnt mind a few dozen hyper stones to FF to 89, ive taken my time and learned my class i deserve those 4 lvls quickly to 89
    Avatars: Name-Class-Lvl-Server-Guild-Activeness

    AngelOfLies-Cleric-90 Sage-no guild-Not currently Active
    _CatGirl_-Veno-80-No Guild-Not Currently Acitve
    BlindingEdge-Seeker-6x-No Guild-Main
    DrawtheWaves-Sin-5x-No Guild-Active Alt
  • Euphy - Dreamweaver
    Euphy - Dreamweaver Posts: 495 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sorry Waffle I kind of disagree... I spent 1,500,000 coins on 5 Hyper Stones and that launched me from 88 to 89 in one night. It was even enough to hit 90! Two long levels in five Frost Runs! After that I didn't want to spend the coin, so *meh* I had to stop. But it was worth it to me. I could use all seven pieces of TT90/Rank Equipment and my demon skills. And yet... I missed out on a week's worth of Bounties or hours of Grind!?! Oh no!!!

    But, gosh I guess I'm so fail and nooby and I totally forgot everything I've been doing the 88 levels before that for 6 months! Cause wait... it was so hard. If want to kill something when I'm all alone boohoo... umm... Cyclone... Plume Shot... I'm bored- Wield Thunder! If I'm healing a tank: Ironheart. If its a general moving squad: Pay Attention. If the debuffs are problem: Purify. Err... ZOMG HOW WILL I EVER REMEMBER THIS?! *giggles* I doubt other classes are much more difficult to player PvE. The learning curve for Perfect World is about 15 minutes to at most an hour, and thats if you've never played an MMORPG before. And after running an instance once you know what to do if you're willing to learn and people are willing to politely teach.

    If the Hyper-users (lets be polite) are good enough for the average FC-squad they'll be fine for Bounties and Twilight Runs. And hell - you learn PvP by PvPing not Grinding. If you're think you're better for not spending money... you're more patient. And perhaps they're a bit foolish and fiscally irresponsible. Nothing more.

    Also my husband descided to switch classes (Barbarian -> Blademaster). He used Hyper Stones and made level 75 after a few weeks. I think the primary use of Hyper Stones / Oracles (which I dislike) is for rerolling Alts. on new servers, in new classes, or simply making high level life fast-pace once more! What's not to like?
    PS: I strongly advise that you quest normally at least till level 60 if this is your first time playing. It's totally bearable <3
    PPS: I think a lot of the hate comes from people who were 90+ before the implementation and now are no longer special. Get over it. Its an MMO. People eventually catch up. Stop looking back and keep going forward, why do you care? <3
    PPPS: There's a second part the Rising Tide Expansion which hopefully contains a decent amount of 100+ game content! Google if you want to know more <3
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sorry Waffle I kind of disagree... I spent 1,500,000 coins on 5 Hyper Stones and that launched me from 88 to 89 in one night. It was even enough to hit 90! Two long levels in five Frost Runs! After that I didn't want to spend the coin, so *meh* I had to stop. But it was worth it to me. I could use all seven pieces of TT90/Rank Equipment and my demon skills. And yet... I missed out on a week's worth of Bounties or hours of Grind!?! Oh no!!!

    But, gosh I guess I'm so fail and nooby and I totally forgot everything I've been doing the 88 levels before that for 6 months! Cause wait... it was so hard. If want to kill something when I'm all alone boohoo... umm... Cyclone... Plume Shot... I'm bored- Wield Thunder! If I'm healing a tank: Ironheart. If its a general moving squad: Pay Attention. If the debuffs are problem: Purify. Err... ZOMG HOW WILL I EVER REMEMBER THIS?! *giggles* I doubt other classes are much more difficult to player PvE. The learning curve for Perfect World is about 15 minutes to at most an hour, and thats if you've never played an MMORPG before. And after running an instance once you know what to do if you're willing to learn and people are willing to politely teach.

    If the Hyper-users (lets be polite) are good enough for the average FC-squad they'll be fine for Bounties and Twilight Runs. And hell - you learn PvP by PvPing not Grinding. If you're think you're better for not spending money... you're more patient. And perhaps they're a bit foolish and fiscally irresponsible. Nothing more.

