Sindygoboom - Sanctuary Arc User


  • At 51, you are pretty close to 59 which will give you a big improvement. Get your culti done, because essential sutra/ double spark will help with mana management. Wellspring Quaff will increase your pool, which will make that 10% mana return help more. As a light armor, you will have a lower pool, but as pure I know I…
  • As inferno said, different wizards will have different styles. I, for one, disagree with much of those priorities, but do what works for you and level the skills you find yourself relying on. Most skills require level one of the previous skill to get. So when it says get dragon's breath, it assumes you will have level one…
  • Nice Rainin! That's quite the collection you got there =)
  • Tailor for decomp armor Blacksmith for decomp weapons Craftsman for decomp ornaments (belts, necklaces, etc) -The item can't be broken (requires durability of at least 1/XX) -The item will give more stones the closer it is to max durability for the item -You must have the requisite manufacturing skill (it will tell you on…
  • HA? Heavy armor? Posting from a BM, but since this is in the wizzy forum I'm going to assume you are an arcane wizard. Personally, before 60, I simply didn't shard. Even in my 60s I didn't do much and am just now starting to refine/shard gear that I know will last me for 10+ levels (ie. a much longer time). If you feel you…
  • Why does that not surprise me? And no more of this "page 3" stuff...back to the top you go little thread! Seriously, we rock, come join =P
  • You will almost never use your ultis in PvE. Double spark or sutra will be your spell choices there. For TW and minor PvP, choosing one and leveling it is a good idea. But like you said, unless you bring chi pots/charms/stand there whacking the totem, you will rarely build 2 spark anyway.
  • I have been pure since i started, but I'm seriously considering making the switch to LA. For general questing and most of the game, Pure is fantastic. I tear through my quests and most mobs are magical anyway. But...if you want to do TW, rebirth, or DT (which I find myself doing more now) then pure is frustrating.…
  • I actually immediately sold them back to the blacksmith and told him his forge was a piece of ****. I rolled that money into more oil, and I'll give it another shot tonight before I hit up DT. Maybe the quiet forge on Misfortune will be ironic and give me some good stuff =)
  • The "celestial Elder" hates me apparently. 3 1* and 1 2*...and now I'm out of oil. At least I got some xp on my way to level 5 =)
  • Incredible! But is that cleric using pyrogram? b:shocked (i'm quite unfamiliar with cleric attack skills beyond plume)
  • Standard light armor build can still use robes, so not gaining anything there. Your build provides 1 extra dex every 2 levels. So at most you'll be gaining *maybe* 3% crit if you max level, and virtually no gain otherwise. 1/2/7 is worse, as you can't wear light armor and do less damage than a pure. You basically take the…
  • Lofty Pterosaurs drop lots of DQ items Foxwing of void is another good mob (use fire shield, weak vs gush) Remember to use distance shrink and keep them slowed with gush. And if you accidently DS into another mob, drop out of the sky. It's saved me more than once.
  • Everything needs the 3 bars, so you can just tell me what it is you want. I'll make a few. If i get a 3*, i'll let you know. If I don't, i was gonna be making something anyway, so no harm done.
  • that you went through all that trouble You need to click on the tab that says "display". The info you posted doesn't have your card info.
  • Yup, all the level 60 weapons require level 4 blacksmith. 3 of the mid grade iron bars (refined steel, strong glue, leather) and either oil or rubstone depending on the type of weapon (i assume oil since that's what you mentioned...swords?) I'll be on tonight around 7PST/10EST if you want to make some arrangements =)
  • I'm going to be leveling my blacksmith (cuurently 4) which i think requires level 60 weapons. I'm not particular about *what* I make, so if you tell me what you want, I can either make that and sell you a good one, or you can help me out with mats and I'll just give em to you.
  • Played around with it a bit. I cut off just above the text so I have the just the flying girl with sort of a fade-to-transparent white mist around her. It's still a bit small, but that's because she's wider than she is tall. Still, I really like it and thanks for giving me the idea. Never even thought to change it. I'd…
  • There may be a simpler way, but dxdiag will give you this as well as other useful info.
  • My experience has been exactly opposite of Iney's. 1) Yes, the upper 20s was tough, but with distance shrink to kite at 29, knockback at 39, and force of will at gets much easier. I'm pure btw, and have solo'd pretty much every quest i've had (sans bosses and FBs) 2) I have never bought a charm. I've never bought…
  • I started out thinking I'd "speacialize" in fire too, but this game doesn't really make it practical. It's nice really; the versatility of three elements can help. Gush is a definite level. My typical sequence is actually gush-> pyro -> walk back one second -> gush I find leading with stone usually means i'll take a hit…
  • 1) Get the image. There is a copy of it in the downloadable fansite kit from this site. 2) Fire up your image manipulation program of choice. I will tell you about photoshop, since that's what I'm familiar with 3) Do whatever you need to the image. Perhaps killing the white background leaving the open alpha channel like it…
  • Frostblade? Really?
  • Yeah, once I noticed how much materials I was throwing away on white 1* items (and in the case of tailor you can very easily make armor that's *worse* than merchant stuff) it was kind of sobering. Then I promptly forgot that fact and choose my blissful ignorance =) I mean, *someone* has to level these things.
  • 10 gold. The exchange is roughly US$1 = 1 gold
  • I tend to solo all my quests and don't usually have a cleric around, though I'm more than happy to help out and be helped in return. The problem comes in that i'm so *used* to dying, that clicking "return to town" is more a reflex for me. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to wait 15 minutes on the chance that a cleric…
  • You are right about the 3* glowing thing. My post just said that FB19 was the only one to give you a 3* weapon as a quest reward. You may certainly make one. Refining does not increase the star level, but rather the "plus" level. Increasing a 1* weapon to +3 will not make it glow. AFAIK, there is no way to make a normal…
  • They don't? I'm pretty sure I killed the spider king often and repeatedly and just cycling through squads to help lower levels get a kill. They all said thank you when they got it, and I know my quest completed.
  • No, you don't need them. But you will either need to find a friend/faction that will make them for you, or you'll need to buy stuff. And even TT weapons/molds require some level of proficiency in the craft, so you are still either buying them or getting someone else to actually make the weapon. @Armour: She's on Sanctuary,…