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  • So, the twinking in low level BG's finally did me in. My newest toon is facing folks rolling with R9-10 and perf chants in the 10-19 bracket, so I level em to 20-29 bracket, same. 30-39? Same. It's like level 60 PvP is currently *before you get geared*, in some ways it's actually worse. For now, I'm taking a break.
  • The problem with allowing solo queue only is it mostly punishes friends or guildmates that queue together. 2 people queue'ing together != premade. That's the most common way (other than solo) people queue. Guild Wars 2 was like this when it came out (don't know if it still is). It made me not enjoy the PvP, because I was…
  • While I agree with some of your sentiments, it's too late, that boat has already sailed on ever increasing gearflation and power surge at level 60. By the time module 6 rolls round toons will be at 40k gearscore and have boons to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> demon fire for 19k damage (around the total health many of…
  • I never said the unrated queue should have a gearscore cap. It shouldn't IMO. The goal would be to make it (less) imbalanced than it is now by removing the huge bonuses earned over time, huge costs, or grinding. So, compare a BiS GWF with all rank 10's versus a BiS GWF with no enchants, no orange artifact stat bonuses, no…
  • Can't tell if serious, but I laughed.
  • Yes, I think some of people who just do PvE now because of the PvP situation would queue if they were able to jump in and have fun matches. Sometimes even just to pass time, and entertained customers play more, and thus buy more. I also think many of the PvP focused new players who burn out of the game in a few weeks after…
  • Yeah, basically best of both worlds. You build yourself up to burliness and compete with the best in rated. Fresh 60s/new players aren't screwed, and there is still very solid reasons to get good gears/enchants, because the unrated stuff doesn't advance the pvp campaign or grow your e-peen. Strong PvP'ers have a place to…
  • Zen isn't a real thing, so if PWE's intention was to help F2P players, they could ensure orders fill within 24 hours by creating zen out of thin air, it would also suck a ton of AD out of the economy, reducing inflation. If you're going to have price controls just get rid of the market, it's fake and serves no purpose. If…
  • There should be 2 queues. Rated (13k+ GS Required) +Advances PvP Campaign +Anything goes +Counts toward standing Unrated (no GS Required. Enchants disabled, Artifact stat bonuses disabled, boons disabled). -Doesn't advance Standing -Doesn't advance PvP campaign -Does count for dailies and award Glory -All 10-59 PvP is…
  • Fixed, point remains. Well, since you can't buy zen at all right now for AD, it's having the opposite effect. Free to play users just don't have access to zen stuff. I've stuck plenty of money in the game, I have the guardian of the north pack, and I tend to drop about what I would on a sub game per month averaged out…
  • Alot of people don't even queue right now because the current matchmaking is horrendously broken, and the gap between the have and have nots is ridiculous. If you're a new 60 you're rolling those queue dice to see if you can get a team strong enough to carry you. What will happen 75% of the time is you'll die in seconds…
  • This is a beautiful solution spongebob. I love it. It also prevents the horrors I'm seeing in lower level BG's now. Premades with perfect vorpals and R10's in the 10-19 domination? Way to drive new players away from the game. I just facepalm and sit on the campfire for 8 mins, but the legit new players haveto think this is…
  • I'd love to see points reworked for Domination, so you earn them when contesting a node only, and that's it. I'd also love to see some more PvP game modes. Like a rush (think the ship on SWTOR), or even CTF like Warsong Gulch. The current class balance is broken enough to render those things unlikely though. With a base…
  • I'm not even bothering with BiS crafting or drops on any of my chars, only boons. It's a tedious time sink, and the gear is just going to be invalidated and worthless with mod 4 anyways, which is what, 2 months away?
