Shikyura - Sanctuary Arc User


  • b:shocked
  • sorry, immuniki? do u mean immunity mobs? if im reading what you are saying correctly, you have 3 rooms with the score count (hence 2 rooms maxed 1 room nearly maxed). you may have missed one room, that maybe had 0? at the same time, its important to have something in every room. theres the explosion room which i think is…
  • they can just kick you whether you like it or not. not up to you if you want to stay or not since they'll boot you way before the boss. also, if they're a sin, they're gonna stealth walk through all the unecessary mobs. good luck chasing them with a non-stealth class unless u can just tank it all [then you probably would…
  • you can quid pro the boss actually, if you're lucky (by lucky i mean have the boss debuff HP on the seeker and he transfers it back, otherwise, ur outta luck) he aoes, and has interrupts, so if your archer is tanking, BoA is gonna go down all the time
  • you need to get the required mobs. the timer counts for both mobs AND the boss (both forms) if you have problems with the number of people you have, try going on the left side of the map and setting up there. if you happen to fail, save what pieces u can to get the angels, and put them around you the next time you try.
  • curiously asking + bumping, wondering if theres even any sort of staff that patrol each thread, would be nice for a sticky, you locked my other thread, why couldnt you sticky this one? might as well delete it if you guys only do half the job lol
  • ty, wonder when they'll decide to sticky it, unless they think its not good enough...ive roughly stopped with the editing unelss people can PM or w.e way get to me some interesting pictures or bugs or actual info ive done wrong in order to fix it properly [tips/hints welcome too, aynthing really, just pm me]
  • of your regular skill/physical/magical damage...quadruples it any debuffs come after
  • yeah, i was wondering why it says double and the damage does seem to be more then double, but didnt pay attention to calculating the multiplier will note the s -shape movememnt
  • please lock/move this thread [yes that Elendy is me i just felt like repsoting on this xD]
  • can a mod sticky please? if they find it useful
  • cant, 103 detection pot failed to detect. and sin's cant use detect pots anyhow. you are right they are 95 though
  • well, apparently a 105 tested detect pots it didnt work, cause a 103 alsot ried didnt work...and assassins under 105 were able to see them [assassintime being 104 and some other 101 or 102 sins i think] i guess we'll need some more testing on this area...but yeah, ground aoes do kill
  • If anyone wants to add or correct anytihng, or add pictures, feel free to, I am atm compiling data for the bosses in the 2nd/3rd runs of trials if our faction will ever get enough activity to do it
  • bad at leaving 'descriptions' of the skill (like the stuff saying what it does blahblahblah) I do think though that our blinking with some other skills should be changed...the CD on the stun is ridiculously long...and every skill costs nearly 2 sparks (yes i know we can get it real fast but still) I'll…
  • people accuse other people of oracling/scarlet fruiting their way to 100 when their own faction fails massively and pulls mobs, wiping the party then blaming on someone else on a side note...are you an aka or a mule or something of Nef o.o me too! ehn
  • yes what? if i heard you right you said ZHEN is cheaper then veno costs for an archer? nvm i misread
  • correction to Devoted's post Thundershock is not a 10 second paralyze (now i only read the first page...if all the pages in between state the change then just excuse my post...lazy to read all the rest and posting between class) Thundershock is a 2-3 (didnt quite count but its hella short) seal/paralyze
  • g12 shards werent part of the event...g11 was...thats 115...versus 150 comparted with the vit stone..10 vit = 130 if you arent buying 24*6 g11 shards to make it into g12 shards...vit stone is better...cost is also more (during event and probably about the same after event)
  • why in the world do we need some paltry regen...its reduced in combat to like we gain an extra 1.25 hp? i rather use pots plus charm to cover that 1.25 hp...or use an apoth pot which gives like 10 minutes of 50 hp regen or 100 hp/mp regen...much better then choosing regen over 4-5 dex (which gives…
  • you guys are lucky guys do faster regular atks and full damage to everything you archer sdo half damage...then because we're lacking HP/defence & mor edefence...we take alot more from your hits (just reg physical) then you do ours...we pop u in the head for like 200...u slash us for like 600 or…
  • yeah that skill is funny...and sad lol i think there needs to be a nerf with some of the other classes skills...winged shell i guess was made to tank mob save charm costs? word...and...there should be a nerf in barb/bm skills relaly...magic never all shots will hit AND for bm's...u cant…
  • only thing i need to say is that the knockback should work on people...dont see why it shouldnt...and if you're talking about strongest pvp give that to the BM...try doing something while you're constantly stunned...or stunned everytime you tick their charm so they have u stunned for 6/10 seconds of their charm…
  • o.o i didnt see u where were u
  • that would be me no im not a mega cash shopper...more like im a mega poor dude...who emptied out his bank completely and put mabye $50 for anni pack opening spree (mind you i got 1 plat charm...)... my TT100 was only successful due to the people i had to help me farm runs day in day out...many runs a day too for some days
  • just run away!! actually i have the TT100...but thanks for the goodluck b:chuckle
  • Technically speaking you are incorrect. Mages have some **** healing skill, but BM's also have a self recovery skill, diamond sutra. We have a mana regen...and when equipped with a MP becomes a fail.
  • i dont find anyone lvls fast when they use oracles or rebirth to level...but thats just me o.o on a side note...any BM/veno that knows how to play will level faster then other you cant really compare between classes for example...BM grinding 1 hour...barb grinidng 1 hour...BM obviously will get more…