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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • xxamaraxxxxamaraxx Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    wiryred wrote: »
    Thanks because I'm the 17k gear score he is talking about lol! Oh and FYI! I don't kick TR's competing for loot, I kick undergeared people!

    yea and some of you high gs people don't even know how to play your class. There was a 17k gs tank who didnt know w.t.f he was doing and kept dying because he wanted to rush in and not wait for the rest of the party who was behind him.....even though that number is highly inflated it doesn't mean shet if you don't know how to properly operate your class to benefit the team. Screw a GS money is only a way for lazy blow hards to get everything at once. Doesn't mean skill in the slightest just either means you are lazy or have no patience.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I'm not denying the system is broken and unfair, or that it needs a serious fix. It is and it does.

    What really needs to happen is everyone with a bone to pick with PW either post in the PROPER FEEDBACK FORUM.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    Where's your source? HRs are usually middle or bottom of the pack in all the runs I've done (they also seem like the most likely to get kicked in my experience). CWs and SWs are the only classes that even compete with TRs in terms of damage/kills in dungeons or skirmishes, but they also die a whole lot more often. Like 5 or more deaths per my 1 death... if I even die, which, outside of a full team wipe, is rare.

    Also, I don't even play PvP except for the daily. I actually have a hard time in PvP with my TR since I'm always CC'd and can't fight back. My TR is all about PvE, and he excels in that setting. I often double the damage/kills of the person in second place. For example, I ran Caverns of Karrundax Epic from the queue last night with another TR and a CW, SW, and DC. I topped the chart with 18 million damage and almost 300 kills, followed by the other TR at 8.5 million damage and 200 kills. The CW, SW, and DC combined didn't even do as much damage as the TR in second place. I've run hundreds of dungeons and skirmishes and that's a typical end result for me. So I don't think TRs top dungeons and skirmish charts, I know we do.

    Seriously though, give me your GT so I can block you.

    tell that to my hunter ranger friend, hes always top of the list no matter what, and we dont insta kick trs even though they suck, the only time we insta kick is when were looking for a healer. and stop asking for my gamertag, stalker. tell me this what do you average on damage during a dungeon, at the end of it when you check what the number?

    edit: nvm i see the number, well mr. 18 mil, my hunter ranger friend gets an average of 30 mil damage at the end of every dungeon. look up master trapper. the damage you do is about par with control and scourge warlocks,
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    keife1991 wrote: »
    tell that to my hunter ranger friend, hes always top of the list no matter what, and we dont insta kick trs even though they suck, the only time we insta kick is when were looking for a healer. and stop asking for my gamertag, stalker. tell me this what do you average on damage during a dungeon, at the end of it when you check what the number?

    edit: nvm i see the number, well mr. 18 mil, my hunter ranger friend gets an average of 30 mil damage at the end of every dungeon. look up master trapper. the damage you do is about par with control and scourge warlocks,
    I have to say 30 million seems really high considering that's about the total damage for all five players when we finish T2 dungeons. I'm not saying you're lying, but your experience clearly differs from mine. I'll have to tell my HR friends to respec then. They have a hard time hitting the 2 million mark when we run PvE content, and a vote to kick them frequently happens almost immediately after we join a queue together. In fact, they get kicked so often they pretty much only run with me and my CW friend so we can block the kick votes.

    Also, lol, I don't want to stalk you. Far from it! No, I want to block you so we won't be paired up together.
  • newmfinnewmfin Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My HR usually comes 1st or 2nd in any dungeon for damage dealt and 1st 9/10 for enemys killed. The most i put up once was 20 million damage. I run my blades more often than not, but i get kicked quite regularly. My gs is 12632 ATM.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    newmfin wrote: »
    My gs is 12632 ATM.

