What class is what?

Kylyin - Harshlands
Kylyin - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
ok Im new to this game and it looks pretty cool

but im confused about the roles of some classes

I Understand
cleric is healer
barb is tank
So whats the other classes roles or they just DDs
and what class is the most expensive and which is cheapest
what else do i need to know about this game?

Right now im thinking about barb sin cleric or archer...

which one of those is mist needed in a squad and has a good balance of pve and pvp
and last but not least about how long will it take to get to 59+?
Post edited by Kylyin - Harshlands on


  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    cleric is healer, buffer and resurrector. to some extent they're debuffers, and if nothing else is going on they can DD better than some would think.

    barb is tank, until other classes get so much DPS that barbs can't hold aggro anymore. then i dunno what barbs do after that. i've seen several barbs named "buffmonkey" and suchlike around, i guess that should answer me...

    blademasters are stunners, debuffers, and DDs both AoE and single target, not necessarily in that order. once they get enough DPS to steal aggro off the barb, they're tanks by default.

    assassins are 1-on-1 pvp easymode. in pve, they're single-target DDs. pretty quickly they're so good at that they start stealing aggro off the barb; then they're either tanks or they're roadkill. towards the end they outdamage absolutely everything else, one-on-one at least --- if they're not tanks by then they fail.

    wizards are said to be TW pvp nukers. in pve they're supplementary DDs, but they never have enough DPS to worry about stealing aggro. they have a niche use in rebirth because of their continuous AoE. they can tank in niche cases when the thing to tank is all-magical, but so can any caster class. one of their self-buffs lets them get enough phys def to tank melee as well, towards endgame at least, if they're built for it.

    psychics are said to be OP in pvp provided you've cashshopped them +12 everything; in pve, they're basically wizards except i don't think they have any continuous AoE.

    archers are DDs, either single-target or AoE. they can play the DPS game by not using ranged weapons, which looks silly, but damage done is DD either way.

    venos are debuffers, DDs and support. if the tank dies, they can try to tank for a while until the real tank is ressed. if there's a group gathered, they can try to AoE until all their few AoEs are on cooldown. if nothing else is going on, they can always DD a little. their real use is in multiplying the force of the other squad members through buffs and debuffs. oh, and there's pulling --- though in most of the BHs i've run on Lenie lately, somebody or other always rushes ahead and pulls with a zeal genie before the squad's ready for me to pet pull anyway, so meh to that.

    mystics are secondary healers, debuffers and support. when the cleric's busy with the tank they can keep the rest of the squad healed. they can buff squad members with damage-reduction and heal-over-time; they can throw AoE debuffs and do pretty darn good AoE damage if they're not doing anything else. their resurrect buff isn't as good as a cleric's res, but it's a lot better than releasing corpse.

    seekers are AoE DDs. they have some debuffs, but mainly they pew pew. their continuous-channel AoE is making wizards a lot less needed, too. build them right and they can tank fairly well, although it usually takes them a while to get a good hold on the aggro.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The original setup was:

    Cleric : Healer
    Barb : Tank
    Archer : DD

    And then three half classes.
    Venomancer : DD / Tank (though really more debuff oriented, pet class)
    Wizard : DD / Healer
    Blademaster : DD / Tank

    The additional classes kinda threw it out of whack.

    Evil stinkfish:
    Sins are DD par excellence and also added a buff to the game that made most healing redundant.
    Psychics are magical DD/Tank, though few go the tank route.

    Evil molemen:
    Seekers are sword-only Blademasters. Chain combo implementation, but basically do the same thing.
    Mystics are slighgtly less powerful venomancers who also get heals, meaning they can fill all three main roles.

    The game has no mez/charm/control class.
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Guess, I'll tell you what I know from each class and race.

    Human -

    Blademaster - Blademaster is the human warrior, a cross between a tank and a damage dealer. It's a well rounded class which can choose from four weapon paths starting at level 29: swords, axes, poleblades, and/or fists. Blademasters are known for great stun skills, and damaging skills. Usually the role of Blademaster in squad is to act as damage dealer, and occasionally as a tank. Blademasters can use every close melee weapon effectively, with some weapons being better than others in certain situations.

    Wizard - Wizard is the human mage. Wizards can use fire, water, and earth elemental magic, making them the class with most elements available in the whole game. Wizards can do the highest damage in the game. Wizards also have elemental shield buffs and a healing spell. Wizards start with really low physical defense, but the "Stone Barrier" skill gives double physical defense when it's at level 10.

