Venomancer or Psychic ?

dirtydesire Posts: 4 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
I already posted this but in the wrong thread i think >.> ...

So... i downloaded perfect world last week. Before i downloaded it i checked some youtube vids about classes on PW and on the site and so on ... and then when the downloading ended i was about to make a Venomancer but then i found out that there are 2 classes that i havent seen on the site psyhic and assassin... after that i was thinking of makeing a psyhic but couldnt decide... and after that i had no time to play or think about that, but i would like to start playing this week so could som1 tell me what class is better or at least tell something about this two classes or some advantages/disadvantages.

Ohh and sorry for my bad english and for the long text :x .
Post edited by dirtydesire on


  • Zaikusen - Raging Tide
    Zaikusen - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok....well no class is necessarily better then the other....ok for starters Veno is only for girls and you get a pet...and use magic.....Phy uhh very easy time in the beginning can usually one hit guys...or at least i could.....they can heal at like lvl 24....yeah...i'm not really good at this stuff...but i tried haha hope it helps a little at all depends on your playing style really...and there are guides to look at and stuff......
  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    This question is a lot more complicated than it seems. People ask a lot what they should play, but if I could make a recommendation it would be to try each one, play to 30, and see which fits your play style better. It takes very little time to reach level 30, and even though you certainly won't see the true capabilities of the class anywhere near that level, it should be enough to make a decision on which you would like to take further.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Venomancer points =
    - Almost no repair cost since your pet tank for you
    - Can solo instances because of pet
    - Not need good equipment for PVE
    - Can be made to wear heavy armor and using fox form mainly
    - Able to change into fox form for more defense and debuff ability
    - Have both hp mp recovery skill
    - Can switch hp mp
    - Have skill to increase move speed
    - Able to remove positive buff

    Venomancer good points on player views =
    - Some people say Veno is the best for luring
    - Squad can have tank that not worry about repair cost (pet)
    - With veno on squad keep amp 24/7 squad will be happy
    - Free spark from veno is a good thing

    Venomancer bad points on player views =
    - May cause the player to become lazy (if you not play Veno as full Venomancer)
    - On the past people complains of your legendary pet (phoenix) labeled OP because of the bleed
    - Some people may hate you because of your capability to solo
    - If you keep capturing rare pets other veno may hate you
    - Veno skill animation is kinda boring because just repeating with different effect

    Psychic points =
    - Quick spam of spell
    - Able to use vodoo to increase def lv or increase atk lv
    - Can become mermaid (useless since you can't use skill)
    - Have knockback that cancel spell channeling
    - Have skill to increase or decrease hp recovery and charm tick rate
    - Have soulforce that can stun, reflect & absorb damage, silence, reflect portion of soulforce, use soulforce as direct damage.
    - Soulforce grow up as you lv up it also grow from refine of your equipment.
    - Various aoe with debuff effect
    - Can do aoe heal

    Psychic good points on players view =

    - Help a lot on instances with waves of mob (aoe debuff)
    - Quick skill spam makes boss died faster
    - Can help tank with increasing their hp recovery
    - Aoe heal though it not spam able

    Psychic bad points on player view =

    - You were a tideborn, some people stubbornly hate tideborn
    - Some people hate psychic because of their spam skill easily steal agroo (well also depend on the squad actually not just the psychic)
    - Psychic drain their mana (spam skill) so fast and they don't have mana recovery skill
    - People saying you were OP on PVP because of your soulforce

    Well i hope that help you to decide . . . b:bye
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I agree with Hisuna: there's no reason not to try both. I have alts (alternate characters) in every class but barbarian, and I find it nice to switch between them when I'm bored of my usual style. You get eight character slots per server, so there's no reason not to experiment and have fun.