    Not bad for GS considering the game is less than a few months old on XBox. I remember when SWTOR came out to get a decent score took a while.
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    newmfin wrote: »
    My HR usually comes 1st or 2nd in any dungeon for damage dealt and 1st 9/10 for enemys killed. The most i put up once was 20 million damage. I run my blades more often than not, but i get kicked quite regularly. My gs is 12632 ATM.

    look up master trapper, and constantly keep switching, my friend has an ability that increases the damage on one stance whenever he does damage with the other, and he also reduces cooldowns the same way
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    newmfin wrote: »
    My HR usually comes 1st or 2nd in any dungeon for damage dealt and 1st 9/10 for enemys killed. The most i put up once was 20 million damage. I run my blades more often than not, but i get kicked quite regularly. My gs is 12632 ATM.
    Nice. The HRs I've run with use their bows and do okay unless they pull aggro, then they drop quick.

    That GS is plenty high enough to run the T2 content. At 13.5k, my GS is pretty high for someone who still isn't in T2 gear (it won't drop!), but that's only because I got lucky and got multiple artifact drops from dragons and got my preferred artifact weapon from the Tyranny of Dragons campaign chest on the first try. Regardless, I think character build and tactics mean more than GS. If you've stacked the right stats and use the right powers and feats, you're already at a huge advantage. Getting the right gear that fits your build is really just a bonus. I've run T2 content with people with 9k-10k gear scores who do just fine, and I've run with people with 14k or more who absolutely suck because their stats are all out of whack and they don't play their class correctly. That's just my experience though.
  • vintagevivvintageviv Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well this thread escalated quickly. Anyway......

    1) I have never checked anyone's gear score on entering any dungeon. The fact that you could enter the dungeon means your gear score was high enough to get in. Also, I only play DC and CW. I have no clue what I'm supposed to be looking for (other than the obvious) when I look at a TR, GF, GWF etc.

    2) If I had some expectation of gear score prior to entering a dungeon, I would form said group AHEAD of time since I felt the game standards were too low. It is like a rich person going into Walmart and complaining about the people who shop in there and then start throwing them out. That's just......

    3) People who auto kick on dungeon entry due to no DC or tank are weak scrubs. Period. My friends and I relish the times we don't have a DC or a tank because it pushes us to hone our skills for survival without the need of a crutch. Those types situations create better players. Some of the people remind me of the Destiny crew that only ever wanted Warlocks for the Vault of Glass raid in order to push Atheon off the edge instead of fighting him as intended (i.e. through coordination, teamwork and skill). Weak people will always seek the path of least resistance.

    4) I suspect a lot of these weaker people will start to drop off as the game has been out for a month and their mother's credit card statement(s) should be showing up any day now.
  • newmfinnewmfin Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I can take damage like nobody's business, if the adds are out of the way ill go toe to toe with the boss and fox shift out when he aoe's. I went with the stormwarden/ combat paragon and it suits me well.

    My first order is to deal with the adds/ protect the healer then dps main boss, if the healer is good I kill adds then dps (contrary to some beliefs I don't pull mobs). Some bosses I will use my bow but I don't get great damage with it. I stacked up on crit and amour pen. And a soulforge is a must for me, i just upped it to rank 8. And i use a vorpal on my bow. I use the ion stone for my companion.

    I have a friend that went stricly archery and if they blow on him his heal is almost gone.

    I just hit 13058 gs.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    vintageviv wrote: »
    3) People who auto kick on dungeon entry due to no DC or tank are weak scrubs. Period. My friends and I relish the times we don't have a DC or a tank because it pushes us to hone our skills for survival without the need of a crutch. Those types situations create better players. Some of the people remind me of the Destiny crew that only ever wanted Warlocks for the Vault of Glass raid in order to push Atheon off the edge instead of fighting him as intended (i.e. through coordination, teamwork and skill). Weak people will always seek the path of least resistance.
    I couldn't agree with this more. I also like running without a DC or GF because, as you said, you have to play smarter/better, but also because the dungeon runs take less time. More DPS (applied correctly) means quicker kills and faster completion times. Oh, and the Destiny analogy is spot on.
    vintageviv wrote: »
    4) I suspect a lot of these weaker people will start to drop off as the game has been out for a month and their mother's credit card statement(s) should be showing up any day now.
    I've been thinking (hoping for) the same thing...
  • vintagevivvintageviv Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The really bizarre thing about kicking near boss death to me is the reasoning - "to not compete for gear". Am I the only one who enters into a dungeon fully invested in the end chest since that is likely where my armor (or some lame-o accessory), 11 drake seals, shard of <insert whatever> enchantment is? I know the end boss "can" drop loot but isn't it a bit random? What exactly am I missing here?
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    vintageviv wrote: »
    The really bizarre thing about kicking near boss death to me is the reasoning - "to not compete for gear". Am I the only one who enters into a dungeon fully invested in the end chest since that is likely where my armor (or some lame-o accessory), 11 drake seals, shard of <insert whatever> enchantment is? I know the end boss "can" drop loot but isn't it a bit random? What exactly am I missing here?

