Advice once again..

rezzi88 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Venomancer
Okey I've been quitting PWI for over a year now and just came back yesterday.
So now I'm up for PWI Challenge.
BUT I dont know which class to play.
It's between Venomancer and Psychic.

Questions that will help me to decide are further:

-Which one does most damage?
-Which one is best at farming/grinding?
-Which one doesnt drain too much mp?
-Best for both solo and Instances?
-Which one doesnt require too much Gold? (I'll charge once in a while when I only need it but not monthly).
-Which one do you consider less complicated?

Thank you so much for taking time to read this post .
And thanks to all people that will reply to this Thread !!
Post edited by rezzi88 on


  • letitworkthistime
    letitworkthistime Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    rezzi88 wrote: »
    Okey I've been quitting PWI for over a year now and just came back yesterday.
    So now I'm up for PWI Challenge.
    BUT I dont know which class to play.
    It's between Venomancer and Psychic.

    Questions that will help me to decide are further:

    -Which one does most damage? Psychic by themselves, in a squad, potentially a venomancer due to amping and debuffs
    -Which one is best at farming/grinding? Probably a venomancer, unless psychics have a decend method of AoE grinding?
    -Which one doesnt drain too much mp? Venomancer. Pets can do a lot of the work
    -Best for both solo and Instances? Best at what?
    -Which one doesnt require too much Gold? (I'll charge once in a while when I only need it but not monthly). Psychics, like all more DD oriented classes, are expected to sink quite a bit of coin into their weapons at endgame. My experience as a venomancer is that people are more interested in my skills (and if I'm smart enough to use them) than my weapon.
    -Which one do you consider less complicated? Tough to answer! The venomancer is *easier* for me, but that's not necessarily the same as less complicated. My psychic only got up into her 70s or so, because my work killing enemies on the map while questing was basically just "blast, blast, knockback, blast, blast, knockback". I actually got bored with it and deleted her.

    Thank you so much for taking time to read this post .
    And thanks to all people that will reply to this Thread !!

    I hope this helped! 101 venomancer, but my psychic was only in her 70s, like I said, so there are probably nuances of psychics that I am missing or misrepresenting. Good luck finding what you prefer!
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    psys do more raw dmg aided by attack lvl buff. venos have more complex ways to increase their dmg potential.

    farming, veno

    mp conservation, veno,

    instance , veno

    pve = no need for gold

    for pvp ,all classes need cashshopping , no exceptions.

    less complicated , venos sit back while pets take dmg. Psys just spam their skills , both classes are easy to understand. , however venos survive a bit easier.

    read the guides for more info , good luck

    sorry for short reply , typing from an i-pad
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Commissioner - Archosaur
    Commissioner - Archosaur Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Seeker. If I could roll back time I'd make a seeker.....but I already spent lots of cash for my veno and her HERC pet.....I don't want to start all over.

    Why seeker? FREE FROSTS MUTHAFAKA!!!!!
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Venos have as much potential as seekers for FF especially when it comes for AoE and debuffing. Pets also do full dmg in ? bosses. It is just the ignorant people who forget about this
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    psys do more raw dmg aided by attack lvl buff. venos have more complex ways to increase their dmg potential. Venos rely on their debuffs to maximize their damage potential and while in a squad, the maximize the whole squad's DD. Granted, they know what they are doing and how to time their debuffs. It's not too complicated though.

    farming, veno Because you need little to no pots thanks to the MP/HP regeneration skills as well as the little mana cost of the attack skills (prior sage or demon culti)

    mp conservation, veno,

    instance , veno It actually depends on instance but I do feel my veno has been more wanted than my psy

    pve = no need for gold Unless you want to enter the elitistic groups of players...but I'd suggest to stick around with a good faction and do things together

    for pvp ,all classes need cashshopping , no exceptions.