    The two classes boiled down to this:

    -Easy to solo and the least demanding class as far as equipment and money goes. The only real expense is the hefty price tag that the legendary pets come with, but those are ultimately optional.
    -Highly flexible, buildwise. I know some venos who are almost pure fox-builds, others who concentrate on leveling their scarab skills. Heck, one of my venos was rocking dual axes until about level 25, when I restated her. Building a veno can be a lot of fun, because of the low pressure.
    -Venos are appreciated in squads, because of their ability to pull mobs with their pets. That said, you will be expected to pull, which can be dangerous if someone doesn't catch the mob.
    -Also, collecting pets is just fun. My second veno is themed... all her pets are mythical creatures of some kind. b:chuckle
    -However, venos do have a bit of a nasty reputation. Be careful not to kill steal with your pet, and don't develop any superiority complexes, and you should be fine.
    -Veno characters are female only. If you're a guy in real life, this can be a problem, because you will get flirted with. Probably a lot.
    -Also, if you do let your equipment slide a bit, this could mean trouble if something goes wrong. If you aren't packing enough potions or updated equipment, and you somehow catch aggro of the wrong thing, or get hit by a nasty aoe... you're going to go down a lot faster than any other class.

    -Psychics are one of the hardest-hitting classes in the game. They specialize in taking things down quickly, hopefully before that thing can get a hit in on their squishy butts. b:chuckle
    -Let's be honest: the tideborns just look cool. There was a lot of care put in developing the TB character models, and TBs have special equipment that only they, as a race, can use. Besides, who doesn't think that wavy shimmy thing they do when standing around isn't cool?
    -Psychics are, like I said, squishy, so you're going to have to be careful to keep your equipment up to date, and make use of hp and physical defense shards.
    -One downside: aggro stealing. You may find yourself having to hold back your damage if you don't have a really good tank. That means that either you damage at less than full capacity, or you get attacked by whatever you're hitting.

    So yeah, it really is up to you. They have vastly different playstyles, soI suggest starting both, and just playing whichever one you feel like at any given time. It's not like it's a race to get to level 105 or anything. Take your time and enjoy the game... from two different angles, or more, if you like! b:victory

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Venomancer points =
    - Almost no repair cost since your pet tank for you
    - Can solo instances because of pet

    If pet=Herc. As far as free pets go, these can't tank bosses unless you throw a HUGE leveldifference between them. MAYBE uber-gear can help compensate for that, but I only read about Hercs --- it seems people consider Hercs to be more important than uber-gear when it comes to tanking bosses.
    - Have both hp mp recovery skill

    Yeah, with 5 minutes cooldown. The healing also takes ages to cast, so it's more suited to replace a meditation after something went wrong rather than saving your butt while something goes wrong.
    - Squad can have tank that not worry about repair cost (pet)

    IF the pet can tank the monster. See above.
    - With veno on squad keep amp 24/7 squad will be happy

    Even a lvl 10 amp expires before the cooldown. Plus, amp is a fox skill, which makes it extremely annoying for a caster veno. It might have its uses, no doubt, but I doubt people will want to do it "24/7".

    Are you even allowed to heal the pet in fox form?
    Venomancer bad points on player views =
    - Some people may hate you because of your capability to solo

    Lol. I see other classes solo world monsters; for instances... see above. NOBODY has to hate me for solo capability --- I'm far behind with Cultivations and FBs due to my excellent solo capability :-)
    - If you keep capturing rare pets other veno may hate you

    Eh? Not that I care about rare pets, they aren't meant for normal players to have. But frankly, why would "you" be hated for getting one? Why not the people that actually DO get them, camping the area, botting, PKing (on appropiate servers), killing them if they see that you might be getting it instead of them, and not even USING them because all they want with it is to slap an insane pricetag on it and stick it into a shop?
    - Veno skill animation is kinda boring because just repeating with different effect

    I can't be sure about that (see comment on Cultivation), but its not that unusual. It doesn't really matter what the skill animations are; in bascially every game you use the same subset of your skills over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... so whatever the animation is, it's always boring.