    Also my husband descided to switch classes (Barbarian -> Blademaster). He used Hyper Stones and made level 75 after a few weeks. I think the primary use of Hyper Stones / Oracles (which I dislike) is for rerolling Alts. on new servers, in new classes, or simply making high level life fast-pace once more! What's not to like?
    PS: I strongly advise that you quest normally at least till level 60 if this is your first time playing. It's totally bearable <3
    PPS: I think a lot of the hate comes from people who were 90+ before the implementation and now are no longer special. Get over it. Its an MMO. People eventually catch up. Stop looking back and keep going forward, why do you care? <3
    PPPS: There's a second part the Rising Tide Expansion which hopefully contains a decent amount of 100+ game content! Google if you want to know more <3

    IMO, I dont mind anyone levelling in a day from 1 to 105. I mean, it its his own problem.

    There places where you can do that without paying a cent (cribate zcrber).b:chuckle

    The issue for the people who does that, is that they dont know what they missed as they never had it.

    In all these months playing I have something that we used to call: FRIENDS

    I cant stress more the importance of the friends you used to make by grinding, zen, questing, manufacturing, res, bosses, ect. In other words by playing the game as it was before.

    The only comparizon I can find is by comparing somebody traveling around the world in a motorcycle with somebody doing it in a space ship.

    The person using the space ship will never know what is missing or what it missed. However, the one doing the trip in a motorcyle has tons of stories to tell and remember.
  • skyxiii
    skyxiii Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    OP is against selling EXP in an mmo like this.
    I agree with her.
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    There's the difference though, you used it for a small boost, some people on my server have used them from 1-100 (there are 100 assassins because of them.) I cant get how anyone could want to congratulate such lethargy, on top of that, the lethargy gets even worse once theyre 100 and have nothing else to do.

    Because of the hypers, we have a huge community of 100 players with nothing to do, and that hurts pw in the long run once these major cashers get bored. Running FCC all day long does not skill you, running oracles all day long does not skill you. What does skill you is running the game through its course without any boutique items boosting your exp in a game breaking way.

    I want my good parties back :(.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I guess the only way to become pro is to kill 100000000000000000000000000x of the same mobs everyday. Sounds fun and difficult.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I want my good parties back :(.

    Me too, i miss BM's who knew how to stun mobs so i didnt get attacked in FF or veno's that passed sparks to people who need them or barb's who know how to keep agro.
    I guess the only way to become pro is to kill 100000000000000000000000000x of the same mobs everyday. Sounds fun and difficult.

    Thats just plain ignorance, grinding different mobs is completely different than killing an oracle boss for x amount of levels, for a start they all have different elements which boost your or lower your elemental damage, status effects and some are pure phys, some are pure mag and some do both and some are ranged phys and you have to learn how to work with these, also alot of people will squad up with the quests for big numbers and start to learn other classes and squad roles. Not one person will learn squad mechanics from being an oracle slave, sure its easy enough now we understand it but im not everyone when they start have over 90 levels off experience so they dont know about each classes skills and when to do them.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Me too, i miss BM's who knew how to stun mobs so i didnt get attacked in FF or veno's that passed sparks to people who need them or barb's who know how to keep agro.

    Don't you know? If you FCC to level, you're a noob.

    Thats just plain ignorance, grinding different mobs is completely different than killing an oracle boss for x amount of levels, for a start they all have different elements which boost your or lower your elemental damage, status effects and some are pure phys, some are pure mag and some do both and some are ranged phys and you have to learn how to work with these, also alot of people will squad up with the quests for big numbers and start to learn other classes and squad roles. Not one person will learn squad mechanics from being an oracle slave, sure its easy enough now we understand it but im not everyone when they start have over 90 levels off experience so they dont know about each classes skills and when to do them.

