I've dropped plenty of things at OT, Expensive or not. I never seem to get them back, which sucks D: But when people get killed and drop something, even If I`m in a duel or getting owned, I always manage to pick it up, So they don`t have to go through what I did, Even if its a 400mil tome, or a mirages, I always will get…
Well I guess i'm a bad sin then, Have any of you even killed a sin for one? And 'some' of you hence some of you say your not QQing, But all I keep seeing is QQing. Theres plenty of OP classes out there. Rank9 Archer, Mess sins up. Full Nirvana Venomancer can mess sins up. there are plenty of Hax'd classes. My Point Proven.…
Rofl goodpoint b:chuckle
LOOOOL ! I must hypernoob my cleric, and try that !
@ Hardin; What your not understanding is people just QQ because sins can stealth spark, and have skills to gain chi, who cares honestly, and that sins are WAY to OP. every class is OP, well geared, well refined, well socketed, and well played, can make any class OP. so stop QQing about a sins stealth spark, and chi. just…
Well.. if nobodys going to waste their apoth time on detect pots for a chance of seeing a sin, then dont QQ when a sin pops out of stealth and kills you, and you dont make stealth detection pots, you get them from event that everyone sells them on my server.
I smell a QQ//Troll
* starts QQ'ing * Dont QQ, you can see sins' in stealth, called stealth detection pots... but yea, PvP isn't suppose to be fair, its suppose to be dirty. & btw all classes play dirty. NOT JUST TEH SINS, Why does everyone hate on us sexahh sins (; & I do agree with you, those damn hypernoobs wanna just make there sins 105,…
For people who are saying, rank9 +12 with whoop anyone, is lying, and thats a false statement, let me put my input in the situation, okies? there are alot of rank9 who can't play there classes, that are just cashshoppers, who have moneehhhh to blow, which is really stupid, if you can't play your class, just gtfo. but…
Every seeker I see Duel or Pk, Demon Spark & Drop vortex, what people dont understand is YOU CAN MOVE FROM VORTEX. so the not so smart people, think there stunned or sleeped, and dont move, and take the beating, and lose. JUST move, and start using range skills, or use a genie skill to drain mana, so vortex can't stay up,…
if your talking about Pvp, Ofcourse, I think you are. Max out Tempest, and Demon Spark > Drop tempest, and its insane O_o
I always wanted the warsoul Daggers & Bow. Until I actually opened by eyes & they finally came out with rank9 daggers, if you refine them +12 they do 100 or 200 more damage, plus have a chance to do double damage, insane right? & warsoul doesn't refine ANY better than rank9 daggers, whats the real questions would you…
Blademaster - - Heaven Flames - Aura of the Golden Bell - Roar of the Pride - Cloud Spirit Wizard - - Fire Mastery - All Self Buffs, ( Must need honestly ) - Black Ice Dragon Strike - Water Mastery - Earth Mastery - AoE skills, I guess :P Cleric - - All Squad Heal Buffs - All regular buffs, & Self buffs - 'try' to max all…
Guess, I'll tell you what I know from each class and race. Human - Blademaster - Blademaster is the human warrior, a cross between a tank and a damage dealer. It's a well rounded class which can choose from four weapon paths starting at level 29: swords, axes, poleblades, and/or fists. Blademasters are known for great stun…
1. Pure Dex Build; 1 str 4 dex pure dexterity build gives the assassin the highest DPS and highest critical hit rate out of any other assassin build. This is at the price of defense of course. 2. Vitality Build v1: 3.5 Dexterity 1 Strength 0.5 Vitality Vitality Build v2: 3 Dexterity 1 Strength 1 Vitality These builds add…
1. Theres many different assassin builds here are some, and i'll give you the difference between them. Pure Dexterity Build: 4 Dexterity 1 Strength A pure dexterity build gives the assassin the highest DPS and highest critical hit rate out of any other assassin build. This is at the price of defense of course. Vitality…
My Suggestion: 'hence' i didn't refine because i dont know what you can or can't afford b:victory
Skills my cleric has on her genie are; HolyPath ( its a must ) what the skills does on level 10 - Increases the movement speed of yourself to the max for 6.0 seconds. Tree of Protection; what skill does on level 10 - Summons a Tree of Protection. Increases max HP by 30% for 5 seconds. Restores 20% of your max HP every 3…
As everyone else is doing, I'll give my opinion on each class, aswell as the cons and pros of each class Venomancer Pros - Able to solo many bosses Low maintenance costs Deals both magical and physical damage with pet Increased physical defense in fox-form Versatile squad role Variety of viable builds Fast movement speed…
When all my armor and gear breaks, simply go to any of these ( Merchant,Blacksmith,Tailor,Craftmans) Click on them, Click 'Goods' and if all your armor is broken click 'repair all', or if one thing is broken, click repair, and make sure you have enough money to repair your items, because that aswell could be the reason…
I'm a Female, and I luff Pking to death. Only thing I find why girls dont want to Pk is they QQ if they get killed... (sometimes, not all the time) &; Some girls find it only for boys, because they have a backbone and can take the dying, & dont QQ everytime someone either ganks em' or 1hits them. ..... IJS. its just my…
Psychic or Wizard, Full Rank 12+ ( If you can afford ) own in PvP b:cute
Just a few; Songs that actually make sense.
^ we have kids, 9 of em'
Everyone wants a Full Rank9 +12 cleric, Pfft. Check this out; , Dont let me find you in Pk ;3 * inserts epic laughter smiley *