The "regular" drow won't be in the game for 60 days. However, the special HotN Menzobenanzen drow will be available on the 25th. There isn't any substantive difference between the two IMHO.
There are a couple of threads on this topic. I won't summarize them because I wouldn't do it justice. If you use the search feature and enter renegade or Menzoberranzan or drow you can find them. I don't trust anything I have heard about them so far since the information is either old or not from offiical sources.
They would have to put back penalties for the low stats for a stat buy system to work. I don't know why the current system was chosen. Hopefully, PW has a logical reason.
There isn't any functional difference between the regular drow and the renegade. They look different and they have Fairy Fire rather than Dark Fire. The difference between Fairy Fire and Dark Fire is the effect not functionally.
No there isn't. Some are requesting a monthly subscription but probably not going to happen. Check this out.
This question has come up many times. There isn't any information I trust yet. Someone filled out a ticket to PW and was told essentially that the information would be available when open beta starts. One ability is Fairy Fire which is a debuff but there are no numbers given. The other is they recover faster at camp fires.…
I expect the changes to continue coming even after the so call launch. Perhaps it will slow down a tad. Therefore, I think it will always be in open beta.
I ask because I don't know what the drow racials are really going to be. I'm referring to both the renegade and the standard drow. Everything I have read are guesses or subject to change.