  • Tenacious Concealment and ITC are the source of the perma-rogue angst. ITC is Unstoppable on an encounter, and Tenacious Concealment removes the only way to pop someone from stealth. From a design standpoint rogues should be very nimble glass cannons. If those things are nerfed they will need more dodge (like HR), and some…
  • Chris, The problem with failing to account for GS is that a player may be a god among PvP'ers, but if you stick them in a game against all people with 20+% tenacity and 16k+ GS when they are still fresh on a character (8k-11k), they will be unable to kill anyone at all. So, while some people with high GS may suck (I've…
  • It has a strong aspect of P2W, some people like greygus like that. Most prefer a more level playing field in PvP at least. If some people want to trivialize PvE content more power to them. Mega-twinking in lower BG's isn't an epidemic yet, but it's getting there. There is no reason for anyone to be running around with…
  • Yah, I read on the dev/tracker that a fix was in the works, and what it was. A 6 second cooldown AOE stun is a bit much. Most people don't realize why GWF's are stomping them so hard, that's a big part of it. That, the fix for HF PvP set bonus and it's OP heals (Pathfinder deflect build) Some fix for reapplication of…
  • I left for months and returned to find my beloved TR nerfed into something I didn't like anymore. So, I retired it. I'd love to dust it off, but using a cheese spec like the ITC/Perma build is just not appealing to me at all. I'd like to play my DC, but the only viable playstyle for them is ridiculously painful, and is…
  • The way I see it, most of the other stuff you see people yelling about are symptoms of the same disease. Gearflation and expansion content. Pvp Matchmaking GearScore in PvP matches ---These are big issues because the difference between the fresher characters and the old ones are so great as to be insurmountable. A fresh…
  • That's exactly the point, and I'm glad most people can see it. Just wish PW/Cryptic could see it.
  • Regardless of the ease or difficulty in getting good enchantments, it's just a symptom of the bigger problem, which is, every expansion in player power makes the fresh 60 experience worse and makes the grind longer and longer to get to the current *endgame* content. So, PvP gets crappier, and new players get closer and…
  • And that worked fine when the gap between fresh 60 and top end was where it was at launch, now that gap is bigger, and will just get bigger and bigger over time. The characters I started when the game came out could jump straight into end-game and have fun when hitting level cap. New players, and alts can't do that,…
  • You obviously haven't leveled any chars lately. PvP T1 with R5/6 enchants, about what a new player will have, will net you between 9.5 and 10.5k GS. The top end PvP gear isn't T1 and T2 dungeon, it's purified/corrupted black ice mixed with profound, fomorian/crafted weapons, R9-10 enchantments, and perfect weap/armor…
  • Battlefield awareness. A good DC can hover on the edge of the battlefield, using control powers, buffs, and debuffs to give an edge to their team, while also keeping the people that aren't being burst down topped off on HP. I've only seen a few people playing them very well, but those people were awesome. Unfortunately the…
  • I didn't have to use any pots on the dailies with my fresh 60 GF except in the instanced boss fights. Enduring warrior mostly kept me at full health, and the Fighter's Recovery daily did the rest. Granted, this is just Dread Ring and Sharandar, is IWD that much harder?
  • Vote kick has to be there because of pikers, and yeah it's abused sometimes; but more often than not it's used to eliminate people just trailing along behind the group barely doing anything other than picking boogers and rolling need on everything they can.
  • Give people options when queuing and try to provide an a time estimate. +/- 3k my GS Premade only Default I recently got a few new chars to 60. PvP with them sucks, because they are sitting at right around 11k GS. I'd happily sit in queue 30 mins a match while doing my dailies, if it meant they weren't horrible one sided…
  • I think conceptually the vast majority of PvP players could agree that they want a challenge in PvP, and tier matching at the "endgame" makes sense, since it's tiered while leveling, and gear differences at end-game can mean more than 10 levels do in the lower tiers. Right now a fresh ungeared level 60 is like getting…
  • Valid point here being that even without restrictions it'd be superior to what we got today. There are a handful of buttheads in any game, but most people want a fun back and forth PvP match, or to dominate against people that have no excuse for losing.