No Res for me Thanks

Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
edited April 2009 in General Discussion
I guess I have gotten a little jaded or something but while I make it a policey to always help out Clerics in the field even when I do not know them (and Mages too but that is because I feel sorry for them lol) I do not wait for Res anymore. If I manage to get myself killed I just zip back to town, take my EXP hit, and either move on to other things or race back to get my revenge on whatever killed me.

A Cleric I helped today was a bit wiered out when I did not give them a chance to Res me when I managed to get lag killed. I guess I am a little curious as to what Clerics think about that attitude. Basically, I will help you but do not waste your time with me, do not Res me, do not chase me down to Buff me.
Post edited by Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear on


  • XKIAx - Heavens Tear
    XKIAx - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Believe me, at level 70+, you're going to wait for a rez.

    Currently i lose 1% xp with a death and no rez. That is about 54k xp for me.
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    We get wierded out, mostly because it's a slap in the face ("your res is not good enough for me! Now I shall make a point by reviving in town, because that's how bad I think your res is!"); it annoys us, because we have used TONS of money on getting our revive up to level (300k for level 10, for a skill that does a cleric no good at all) but we don't get to use it on those who help us; the sudden poof-ness of a comrade makes us run around screaming in circles.

    You have to live with the fact that a lot of clerics are naturally bred carebears, and, especially at lower levels, like to give out buffs and revives everywhere.
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well i'm a cleric and sometimes i see someone die or dying so i go to them and try n save em or res hem if nessesairy, ad when i arrive at the body they dissapeare to town , while there is almost no chance at all that they didn't notice you and they should know your'e a cleric that can res u and save your exp

    i'm in triad, triad ppl are supposed to have lvl 10 res so , if someone can res u with lvl 10 skill , that's alot better then going to town i would suppose ,

    i don't care if ppl go to town or not :) it's their exp loss
    but if i'm there ressing them and while i'm casting they go to town -_- that's just STUPID .

    oh wel
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Tamaska - Heavens Tear
    Tamaska - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Heh I don't care what anyone says, I appreciate anyone out there that has helped save me from death, res' me or buffs me for any reason. I only wish I didn't have to be in squad to return the favor =/

    I keep myself stocked with angels, so the xp isnt a big deal to me. I usually will do a shout in common chat for a nice cleric nearby, but if not, no biggie for me. Even if your buffs should cancel an apoth item i have running... I don't care lol Helpful people are always welcome around me.
    If you want something great, you've gotta be willing to bet it all. If you bet it all, you had better be prepared to lose.
    ~No Regrets
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well, if someone doesn't want my help, who am I to argue with them? If I'm spotting a dead person, I tend to go there and res them and I will keep doing that, since I believe that most people actually prefer my L10 res over an XP loss and/or having to track back to the battlefield from town. If they don't want to make use of it, they can still port to down. *shrug*
  • Bondmystic - Heavens Tear
    Bondmystic - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    and Mages too but that is because I feel sorry for them lol

    Thanks, lol. b:thanks
    Heh I don't care what anyone says, I appreciate anyone out there that has helped save me from death, res' me or buffs me for any reason.

    I agree with Tamaska here, I appreciate anyone who takes a little time to res or buff someone they probably don't even know. b:pleased I do my best to help out other people, buffing with Frostblade and even healing people when I feel it's helpful (the long cast time makes this hard sometimes).

    So a big shout out to any Clerics, and everyone else, who has taken a little time to buff or heal someone nearby for no reason other than being nice. Thanks again, I'm sure I owe you all a substantial amount of experience. b:chuckle

  • Sindygoboom - Sanctuary
    Sindygoboom - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I tend to solo all my quests and don't usually have a cleric around, though I'm more than happy to help out and be helped in return.

    The problem comes in that i'm so *used* to dying, that clicking "return to town" is more a reflex for me. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to wait 15 minutes on the chance that a cleric with a high rez will wander by.

    So on the occasions where I'm fighting with a cleric, sometimes I just auto click that button and then mutter to myself when I realize my mistake. No offence meant, just muscle memory. =)
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    So a big shout out to any Clerics, and everyone else, who has taken a little time to buff or heal someone nearby for no reason other than being nice. Thanks again, I'm sure I owe you all a substantial amount of experience. b:chuckle

    It's people like you that make me glad I chose a cleric. You're awesome. b:thanks

    Personally, I love to show off my rez whenever I can. If a squadmember died half the map away, I WILL teleport to them at least once to give them a little life injection. And I always respond to pleas for a rez in general chat, unless I'm in a squad and they're in a hurry. I spend the SP to level my rez, so I want to use it.