    Just added stuff here and thereb:chuckle
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Thanks a lot ... It's a bit hard to add those things from iphones
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Chelestine - Heavens Tear
    Chelestine - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm sure most has already been said, but to sum up from own experiences (been playing both veno and psy on this server, and veno for 3 years on old malaysian)

    Which one does most damage?

    Psychics are one of the hardest hitting classes in the game at higher levels, and have some great buffs (voodoo) to both increase damage and control it.

    Venos have average damage output, but it is increased with the presence of a pet. Venos pets also hit at full damage on [?] bosses, which is a great boost to the overall damage output when added to armour break and amplify.

    Conclusion: Psychics are best for single bursts of great damage, venos for increasing everyone else's damage.

    Which one is best at farming/grinding?

    Psychics can kill single mobs at a high and efficient rate, and at low level for example, I always pick a psychic to farm hay for instance. The only problem you will face is the mana consumption.
    Grinding in instances such as TT or FF, I wouldn't suggest a psychic.
    Herb gathering can be done on any class, but you would need to use a mount/fly to get around faster and be prepared to fight off mobs nearby.

    Venos used to be the single best farming character before aps, and still is, even though most people would pick another class that would do the job faster. Because of the pets damage and the venos healing abilities, they make a great duo for farming solo or lower party instances of TT, and can run FF sufficiently enough, it just takes a lot of time and effort.
    They grind considerably well too, being able to use the pet as initial tank and DD the mobs before they reach the veno to do damage.
    Herb gathering I personally find is easiest on a veno or cleric. Venos can use their pet to distract an almost unlimited amount of mobs while digging, and can reset them by just running to the next mat. If you're also a demon veno with fox form, you can travel on foot with your pet summoned at all times, which increases the farming rate considerably.

    Conclusion: Venos would be ideal for most parts of the farming/grinding aspect, apart from maybe low level mob farming where the psychics DD greatly outdoes the venos.

    Which one doesnt drain too much mp?

    Psychics will drain mana quite fast, even though their skills don't require too much MP at max level. Due to the high damage you can kill things in a couple of hits, preserving mana that way, but it will decrease considerably faster than the venos, and pots is needed for larger amounts of grinding/killing.

    Venos are one of the most mana-sparing classes I've played. The main skill you will use consumes only 68.8 mp at level 10, compared to the psychics equivalent at 140 mp. That's just over half the mana needed. The damage output is of course not as good, but if you're trying to conserve your mana, you can use your pet to kill. If a mob is left with, say 200 hp, instead of using a whole other skill, your pet will finish it off for you. Venos also have their own skills of gaining mp back, and switching their mp and hp around for even more flexibility.

    Conclusion: Venos win this one by far.

    Best for both solo and Instances?

    Psychics can at later levels with a lot of health and defence solo FF, but so can any other class in the game, so that's definitely not a selling point. Other than that, low level instances such as fb's can be solod up to 59, though 49 might prove tricky with the amounts of physical mobs.

    Venos, like mentioned before, can quite easily solo a few select TT instances, FF and most fbs too. 69 can't be solod too easily due to the nasty debuffs of the bosses, but if wined, most instances up to 89/99 could be solod (haven't tried myself, so don't quote me on this, but I've squaded with several venos that have claimed to do so).

    Conclusion: Venos pet makes it possible to solo these and make up for the lack of defence.

    Which one doesnt require too much Gold? (I'll charge once in a while when I only need it but not monthly)

    Psychics can be quite tricky to get the full packages from unless you can afford to upgrade their gear for better hp/defence and damage. Sage/Demon versions also help a lot at 89+, and for a good nirvana team later on I'm sure you'll need quite good stuff if you're going to be the aggro-keeper.

    Venos can suffice with average gear and hp (though not recommended) until you can afford to get some better stuff, either by farming instances and selling mats from there or herb gathering. It all requires a lot of time, but if you rather spend time than money, then I'd suggest venos for this. The only thing that may be of concern is the Hercules pet. It is not a necessity for a veno, but it greatly helps increase your farming and tanking capabilities. Some TT instances are only doable with a herc, for example.

