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Raising The Banner

lordoffilinglordoffiling Member Posts: 5 Arc User
Since the early days, since pencil first landed on paper and dice clattered across the kitchen table, Neverwinter has been my home. My friends and I have put far too much work over the years, buried too many character sheets in the wastebasket, to let the Jewel of the North fall to ruin now. The banner of the White Crow will fly over the city gates once again, and those who attend and approve of the following guild charter are welcome to gather to it.


1. We Will Roleplay
This comes first because it is most important. We are a roleplaying guild before all other concerns. To join our cause, your character must have a compelling backstory, one that you act out as the game progresses. (By the way, being Drizz't's secret brother or illegitimate son or daughter isn't compelling, it's lame. Know the difference.) You must capitalize, punctuate, and spell reasonably well.

2. We Will Cooperate
Guild members are expected to lend aid to one another when possible. If you have a question, ask it. If you know the answer to someone's question, answer it. If someone calls for help completing a dungeon, rush to his aid. This is not to say that begging is permissable or that you are required to respond to it; if a member habitually begs for money, he will most likely be dismissed. Once in a while is fine, all the time is not.

3. We Will Coordinate
Grouping will be organized. The Group Leader will be designated before the dungeon begins and he is in charge during the adventure. The party members will stay within a reasonable distance of him and follow his instructions. The group leader will listen to the suggestions of his teammates. Teamwork is the key.

4. We Will Take Our Time
Dungeon rushing is not something we will do. Remember: There is nothing waiting for you at Max Level other than the howling wasteland of running the same raids over and over. Max level is where you go to get really bored, really fast. The intent is to enjoy the journey from first level to last, not race to the top as quickly as possible. To that end, we will take our time in dungeons. We will explore. We will look for secrets and minibosses. Rogues will be allowed to detect and disarm traps. Anyone caught rushing ahead of the group, whining that the group is moving too slowly, or running around a room jumping in circles because they can't stand how long it's taking to clear a safe path through all the traps will be dismissed.

5. We Will Respect One Another
Like all of you, I have a favorite political candidate. I have a religion that I follow. I have an opinion on hot-button topics. I will check all of these at the door, and I expect my members to do the same. We will be respectful of one another and leave real-life drama and tension in real life, where it belongs.

6. We Will Interview
Prospective members will be carefully screened. We are not building the biggest guild, we are going for quality over quantity. The people who join us have to *want* to be in a place where these rules are followed, not be there tolerating them or in spite of them. There are plenty of guilds with less rules or no rules at all, and if you don't enjoy these strictures you are welcome to go to one of them.


I do not expect to find many members who will appreciate and enjoy these rules. I may not get a single response. But, if you appreciate what I am trying to build and wish to be a part of it, if you feel you have something to contribute to the venture, you are my brother and I will gladly gather you in.
Post edited by lordoffiling on


  • banesfollybanesfolly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I am old school DnD enthusiast and am currently shopping around these sites looking for a guild that fits with what I hope to get from Neverwinter. I appreciate the rules you have listed above and would like to discuss your guild with you further to see if we would be a good fit for one another.
  • lordoffilinglordoffiling Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thank you for your interest! I'll send you a private message so that we can arrange an in-character interview on or after April 30.
  • banesfollybanesfolly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sounds good, looking forward to it.
  • richardseatonrichardseaton Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 87
    edited April 2013
    Man I'm not worthy! Cool guild though and great rules.
  • banesfollybanesfolly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Do you or will you at a later date have a website for socializing, planning events, and participating in out of game character development and storytelling? This is something that is important to me and probably important to other potential applicants as well.
  • lordoffilinglordoffiling Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes. My wife works in that business and will be building for us a website, which I am sure will be excellent. It will have guild news and official forums for our use and I'll spring for an official URL and webspace. No ads.
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