Tailor, Manufacture Skills, etc.

Benaniah - Sanctuary
Benaniah - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Wizard
I am a level 34 wiz with lots 95% magic, 5% HP (cuz I learned too late that wiz's die stupid fast... I've died like... I dunno, 15 times so far)

anywho, am I supposed to be manufacturing stuff as I go along? all I do is quests, killing mobs. I keep getting rewarded with good equipment. I wish I could learn how to add a socket to my equip, but then **** equip because by the time a mob gets to me, he's dead. :) anywho, if there is a guide out there for learning how to make fancy clothes or making weapons, please help me, only if it's necessary. I don't really care, I just don't want to get to level 50 and someone tell me I need to have level 10 manufacture skills and I only am still at level 1 because I never put effort into it.

Post edited by Benaniah - Sanctuary on


  • Ishmah - Sanctuary
    Ishmah - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Whether you manufacture gear or not is up to you. Some people do and some people don't.

    The advantage to making your own gear is that it is possible to make much better items than those bought from npc's.

    You won't need manufacturing skills later on if you don't want to learn them. There will always be others around to make your gear.

    There are guides on how to learn manufacturing skills. Off the top of my head I don't know of any but suggest you look in the crafting section of the forums.

    Sockets can be added to gear but it is very expensive. One advantage to making your own gear is that there is a good chance it will come with 1 or more sockets.

    ...**** equip because by the time a mob gets to me, he's dead....

    b:pleased Great gear will let you kill even faster though, or last long enough to get the killing blow in first.
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Frankly all manufacturing skills are useless other than jewelrycrafting. Tailoring has a chance to make items missing resists, which you should never use, and past 60 all you'll be using is hh weapons/molders, so no need for that. But rings are very useful. I've crafted my rings and right now they're;

    2 Star level78 magic ring, +70 hp +1% crit, 1 star level 78 magic ring, +2% crit. Both very useful and made by me. IMO at least
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Batseba - Heavens Tear
    Batseba - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    To add my two cents...

    I find Manufacturin very useful! But then again I have not gone past level 22 with any of y characters.

    The Apothecary - can make "Life Powder" which gives you 50HP regeneration per second for the next 10 minutes. It loses its usefulness when monsters start doing 70 - 100 damage, but between level 10 and 20 it's immensley useful.

    Tailor, Blacksmith, Craftsman - You can only buy standard stuff from them. 1star equipment without any special statts. If you manufacture items you have a chance of manufacturing 2star (or higher?) equipment which has higher deefence or damage and there is a chance of the itme having one or more "magical" attributes like +MAG, +STR and so forth.

    That said, You get shiney weapons for your "Call to Duty" quests and I'm not sure when and if I'm gonna replace mine with a manufactured one.

    @Amour - You obviously know more than me about usage of manufacturing at high level and I won't make any suppositions.
  • Sindygoboom - Sanctuary
    Sindygoboom - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No, you don't need them. But you will either need to find a friend/faction that will make them for you, or you'll need to buy stuff.

    And even TT weapons/molds require some level of proficiency in the craft, so you are still either buying them or getting someone else to actually make the weapon.

    @Armour: She's on Sanctuary, so all 5 resists aren't as important. Especially once she gets to 50+, some eq with only Fire or water will help her grind since those stats get boosted when they are "incomplete"

    @Batseba: Only FB19 gives you a shiney weapon, though it will last for a while. I replaced mine around my low 30s.

    Oh, and personal opinion to the OP: 15 deaths isn't a lot and your ability to kite gets better. I'm Full magic as well, and love it. Very PvE oriented for a long time though.
  • Benaniah - Sanctuary
    Benaniah - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for the replies! Very helpful.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    sindy if you make a weapon with 3* it will glow blue so it is possible to have a glowing weapon. If you go to the boutique under refine you can by orbs and the 3* orb makes your weapon glow blue automatically. My friend made me the 34 magic sword and it was 3* i got really lucky cause it had mag atk boost and some stats boost (she didnt use orb)
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
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    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Miss_Tika - Lost City
    Miss_Tika - Lost City Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Since your'e a wizard try leveling apothecary, since there are many pots you can use to pve (and pvp) with that benefit wizards more than any other class in my opinion.