    Conclusion: Venos will be easier on the wallet, but all classes do require some quite expensive stuff once they reach 100 at least, and preferrably by the time they get to 90 or even 80, as the team-based stuff becomes very challenging if you're poorly geared.

    Which one do you consider less complicated?

    Psychics have a myriad of various skills, buffs, aoes, support skills etc, and it definitely takes a lot of practise to make sure you make the most out of your psychic. But once you get the hang of what to do in which situation, the psychic is extremely versatile with great crowd control and DD support.

    Venos are pretty straight-forward. You receive a few new skills every ten levels, of which one will be a magic skill, one a pet skill (or most likely just the chance to upgrade as there's only three of them), a few buffs/self-buffs and some fox form skills. If you're an arcane veno you will be focusing on the magic skills, and since there's not many to choose from, you're left with little choice of what to use in certain situation. If you're LA/HA you can make more use of your fox skills, but again, there's not too much choice.

    Conclusion: Venos require the least consideration and practise. There are some few nifty tricks for PVP that you only learn with experience, but compared to the psychics mass of skills and tricks, it's just skimming the surface compared to the potential of the psychics. Not saying venos would suffer from this, I'm simply just saying if you're the type that aren't too fond of pressing the same 3 keys over and over, psychics will offer the variety more.

    Overall sum-up: While psychics are great fun to play and are very wanted for their aoes and high DD, I would recommend a veno if you're new to the game. The veno may seem boring at low level, but will become a lot more fun and interesting at higher levels. It's also great as you can solo many bosses for quests, and you don't have to rely on other teams to constantly aid you. Even though I had a veno for over 3 years before, I made one again as my first character on this version, and while I don't play her actively any more, I don't regret it. It was such a relief to have a higher level soloable character to help my poor low levels clear their bh's and emissaries fast, and I was able to do it all myself rather than standing around for hours waiting for help. She was a great stepping-stone and basically opened the world for me.

    I hope that helped to clear up some thoughts. Please note that I don't claim this is the one and only answer, because there are so many different ways of playing that the answers could be completely different coming from someone else. These are just my own observation in the playing style that I use.

    PS. My veno is full arcane with some points in VIT, and psychic is full arcane. I can't tell you how a full HA veno or aps veno would compare to a psychic simply because I have never experienced playing as one.

    Find me at ♡ Chel's Creative Corner ♡ of the screenshot section! :3
  • Azuraeclipse - Archosaur
    Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    psys do more raw dmg aided by attack lvl buff. venos have more complex ways to increase their dmg potential.

    farming, veno

    mp conservation, veno,

    instance , veno

    pve = no need for gold

    for pvp ,all classes need cashshopping , no exceptions.( My veno whos 104 now isn't cat shopped once.. i grinded everything to get here gears +12 and R9 wep +12 ) takes alotta time tho

    less complicated , venos sit back while pets take dmg. Psys just spam their skills , both classes are easy to understand. , however venos survive a bit easier.

    read the guides for more info , good luck

    sorry for short reply , typing from an i-pad

    LOL its easier to cat shop but if your broke then just grind.
    I Laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes away :3
  • Azuraeclipse - Archosaur
    Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    PS. My veno is full arcane with some points in VIT, and psychic is full arcane. I can't tell you how a full HA veno or aps veno would compare to a psychic simply because I have never experienced playing as one.

    For a HA veno, it depends really if the player (on a psychic) sees you first or not. Basically a HA veno with 15k hp with a r8 wep +12 and full second cast nirvana (with vit stones) 10k mag def.

