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  • Awesome info! Thanks for the help, guys :)
  • I figured this out a couple days before I joined my awesome guild, and can also vouch for its effectiveness. Like TC said, it's not as good as having guildies who won't kick you, but it's just about the next best thing. Good advice ^^
  • TC is 100% correct. As a longtime FPS player, I've *always* considered the best gun to be "the gun I do the best with," and to hell with stats that would suggest I'm using an inferior loadout. Eye of the Storm>all :D
  • Here's a tip which may be obvious, but didn't occur to me until someone told me a week ago: only salvage Character Bound items on your main, send everything else to your alts. There's no level requirement to salvage, and this can help alleviate the RAD backlog.
  • This was attempted on a guy in my squad, I voted no and the kick failed. Not sure who all was in cahoots, but I refuse to participate in that kind of behavior. You're basically ruining someone's day for a 25% chance at loot instead of 20%, BFD. Far more efficient to get a quality group and run instances multiple…
  • Hi! I'm also super interested in joining Universe. I only play one character (60 CW), and have 4 Leadership mule-alts. I've done a few of the T2 instances (mostly Pirate because easy), but I'm more than willing to broaden my horizons. I also like to PvP, and usually am point leader on my team, if not overall. I play every…
  • You're definitely not wrong. I edited that post a couple times before posting, and ended saying the exact *wrong* thing. Chill Strike is for when I'm soloing, and a single target stun is actually useful. For T2 dungeons that spot becomes Steal Time. Other skills are pretty much the same across the board, save for the…
    in power debate Comment by tojop May 2015
  • In my opinion, yes. Putting CS in mastery doesn't give you anything that CoI doesn't do better. My normal skill slate for T2 dungeons is CoI in mastery, Chill Strike, Entangling Force, and Icy Terrrain active. Ice Knife and Oppressive Force for dailies. Depending on Boss fights I'll switch out CS or IT for Ray of…
    in power debate Comment by tojop May 2015
  • CoI in slot also works much better once you have access to Icy Terrain. With both skills adding chill to each enemy in range, along with Eye of the Storm.... Tastiness.
    in power debate Comment by tojop May 2015
  • If your team is completely obliterating the other, say something in chat, it benefits BOTH teams to allow the losing team to repeatedly capture a node. While I don't have access to the actual formula, I do know that glory gain is tied to your overall point score (individual score, not team). Thus, captures and kills both…
  • Thanks for good info guys. I didn't even notice that Drake vendor sold fake gear
  • Wow, ok then. And yeah I have EotS slotted too. I just hit 57 and maxed both of these, but it's kind of hard to tell how much the Storm Spell is actually doing in the big mess of numbers that pops up when I'm swinging the wrecking ball. I out-damaged a rogue in a dungeon delve for the first time last night, so I guess…
  • Wow, this build looks extremely solid. My CW is only 48, so I can't participate in any EotS shenanigans yet. But your build has definitely given me something to think about when I restat at 60. Cheers! Edit: I just took another look at your stats, and I wonder why you favor Charisma over Wisdom? Is the Crit Chance buff…
    in Pvp build Comment by tojop April 2015
  • I've purchased a founder's pack and have not yet received a response to a ticket I submitted last Thursday. So.....you were saying?
  • Props to you guys for being not only fast to act, but actually transparent about what happened/what was done. You need to keep talking to these people in the only language they understand: BANHAMMER