    I love helping people, so anyone turning it down is a bit of a surprise, though it is their choice. Clerics love to rez, and heal, and buff (at least for polite people). It's what we rolled clerics for, so don't feel like you're wasting our time if you want a quick rez. It saves you a little exp, and it's no bother for us at all.

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    helping others (at least in HT) is anything but rewarding. clerics ress, heal, buff people but most don't even say "ty". also getting a squad is mostly a hassle. makes me feel i'm a beggar or even weak to kill mobs on my own!

    when i were 6X i started to farm herbs at plain of farewells and i saw an archer grinding there and taking lots of hits. i healed and buffed him and he said never a wizard had healed him.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Only a few players on HL are worried about helping others. Only spell that gets casted on me by random clerics is Plume Shot. lmao
  • Tamaska - Heavens Tear
    Tamaska - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    HT is not as bad as you are saying. I get buffed quite often by the random players passing by. That goes for all of my characters, not just this one, and I always say thank you.

    And Lit... that whole PvP thing might be your problem. Just a thought =P
    I love to walk around white named every now and then, but I don't expect to get buffed like that. I expect to get jumped. lol
    If you want something great, you've gotta be willing to bet it all. If you bet it all, you had better be prepared to lose.
    ~No Regrets
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I guess it mostly came as a bit of an independance streak as well. I realized that I usually need other Venos more than Clerics to help me out if anything. (Because Pet Tanks therefore Pet needs heals and we are Pet Clerics for all intents and purposes) I know they are useful and I generally help them more because they can have a tough time out there and generally were made to help other people to begin with.

    However, over time I just got to some realizations like: "You should not bother waiting get your tail back up and get on with it. You died because of some mistake you made so you should suffer for it and they should not spend their mana or time to try to fix your mistake. They have their own things to do and worry about you do not need to be one of them."

    Now if I am an important part of an FB squad or something then yeah I will wait for Res but I try not to get myself killed in FB if I can help it and do a good job of it.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    helping others (at least in HT) is anything but rewarding. clerics ress, heal, buff people but most don't even say "ty". also getting a squad is mostly a hassle. makes me feel i'm a beggar or even weak to kill mobs on my own!

    when i were 6X i started to farm herbs at plain of farewells and i saw an archer grinding there and taking lots of hits. i healed and buffed him and he said never a wizard had healed him.

    You need some better friends and party members.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Gammaburst - Harshlands
    Gammaburst - Harshlands Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I tend to solo all my quests and don't usually have a cleric around, though I'm more than happy to help out and be helped in return.

    The problem comes in that i'm so *used* to dying, that clicking "return to town" is more a reflex for me. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to wait 15 minutes on the chance that a cleric with a high rez will wander by.

    So on the occasions where I'm fighting with a cleric, sometimes I just auto click that button and then mutter to myself when I realize my mistake. No offence meant, just muscle memory. =)

    I'm same as you. I play fast and loose and solo most regular mob quest. If i die, no big deal, I just automatically click town without a thought. If i lay on the ground and dwell on my death, I just get bumb out, so revive at town and jump right back on the horse. I died 6 times one day. Death here and there is not that big of a set back as long as you don't loose spirit.

    I have played other MMO's and i seen people wait 30+ minutes for a rez when they could have remade the XP loose and then some in the time they wait for rez.
  • Divinemetal - Sanctuary
    Divinemetal - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I don't mind ressing dead people when I see them, nor do I mind buffing. What pisses me off is the lack of courtesy. Say thank you! Not to mention that you could at least buff me in return. BM's are always asking for buffs, but have yet to party me for 2 seconds to give me aura of the golden bell. As a robe class, you dont think the extra def would be helpful???? I did make a cleric to assist others (mostly my faction), but dont get it twisted, its NOT REQUIRED that we help the random person, we do so because we like to. Does scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours mean anything??????
  • Gammaburst - Harshlands
    Gammaburst - Harshlands Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When I'm in a party and we are on a mission i hardly ever say thank you. I feel we all have our part to play to complete the mission. Healer and others are buffing everyone to help themselves as well. BTW i never ask for a buff unless I'm in a party with someone. If I'm grinding alone and a healer comes by and chooses to buffs me, I will definitely always thank them.

    Do you healer think this is terrible etiquette to not thank every time? Should i thank every single time no matter what the situation. Is a thank you once a day sufficient? Is a thank you only if its a commpletely selfless act ok and not thank when group mission? I don't want to make any healer upset with me.

