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  • the old maps lack vivid colors just dark and bland it a bit boring fighting in it, i really wish i could fight in snow and forest environments, a pvp in ice spire would be cool.
  • Hmm i Feel like were on different wave lengths here,I understand what your saying of course, but i was never really talking about the queue or ranking I was only focusing on people good or negative reactions at the beginning stages will change after a time skip and players makes use of the pvp stats, in which make fights…
  • My orginal point is the feelings of good/bad for it might change, i never hinted it being positive or negative, i merely stated that people shouldn't be too happy or in your can unhappy about it yet, as the full effects have yet to show itself, it might be very bad for all i care, just that the initial response will…
  • Er i said the GG trade in's sets sucked. Tenacity is multiplicative , the people who'll notice the bigger difference in it would be the lower def classes. The gwfs already have a high dr anyways so it less noticeable for you atm, so of course you can go whatever you guys want as you can afford loss of dr, you+everyone else…
  • 1) emblem always had very good active the artifact is expensive for a reason, even if the heal was 1/2, the+party still get hp per hit they receive. 2)Perfect Elven is bugged greater is not, so greater is better then perfect. The nerf only affected the scrub and average GWF that liked to rely on temp hp with Unstoppable,SF…
  • once people start hitting tenacity from the profound gear+accessories, peoples feelings might change, since matches last longer, and people will start to be harder to kill, and the disparity in pve/pvp gear will increase, so the over all impression for people will start to change. the GG pvp exchange sets weren't very good…
  • Well the feeling could change once people start getting the profound gear.
  • why would pve players care about a PVP campaign, as it seems its for pvp expressly,They have no reason as far as i can read to go there, .I can understand the GG clones that state pvp and pve.
  • eh they btr balance the gwf sent <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, before they work on us.
  • If they plan to do any nerfs, i hope they will at least give us better toys, to balance it.Or at least un-nerf some of our old toys.
  • Pure aesthetic value.
  • They could just link approved foundry pvp map into the pvp queue, and limit 1 pvp foundry per account. The pending pvp foundry maps can just await player or dev review.Not sure w.e code they are using will allow or not.
  • can't you get cc'ed or proned when do SE? iv'e been controlled and knockdown in mid animation, and of course the Gf can block Se also, a tr that itc'ed from stealth will dodge the SE. But rather shouldn't they buff WK dailies/encounters rather then nerf SE.
  • id rather they have an arena and we can throw our companions inside and have them fight each other. And then we can do bets on who wins..
  • Or select a server proxy instead of going auto, that was the one for me, when i got the error
  • I support a hard cap for dr
  • chances are the cease and desist message thing comes first before anything else besides nwn nights has been over or along time now, they don't really have much of a gain doing so.
  • People say it as if it was obvious, but if you were planning to break anyways and is looking for an excuse then neverwinter, Sleep with it,hug it, kiss it and tell neverwinter your deepest secrets.
  • or the npcs could just be fodder meant to tie up the "heroes", reminds me of the games where armies of npcs spawn next to each player at a node or building and automatically march to enemy spawn points or buildings, and by killing certain nodes and buildings and each other, we disrupt the npc armies spawns amount,untill…
  • doubt it, i met a lot of people who could knock me form stealth and zero in on me while i am in stealth(and it not like im standing still either), i highly doubt they actually get the bat.
  • honestly the new 2.5 tier is basically a slightly better skulkers set in every single way possible, If their is no forced progression your better off just getting the 2.5 gear instead of skulkers, their no reason to get the GG gear at all, unless the costs and currency for it are new.
  • understood, thanks for the responses
  • researched the same thing Fullscreen,get rid of patch on demand,select a server proxy rather then auto. The server proxy was the one that fixed my not responding issue, i don;t know about you though.
  • I read your post in it's entirety, i only zeroed in on things i particularly disagrede with and cared to comment on, and you probably didn't get my real meaning, i meant certain spec will underperform but they can still find a certain bracket to fit in and remain competitive in that bracket. Same can be said for skill and…
  • certain classes gain GS much easier then other classes, gs based buff will not work, no to mention it will not take into the account of skill, class and build either. A pvp bracketing system is the way to go like c class rank to s class etc. incidentally this could lead to ladders, and we can get data on class win loss…
  • They should just add pvp ranks from f class to s class based on win loss ratio and point distribution , where win certain amount against a certain rank and gain certain amount of points,Lose a certain amount and drop rank, ranks should fight 1-2 ranks below/above you, or closest one avalible in queue. This will take in…