    Is either a one shot on a crit or a three shot without crits (depending on psys skills)

    Easiest way to kill a psy is to hit them first, stun them first and deal melee dmg (basically with all mag classes) if you see them first and hit them first and stunning or sealing you should be able to take them down though its a 50/50 chance of doing so.
    I Laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes away :3
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Something to maybe consider:

    Psychics have an exclusive weapon only they can use. The biggest investment for most of us is our weapons. Many of us at end game have multiple toons sharing equips through account stash.
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    at Azura : it isnt about the difficulty or the amount of need .... the proble mis that msot people who try to PVP through grinding their gear end up quitting mid-way there.
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • rezzi88
    rezzi88 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm sure most has already been said, but to sum up from own experiences (been playing both veno and psy on this server, and veno for 3 years on old malaysian)

    Psychics are one of the hardest hitting classes in the game at higher levels, and have some great buffs (voodoo) to both increase damage and control it.

    Venos have average damage output, but it is increased with the presence of a pet. Venos pets also hit at full damage on [?] bosses, which is a great boost to the overall damage output when added to armour break and amplify.

    Conclusion: Psychics are best for single bursts of great damage, venos for increasing everyone else's damage.

    Psychics can kill single mobs at a high and efficient rate, and at low level for example, I always pick a psychic to farm hay for instance. The only problem you will face is the mana consumption.
    Grinding in instances such as TT or FF, I wouldn't suggest a psychic.
    Herb gathering can be done on any class, but you would need to use a mount/fly to get around faster and be prepared to fight off mobs nearby.

    Venos used to be the single best farming character before aps, and still is, even though most people would pick another class that would do the job faster. Because of the pets damage and the venos healing abilities, they make a great duo for farming solo or lower party instances of TT, and can run FF sufficiently enough, it just takes a lot of time and effort.
    They grind considerably well too, being able to use the pet as initial tank and DD the mobs before they reach the veno to do damage.
    Herb gathering I personally find is easiest on a veno or cleric. Venos can use their pet to distract an almost unlimited amount of mobs while digging, and can reset them by just running to the next mat. If you're also a demon veno with fox form, you can travel on foot with your pet summoned at all times, which increases the farming rate considerably.

    Conclusion: Venos would be ideal for most parts of the farming/grinding aspect, apart from maybe low level mob farming where the psychics DD greatly outdoes the venos.

    Psychics will drain mana quite fast, even though their skills don't require too much MP at max level. Due to the high damage you can kill things in a couple of hits, preserving mana that way, but it will decrease considerably faster than the venos, and pots is needed for larger amounts of grinding/killing.

    Venos are one of the most mana-sparing classes I've played. The main skill you will use consumes only 68.8 mp at level 10, compared to the psychics equivalent at 140 mp. That's just over half the mana needed. The damage output is of course not as good, but if you're trying to conserve your mana, you can use your pet to kill. If a mob is left with, say 200 hp, instead of using a whole other skill, your pet will finish it off for you. Venos also have their own skills of gaining mp back, and switching their mp and hp around for even more flexibility.

    Conclusion: Venos win this one by far.

    Psychics can at later levels with a lot of health and defence solo FF, but so can any other class in the game, so that's definitely not a selling point. Other than that, low level instances such as fb's can be solod up to 59, though 49 might prove tricky with the amounts of physical mobs.

    Venos, like mentioned before, can quite easily solo a few select TT instances, FF and most fbs too. 69 can't be solod too easily due to the nasty debuffs of the bosses, but if wined, most instances up to 89/99 could be solod (haven't tried myself, so don't quote me on this, but I've squaded with several venos that have claimed to do so).

    Conclusion: Venos pet makes it possible to solo these and make up for the lack of defence.

    Psychics can be quite tricky to get the full packages from unless you can afford to upgrade their gear for better hp/defence and damage. Sage/Demon versions also help a lot at 89+, and for a good nirvana team later on I'm sure you'll need quite good stuff if you're going to be the aggro-keeper.

    Venos can suffice with average gear and hp (though not recommended) until you can afford to get some better stuff, either by farming instances and selling mats from there or herb gathering. It all requires a lot of time, but if you rather spend time than money, then I'd suggest venos for this. The only thing that may be of concern is the Hercules pet. It is not a necessity for a veno, but it greatly helps increase your farming and tanking capabilities. Some TT instances are only doable with a herc, for example.