    Untamed -

    Venomancer - Venomancer is the untamed mage. Venomancers are the only class that can use captured pets to attack. Depending on the build, their defenses and HP varies. Most common is the caster build, where Venomancers use their magical skills. Venomancers have ability to turn into a fox, which gives them stronger physical attacks and debuffs. Some Venomancers choose to go pure foxform, which is very different build from the caster. Venomancers also have strong legendary pets, like Hercules and Blazing Phoenix. Hercules is a great tank, but a barbarian is usually better. Phoenix is a great pet for PvP. Venomancer's role in a squad can differ really much depending on the situation. Venomancers can be lurers, damage dealers and debuffers, or tanks with a pet.

    Barbarian - Barbarian is the untamed warrior. Barbarians specialize in melee attacks. They have high physical defense and HP, but their attacks do less damage than blademaster's. Barbarians have special ability to turn into a white tiger, which raises their physical defense and HP, but lowers attack. Barbarians are the best tanks in the game for physical attackers, but for certain bosses which use magical attacks, a magic-using class might be better for tanking. The role of barbarian in the squad is obviously tanking.

    EarthGuard -

    Seeker - Seekers are a melee class, specializing in swords and dual blades. Their roles include support, damage dealing, AoE, and secondary tank. A seeker can use buffs to enhance his attacks, which include strong AoE attacks. With special skills, they can increase their defense level greatly for a period of time. They can also decrease target's attack and defense level for a period of time. Seekers can place a special debuff on a target so the target(s) will receive additional damage and crit rate as well. They put themselves in harm's way and also use buffs and debuffs to support the squad, especially the casters. While they mostly deal melee physical damage, they also have skills that inflict ranged and/or magical damage as well, setting them apart from most other melee classes.

    Mystic - Mystics are a magic class that uses their arsenal of wood skills as well as a set of summoned pets and plants to attack, and their healing and defense skills to help themselves and their allies survive. Instead of taming their pets like the venomancer, the mystic has a fixed list of pets which they can summon using their skills. The mystics can also summon plants, which then stay where summoned and affect nearby targets automatically. Each of the summoned plants is used for a special purpose, from delivering damage, to AoE debuffs, to healing teammates. Even though the mystic is a good solo class thanks to their pets, they're good team players as well, due to their various healing and support skills.

    TideBorn -

    Assassin - A class that is good at sneaking around like a lion circling around its prey. Using bleed effects to finish off their enemies quickly, they certainly earn the title of "Assassin". They are rather fragile, but can quickly deal massive damage to an enemy. They have some debuffs which can allow them to survive for longer, such as stun and channel cancel.
    Psychic - Psychics are the fastest spell-casters, apart from Clerics. They make a good ally in your squad if used properly. Psychics also use buff and self-buff spells that have an extremely fast casting rate and use a very small amount of MP at the beginning. All the psychic's skill elements are earth and water, bar Soulburn, which is unique in PWI due to it's lack of element or orientation (it is neither physical or magical and can damage even with damage immunity). Psychics have two skill paths, Soul Force and Chain of Souls, both have different varieties of abilities. As a member of the tideborn, psychics do the duty of stun, hex, and paralyze. Using these unique techniques they enter the battlefield, slaying enemies one by one.

    Winged Elves -

    Cleric - The Clerics are the healing class of the game, and therefore are the most sought out in groups. Clerics also have buffs that can increase your physical and magical defense, make your attacks stronger, and make your HP and MP regenerate faster. Clerics can fly with their starting wings infinitely, as opposed to archers, who when they fly slowly use mana, therefore unable to fly for longer unless using mana potions or charms. Clerics use magic weapons such as wands, magic swords, patakas, and glaives.

    Archer - Archers are the only class that specialize in long range attacks that aren't magic. Archers can use bows, crossbows, and slingshots, and are damage dealers. Archers are tied for the fastest class in the game, meaning that if all other classes were to run in a footrace (with no buffs or anything similar, such as a barbarian's Tiger Mode) the archer would tie for first with assassins. The archers are also meant to be the guardians of the winged elf race. The archers ranged attacks are reduced when a mob (or player, in the case of PvP) comes too close, unless the archer uses skills that inflict metal damage.

    I'm not even sure If i answered you're question, I'm sorry If I didn't.
    But I ususally get my info all info from ; http://pwi-wiki.perfectworld.com/index.php/Main_Page

    But overally to answer it xD

    Tank & Seeker can act as a Tank
    Cleric Is a healer ( mystic can, but they shouldn't )
    Blademaster,Assassin,Archer ( Range DD Unless using Fist )
    Seeker can DD aswell, Wizard,Venomancer,Psychic Are magic DDer's I guess you can put it.