Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Arc User


  • Either put phys att in you wep or Saph's You will pop into Mage veno for every so offen you will not be stuck in fox form ALL the time, You need to have your Mage form AOES to lvl 10 and and your fox form skills. Shard your wep with Saphires (preferably) or Garnet gems
  • Its normal for the game.. Its been happening since PWI got put out on the first day of playing. (i know because i was one of them a long time ago) Its not normal for other games or other programs but is normal for PWI
  • I use my 104 HA veno in PvP pretty well but i don't play her anymore. I play on my new HA veno on Archosaur server. PvP on a veno takes time to get use to on what you need to do to win the fight. and practice like all classes
  • I like what your doing, but if you make GOOD LA type of veno that will work, please let me know (even though im more of a fan for HA venos)
  • Depens who you want to survie more against, Mag clases or Phys classes.
  • Archer only look good/act good at higher lvls 95+ once they get better gear etc. Venos are hard to maintain in PvP due to some are realy squishy but are able to pack a punch. it would depend on your playing style.. Edit: PvE wise i would go for a veno due to you can use your pet as a distraction while collecting matts. PvE…
  • (HA VENO)I farmed my Venos R9 ring and R9 wep o.0 its not that difficult but takes alot of time. (if you like grinding for coins and seling stuff) If your determind enough to farm for R9 and SPEND alot of time doing it the you can do it in about a month and a half (or more) i did mine in about 2 months, before i went back…
  • HA, 104 Venomancer with +12 nirvana gear (basically everything +12) and a +12 R9 wep :3 Full vit stones (15khp) and 28k pys def Mind you... I rarely win (1 outta 10000000000) but i can last quite alot of time against the barb you just mentiond :3
  • I miss the people who lvl'd from lvl 1 to 100 by grinding... mind you grinding from lvl 1 -104 is a pain in the *** >.< I think pwi should block Frost for a month or more and see what happens LOL ijks >.<
  • It depends if the sin is AWESOME (and stands out of Stealth)or an absolute fail sin that has no idea what the hell their doing and just stays in stealth 24/7 Though i like sins who don't pop into stealth every 30 seconds... I give more respect to sin who stay out of stealth and run around like loonys :3
  • I would say go as a veno. Due to basically what you stated there. If you like soloing mobs, instances. Going into fox form and doing melee dmg to your target. A veno has ranges of pets to assist rather than a mystic who learns a skill to summon that pet. Depends if you want them to be your new main or just an alt?
  • It depends on how he almost made the squad wipe in FC? for eg. Pulling mobs (in Exp room) and starting heads at the same time? or doing something completely stupid that it resulted in him not understanding. *** PK mode is at your own risk, If he was in pk mode basically it was fair game :3 Even if they were lvl 70-85ish…
  • Ummm o.o My 104 HA veno Nirvana (second cast) +12 everything with a R9 wep. I can pwn Psychics, AA Venos, Mystics, Clerics, wizzys. its really not that difficult. I am able to live against a Full R9 barb maxed on refines and Jades /vit stones. 15k hp veno, 28k pys def, about 8-11k mag def. Only issue is HOW you play your…
  • Remember you can trade the Source of Force to the pet manager for 100 SOF for 100 Nix feathers. In my opinion i would say the battle pet packs are cheaper due to its all random and goes up to 200G-250G while the x1000/x2000 goes up more in price unless you get in a sale (its basically the same price) depends where you…
  • No Path we're talking about HA venos with an Axe... or an AA veno with an AXE. Not saying HA venos are fail XD coz im one of the HA venos.
  • Thats true and i did consider tht but forgot to mention >.<
  • For a HA veno, it depends really if the player (on a psychic) sees you first or not. Basically a HA veno with 15k hp with a r8 wep +12 and full second cast nirvana (with vit stones) 10k mag def. Is either a one shot on a crit or a three shot without crits (depending on psys skills) Easiest way to kill a psy is to hit them…
  • LOL its easier to cat shop but if your broke then just grind.
  • Path its Raziyal :3 My HA veno doesn't have anything in vit due to my HA bonus' give me the vit i need. your str cvould be much higher then it is now Same iwth you magic (depending on what you like better You lvl req on armor or your lvl req on weps) Ha venos mainly use fox form and would be best to up your magic ALOT more…
  • LOL itori!!!! But yes if you MUST get the calamity pole axes, fail build and won't work.
  • Look if you client game crashes after teleport and/walk for more that 15mins-60mins i would say add it to your Anti Virus Allow/Expectations list. if that doesn't work...(worked for me) listen to the smart people above me hahaha b:thanks
  • I really don't know much for a LA veno, I'm purely HA with channeling robe and magic rings. >.< Basically i don't like it but seeming that you like to be diffrent like i do (reason for going HA) i'll try to fix it up. thats the best i could come up with in the level range >.<
  • Venos do not use hammers or anything non magical! You may if you like to go HA veno and have an Axe etc for a weapon in mage form then switch to a magical wand etc. for fox form. ^ do not recommend!!!!, its a fail build. Unless your serious, i take pitty on you D:
  • Yes, a veno can solo fc. Decent gear, with a herc or high lvl tank pet will work. yes it takes longer than probably a sin, but i've been proberbly soloing fc every now and then for fun really. if you wanted a time ratio for me as a HA veno ive done it around 45m-80mish (btw im estimations i don't keep track of time) you…
  • 2.5 aps in fox form helps. (Saying that lightly) but really depends if your more better for fox form physical attacks or you like being a caster? Though i find it funny to watch a 2.5 aps veno in fox form is like fast forward x 10 XD
  • HA venos can hold aggro (not saying it the best, and a BM/Barb is much better to use) Genie skills and being able to switch with pet aggro helps (at times) though best to leave it to the other classes unless really needed. As a HA veno my mag def is pretty good i got 10.1k buffed and i find thats pretty decent for what i…
  • Its not a good build. Stick with HA/AA-HA/AA a small amount of dps helps in fox form but don't go full out aps..
  • I know >.< i was like after wards... ill fix it later when i have time. This is mainly just a testy thing tbh. im still fixing it up and getting things together.
  • Yeah was gonna add that but was like.... i guess people can figure it out etc etc XD but yeah i do understand where your coming from :P (btw first time doing this sorta thing im better at explaining it on vent or teamspeak XD
  • try putting th client into you Allow/exceptions list in your virus security...