    Conclusion: Venos will be easier on the wallet, but all classes do require some quite expensive stuff once they reach 100 at least, and preferrably by the time they get to 90 or even 80, as the team-based stuff becomes very challenging if you're poorly geared.

    Psychics have a myriad of various skills, buffs, aoes, support skills etc, and it definitely takes a lot of practise to make sure you make the most out of your psychic. But once you get the hang of what to do in which situation, the psychic is extremely versatile with great crowd control and DD support.

    Venos are pretty straight-forward. You receive a few new skills every ten levels, of which one will be a magic skill, one a pet skill (or most likely just the chance to upgrade as there's only three of them), a few buffs/self-buffs and some fox form skills. If you're an arcane veno you will be focusing on the magic skills, and since there's not many to choose from, you're left with little choice of what to use in certain situation. If you're LA/HA you can make more use of your fox skills, but again, there's not too much choice.

    Conclusion: Venos require the least consideration and practise. There are some few nifty tricks for PVP that you only learn with experience, but compared to the psychics mass of skills and tricks, it's just skimming the surface compared to the potential of the psychics. Not saying venos would suffer from this, I'm simply just saying if you're the type that aren't too fond of pressing the same 3 keys over and over, psychics will offer the variety more.

    Overall sum-up: While psychics are great fun to play and are very wanted for their aoes and high DD, I would recommend a veno if you're new to the game. The veno may seem boring at low level, but will become a lot more fun and interesting at higher levels. It's also great as you can solo many bosses for quests, and you don't have to rely on other teams to constantly aid you. Even though I had a veno for over 3 years before, I made one again as my first character on this version, and while I don't play her actively any more, I don't regret it. It was such a relief to have a higher level soloable character to help my poor low levels clear their bh's and emissaries fast, and I was able to do it all myself rather than standing around for hours waiting for help. She was a great stepping-stone and basically opened the world for me.

    I hope that helped to clear up some thoughts. Please note that I don't claim this is the one and only answer, because there are so many different ways of playing that the answers could be completely different coming from someone else. These are just my own observation in the playing style that I use.

    PS. My veno is full arcane with some points in VIT, and psychic is full arcane. I can't tell you how a full HA veno or aps veno would compare to a psychic simply because I have never experienced playing as one.

    Thanks for your reply :).But now I'm considering between either Venomancer or Mystic as I'm comfortable with both classes.Which one would you choose?

    Would you choose being venomancer and have to spend I think over 200 gold to get the herc or would you be a Mystic instead?
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Mystic is an awesome class if you're ambitious and learn fast. I'd much more recommend that if you're competent. Veno is much easier / simpler to play and figure things out on but is outrageously expensive to do right. Even the Mystic's *must have* skills are far cheaper.
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    thumbs wrote: »
    Mystic is an awesome class if you're ambitious and learn fast. I'd much more recommend that if you're competent. Veno is much easier / simpler to play and figure things out on but is outrageously expensive to do right. Even the Mystic's *must have* skills are far cheaper.

    And that is by getting a pet that spends most of the time not tanking ???

    Please get serious. Venomancers can be cheap mid-game
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Chelestine - Heavens Tear
    Chelestine - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Thanks for your reply :).But now I'm considering between either Venomancer or Mystic as I'm comfortable with both classes.Which one would you choose?

    Would you choose being venomancer and have to spend I think over 200 gold to get the herc or would you be a Mystic instead?

    I have in fact got a level 85 mystic to do a similar comparison with, I'll only add the replies regarding the mystic as the veno will remain the same:

    Which one does most damage?

    Mystics have some very hard-hitting and fast skills (though not as high base in comparison to veno when you sorely look at the skill definition), and a good range of aoes too. Their pets also have a high DD output, both physical (Devil Chihyu) and magical (Storm Mistress). Mystics also have some very good debuffs and self-buffs.