    I was a healer in other game and thought it quite annoying when your working together and everyone would thank me every single time. I'm buffing you cause you being stronger helps everyone in the group and improves our chance of success, not for a thank you. And also you taking the time to stop what you are doing to thank me could **** the mission up.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It would be nice if some other classes came with a solid res like revive.This is so they can do some ressing. It helps when doing FBs so the cleric can watch the squad instead of ressing.It would be nice to see the price of scrolls come down.

    I wouldn't mind one myself sometime.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It would be nice if some other classes came with a solid res like revive.This is so they can do some ressing. It helps when doing FBs so the cleric can watch the squad instead of ressing.It would be nice to see the price of scrolls come down.

    I wouldn't mind one myself sometime.

    giving other classes the skill to res people would just make it unbalanced. providing a res scroll matching the cleric's abiltiy that could be use to res targets other than yourself that might be worth it.
    20k for lvl 1 res scroll
    100k for lvl 4 res scroll
    500k for lvl 10 res scroll
    of course, the scroll is consumed in the process
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    giving other classes the skill to res people would just make it unbalanced. providing a res scroll matching the cleric's abiltiy that could be use to res targets other than yourself that might be worth it.
    20k for lvl 1 res scroll
    100k for lvl 4 res scroll
    500k for lvl 10 res scroll
    of course, the scroll is consumed in the process

    No it wouldn't unbalance the game especially if pvping or doing TW.The squad wouldn't have to count on cleric to res them.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Guardgodess - Sanctuary
    Guardgodess - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    clerics are very nice ppl, they always give me buffs whenever go up and ask.

    as for rez, they didn't spend all their sp and money on a skill, that doesn't do the clerics any good, for nothing. they did it so that the rest of the pw population can take less exp loss due to death, whether it's you being stupid or an unpreventable accident. so, the last we can do, is to praise the clerics for helping us and give them the chance to use the skill and see the happiness their skills bring to people.

    be thankful that we have all these caring and nice people in the game
  • Zaphael - Heavens Tear
    Zaphael - Heavens Tear Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In general, if I'm in an area with someone who is grinding, I'll give them buffs. Most people tend to be happy and respond with a "thanks!" and will return buffs with whatever their class has available to me as well. However, some people use Apothecary when I click someone, I check to see what buffs they have (most apoth pots will show like regular buffs, MP/HP regen, phys def, etc). If I see they already have a few buffs, I'll ask if they want the others. Again, most people seem to love the buffs.

    In fact, quite a lot of people will ask for buffs...and it's common to get whispers for "buff me". Asking for buffs is fine, but I find it rather rude when someone DEMANDS buffs...and usually I'll ignore those demanding them. Otherwise, I'll even quickly join a squad and waste (quite a bit) of MP to give the group buffs that last an hour rather than 30 minutes.

    Also, if I see someone dead (which I encounter quite a bit while on World Quest each day)'s reflex to rez. A lot of the time it's obvious they were AFK and got attacked.

    One time, someone was AFK and their charm was ticking away (damage over time poison)...and I actually stayed there and healed them to save their charm for about 15 minutes until they came back. Fifteen minutes could kill a charm easily.

    Basically, I guess you could say it's building karma in-game for me. I'm a full-support cleric, and the skills I have are for helping others as well as myself.

    As long as people are polite and not demanding, I see it as my role in-game to help :)
    "there is a majority of people I can't here stand anymore. The skill level in TW has decreased dramatically. Frankly I am tired leading a TW of a bunch of idiots and morons. I outlasted my patience for them. I just can't waste anymore time here." ~Ehmi's leaving post.
  • Keliahar - Sanctuary
    Keliahar - Sanctuary Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My saying started on my blademaster but it's carried over to my wizard as well. "Clerics are my bestest friends ever. I have much love for any and all of them." I tend to hang out only in faction chat but I make note to switch over to normal chat if I start seeing a cleric buff or a veno buff flashing my way.

    As for what was mentioned with wizard... I've been there. Nothing makes my day more than to be going somewhere, see someone struggling with their hp, and then take the few seconds out of my way to heal them. Especially since I often get comments like "I never knew Wizards could heal! That's so cool!". I'm proud of my heal. It's only a lvl 5 at the moment but I will be leveling it up again soon. Am I a cleric? Nope. But if there isn't one around I'm pretty reliable. I can even primary heal against most simple bosses now as I discovered when someone needed Khewy the other day. Will I ever replace a cleric? Not on your life. But will I help when I can? Damn straight. Don't mind if I play backup healer when we're squaded though. It's just my way to help take some of the strain off the primary cleric.
  • wienna
    wienna Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As i cleric i do ress people no matter if i know them or not.....
    But i quess every cleric could write an a4 later, how some barbarian, human,.....didn't help out a cleric when he must kill archer's mobs,.....maybe because of that gives also clerics which are pissed of because of that and dosn't like to help everyone arround.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    What pisses me off is the lack of courtesy. Say thank you! Not to mention that you could at least buff me in return. BM's are always asking for buffs, but have yet to party me for 2 seconds to give me aura of the golden bell.

