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  • [Moderator removed moderated quote. Carry on.] This is why we can't have nice things. SMH
  • Didn't view it as a trade post but rather a mockery of ridiculous trade posts. The official mods can decide what category this falls into. Anyway, yeah there are some ridiculous offers out there such as people wanting to trade 40 gold for an epic mount or back when marks of potency were a thing, people would be out there…
  • LOL! Yes, I did mean June. Edited. Thank you :smile:
  • I'll rank my top 3: (1) The UI changes. It may not seem like much but I did play the PC version for a month to get primed for XB1 and these changes are A++ (2) Changes to "kick from group" (3) Report player function.
  • I must say that I'm really appreciative that PWE is being more communicative with the community. Bravo you guys.
  • It is not a consolation now, but the patch today adds the ability to report a player. My sincere hope is that there is a "boot to loot" category and people with a certain number of infractions are outright banned from the game.
  • I'd have kept the horn, but I sold the belt.
  • I agree that more work needs to be put into the system. The one problem they seem to have mitigated is the people who will start the run with full DPS only to determine at the boss fight "oh, we need a DC" and then start kicking everyone hoping to get a DC. At the very least this is one less kick type and hopefully there…
  • "When I kick a DPS" and "when I kick the second guardian fighter". I like the limit that is being set on the number of vote kicks so the weaker people who really feel like they need to insta kick duplicate classes, decide they need a healer at the final boss when they'd run that far without one, or a class they don't like…
  • Ways to not get murdered: 1) Don't go outside without a weapon. 2) Don't go outside unless there are many others present. That decreases the likelihood someone will attack you. 3) Don't make eye contact with or speak to anyone. This increases the likelihood of aggression and really it is your fault if they harm you. 3)…
  • If you're ever in a dungeon with the guild "We've Woken the Hive", you are safe no matter what class. We don't kick for class or gear score.
  • OP many of the people who play this game lack class and an educational level higher than grade school, so they see no issue with the incredibly inappropriate player names. The fact that even XBL has a system in place to help filter gamer tags is very telling. I would like to see Cryptic follow suit. Interestingly enough…
  • The really bizarre thing about kicking near boss death to me is the reasoning - "to not compete for gear". Am I the only one who enters into a dungeon fully invested in the end chest since that is likely where my armor (or some lame-o accessory), 11 drake seals, shard of <insert whatever> enchantment is? I know the end…
  • Well this thread escalated quickly. Anyway...... 1) I have never checked anyone's gear score on entering any dungeon. The fact that you could enter the dungeon means your gear score was high enough to get in. Also, I only play DC and CW. I have no clue what I'm supposed to be looking for (other than the obvious) when I…
  • I practically lived in Spellplague for a week working on that HV helm. I finally got it after almost 17 runs in there. I might have gotten it on the 14th run had some dooshes not kicked me at the boss after I carried that entire group of HR, TRx2, and GF - no cleric so I was working overtime on control. Hope you get the…
  • I respectfully disagree. A skilled group can handle all T1 and most T2 dungeon without the need for a healer and tank. My guild did several Epic Frozen Heart and Epic Spellplague with only one or the other, or even neither. It can be done. People need to 1) "git gud" and 2) stop limiting themselves with this manner of…
  • Can we also add that the person being kicked should have a pop up that let's them know there is a vote to kick them active? That way the person can either A - leave on their own or B - attempt to have a dialogue with the people trying to kick them. I also second the notion of the person who got kicked being notified who…
  • A few nights ago I was doing Karrundax with 3 friends - me on CW, GF, DC, and a TR. We had a SW placed with us in the queue in the beginning and they disconnected when we were on the lap to the final boss. We never did kick them from group knowing the game is really fickle with connectivity and eventually their name fell…
  • GoT themed, LOTR themed are all fine. It is the names that would get your fired if you ever used them at work that are bothersome. I just have standards I guess and that is a quality in our society that is dwindling quickly. A profanity filter on names would be great though. Just my two cents.
  • Thank you for opening the dialogue IronZerg. I greatly appreciate that you are doing this Senpai. :D I followed your "death is the best crowd control" build and my CW is a monster now. Huzzah! On to my question. Your guide recommends the High Vizier set which doesn't have crit. I noticed that the Shadow Weaver (I think…