seekers r a pain in the a$$

Kaidosan - Harshlands
Kaidosan - Harshlands Posts: 29 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Arigora Colosseum
ok. how am i supposed to beat them? i've only been successful a few times and even got killed by a few 8x+ seekers lol.b:chuckle

i know i know. ur going to call me fail im sure cuz i only have buddha's, calamities and a force blade. crappy gear i know but i've killed my fair share of players my lvl.b:victory
Post edited by Kaidosan - Harshlands on


  • Niteshadows - Harshlands
    Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    ok. how am i supposed to beat them? i've only been successful a few times and even got killed by a few 8x+ seekers lol.b:chuckle

    i know i know. ur going to call me fail im sure cuz i only have buddha's, calamities and a force blade. crappy gear i know but i've killed my fair share of players my lvl.b:victory
    this is my character. i just forgot to switch to my bm.b:cry
    Do you hate me? Good, that makes for an adequate conversation starter.
  • Michael - Harshlands
    Michael - Harshlands Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    your only issue against seekers will be when they spark, watch the debuffs they use carefully as they rely heavily on genie debuffs to cause damage vs a decently geared bm.

    After a while you will learn to predict what they are going to do next and be able to stop it, laugh if they have soulserver up as while it will proc extra damage on gemini it will also negate almost every other debuff they have (no debuff will proc at the same time as a stance)

    Bypassing their defences is your biggest issue but its still possible with appropriate debuffs and stuns
  • ProtocoI - Harshlands
    ProtocoI - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    your only issue against seekers will be when they spark, watch the debuffs they use carefully as they rely heavily on genie debuffs to cause damage vs a decently geared bm.

    After a while you will learn to predict what they are going to do next and be able to stop it, laugh if they have soulserver up as while it will proc extra damage on gemini it will also negate almost every other debuff they have (no debuff will proc at the same time as a stance)

    Bypassing their defences is your biggest issue but its still possible with appropriate debuffs and stuns
    You use the soulsever stance to debuff your attack level bro and then you can afterwords always switch stance to northern (which most do) to max out dph and immobilize more. Or you can do the quick stance change.

    Proc soul- switch to northern- Proc northern- hit northern- hit soulsever (for max damage output on the addition of soulsever).

    So please know what your talking about when your talking about our class, we can do much more than you can imagine.
  • Michael - Harshlands
    Michael - Harshlands Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I do have a seeker myself and like I said any seeker who sits in soulsever stance for longer than a few seconds is pretty much useless at anything but of course procing the stance, so I maintain any seeker who spends their time sitting in soulsever stance should be laughed at, it is extremely fast and easy to switch stances so being one that allows you to use heartseeker is far more effective for the long term and switch to soulsever only when you need the debuff.
  • ProtocoI - Harshlands
    ProtocoI - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I do have a seeker myself and like I said any seeker who sits in soulsever stance for longer than a few seconds is pretty much useless at anything but of course procing the stance, so I maintain any seeker who spends their time sitting in soulsever stance should be laughed at, it is extremely fast and easy to switch stances so being one that allows you to use heartseeker is far more effective for the long term and switch to soulsever only when you need the debuff.

    Ah alright, I misunderstood your typing at that point then because it is still quite confusing but I understand what you are saying now and agree completely.

    If the seekers don't understand the advantages of changes stances to maximize damage then they should in fact be laughed at lol.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Mages actually do quite well against seekers. Remember though it's a late bloomer class. I don't know what pvp against seekers at that lvl is like because my wizzie was 90 when expansion came out, but advice I would give is to keep force of will lvled. Always try to keep a good distance even though they have ranged attacks because they can't attack as often from range and obviously, distance shrink is a great skill for this, so keep that lvled as well. Really it shouldn't take very long to put them down, at least not from my experience against other 9x seekers on my wizzie. If they're charmed it can last quite a while though, but if you're charmed it's pretty even.
  • Kurastatsu - Harshlands
    Kurastatsu - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Don't forget about the physical attacks they have. They hurt like no other. So the best thing is to mostly keep your distance and use attacks that can stun them and debuff them. They are hard to kill... b:chuckle
  • whatchagonado
    whatchagonado Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Mages actually do quite well against seekers. Remember though it's a late bloomer class. I don't know what pvp against seekers at that lvl is like because my wizzie was 90 when expansion came out, but advice I would give is to keep force of will lvled. Always try to keep a good distance even though they have ranged attacks because they can't attack as often from range and obviously, distance shrink is a great skill for this, so keep that lvled as well. Really it shouldn't take very long to put them down, at least not from my experience against other 9x seekers on my wizzie. If they're charmed it can last quite a while though, but if you're charmed it's pretty even.
    Don't forget about the physical attacks they have. They hurt like no other. So the best thing is to mostly keep your distance and use attacks that can stun them and debuff them. They are hard to kill... b:chuckle