    Nothing actually...its players being ******ed and greedy. I mean the item is not even identified so you dont know if you are rolling on an item you can actually use or not. They just want the dungeon to be mememe mineminemine...and when it doesnt go that way they throw a temper tantrum like spoiled child and boot anyone they see as competition. Because a lot players, not all mind you, are so self entitled they think they deserve "all" the loot dropped
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, I've seen kick votes called as soon as the first epic item drops. Someone who didn't win the roll starts a vote to remove the person who did. Of course, none of that will change future rolls or the kicker's chances of winning loot, but I guess it makes them feel better when they "punish" the person who "stole" their loot.

    As for the OP, I think completely removing the kick option would solve most of the problems. There would still be people trolling since they know they can't be kicked, but I think that's a smaller crowd than the people who just want to play getting booted from every instance they connect to.
  • vikingland1vikingland1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This happend to me last night while I was in a group with my daughter. They kicked me because I was getting too much agro. I'm a guardian fighter I'm supposed to draw agro. I revived the jerk twice that kicked me. What's worse is they kicked me from mine and my daughters group. Who the hell do they think they are to keep me from a game that we were playing. Oh and they waited untill we got to the last boss. The lesson I learned is take 2 of my kids or 2 guild members with me because then you have the numbers on your side.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The lesson I learned is take 2 of my kids or 2 guild members with me because the you have the numbers on your side.
    That's the key takeaway right there. Run with two other people and you'll never be kicked again. In fact, I've noticed a lot the insta-kickers will quit if their kick vote(s) fail. I've also noticed more and more people quitting immediately after joining when they see me with my guildies. I'm not sure if that's because they know they can't kick anyone or because they've been kicked too often when joining a guild group as a random...
  • codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They are not going to remove it.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    That's the key takeaway right there. Run with two other people and you'll never be kicked again. In fact, I've noticed a lot the insta-kickers will quit if their kick vote(s) fail. I've also noticed more and more people quitting immediately after joining when they see me with my guildies. I'm not sure if that's because they know they can't kick anyone or because they've been kicked too often when joining a guild group as a random...

    I usually dont like running with other pre-made guild runs cause I find that most of the times I will get booted for some stupid reason. I usually drop as soon as I see I am like one man out 4/5 of guild members.
  • jrourkejrourke Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2015
    That's the key takeaway right there. Run with two other people and you'll never be kicked again. In fact, I've noticed a lot the insta-kickers will quit if their kick vote(s) fail. I've also noticed more and more people quitting immediately after joining when they see me with my guildies. I'm not sure if that's because they know they can't kick anyone or because they've been kicked too often when joining a guild group as a random...

    Most likely the latter.....
  • drizzt1258drizzt1258 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    *WALL OF TEXT WARNING* Not a bad idea, but I think you're generalizing a problem. The main issue for kicking isn't the wanting of a tank/healer (ironically...), the actual issue is that most people seem to kick others because they don't like the competition for gear. Picture a group consisting of a Devoted Cleric, Guardian Fighter, Trickster Rogue, and a Scourge Warlock. Now, another Trickster Rogue appears (and for the sake of the argument, has a higher gear score by 1000 points when compared to the other one) and enters the group. The first TR isn't going to like that.... 1: Because that puts him at risk for a kick (even though two TRs are a mega-debuff and VERY useful!!!!) and 2: he has competition for any epic gear that drops now (let's be honest, people are always needing on their gear drops). TR1 now votes to kick TR2 for no real reason......and poof! TR2 is gone! Its that simple. The majority of the time, I (much like many others on these forums..) will join a group and see there is no tank/healer and just leave- so that the group may get a healer. I don't mind this, I wouldn't want to be a group that has no heals/ set tank either. I'm just pointing out that the massive group kicks happen to be from greedy players who act like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.... "I want the world! I want the WHOLE world!" And whatnot...