    Because the mystic is half DD, half healer, the damage output isn't always what makes a good mystic. The pet will help raise your attacks while you can concentrate on healing.

    Conclusion: Veno will probably do slightly higher damage but skills tend to have a longer cast/cool-down time, so a mystic will get in more hits in the long run.

    Which one is best at farming/grinding?

    Mystics are very similar to venos in the respect that they can keep grinding mobs at a fast pace without getting hit, and the addition of healing skills make it all better. Unfortunately the mana consumption is quite bad, and with no other mp gaining skills than the 79 skill, you rely on pots quite a bit.

    Conclusion: Venos still grind better in the long run, but mystics will make grinding more fun.

    Which one doesnt drain too much mp?

    Mystics are a sucker for mp at both low and mid ranges. I don't know if they get better at high levels, but being the "best of both worlds" has it costs. The resurrection skill will suck your mp dry, and if the whole team requires it, you'd better have stocked up on mp herbs! The other thing that requires a lot of mp is keeping your pets stocked up on mp, something which venos don't have to worry about. Keeping your storm mistress or salvation especially full on mp can be quite costly in the long run, but if you're the only healer in an instance, salvation's healing abilities can save lives.

    Conclusion: To date, venos are still unbeatable with mp!

    Best for both solo and Instances?

    Mystics actually possess some very good skills in soloing instances, even TT isn't too bad with their pet. Although the pet isn't as strong as a herc, the insancely fast heal speed (1 second total compared to 2.5 seconds for veno) helps to keep the pet alive drastically. And setting up herbs to debuff means you don't have to waste time debuffing in fox form like a veno. Not sure what the exact capabilities are of an average mid-level mystic when it comes to soloing TT, but I'm sure you can find that out in the mystics section of the forum :)

    Conclusion: About the same on this one, venos will be better if a herc is present, otherwise I'd say they are very similar.

    Which one doesnt require too much Gold?

    Mystics have the benefit of automatic pets, so you don't need to spend a fortune on them. Upgrading them can be a bit costly, but you'll still walk away a lot happier than spending a bunch on a herc. The majority of the mystics skills unfortunately have to be upgraded to 10, whilst venos can get away with just a few. Armour-wise, refines and shards are your friends for staying alive.

    Conclusion: Mystics skills are important to upgrade, but the money you save from not buying a herc can go on skills and armour instead.

    Which one do you consider less complicated?

    Anyone can be a good DDing mystic without thinking. It takes a lot of practise to become a good healer. A great combination of skills, herbs, fast thinking and good timing can make you the favourite healer of the team and a cleric's best friend. Mystics are wanted in teams as both DD's and secondary healers, and sometimes pure healers, so it's best to learn this character inside out and be prepared for all scenarios!

    Conclusion: Venos - fast and straight-forward, Mystics - versatile and deep.

    Find me at ♡ Chel's Creative Corner ♡ of the screenshot section! :3
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    And that is by getting a pet that spends most of the time not tanking ???

    Please get serious. Venomancers can be cheap mid-game

    You make joke. Ha ha! b:chuckle
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    thumbs wrote: »
    You make joke. Ha ha! b:chuckle

    the only joke is you tweakz , and whole forums acknowledge this.
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Azuraeclipse - Archosaur
    Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    at Azura : it isnt about the difficulty or the amount of need .... the proble mis that msot people who try to PVP through grinding their gear end up quitting mid-way there.

    Thats true and i did consider tht but forgot to mention >.<
    I Laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes away :3
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    at Azura : it isnt about the difficulty or the amount of need .... the proble mis that msot people who try to PVP through grinding their gear end up quitting mid-way there.

    That's pretty much what happened to me, although not for PvP necessarily. I was planning to farm/merchant for R9 (not full but some pieces at least) but I scrapped that idea, especially since I only log in the game now to chat with friends, do trials with faction and just do stuff together.

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