    Besides, ever looked at those poor tigers?
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If pet=Herc. As far as free pets go, these can't tank bosses unless you throw a HUGE leveldifference between them. MAYBE uber-gear can help compensate for that, but I only read about Hercs --- it seems people consider Hercs to be more important than uber-gear when it comes to tanking bosses.
    Most people yes . . general view . .

    Yeah, with 5 minutes cooldown. The healing also takes ages to cast, so it's more suited to replace a meditation after something went wrong rather than saving your butt while something goes wrong.
    Better than archer fate and psychic fate . . and veno has both recovery . .

    IF the pet can tank the monster. See above.
    Correct, smart squad will handle their damage output if pet is tanking so not stealing agroo.

    Even a lvl 10 amp expires before the cooldown. Plus, amp is a fox skill, which makes it extremely annoying for a caster veno. It might have its uses, no doubt, but I doubt people will want to do it "24/7".
    It's not really 24/7 what i mean is always using it as often as you can.
    Are you even allowed to heal the pet in fox form?
    Yes, o.0 you not know that ?
    Lol. I see other classes solo world monsters; for instances... see above. NOBODY has to hate me for solo capability --- I'm far behind with Cultivations and FBs due to my excellent solo capability :-)
    Again, didn't i say some people hate veno ability to solo . . not everyone.

    Eh? Not that I care about rare pets, they aren't meant for normal players to have. But frankly, why would "you" be hated for getting one? Why not the people that actually DO get them, camping the area, botting, PKing (on appropiate servers), killing them if they see that you might be getting it instead of them, and not even USING them because all they want with it is to slap an insane pricetag on it and stick it into a shop?
    Well that just general view on most veno that never getting it . . not mine.

    I can't be sure about that (see comment on Cultivation), but its not that unusual. It doesn't really matter what the skill animations are; in bascially every game you use the same subset of your skills over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... so whatever the animation is, it's always boring.
    Veno is no 1 when it's coming to repeating skill animation . .
    Besides, ever looked at those poor tigers?
    At last they less boring than keep looking at fox form, and has more animation.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • dirtydesire
    dirtydesire Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If pet=Herc. As far as free pets go, these can't tank bosses unless you throw a HUGE leveldifference between them. MAYBE uber-gear can help compensate for that, but I only read about Hercs --- it seems people consider Hercs to be more important than uber-gear when it comes to tanking bosses.

    That means that there are pets for that we have to pay real life money to buy/get them?
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    That means that there are pets for that we have to pay real life money to buy/get them?

    Yes, and they were called legendary pet. Phoenix and Hercules.
    With Hercules you have better chance to solo high lv instance, because Hercules has skill and status that make him the best tank pet. And Phoenix is a flying pet mainly for PVP, famous of bugged bleed. Though after lv 90+ many people now don't think phoenix dangerous anymore.

    You need 9999 of Source of strength for Hercules pet egg ticket for phoenix 9999 phoenix feather.
    They can be obtained from pet battle pack at boutique or buying from other player, of course it's not cheap.And unlike other pet egg, once you trade the ticket you can't trade the pet egg anymore. (you can still trade it by using account stash to other character on same account)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • creedkid1
    creedkid1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I had this Same question it depends really on ur game style psy's are mainly better in pvp
    on the other hand veno's are REALLY good in pve and pretty good pvp with a nix i personally LOVE venomancers for there ability to solo TT and stuff like that Hope i helped b:victory
  • Lythianaa - Dreamweaver
    Lythianaa - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    As everyone else is doing, I'll give my opinion on each class, aswell as the cons and pros of each class

    Pros -
    Able to solo many bosses
    Low maintenance costs
    Deals both magical and physical damage with pet
    Increased physical defense in fox-form
    Versatile squad role
    Variety of viable builds
    Fast movement speed