    The best solution for all players (at this moment) is to find a calm, friendly, casual-active guild and run with those members. As a secondary notion- guilds that currently have active members should watch their current members and spot the "Elitists" and promptly kick them from their guild. You don't want Elitists in your guild.. People remember guild names quite well and you can earn a bad rep which may cause other members of said guild to experience poor game interaction... (Imagine being picked on because 1 member of the guild you're in decided to be a jerk and gave you guys a bad name...) It happens. It happened a bit during my time on PC and it'll happen here too. Best advice is to honestly become friends with people, and get into party chat.
    OK yes I agree to a certain degree. Ok you have a guild of say I don't know 50 members, now you decide to get on at a strange hour in which makes it hard for other members of the guild to be on at the same time you are, that's exactly where I am. Now I have also seen the issue that you speak of about people kicking in light of greediness, that I honestly do not have a easy solution aside from just disliking individual so you can't play with them again. Either way in all honesty I wish we can get some kind of resolution to this because it is really destroying the playability of this game at the moment.
  • obliviouslusterobliviousluster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mouern wrote: »
    This is SO true. PC vs Console players are entirely different in terms of respect for one another. Why that is I have no idea... anyone who is a psychology major find some time to do a senior research symposium on this I'm sure you'll call a LOT of attention to yourself haha! Anyways... Until this problem is fixed I agree with you. Finding a guild full of active, friendly, similar GS or leveled members to run with is your best option to not get a bunch of randos risking your chances at both a) completion of a dungeon and b) the well known "vote-kick" problem. Much like I have already done, post a respectful, idea-filled thread for the dev's to look at and brainstorm and work your way around the problem as many are already doing; until it is fixed this problem WILL exist. Love the ideas by the way!
    @drizzt1258: Well darn, hope ya get some more members who are part of your time zone man. :\ I cant agree anymore with you though that it is ruining the game for many players.

    @Mouern: I am a Psychology major. However, it is very difficult to analyze people through a game rather than a glass window. If you wish for an answer, or rather, speculation, as to their behavior- than I shall give you a generic response.

    Society has an attitude that has been, shall we say, integrated within their minds due to the differences between the marketing world, and that of the social world. The marketing world- big businesses, large paychecks, etc...- grants many a mentality that the more luxury one individual has acquired, the happier their life will be. The social world- schools, playgrounds, arcades, restaurants, any social gathering place...- implants the idea of "success" through higher scores, juicy gossip, popularity, and how people must be apart of some "group" to be apart of society in general. Sad isn't it? Society, the general public, even our governments and school districts plant this idea of "If you're not doing well/look your best/meet social norms..." than you're a failure and a reject. In other words, we place the idea of success as achieving our rewards and having instant-gratification. So people get the idea that if they're successful, than they're above everyone else and thus, not equal in life. While (sadly) if they feel lower or beneath someone than they tend to become envious, enraged, and often have to assert- make excuses- why they are better than those people and will often pick at their flaws and mock them for who they are. What is worse is that the majority of the targets are people who have achieved happiness and success in ways that are not measured in the eyes of society (I.E. Happy for just being in love/having fun/caring family/just happy with life...), and are chosen as such because they are the easiest to get a hold of- to put down. "I'm miserable, and **** those people for being happy for no reason! They should be miserable like me!" Sound familiar? I hope not...

    The counter to this, we should reward people for their performance and their work rather than reward them for being "successful". Its been proven in several studies that if you tell a child "Wow! You're smart! You did well on this test!" then the children tend to steer clear of anything challenging and often are content with having someone know they're smart. While if you tell a child "Wow! You worked really hard on this! Great job!" then the mentality sits in the children that "Hey, if I wanna be praised again, I just have to take on harder challenges!". The latter is a mentality that allows people to be happy with themselves, and work harder at difficult tasks with less frustration when not met with instant-gratification, while the former is seen as limiting potential and thus causing frustration when tackling difficult challenges.

