Azura's HA Build/Guide thing a ma bob! :D

Azuraeclipse - Archosaur
Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Venomancer
(Before you read on please note that this is from my experience only, if you disagree with what I have bellow add you opinion, but do realize I do have a full 103 HA veno(Sanc Server) and a young level 95 Veno that I am currently making better than my 103 on Archosaur)

(This is a pure HA BUILD! (not AA/HA if your looking for HA/AA build look at this thread )

If anybody is trying to become a HA Build Venomancer, then I would surgest to do your research before hand.

A lot of people (including new players) think that this build is absolute utter fail, in their right minds they may be thinking right, but in truth. Very few (and I mean 1-100 players) have actually gone up against a full geared HA venomancer.

The Reason being so, is due to many players who go out to start with this build will change there minds and go arcane since many people (not saying all) will bash on the build as fail. Many players haven't even see a HA Venomancer in play and actually gone up against them in PvP (wise) to actually say something but will still call the build fail. It just like picking Sage or Demon, its what people are saying and the player isn't choosing what they want etc etc.

What is a HA venomancer?

First what's a Venomancer, A venomancer is a class of the untamed that uses pets as an allied help them fight against monsters and players.
Since its rare build and very difficult to master as a beginner to the game (Unless your up for a good challenge)
A HA venomancer is well suited for PvP and TW (if built correctly) They rely on their fox form skill tree and melee damage. Though having high physical defense you will have a harder time with magical attacks than other build types. (As do most HA builds)
(Remember! that you can't use melee weapons if your going to go into fox form, Your melee damage will be counted by your magic weapon!!)
How to build my stats correctly?
(Before you read on, the build standard build for this type of venomancer)
Building the stats for this type of build on basically any magical class is difficult, due to you have to think about the armor your going to use and the amount of magic your going to need to hold your own weapon.
(This build requires to rely on stats bonus' from armor)

Research is the best way to go in this matter, before making any decision on a HA venomancer.
Before I made both my HA venomancers (103/95) I looked up as much as I could before even setting up a new character. I already knew how to play the class so that wasn't going to be a problem. The problem was... The build.
The HA venomancer build doesn't have set stats like the Arcane build or any other build would have. This is what bothered me, and kept me wondering what I was going to do.
I decided to set up a 100 venomancer on the pwcalculator, it was reliable enough to tell me what I needed and how many point would go into each. So I picked out all my end game gear and slabbed the stats into my attribute window.
(Note: this build really doesn't have much of a set build stats, and I found best to go in blindly until I could get to level 90 and notice if I had screwed up or not (which I didn't) - Always have a reset note on you)

To set up your build correctly, your just going to have to research and take your time on perfecting it. Each player is different, some like to go a hybrid build (HA/AA) some like to go pure (HA build) and some even like to wheeled mighty axes in mage form :D

(Sorry that I can't give you the required stats for this build, not as easy as you think)

PvP HA Venomancers

I've been asked multiple times how well a HA veno does in PK.
If you like messing around with sins then GO THIS BUILD! Its hilarious :D

Basically people in PK mode just want to Live and kill each other :D a HA venomancer has an upside when getting attacked by BMs/Sins/Barbs/Archers/Seekers (?) due to they always get mistaken or targeted first by the HA/LA classes since everybody think the Venos are Arcane and they usually get a surprise and it takes longer to die.

Basic attacks for Venomancers
Purge>Amplified Damage>Switch out of fox form> Attack with Iron Scarab> Lucky Scarab> nuke them
(Basically how it goes)

Depending on the Classes you as the player will need to experiment with attack, this is what I have found useful.

Against HA classes

Foxform>Nix(or pet) stun, while purge>Amplified damage>Out of fox form> Ironwood>Lucky> etc

Against AA Classes
Foxform>Pet stun>Amplified Damage> Stunning blow>Leech>attack with physical Damage

Sage or Demon?

First, for everybody. It doesn't matter which path you take. As long as you know what benefits you are going to make from them.
Please keep an open mind when choosing, just because your class is going this doesn't mean you have to aswell. Chose what you would like to go and what skills you like from the level 11 skill books.

I would Prefer HA venomancers to go Sage, due to the Sage fox form gives you 150% physical defense increase and a 250% accuracy increase.
But that's mainly my opinion.

I find it more likely to go sage for most venomancers, but I do say to look at your skill tree on both demon and sage.