    and like amour said, crafstman is very important too for making lots and lots of rings! b:pleased
  • Sindygoboom - Sanctuary
    Sindygoboom - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    sindy if you make a weapon with 3* it will glow blue so it is possible to have a glowing weapon. If you go to the boutique under refine you can by orbs and the 3* orb makes your weapon glow blue automatically. My friend made me the 34 magic sword and it was 3* i got really lucky cause it had mag atk boost and some stats boost (she didnt use orb)

    You are right about the 3* glowing thing. My post just said that FB19 was the only one to give you a 3* weapon as a quest reward. You may certainly make one.

    Refining does not increase the star level, but rather the "plus" level. Increasing a 1* weapon to +3 will not make it glow. AFAIK, there is no way to make a normal weapon glow blue without initially manufacturing it as a 3*.
  • Batseba - Heavens Tear
    Batseba - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've just had an enlightening moment when I realised why manufacturing items is so utterly undervalued (and I don't know why it hasn't dawned on me earlier).

    It's not that the items generated through manufacturing aren't good; if anything they can only be better than what you can find or buy (except for those no-star items that seem to be made on rare occasions). No what really is the reason why manufacturing cannot be, and is not, taken seriously, is because it's too bloody expensive!

    This morning I poured over the material requirements for the next gear I want to make for my LA Venomancer. According to these I would need
    -10 Rough Furs
    -6 Orange Jade
    -6 Hard Rim Muslin
    -1 Lumber (for the Headgear I believe)
    in order to manufacture one of each Armour item from the tailor.
    The Hard Rim Muslin in addition takes
    -2 Silk Threads (12 in total)
    -2 Coal (12 in total)
    -2Purified Oil (12 in total)
    again to manufacture.

    If I was to calculate the overhead costs for all this material in a very over-the thumb manner, using a guide price of 2'000 for Coal and Lumber and 2'500 for everything else, except for the Orange Jade which is neglectable, I would incur costs of 111'000 coins


    That's the price of 1 gold! I should imagine a rather low one, but nonetheless!

    I'm spending 111'000 on manufacturing just 1 (!) set of armour which might just turn out to be bog standard and the cost of which would amount to just over 12'000 coin if bought directly from the Tailor!

    That's... that's daylight robbery is what that is!

    Of course no-one's gonna manufacture their armour if they could be making that amount of money from selling their material drops! In fact I'm not convinced anymore that I want to go ahead with manufacturing my suit of armour now.

    I think Manufacturing at level 1 and 2 is so popular at least to begin with because most materials are fairly accessible and not too overpriced if you really have to fork out for them. Plus at that level it really pays to do it because you can manufacture better gear so quickly, but the above stated price does not encourage you to try again if the chest plate's failed to produce even the basic 2 star enhancement.

    I'm a bit gob-smacked now actually. I think I would have preferred to remain blissfully ignorant to the horrendous sums of money I was about to throw down the sink-hole of armour manufacturing, but the figure speak for themselves.

    In shocked silence I close

  • Sindygoboom - Sanctuary
    Sindygoboom - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah, once I noticed how much materials I was throwing away on white 1* items (and in the case of tailor you can very easily make armor that's *worse* than merchant stuff) it was kind of sobering.

    Then I promptly forgot that fact and choose my blissful ignorance =) I mean, *someone* has to level these things.
  • Batseba - Heavens Tear
    Batseba - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    See that's the thing, isn't it.
    Level 1 armour is easy and cheap enough to manufacture in quantities and has so far been satisfactory enough. Level 2 is just about ok, although the amount of Cotton Thread you need is horrendous. I have already elaborated on the costs of level 4 armour and will spare you this one.