    He posted on the wrong char, it's a 100 BM that's having trouble...
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    dont marrow
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I have been prefecting the art of watching them grind > tire > and pounce on them the moment they go afk. Win win for me.... and a lesson for them.... (find sz when going afk).

    Wow that's kinda... sad... and creepy. You need to get out more.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I have been prefecting the art of watching them grind > tire > and pounce on them the moment they go afk. Win win for me.... and a lesson for them.... (find sz when going afk).

    Nothing with with this - since I like to think as a squishy predator my only goal is to use their vunerabilities to ensure I kill them. Eventually, their weakness is time... and eventually their name is added to my kill count. The how > why is moot - only the fact I killed them is relavent.

    you've perfected the art of killing afk people? how long did you have to practice for?
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Not really.... I am an Assassian, it is what I do - I assassinate. An assassination is "to murder by a sudden and/or secret attack". So generally this means pk a person w/o them detecting you, until it is too late to react. If I give them a chance to react, I might be the one dying.

    Not the killing them out of stealth part... the stalking and waiting part. b:bye

    Well seems to me, people should not be so very stupid. Go AFK out of sz, what do you expect - everyone to be all-so-carebear about it? Their choice to play on a PVP server...

    Only rule to pking is > don't be the one to die.
    *Checks Core* Wow you actually managed to find 10 people that went AFK.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Not the killing them out of stealth part... the stalking and waiting part. b:bye

    *Checks Core* Wow you actually managed to find 10 people that went AFK.

    Core recently reset my kills and as far as I've seen it's happened to others too ._.

    Edit: Oh hey they're back nao :D
    309 doesn't feel like much... I should lvl and join a TW faction >:O
  • Hideori - Lost City
    Hideori - Lost City Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I have been prefecting the art of watching them grind > tire > and pounce on them the moment they go afk. Win win for me.... and a lesson for them.... (find sz when going afk).

    Nothing with with this - since I like to think as a squishy predator my only goal is to use their vunerabilities to ensure I kill them. Eventually, their weakness is time... and eventually their name is added to my kill count. The how > why is moot - only the fact I killed them is relavent.

    well, a few times I did it too, but no more. I dont have any enjoyment when I kill oponent who's cannot fight back. what point in killing somebody who have 100hp left after fight against mobs. thats not a fight. such "fight" doesint make you feel strong. I like real pvp versus oponent who fighting you back. this is what gives pleasure. but if you're too weak to actualy fight somebody, then go ahead killing afk, thats your only way to get kills b:chuckle
  • malozia
    malozia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
  • DeadMind_ - Archosaur
    DeadMind_ - Archosaur Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Seekers r strong in PK but still not as much as sins are


    i got a fully red named seeker lvl63 b:laughb:laugh
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Every seeker I see Duel or Pk, Demon Spark & Drop vortex, what people dont understand is YOU CAN MOVE FROM VORTEX. so the not so smart people, think there stunned or sleeped, and dont move, and take the beating, and lose. JUST move, and start using range skills, or use a genie skill to drain mana, so vortex can't stay up, unless there charmed x.x
  • _Hardin_ - Heavens Tear
    _Hardin_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sometimes it is hard, ive beaten my fair share of lvl 100+ chars, earlier i beat a 100 r8 archer pretty easy but almost died myself. Clerics are a pain for me cuz of plume shell. And BMs are kinda easy too, since they 4get seekers can use both mag and phys attacks and have phys alter marrow up (To Bms: NEVER USE MARROW AGAINST A SEEKER)
    or they use HF on me, that i can easily transfer back using Quid Pro Quo. Barbs are pretty easy too unless they invoke, then it gets hard, but u can still win. Sins just demon spark -.-
    I rly dont even spark or vort in duels or use my genie at all, to me i think they hax in fight.