    The mentality of "Just be happy with who you are!" also works backwards, regretfully. Take the "fat acceptance" for instance. No offense meant, its just that it is becoming more acceptable to be grossly overweight and have health problems, especially in American society, rather than to be within a reason amount of weight and look "anorexic" as many are now putting it. You see how the mentality has come full circle. Shaming others for healthy body weight out of envy. Of course, if someone is actually anorexic, than we ask them to see a doctor and get some help, but if someone who is grossly overweight walks through our door, we turn a blind eye...

    Then there's the "Jock's mentality". Am I boring you yet? (:P) This is the mentality of "I'm a jock, a high school football player/basketball player/ etc..! I'm popular because I'm on the team. People scream my name at the game to get me pumped! Chicks line up to have sex with me." Now that last one is where the mentality gets dark... The data is old but years ago a study was done and found that most ****-like circumstances in schools involved jocks of some sort. The jocks sometimes get a mentality of "I'm a star player. She cant say 'no' to me." This is bad, and reflects what we're discussing. "I'm a football player. I'm popular. I'm great! There's no way she'll deny me." = "I'm a better player than you and you cant say otherwise or I'll berate you!" Unfortunately, since we place these athletes on a pedestal and glorify them for what they are and what they do, this behavior is often difficult to correct and more often than not has back-drafts of ridicule and criticism from the fans.

    So long story short- the elitist attitude is a production of society that has made its way into the gaming network out of shear expectancy of what a player should be/have versus what a player enjoys doing. Its the simple idea of "I'm a great video gamer! I don't care if my grades are suffering! I will be the best player out there!" Regretfully (lots of regret in this post...), we further amplify this mentality now in society through video game competitions such as League of Legends and Call of Duty Champs that award millions of dollars to the winning players, and even more money from sponsorships for these very same players who are apart of "teams" and act in this manner. Hmmm, "teams"...? Kind of like... a football team, eh?

    Just as long as there are players like you and me that are the light in this darkness, then we can always have a happy gaming experience!

    ...And if those cheesy words didn't cheer you up, here's a pic of a red panda to brighten your day!(Hope it works...)
    Walk on wandering souls
    For your respite we pray
    Let our humble song clear your hearts of dismay,
    Rekindle the flame in your souls and set you free
    So walk on and become the light that guides the way~
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    If vote kicking were removed the game would become un-playable.

    Anyone who thinks it should be removed is probably queuing for things they don't have the gear for because they barely meet the minimum queue requirements. They dumbed down the queues so DPS would get into groups faster and now you end up with multiple tanks and healers. If we couldn't kick people to get decent class balance and people that are actually equipped to down the bosses it would be impossible to do any endgame content without a fully pre-constructed group and the game would die.

    Be happy you have queues with matchmaking to find random groups, and try not to lose your **** because of a system that makes that a possibility. Yes there are certainly times when it is abused, and they could fix some of that stuff by making it so you can't vote-kick during a boss encounter or something... but removing the system entirely is no solution at all.
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2015
    People that support that kicking are childish and selfish..it is border line absurd..don't like the group your in with or the results of the group..leave..find another group, make a group before going in..kicking people cause you don't like the group layout is complete *** nine behavior and will be the death of this game!
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2015
    If vote kicking were removed the game would become un-playable.

    Anyone who thinks it should be removed is probably queuing for things they don't have the gear for because they barely meet the minimum queue requirements. They dumbed down the queues so DPS would get into groups faster and now you end up with multiple tanks and healers. If we couldn't kick people to get decent class balance and people that are actually equipped to down the bosses it would be impossible to do any endgame content without a fully pre-constructed group and the game would die.

    Be happy you have queues with matchmaking to find random groups, and try not to lose your **** because of a system that makes that a possibility. Yes there are certainly times when it is abused, and they could fix some of that stuff by making it so you can't vote-kick during a boss encounter or something... but removing the system entirely is no solution at all.

