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Just hit 60. What gear should I be shooting for?

tojoptojop Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Library
this High Vizier set looks pretty good. The 4 piece bonus seems....incredible. Does Icy Terrain really make me invincible? The Archmage set seems good, also, but depending on how the High Vizier actually works I think it would be too good to pass up.

Anyone have an insight into how th cool down works for High Vizier? Also, is there another gear set that I'm just missing? These are the only two I see available from the Unicorn Seal vendor.
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    greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Don't get them from the Unicorn Seal vendor, you won't get the set bonus. They are merely an introduction to purple level item. You'll need to get your set items from dungeons.

    I'm running the high viz set, and it's nice. It debuffs the enemy, so your teammates will love you lol. High viz is a tier 2 set. There's also a Magelord set, and a Shadow Weaver set. You can google the set bonus's, to see which you'd prefer and which other people prefer.

    If I were you, I'd make sure you've got all blues, and then gradually start getting a few purples from the unicorn vendor, and the pvp vendor also gives some decent items for Glory which is earned from PVP.
    From there, you can start running T1 dungeons, and pick up a T1 set (google will have a list of those and their bonus's).

    After that, its on to the T2 dungeons for your High Viz/Magelord/SHadow Weaver set.

    Hope this helps you get started :) Good luck!
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    krad777krad777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    High Vizier seems to be considered the best among top CW's, which I would agree. ( I have High Vizier as well.) Shadow weaver is also good if you're running Renegade build.
    "An Idle mind is the devils workshop"
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    marv1001marv1001 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You have 2 options, the High Vizier set or Shadow Weaver set.

    High Vizier:

    Procs Debuff with:
    Chill Strike x2 (x3 on mastery on main target, x1 on others)
    Icy Terrain x1 per target.
    Ice Knife: x3
    Ice Storm: x2 per target
    Icy rays: x1
    Shard of Endless Avalanche x1 per target on roll, x1 on explode.
    Oppressive force x3 over the duration per target

    Buff and Debuff (buff stacks up to 3 times)
    Entangling force x1 (x1 per hit on mastery)
    Steal time x3 per target (x1 buff total, x2 on mastery)
    Repel x1 (x1 per target on mastery)
    Shield x1 per target.

    *Credit to Grimah for the above debuff/buff info*

    So debuff is taking away 450 defense with every stack, for example Ice Knife on single target will take away 1350 defense straight off that target.

    I use the High Vizier set and I use steal time a lot in dungeons so that is doing a lot of buff and debuff on targets. Pair that up with Chaos magic and your just a constant buff/debuff machine

    In my view the High Vizier set is better for team play in Dungeons than the Shadow weaver as its set bonus is helping out the team a lot more than the Shadow weaver set's bonus.

    Just make sure that you get the proper High Vizier set and not from the Drake seal vendor
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    tojoptojop Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for good info guys. I didn't even notice that Drake vendor sold fake gear
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