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  • HAH!!!! i played a lvl 10 pvp match last night and the other team never even tried to capture their starting node.The had like 80 points at the end of the match. Some peoples kids bro.......some peoples kids
  • Had you taken the time to notice, Those clerics that you are saying that are incapable of dieing are straight heals and buffs and rarely actually kill anything.Next time you play against one check them out at the end of the match and see how many kills they have. They may get alot of assists and one or two kills but i…
  • i may be wrong but i thought i remembered reading somewhere that a reroll token was broke.but it may have been in one of the packs.so dont hold me to it
  • that is kinda a weird bug.dont know what to say that might help as i sold mine when i recieved them at level 60 due to having better gear already.Does it still show the same glitch if another item is changed to its appearance.
  • Sadly im willing to bet most of these kids are either 12, have come from COD and are not very imaginative or have never played an mmo and create a character by whatever movie/show they watched before playin. Still it beats the 1500 names beginning with curse words and racial slurs i have seen in zone chat so far.
  • Break the spirit is one but there is a few others in the powers list,think i got a few others from the feat tree. Being able to crit helps alot.
  • dude ive literally gotten pop ups for the achievements from this game 4 hours after i have stopped playing and been watching t.v. You may have completed it already just watch hulu or something and wait for it. lol also as long as u do some kind of damage it should count as a kill cause ive done about 20k damage before and…
  • Sunburst has its uses. Like every skill in this game its knowing when to use it and when not to. I use bastion of health for main heals to cause it works for me and the groups i run with. think there is a few skills you can have that have a passive ability along with them that will reduce threat for a few seconds and can…
  • I think i know the one you are talking about. And he is by far the best i have seen so far. Dude is hard to deal with regardless of class lol
  • The problems isn't necessarily with the rouge one shot ability(though 20-30k crits are ridiculous), because dodging it can be done in most situations and no one who is ranged should ever stay still in pvp unless they arent being attacked or the enemy is preoccupied.Its that currently on the xbox one they are in so great…
  • Dots are extremely useful and helps to kill those pesky runners. to the op the single best defense ability you can have atm in my opinion is prophetic action and sunburst.once fully upgraded prophetic action will proc every 40 sec and will completely negate all damage for 1 hit. Do to the amount of scrub rouges that are so…
  • Yea the running ahead thing just makes me want to smack someone and ask them if their stupid. Just let them die, eventually they will learn. One thing you can do is let everyone know in chat that your heals work a certain way and that if they are not grouped up to run to you if they need healing so you wont have to chase…
  • As a DC i can agree 1000000%. A decent warlock wrecks me super quick and i absolutely dread seeing one in most matches. DC's aren't hard to take down though unless they are straight heals and buffs. But then their damage is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. We still get insta killed by most rouges though
  • Either your joking or you have no idea how the cleric is played. Either way you are wrong. The only way a DC can pull this off on xbox is if they are straight healing and buff spec or hella lucky.Also being fully empowered and have prophetic passive wich only works once every 60 seconds and it negates all damage for one…
  • I have an errand to run and I should be home by 6pm est i dont remember stats right off hand but i can let you know the stats when i get home or you can just meet me somewhere in game. But the weapons are only good if you havnt reach lvl 60 yet as they scale with level but the icon i believe has a little higher power…
  • Had the same problem today in the brain dungeon. Admittedly it was for the first time but it still sucked,had to dashboard and quit then relog and hope i didn't get kicked because we were on the last boss.
  • easier option is to just warn them in either text chat or voice.If they continue to do it and you notice it just initiate a vote kick with loot ***** for the reason.Hopefully they are smart enough to understand after it happens enough that they need to stop doing it.But my experience so far is its doubtful. If they aren't…
  • I have this problem all the time and it can get pretty frustrating.If you have any kind of knockback skill equiped or someone on your team does ask them to use it.It will buy you enough time to spread some of the pack and target whatever enemy you need hopefully. I play A DC and i have to do this on occasion so the other…
  • Exactly what the intent of the post was so thanks for reading :). I will never understand why pc players need to go into xbox forums and post like every issue we have is made up or something because they dont suffer from the same issues..or why people feel the need to tell others how to play their game or toon. Its an mmo…
  • agreed, rouge one shot for the win.
  • wait till your the healer and the only other English speaking player is a cw. Actually had a Japanese speaking rouge start clapping when we got to the boss the other day. I lol'ed. wish there was a way to only que in for an English speaking party
  • Its like this in every mmo at launch and into some months after. Some things just break and need to be fixed or likewise are broken while fixing something else. Least the developers are actually doing something about it and staying fairly vocal about what they are doing.Lot of companies don't do that. When this happens to…
  • Id say you are correct. The majority of people playing nw on xbox one have probably never played an mmo before and are in the mindset of everything being the same as everything else. The DC is perfectly capable of keeping the party alive while still cranking out some impressive dps numbers with all the de-buffs and buffs…
  • As are tanks. No shortage of rouges or cw's though. Wish people would roll a tank or gf a few more times,im at the point that i might delete my hunter ranger just to roll a gf. Clerics are awesome though.
  • I get plenty of time in the fresh air. But considering the fact that most Americans watch t.v. 5 hours per day, and as i am still recovering from a fairly serious injury i would rather spend my time doing something that is pleasing to me instead of watching one of the several boring "hit shows" with the same story line and…
  • i was gonna mention this but i couldn't remember the name of the dungeon. It also works wondrously on the mini bosses that spawn in this particular part of that fight. Especially when half the players are still attacking the main boss while the mini boss is on the casters. I have used this strategy a few times because they…
  • I honestly don't know how it is on pc, as I myself play on xbox. But i'm sure there is a long list of people out there on the xbox one who can verify the type of behavior I described. You could almost bank on the fact that if you play 5 dungeons on xbox that at least 1 or 2 will have one rouge or gwf that tries to outrun…
  • Wouldnt call 3-4 hours a day binge playing but to each his own i suppose. Considering most zones can be cleared in an hour or less and at least 3-4 levels gained each zone then its not hard to hit 60 in less than a week.But i suppose if you only played an hour a day it would be more difficult,and after the first toons run…
  • I dont ever recall saying i used it continuously, simply that i had used it and a rouge got mad. and yes that same ****** of a rouge continued to complain about the entire group every time we stopped to open a chest or anything else for that matter. So the general consensus of the group was the he was a ******.I wasn't…
  • i have not one but 2 characters at level 60 and i am 40% complete with the dragon campaign on my cleric.that character is less than a week old and is nearing a 10k gear score. I have completed every quest in the game that we currently have and have done dailies/dungeons till i could choke.only thing i havnt done yet is…