    Cons -
    Low HP
    Can be boring to play as you mostly just heal your pet
    Not great at endgame PvP ( Unless geared correctly, and high refines and gems in armor )

    Psychic -

    Pros -

    The fastest spellcaster
    Deals powerful magical attacks on others
    Increased physical defense in fish-form
    Can work as damage dealer and status booster/hasted wizards
    Works as a backup healer with Bubble of Life and Empowered Vigor
    AoE spells at high levels that also come with added effects
    Kills most mobs before they reach you (apart from mobs that have long range attacks)

    Cons -

    Low HP
    Can be boring to play because of less skills
    Difficult to stay active at high levels
    Requires higher refine levels to increase soul skills (thus an end game character)
    Steals aggro easily
    Starting from around level 15-20 needs the most MP

    Now my opinion on each class

    Venomancers - Venomancers are a very awesome class to play, and can **** stuff up BADLY,
    but you need to know how to play your class, and have good armor, and refines and good gems in armor, to be a very good venomancer, Even though it can get boring playing a venomancer, because they mostly use there pets, and just have there pets fight along with them, while they heal there pets, but I've seen people make APS venomancer, but I dont suggest doing. I've seen rank9 venomancers that can take 4 to 5 people at a time, in PVP, but that because there armor is +12 with all defense gems. But my suggestion if you make a venomancer, make a pure magic venomancer with high refines, its seriously legit, more powerful attacks etc etc. the only thing i hate about peoples judgement on venos, they dont think there tough, which is very underestimating... if you know how to play a veno :D

    Psychics - Psychic are a VERY hax'd class, When a psychic is fully buffed with there self casting buffs, there 'almost' hence almost hard to kill, because when you hit a psychic and there buffed with a skill called Soul of Vengeance it will reflect all the damage someones tries to cast on you, back to them, almost or fully killing themself. I suggest doing a Pure magic psychic as do with all magic classes ( 1str 9 magic every 2 levels ) con with psychics are theres something called 'soulforce' which i'll explain Soulforce is a stat used in several psychic skills that is determined by the player's level and the refinement level of the gear worn.

    Soulforce = (50 + level) * level + gear refinement bonuses
    the higher your gear is refined and level, the more soulforce you will have, so if you have the extra money to +12 everything i'd say go for it, but on the server I'm on, Endgame psychic use Rank9 +12 all defense gems in there, and its very expensive more 3,000 dollars trying to refine everything and gems, so if you have the money go for it {:

    but either way none of us, well i'm not here to tell you what class you should play at all, I'm just putting my opinion in, but both classes can be VERY dangerous when played correctly. so goodluck in picking the class you want, i hope this helped <3 b:victory
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Why is this not locked yet? <_<

    ;_; That wonderful bit of information above me almost makes me sad to know this is a necro. =P I'm going to save this info for later on, if I ever decide to level my psy past 1 again.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • gizzmo
    gizzmo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Venomancer always will never change my life for anything else
  • KaJi_ChAn - Raging Tide
    KaJi_ChAn - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I really agree about trying them both first, leveling them at some level in which you feel comfortable to, and then making the decision. I have both Veno (YaoJing for other servers) and Psychic (WuShih to some) and I have seen the pros and cons of both classes. Well the thing is, Venos are really cool and somehow easy to play with, but their main offensive skills are just so boring 'cause all the actions are just the same and only the animation effect are being varied. Considering your freedom to choose whatever pet you want because of your taming abilities, it is one of the most admired pros of the Veno's. Psychics, on the other hand, comes in reallly handy to some because of their fast skill channeling, and, of course, their soulforce buffs which are really, really helpful in combat. On the other side, fast mana drain is a very obvious con of Psychics and they are really very tender, and very vulnerable to stun, paralyze, and seal skills, which make it very hard for them to defeat their brothers in arms, the Assassins(XiShou's) in combat. So much for that, I hope you can make up your mind in choosing which class to play with, and I hope I am of help to you:thanks
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