    The system is being completely abuse..not sometime!!!!! And the GS excuse is complete BS....my character is loaded with full Avatar of War set and Shore set, and artifact weapon! My gear score is well above 13k and still get kicked non stop.
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2015
    If vote kicking were removed the game would become un-playable.

    Anyone who thinks it should be removed is probably queuing for things they don't have the gear for because they barely meet the minimum queue requirements. They dumbed down the queues so DPS would get into groups faster and now you end up with multiple tanks and healers. If we couldn't kick people to get decent class balance and people that are actually equipped to down the bosses it would be impossible to do any endgame content without a fully pre-constructed group and the game would die.

    Be happy you have queues with matchmaking to find random groups, and try not to lose your **** because of a system that makes that a possibility. Yes there are certainly times when it is abused, and they could fix some of that stuff by making it so you can't vote-kick during a boss encounter or something... but removing the system entirely is no solution at all.

    The system is being completely abuse..not sometime!!!!! And the GS excuse is complete BS....my character is loaded with full Avatar of War set and Shore set, and artifact weapon! My gear score is well above 13k and still get kicked non stop. Using CW and GW as ecuse is BS for kicking, majority of CW don't know how to play there class...and if the person has some skill...they are needed that often.
  • goetzymamagoetzymama Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It totally sucks you got booted right before the boss died. To me, that is totally not cool. But, you can't fix a**hole behavior by putting in system mechanisms. People that are buttheads now will still find a way to be a butthead. I would not kick someone right before a boss fight because I didn't want to share... now, if they were not contributing value to the group, I would, regardless of what class they are. I've been in groups where we kicked the tank or cleric and then had to wait for another one simply because the player wasn't any good. I don't take it personally though. I have a good guild and we tend to go in dungeons plenty of times, but every now and then I will queue up for a PUG and if they kick me, they kick me, I'll just queue up again. It's a good way for me to meet people that are cool and friendly that are worth going on my friend list for future grouping.
    Yes, I'm female. No, you can't see my HAMSTER.

    Level 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Caimeta
    Level 60 Guardian Fighter - Princess Clappy
    Level 60 Control Wizard - Rashenbo
    Next up... Butcher of Lock Love
    I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code
  • akapoloakapolo Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I hate the kicking system with a passion. So much time wasted because of this crappy system. I honestly would prefer there to be no matchmaking, But I know plenty of people wouldn't like that. They should make it to where you can only boot in the beginning of a dungeon, and 5 mins after a boss fight/ 2 mins outside of normal combat, and instead of majority vote it should be unanimous.. Still would be able to get rid of afk'ers or people who don't contribute and would be a lot harder for ******** to keep booting left and right.

    My personal solution? Started our own guild and will not do a dungeon without at least 2 others I know.
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Running with a pre-made group can fix that for you. Just use the LFG chat, saying what dungeon you want and desired class/gear score.

    Other than that there's no way around it. You need to KNOW your role, do your DPS/tanking/healing, and know whats going on. If you're a control wizard not controlling mobs, or a dps not spiking the boss when need be, you will be kicked. End of discussion
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • attorn97attorn97 Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kicking should be unanimous in order to succeed, unless the person is disconnected. I vote no on almost every single kick vote, but it doesn't seem to matter. The person gets booted anyway.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    billyriz12 wrote: »
    Question for Everyone
    If you was in a dungeon with a group and just got passed the 1st boss then 3 members said our cleric just came on so we are going to leave instead of kicking anyone would you be annoyed and shout expletives down the headset?
    I was one the 3 who left instead of kicking, we left after we killed a boss which this guy actually won the loot roll for a purp and we still got abuse after leaving them in there next to a fire so they could wait for new players, the other guy sent us a message saying thanks for not kicking which was nice after being called a ***** *****

    sorry hard time following, but let me make sure I got this right? You were in a dungeon with a group of people. You killed the first boss after which a cleric came on and won a loot roll for a purp item that dropped from said boss that he didnt help kill? If that is the case, yeah I would drop too. I wouldnt be mad about loosing the roll only loosing it to someone who didnt actually do anything. As for the expletives, we need Ignore features for that...either that or a way to block their GT for good
This discussion has been closed.