    Why would a person with common sense grind on mobs that puts his/her character at a disadvantage? Heck, I would never grind on magic mobs being a barb.
    It's not about oracles or hyper stones, it's about people who doesn't have any sort of common sense when playing their character.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Why would a person with common sense grind on mobs that puts his/her character at a disadvantage? Heck, I would never grind on magic mobs being a barb.
    It's not about oracles or hyper stones, it's about people who doesn't have any sort of common sense when playing their character.

    You could grind on mag mobs though you have crazy health b:chuckle. I've grinded pure metal phys mobs just to learn a new way to fight, sure it was horrible but it helped.

    Oracles should be removed, period. Hypers should also be removed. People should have to earn their levels. I think i am one of the only few that have never oracled or used hyper stones. When i get an oracle from a mob drop i just npc it.

    FF provides enough exp without needing hypers and those who are that desperate can use Eso's. You cant be a complete tard and do FF, otherwise you will just cause a party wipe or die, over and over again. Hyper stones in FF don't make you a noob just makes you lazy imo.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Biggest difference?

    When Oracle's came out, the high levels felt their e-private parts threaten by the surge of new high levels.

    When Hyperstones came out, the high levels were the ones using them, therefore, it is ok and in some cases even pro to use hyerpstones.

    In the end, both oracles and hyperstones are the same and serve the same purpose.... A fast way to get to whatever level people want to be.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Don't really care how ppl lvl.

    Some of those FCC noobs are ok & after showing them once how to do they are fine, while others are just... b:cry

    At times it's annoying when you get the 2nd ones in a few bhs straight in a row. I already know some ppl who I just won't squad for BHs with.

    Blah ppl QQ over oracles, hyper, bhs, mq, rbs (had some complain to me about those too) & so on claim they aren't legit ways of lvl & smth is wrong with them. I got a question:
    If the ones above are out of question what's left? Questing? Wow ._. killing the same of 100 mobs over & over. Yes at 102 that teaches me much...
    Fbs? Finding those takes time...
    Grinding...? What's the dif between that & just using hype grinding. Blah w/e you do ppl will QQ. I worked my **** to 102 then ppl ask how I managed to afford so much oracling b:embarrass Wish I was that rich to have used em ._. Would save tons of time. Not saying I never did though.
    I guess the only way to become pro is to kill 100000000000000000000000000x of the same mobs everyday. Sounds fun and difficult.
    b:cute U 1st
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Don't really care how ppl lvl.

    Some of those FCC noobs are ok & after showing them once how to do they are fine, while others are just... b:cry

    At times it's annoying when you get the 2nd ones in a few bhs straight in a row. I already know some ppl who I just won't squad for BHs with.

    Blah ppl QQ over oracles, hyper, bhs, mq, rbs (had some complain to me about those too) & so on claim they aren't legit ways of lvl & smth is wrong with them. I got a question:
    If the ones above are out of question what's left? Questing? Wow ._. killing the same of 100 mobs over & over. Yes at 102 that teaches me much...
    Fbs? Finding those takes time...
    Grinding...? What's the dif between that & just using hype grinding. Blah w/e you do ppl will QQ. I worked my **** to 102 then ppl ask how I managed to afford so much oracling b:embarrass Wish I was that rich to have used em ._. Would save tons of time. Not saying I never did though.

    b:cute U 1st

    obviously the only true way to level is gather mats and manufacturing items for EXP :O
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    linnkotsu in regi still does this, did it from 1-101, and he still does it till he earns his 102.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Not like it was hard getting 100 before BH/oracles/Hyper either. Just took a couple of months instead of weeks.

    All you did was getting mp regen gear + mp charm than open zhen and went afk for 1 hour <.< Than you did that every day for 5-10 hours.

    I guess 1-2% per hour zhenning at 90+ was pretty bad compared to getting 40% per hour like you do in last rooms of Frost b:chuckle

    But really not many players actually grinded mobs 1v1 to 100 unless they used a bot. Pretty much everyone did it lazy mode even before we got all this new ****.