    Just watch out for a few things;

    Edged Blur:Allot of ppl QQ cuz of me usin that skill which just passes through the effects of invoke, wings of w/e for archers, bramble hood etc.

    Quid Pro Quo: My fav skill. Watch out when u debuff a seeker, ive seen venos (with nixes), barbs and bms kill themselves dueling me when i use it.

    Voidstep: I does use that in tandem with Edged blur to take out my targets easy, Luckily (for you guys) it has a stupid 3 min cooldown....that sux

    Gemini Slash: Allot of mag classes h8 this skill allot, bcoz if the seeker is well geared, this thing can basically 1 hit u or take abt 80-90% of ur hp away. The only setback to this skill is its channeling time, if u see this charging up, try to stun, sleep or w/e to cancel it.
    But luckily for us seekers we have Blade Affinity, Which at max lvl reduces chan time by 80% :P

    The only debuffs of seekers that works in pvp are the ones u get after using soulsever or northern sky. Heart, Mind and Soul Shatter do NOT work in pvp. Plus i only use soulsever for show :3 and i like never use northern sky since the debuff only lasts for a couple of secs, doesnt rly give u breathing time to use other skills unless u have blade affinity up.

    Well, thats all i gotta say abt seekers in pvp. idc if u say im noob or not, im just saying what i think so that i can help other classes make the fight more fun b:victory
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Every seeker I see Duel or Pk, Demon Spark & Drop vortex, what people dont understand is YOU CAN MOVE FROM VORTEX. so the not so smart people, think there stunned or sleeped, and dont move, and take the beating, and lose. JUST move, and start using range skills, or use a genie skill to drain mana, so vortex can't stay up, unless there charmed x.x

    Except that demon vortex can stun, and I would think most of them are sage anyway. And it's not like they're gonna stay in it if they see you run out of it :b
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Except that demon vortex can stun, and I would think most of them are sage anyway. And it's not like they're gonna stay in it if they see you run out of it :b

    Rofl goodpoint b:chuckle
  • ZackMystic - Harshlands
    ZackMystic - Harshlands Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ok. how am i supposed to beat them? i've only been successful a few times and even got killed by a few 8x+ seekers lol.b:chuckle

    i know i know. ur going to call me fail im sure cuz i only have buddha's, calamities and a force blade. crappy gear i know but i've killed my fair share of players my lvl.b:victory

    Your dmg output may be way to low... Lol wait til the 70's or up before trying to pk. Seekers hit really frickin hard with Gemini Slash... Expect to be 1 shotted alot
    78 Mystic ZackMystic
    95 BM ZackBlade
    Retired in March 2012, thx DarkNova for the fun.
    Exiirah made this purely awesome signature b:pleased Many thanks to her
  • Keiko_Soma - Sanctuary
    Keiko_Soma - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I kinda want to go against a seeker in TW. Haven't much yet. The only class that kills me still is flying archers attacking max range cuz of damn stun+demon quickshot b:chuckle well geared clerics who know how to use genie and charms are actually really hard to kill. Would be interesting to see how that works out on seekers with their insane defense system
    102 Cleric sage
    100 Barb sage
    101 Archer Demon
    101 BM Demon
    94 Veno demon
    78 Mystic, 68 Psy, 48 Sin, 30 Wiz
    I think I need to stop making alts.... :3
  • balmunkdof199
    balmunkdof199 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    (Yes I'm new) So how do you change stances or is it seekers that only change stances. And when do they learn them...?
  • Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver
    Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver Posts: 441 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    (Yes I'm new) So how do you change stances or is it seekers that only change stances. And when do they learn them...?

    wrong thread...go check seeker forum (because they are the only one with stance) and look up the sticky
    Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker