Helr - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Can't help you much with the Nien event, but the PW is fairly easy to win as a cleric, as long as you have razor feathers fairly high. Take down as many of the mobs in the first stage as you can (obviously). If you can manage it without dying, spam plume shot and cyclone until they die and wellspring yourself back to…
  • A veno named Pandora with a Shadou cub named Box.
  • Personally i have no - channeling gear, and no real plans to get any in the near future. I don't see a substantial benefit for healing, since there are rarely any fights that truly require spamming IH. The only offensive skills that i think would benefit are tempest, wield thunder, and razor feathers, but i don't use those…
  • catshopping mats is a decent way to get money. i mostly do the low level ones, its gotten me 1m over the past week. Check what other people are buying and selling for, put your buy a little higher and your sell a little lower. :D
  • If it makes you feel better, you aren't the only one who matched their name to their fasion (or vice versa). one of my many alts And i have to say, HappyHope is a fitting name b:laugh
  • Which is a fairly small problem for a class with any ranged skills. Stand on dry land and hit the mob. PRESTO! full damage.
  • Hi to all the new peoples, and welcome! ^.^ Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, and remember that we're here for fun, including doing things you know will get you killed, but only in game :D
  • :O OMG HI HOPE!!!! Hopefully i look familiar b:laugh As for the fashion, i dunno that anyone plays on Raging Tide in my faction, but there's lots of girls (and a few guys playing venos) who focus on it quite a bit.
  • And if you search again and still can't find it: clicky
  • Puts my most commonly used skills together and available. Yes, i have 2 stacks of potions, 1 used to be the hp food. :P
  • Another useful thing to do is to keep an eye one which way the mob or boss is facing, they will always look at who they're hitting. Seeing them turn gives you a bit of extra time to react when they start attacking vs only watching the squad window. It may take a bit of practice, but its definitely worth it.
  • Thanks for destroying my main source of income. Way to go devs b:lipcurl
  • Q.Q Will sanctuary get to feel the love, Kephras? or just HT?
  • o.o I am here to troll all of you! jk, i was just bored. Thanks for the sig star ^.^
  • If you're going to tank, fists are far and above the easiest way to do it. Damage may not be high, but it is fast and consistent, an builds up a lot of chi for sparks or skills. I get a spark roughly every 20 seconds, which means that with 2 full sparks and a full bar, i can set of six sparks back to back. If i tank…
  • I try to alternate days when i help people. One day I'll go around healing for bhs, bosses, etc, and the next day I'll get my stuff done. If its not the day to go out and help someone, i politely tell them I'm busy and ask them to look elsewhere. The only time i will help is if there's something in it for me (TT). I enjoy…
  • 1.Fists get a spark about every 20 seconds. even if your not a fist bm, you can pull them out for bosses and use your spark or 2 spark skills more often. 2.Ranged and magic mobs run twice, then stop. Stunning a magic mob stops their casting and makes them hold still, but one the stun wears off, they will run again. 3.…
  • both tiger leap and leap back are useful in pve if you know how to time it. (dunno about pvp, dont really care for it :P) stun>leap back>drake's ray= good way to finish exploding mobs without getting touched by the blast, and tiger leap will put you right next to runners.
  • nope, base damage has your weapon damage as part of it, which is why there's a huge gap without your weapon equipped. If i remember right, base damage is {1+[(str*2/3)/100]+(1+weapon mastery percentage)}*(level+attack power from equipment) I'm too lazy to explain all of that out, but someone has already done so here. Short…
  • Myriad isn't one of the big factions, but i would love to see our leader DumbIedore in the hotseat. Or maybe Dreamfiend the director.
  • Bms and barbsSons of Odin- Manowar and King of Kings - Manowar
  • In the bottom left corner of your chat window there should be an icon that looks like an upside down T on top of a normal one. you can click that to change the chat window size.
  • XD where to start...... Punching_bag (barb) its what his job is lol blackrobe (wiz)-trying to make a character like Raistlin Majere from dragonlance helr (cleric)- play on words for healer, no one seems to get it tho Q.Q youken (old bm)- roughly translated, it means demon sword in japanese _Tara (veno) - stole the look and…
  • You're right Jushin, i did choose to be a healer class (at least for this alt) but nowhere in the class description did it say: "Heal, res and buff everyone you come across and let them walk all over you." I don't have to put up with people ordering me around on my cleric any more than i do on my BM or wizard. We aren't…
  • I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but it looks like essence penetration would work well in place of ToP. It uses the same affinities, and the level 6 costs the same energy and stamina wise as ToP lvl 3. Instantly heals a base amount of HP, plus 2% of that base for each genie str. I.e. level 6 heals 520 +(520*(str*.02).…