OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • I would agree. That would be like older players complaining the newer players got bh's etc we didn't have til lvl 70 or 80+. Things change, it happens. There is no disadvantage to you. There are ways to make money on this game without a credit card or without merchanting. Its called hard work. Mining herbs, mats and…
  • Yeah but I am curious as to how much time you spend on the game. Not everyone can spend 8-10 hours a day playing a video game. This game should be able to appeal to all who play, even those who can only play a few hours a day or even less. Yes it should take longer to attain goals if you don't play as much or aren't a cash…
  • 101 archer 74 wizard 76 assassin 20 psychic 46 cleric 68 blademaster 28 veno 413 lvls.. yep.. I been here for almost 2 years... long time. And pirates and ninjas... 2 years of halloween and still no kitten costume :( I give up.
  • How long from the time it said you got it on the site til it went to your mailbox? My husband has waited over an hour since it said they sent to highest char on his account. I'm waiting too. If its just that we need to wait a bit thats cool. If they have seriously screwed up again.. well its not cool but I'm not shocked.
  • Lots of ppl can't login. My husband and I can't, but my mom (who lives in another home in the same city) can. Its not seeming to matter where you live, it is seemingly random. Happy for you!
  • honestly I was hoping they'd give us a flying mount this year. Even if it just went the standard 3.0 speed. That would have been nice. Oh well.. maybe next year.
  • Yes, this is what I'm saying.
  • I don't get you ppl. You gripe because they don't fix problems, then when they are trying to you gripe that they are idiots. "Glitched" or not.. they need to know what is going on. And yes, at 99 I know how to do that. If you would have read the rest of my post you'd have understood thats exactly what I've done. 32x5 xp…
  • by the way, 10 runs with the same squad of ppl at the same levels within a 3 or 4 day span with no one leveling should yield the same amount of exp/% don't you think? At least within a close margin.
  • Thank you for the absolutely pointless posts. I did check the exp log. I'm not talking % anyways. If I gain 2% in there this time and then 5% the next doing nothing different with the same squad all of us the same lvls each time and doing nothing different then it stands to reason there is a problem. But yea, I've not a…
  • If you hover over the item in the event boutique it tells you that you can NOT use it at the jewelcrafter to make higher lvl dragon orbs. HOW is that deceptive? However I wont' dispute your comment on how useful they are or aren't.
  • I'd also like to point out, Gold has dropped again.
  • First off, what does it matter weather or not you are a cash shopper? That should have no merit on your debate whatsoever. We all play the game, telling them you cash shop isn't going to earn you special privledge. (aimed at OP) Secondly I agree with this poster. Which is saying a lot cause tweakz and I never agree.
  • Same here. If a barb 5 lvls ahead of me can't hold aggro, then no class ever will be able to. Although a lvl 101 sin did hold it and tank everything in a frost run a few days ago. That was quite awesome. SIDE NOTE:: At least everyone has quit whining about how OP the venos and their nixes are.
  • Just another example of how people are not ever pleased. Dude, its FREE. I'd love to have the free event gold. If you don't want it, seriously; see if they will let you give it to someone else. The game is free, they give you free gold and you still have room to complain?
  • It seems that system message is sent to your faction members only? On Ht ... I don't see anything like that. But I'm not in a TW faction either. Maybe its just to let you know that you are being attacked, wierd tho it doesn't say which territory
  • I'm shocked no1 has sent you hate mail already. I agree 100%. The community can't have it both ways.
  • I am looking at the facts. Everyone said that the fact they took out TW pay would NOT lower gold. However; I did not check the gold when they first did this, but I know it was at least 490k. Gold was at 465k last night on HT. Even with the release of another new pack, gold is already down to 458k. No one needs blinders on…
  • You have apparently IGNORED the 100's of posts by people saying they LIKE the packs. As I stated in a previous post, the people who LIKE how things are going are NOT likely to post on here. Its the people who come here to complain that post the most. I am indifferent either way, but that is beside the point. If 50% of the…
  • Yes because we all know that NO ONE is as intelligent and intellectual as you are right? You have all the answers to this "fail" situation and all of your "logic and reasoning" will solve all the problems. For the first time ever I'm going to ask .. "are you stupid?" My logic is a joke? Ok grasp this if you can.. I'm a…
  • Ok here is the point... ppl continue to complain about the packs BUT... People continue to buy them because people continue to win stuff (as per duke's shouts) You really cant call pw the greedy ones here. If you say up a lemonade stand and earned 5 cents per glass and thought you were doing awesome.. thats great. But if…
  • I'm usually one griping about those complaining; however, after spending 5 gold on hyper stones to use the x12 option and EVERYONE in the squad (higher and lower lvl than me) getting more exp than me and they used nothing, I believe I earned the right to complain. 8500 exp compared to the 40k most everyone else got is…
  • yes, but even so... The fact remains that TW people actually have a salary. The rest of us try to merch and not always is it successful every day. However; if you are in a very good, strong, TW winning faction you know every week you are going to get pay. You are more at leisure to let go of coin. Those who do not belong…
  • Just a reminder, next month is the 2 year anniversary. All of you upset can rest assured that anniversary packs will be around for a 2nd, I mean 3rd, I mean 4th.. ok.. another time... The last anniversary is still going though, I am hoping though this year they give us some awesome stuff. Nope, I really mean that. I think…
  • Her point is logical though. If you knew that you had 5 million tw pay coming this week you are more likely to spend money on luxury items. As opposed to the gambler who doesn't know and will only spend til they are comfortable with what coins they've got left. That being said the ppl who have the steady income (tw) in the…
  • my quest glitched and I got nothing :( I got the mailbox flag but got nothing, finally just trashed it! Will try again next week and hope it doesn't glitch. The lunar ring thing? wow! The rewards are obviously good!
  • unreleased fashion unreleased mounts bundled stuff so we can get good deals ex. hyper stones, d. orbs, things we actually use quite often. an item OTHER than hyper that gives you maybe 2x exp for a day instead of an hour or a low limit of time.
  • In the big picture of things, right. Actually, I'd like to point out that there was a big long gigantic thread about the genies and a lot of whining and complaining about how OP it made this class or that class. So the thing u think was good, a LOT of ppl thought sucked. Its that way all the time and no matter what PWI…
  • Well thats true, the last expansion wasn't really needed either. No one was griping about the fact that there was only 6 classes. It needs a lot of work, mainly where they messed stuff up. Everyone hates the tags, I personally like them I think it makes the chat more organized looking. But it is something they could…
  • Yes, and the rewards from it are quite nice. Fashion and mounts are 2 of the things I remember seeing.
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