    I've never asked for a res or a buff much less demanded one. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE when clerics give me their random buffs just cause I'm there. I even like it when I look down and see my hand glowing blue [Smurfberry Wizards FTW!]. I'm always looking for ways to repay the favor. But, I've become conditioned not to offer you a party for a buff. If you ask me for one, I'll do it without hesitation. But, I've gotten bad vibe responses too many times to go offering clerics a squad even with an explanation. I'll just follow the example I saw in another thread and drop a small pile of mana pots as a random thank you.
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I must admit that I've had plenty of bad experiences on my cleric - people demanding buffs, or demanding a res... And if I dare say "no" to them (like if I'm running back to a FB to save the remains of my party from the boss chasing them through the whole dungeno and thus don't actually have time to hunt down the person to buff/res), I get yelled at and called names that the chat filter reduces to gibberish...

    If I just get a "buff pls", I usually give the person the least useful buff I have (you're a BM or barb? Enjoy your Increased Magical Attack buff). If you really want a buff, you can take the time to ask out in full. The only exception is if you're ganged on by five monsters, in which case I understand that eloquance loses out on the desire to survive.

    Most of the time, too, I expect people to ask for a res before I throw one at them - even if the dead person is right in my path. Mostly because some people are AFK, or there's other clerics nearby, or even so I avoid ruining an intended suicide (to prevent levelling). I can imagine that there's little more annoying for a high-levelled barb than to finally have all of their health eliminated so they died, and then have a ridiculous cleric coming along and giving them a level 10 revive.

    On the other hand, however, I've had some people asking very politely if I would have time to buff and/or revive them. Usually, they get what they wanted, plus a few stacked ironhearts once they run at their next target. And I also keep an eye on them, throwing heals every so often so they save their potions or charm a bit. In return, I often get my hiney saved if I get ganged on by mobs.

    If I get buffs by people, be it venomancers or wizards who can buff me without having to be in my squad, then I always shout my gratitude to them - and if I can see them, I buff them in return. I've also - though sadly not that often - had barbs or BMs toss out a party invite and buff me. (Barb HP buffs makes a cleric very giddy with joy. b:victory)

    When it comes to squads, however, I consider it my duty to ensure my party is buffed - just as I consider it the barbarian and BM's duty to keep the mobs away from me, the venomancers to lure monsters close, the wizard to kill stuff fast, and the archer to knock monsters away and deal damage.
  • angels3
    angels3 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Not to sound mean or anything but everyone should learn to buy GAs and rez scrolls like alot of Clerics do and stop crying and asking for rez's all the time. As if we don't have others things to do in game then to run all over the map rezing people. Hardly do u ever hear Clerics asking for a rez and yes even the higher level ones like myself. I just keep GAs and rez scrolls stocked up because Clerics hardly ever get other clerics to rez them unlike everyone else. So just suck it up and deal with dying like Clerics usually end up doing. No offense b:surrender
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah, it is kind of a "WTF???" moment when someone towns in mid res. I was riding from Orchid Temple to Arch after a couple of FB 29s and saw a BM (I think) go down fighting a Ossein Guard in front of SP. I ride my Polar Bear over to him (which is fairly large so I'd think he'd have seen me), stow it, and start to res. Then *poof* he's gone... So yeah, you definately wonder why. I have my res maxed for my lvl (5 or 6), so it's still better than a town portal and makes one wonder why a player would choose to town portal rather than wait for the cleric that is already ressing you to finish. lol
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    angels3 wrote: »
    Hardly do u ever hear Clerics asking for a rez and yes even the higher level ones like myself.

    Experiences vary. I see more clerics calling for res than any other class. Last night I saw one call for a res and not even say thanks (though, maybe she whispered her thanks).
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I love clerics.

    If I die, I politely ask if any clerics are nearby. If not, I'll just take the hit and go to town. It's great to receive help from a friendly healer/buffer, but I think it's not right to endanger or ask that the cleric go out of their way (too much) to help.

  • Mrs_kratos - Sanctuary
    Mrs_kratos - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If Sm! Wants 2 Help Me Live, thats a good thng 2 me at least and i always thank any1 who ress/heals/ or buffs me ^.^