    I some point though I should imagine that manufacturing armour could come in useful again when levelling takes more than just a week between 10 levels and you actually manage to collect the quantities of material to either use or sell for manufacturing to be affordable. For that though you'd need to have levelled up your tailoring skills which, at the time you need level 3 armour is just not affordable.
  • Amy_Nailo - Lost City
    Amy_Nailo - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Crafting is fun, so I do it.

    I level all my crafting skills, it costs money and spirit but I like it, and make everything myself. I also make a bit of money by buying TT mats, crafting green weapons and selling them.

    - Amy
  • iridescent
    iridescent Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I find it's better to focus on only one skill per character (well 2 skills since each character will also be learning Apothecary skill as well). That means with 3 characters, you can cover all the skills that way.

    It costs HALF the price to manufacture than it is to BUY the same item, and at worse, you'll be getting the same quality as you would be buying from the vendor (unless it's a green*), green ** has a natural bonus to the base stats (armor has a + to ac and resists, etc), blue * has a bonus stat/resist/or endurance, blue ** has a bonus to base stats AND an added bonus. Manufactured items (not craftman items, like rings, etc) can have sockets as well.

    I've only made a couple of items that were white(no star, therefore same as vendor) out of 6 characters that are now about level 20 each. I made two items that had 2 sockets, one was a blue*, one was a green*.

    I don't buy any mats, there are lots of mat nodes if you just hit them as you adventure. Thread is a pain in the butt until mid+ teens, and then I got more than I needed to make it easily to level 3 in each skill.

    The devs were actually pretty generous with available mats required for recipes if you keep up your manufacturing skills at roughly the same level as your adventuring.
  • Batista - Dreamweaver
    Batista - Dreamweaver Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My view on it is it's up to you. I've chosen to not craft items for the time being. I make more off selling the mats than I would selling the finished products (at my level) and there are hundreds (or more) who are on top of their crafting. I prefer to buy from guildies or friends if possible.
    Batista (85 Cleric) {Semi-Retired Character}
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  • VenZehn - Sanctuary
    VenZehn - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Dunno if this'd hold true for all classes, but for wizard i find crafted armor better than TT. I get better p.def with minimal loss of m.def, and more choice in what other mods I'd want on the armor.

    So I wouldnt say crafting is rendered useless at high lvls for anythin but forging stuff. Mods will also vary, and getting full resists on the armor is random, but in the end I prolly spent 1mil ish total to crat it all, compared to the 2mil minimum for most TT70 pieces.

    I havent checked TT80+ armor yet tho, so cant say if my crafted armors will still hold out at high lvls:) But mainly added this so that people dont think "omg, crafting armor is useless at high lvl". And lastly, if one doesnt pvp, i really dont see the need to have the best armor n what not.

    3star top/bottom, 2star wrist/boot
    497 p.def
    3215 m.def
    +10 vit
    +4 mp recover
    +342 fire def
    +342 metal def
    +4 str

    TT70 armor:

    390 p.def
    3500 m.def
    +4-5 mag
    +360 mp
    +255 earth def
    +255 water def
    +2 mp recover
  • patboy10
    patboy10 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi there..
    Just feel like giving my own opinion and points of view..
    I'm doing my 2nd BM with manufacturing skill up to lvl 3 for all 4 categories..
    Firstly,i started doing manufacturing for a few purposes :-
    1. to make own weapon/armor/potions/ornaments rather than buying them from npc
    2. to earn coins when producing for others
    3. as a BM,i dont have much buffs, thus i make my own buffs for my hp increase as well as for my mp.
    I'm lvl 46 now and the price for a weapon is around 10k for a lvl 5/6 weapons. If you dont have coins problem, then it shouldnt be a problem to you.But as for some players, we're running short on coins thus making them by ourselves is a way to save some coins. I manufactured all the armors and weapons for my factions and we're saving on our coins alot.
    On the other hand, manufacturing your own weapons/armors stand a chance to be better than those from npc. There will have special attributes on the and the bonus is to have sockets on it as well. Once you're done with those weapons or armors, you can actually auction it out for other lower lvls who willing to buy it with coins. Its another benefit for earning more coins as well.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Omg necro...
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Quite a few necros today.
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