    I do like the new easier leveling, more high lvls makes the servers more alive and active. People use to quit so much before when they hit 100 because it was hard finding parties do to anything.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yea i'd have to say.. frost hyper spammers are different than the oracle noobs, bcuz frost starts at like 80ish. and i'd have to say, the first 10 or so frost runs do teach people some new stuff.

    and yea, theres like nothing to do at 100 besides spend money. i've been 80 percent for like 2 weeks. i do bh, get 8 subs, and cant get a squad for my 2nd bh (for exp).

    they need to make more *fun* content for 100+. and by fun i do not mean more pk related ****, or more mat farming dungeons.
  • WitchBurner - Sanctuary
    WitchBurner - Sanctuary Posts: 1,394 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You can tell which Nefarious members used bots by how they play. Me and Sly(GodHatesYou) made a 101 cleric in Nef RageQuit out of pk mode by pointing out every little thing they were doing wrong. That statement is kind of biased, at least 1 regicide member used a bot to reach 100.

    I think it might be more of a 'generational' thing. The 1st wave of players on the old servers was generally made up of better players at least in a pve sense. They had to do everything for the first time on their servers, they had to use their own playing skill to make up for the bad gear they were using. Each progressive 'generation' of players has an easier time with everything to the point where they no longer need basic skills due to getting high levels to do all this **** for them.

    With oracles and hyper exp, this allows the first generation of players on a new server to outlevel anything that would challenge them into using their brain rather than sheer force to complete. Their accounts will either basically go to sleep, waiting for the server to catch up to them. Or continue to hyper/oracle their character to the point where they can use event gear from whatever pack is currently in fashion.

    I personally think everyone should have to solo their 1st fb and do a grinding quest without wearing armour, but hey thats just me.
    Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.

    Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything

    Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    linnkotsu in regi still does this, did it from 1-101, and he still does it till he earns his 102.

    He's already 102. He doesn't just earn his EXP from grinding, or I guess that's just his bot I get in my bhs. I doubt he'd be any less of a player even if he oracle/hypenoobed the last lvls to 102.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Why would a person with common sense grind on mobs that puts his/her character at a disadvantage? Heck, I would never grind on magic mobs being a barb.
    It's not about oracles or hyper stones, it's about people who doesn't have any sort of common sense when playing their character.

    HA HA

    You reminded me couple things.

    1) when I was around level 60 there were some pure runners magic mobs close to tusk town. There was a barb asking for help on the quest. I was wearing LA, using fists and switching to axes everynow and then.

    He was saying there was no way to block the mag attacks, I showed him many ways of how I could do it and some ways that he could do it as a barb. The learning is important as you have to learn to deal with magic bosses in the future.

    2) I loved to grind in the swamps around 60, great place to learn to deal with magic mobs.

    my friends would see me grinding on pyrofiends when I was lower level than the mob. They would think I was crazy for doing it but after a while they saw, it was challenging and fun.

    3) I learned so much that every now and then I like to grind on several magic mobs at once (yeah, like if they were physical). Just think I have 3 points on Vit, that makes it fun. Its very funb:laugh
  • Alyra - Dreamweaver
    Alyra - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The thing that I don't get about all this shame-shame oracle users stuff is that, from my personal experience, oracle etc. users who are actually new players to the game, and don't know how to play their class/run through instances/know all the little nuances of PWI are really few and far between. They just stick out like a sore thumb because they're shocking and annoying. But the truth is that most of the ones I run into are old players, who've leveled several characters from way back in the day "legitimately" through quests and grinding and our one little daily. They know the game, they just don't want to do all the questing etc. all over again. It isn't fun for them, it isn't new.

    And furthermore nothing from this argument is any different than before. I clearly remember all the people on Dreamweaver complaining like hell because of "those damn eso users" making it so that on the first day of the grand opening of the server you had lvl 40s running about. Oh my word! :P

    Oracle noobs are annoying. Most oraclers are not new, and not noobs. Not many people are willing to drop 300 USD on a brand new game that they aren't used to, and don't know if they'll enjoy yet, just so they can fast track right on up there. Some will, sure, there's always an exception. But not all, and I'll wager not many.

    TL;DR - Most oraclers aren't noobs, some are, not all, and sorry that the time you spent leveling "legitimately" isn't worth as much respect now, mine isn't either, deal with it.