Im not going to go into to much discussion on Sage or Demon due to I like people to chose what THEY think is best for their character.
(but I will list some skills that I think you will mainly need)

Fox form:
Demon: Demon will give you a 60% speed increase for 6 seconds when you transform from fox to human, or human to fox. The fox form skill It self also has a 6 second cool down, so if you spam it you can keep your 60% speed bonus constant.
Sage: Sage fox form gives you a 150% physical defense increase and a 250% accuracy increase.

Demon: Demon version always returns 75% of damage.
Sage: Sage version lasts twice as long

Ironwood Scarab:
Demon: Demon version only has a 20% chance of success,but will reduce physical defense to zero instead.
Sage: Sage version increases physical defense reduction to 20 seconds.

Stunning Blow:
Demon: Demon version has a 50% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Sage: Sage version has a 25% chance to cast without consuming Spark.

Demon: Demon version steals 800 HP upon success.
Sage: Sage version steals life 100% of the time.

Summer Sprint:
Demon: Demon version gives immunity to movement impairing effects.
Sage: Sage version removes negative effects.


Demon: Demon version reduces cooldown by 5 seconds.
Sage: Sage version grants a 5 meter area of effect.

Amplify Damage:

Demon: Demon version lasts 6 seconds longer.
Sage: Sage version always makes the target take 30% additional damage.

HA Armor at level 90+?

For ornaments I would say go for Elemental due to HA lack the amount of Magical defense. (Ones with Magic stats helps too!!!)
Body armor for a full HA venomancer is...

TT90 HA: If you are going to stay with the TT 90 that's fine but make sure you refine!!! And add shards into your gear. Prefer to have HP shards over Magical Def due to the magical def shards to nothing. Physical defense you can up if you would like, up to you.

TT99 HA: Obviously you decided to get the TT99 gear, Basically its the same as above with sharding, or add some Jades instead of Physical defense shards/Gem. Refineing your gear is the best outcome you can go with to up you health.

HA Nirvana: Now this is my favorite *jumps up and down like a little kid* basically second cast is amazing! But its fine to keep it a the 1st cast if you don't have money. Jades are perfect and will help. Refineing is a MUST since basically this may be your end game gear try to get atleast +10- +12 refines on these.

Capes and Helms...

I have decided to stick with a Warsoul of Earth for the str stats though I know that the Nirvana Str helm is alot better.

Capes aslong as you have magic and str stats on them it doesn't matter.
As for sharding, I've put in VIT stones so I can get 10k hp unbuffed. But feel free to use what ever you can afford.


This is the hard bit...
To be able to get your magic up to the req of your magic (this is where your ornaments come in very handy) I don't have a weapon I like so I'm letting you chose, what ever suits your playing style, May it be a Pataka or a Magic sword or even a Wand.

I use a Pataka naturally.


Awesome Defence
Damaging Melee attacks (if built corectly at end game)
Less likely to use pets against physical Chrecters
Soloing bosses

Costly (may need to restat multiple times)
Low hp (unless pumped with Vit stones and refines)
Confusing/difficult build (due to its not a standard build)
Surrendering Mgic attack (meaning your weaker in magical attacks, sometimes pet heals)

(This will be updated ever now and then so please check up on it)
12:38 am where i am so i apologize if i haven't covered everything at this point.b:surrender
I Laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes away :3
Post edited by Azuraeclipse - Archosaur on


  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    (This is a pure HA BUILD! (not AA/HA if your looking for HA/AA build look at [Rei's] thread

    Since AA takes half the mag that a magic weapon does, the only difference between this and a HA/AA build is you don't carry around an extra set of armor to swap out for mag defense.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Azuraeclipse - Archosaur
    Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Since AA takes half the mag that a magic weapon does, the only difference between this and a HA/AA build is you don't carry around an extra set of armor to swap out for mag defense.
    Yeah was gonna add that but was like.... i guess people can figure it out etc etc XD but yeah i do understand where your coming from :P

    (btw first time doing this sorta thing im better at explaining it on vent or teamspeak XD
    I Laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes away :3
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, when did I make a guide for venos, and specially for HA! b:spit

    I'm joking b:chuckle

    P.S. At least in my computer, the big green letters are like overlapped, so it's very hard to read them. The beach color letter are overlapped too.
  • Azuraeclipse - Archosaur
    Azuraeclipse - Archosaur Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, when did I make a guide for venos, and specially for HA! b:spit

    I'm joking b:chuckle

    P.S. At least in my computer, the big green letters are like overlapped, so it's very hard to read them. The beach color letter are overlapped too.

    I know >.< i was like after wards... ill fix it later when i have time. This is mainly just a testy thing tbh. im still fixing it up and getting things together.
    I Laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes away :3