Interesting....It seems things haven't changed since I left many moons ago. While it appears that my favorite class (Oathkeeper Paladin) is the current flavor of the month for current endgame content, it comes at the expense the other healer classes (Cleric and Warlock) which tells me the dev team STILL can't balance the…
Its just proof that with enough time an old and discarded armor or garment skin will be given new life. I'll give them a point for recycling. Not interested in the set otherwise.
Bottom line up front (BLUF) - Balance is broken. I don't contest that point at all. My point is, it really doesn't matter as a flavor of the month always seems to exist in this until the devs get around to "fixing" things and once they "fix" it some other class will eventually come out on top. For me, its frustrating as I…
LOL. Don't worry. Give it time. This game is like playing musical chairs when it comes to class balance. Wizards will be forced to miss the chair in Mod 18, then it might be the fighters or rangers turn next couple of mods and the cycle will continue. Its really tiresome but it is what it is.
Strongly agree! That kind of a annoyance would convince me this game is not worth my time anymore. If they added a set of bleacher seats for spectators and maybe a way for the audience to boost the stats for the challenged player, I might be all in for that kind of arrangement. B) Back on the subject posted by the op, I'm…
Don't know...will have to wait and see what pops on to preview. Here...just in case folks forgot about this one: Seems to apply in the above situation.
We can only hope. Personally, there would have to be some significant and interesting changes to pull me back in to full time/all-the-time NW gaming. If it's as lackluster as it is right now with mod 17, then log in to invoke (at best).
Wow! Shots fired!! Anyways...when I ran them, it was mostly solo pugging for rAD with the occasional run with friends & guildies (70%/30%). That was all before mod 17.
Agree with you slightly and my take on the PnP rules is a little rusty, but I think they age and mature at a set rate and then the aging slows and they live a bit longer. Showing their age a bit later than a human would. Still sound though.
Well said Sir. You've captured some of my thoughts about NW perfectly. This, along with @autumnwitch comment on the much slower pace of play pushed me into semi-retirement. It just isn't as fun as it used to be. I was lukewarm about the whole change when mod 16 hit but it just wore on me the longer I played. When the nerfs…
Thank you, @thestia. I kept seeing that as well and I was left scratching my head while trying to figure out of they changed the formula and I missed it.
Ya know...I never thought I would say this as I've mained healing classes since mod 3 and have waited ages for healing to be relevant again. I was wrong. Remove the role requirements from the event and leveling queues and just bring back lifesteal. Both mods 16 and 17 have shown be that this crew can't make healing and…
I don't see it is wrong. That was almost always how I worked the queues. I figured - If there is no role bonus, they already have a healer lined up and need whatever the role bonus said they needed.
First Kor, I should have been more clear in my first statement about healer adjustments. My tongue was firmly in my cheek with that one. At first glance one could assume that one healer is over-performing and 'readjustments' might be in order and I posted what I posted, but I agree that you hit the nail on the head as to…
I'm wondering if the situation is so bad that tanks and healers start going full merc and begin charging for services? Kind of like the trade system that came about for the Chult/Barovian hunt lures.
Or bench their toons and move on to other games. I'm laughing as I'm trying to type this. I agree with most of what was said about how healing is this game has turned into a chore and, based on a few posts in other forum threads, almost completely unneccesary at endgame. When I see things like that, I'm left scratching my…
All of this, to me at least, goes back to my point that a trail that requires two healers should have the mechanics to truely test two healers and their respective builds. Something that justifies the need otherwise what's the point. All three healing classes have two basic functions (irrespective a pally's addition of…
To me it just means the BiS folks need more stuff thrown at them during the trial. Traps they can't avoided or have to be disarmed for the rogue (or even ranger) to take care of as an additional duty. Runes and glyphs that drop increase the damage received or lengthens cooldown or a myriad of other debilitating effects…
Nope. I meant DoT (damage over time). This would be caused by lingering negative effects, to the party/team, that would have to be removed by the healer using cleanse, warlock's bargain, or cleansing touch. These effects could be direct damage over time or effect to overall stats like hp or con or damage debuffs applied to…
If the buffs provided are additive then maybe there is a shot but like I mentioned in the thread before it was closed, why not add more DoT mechanics or litter the place with runic traps that provide effects that have to be cleared. That way you have one shieldbot and one cleanse/healbot for your healer spots in party.
So your suggestion is to give everyone shields/temp HP/extra layer of protection like the paladins? Umm...okay, but if the paladins still retained their shield mechanic wouldn't they also give temp hp and in theory be a stronger choice for ToMM parties because their heals would now do both (shields & temp HP)? Or are you…
What? So they can nerf heals down even further? Wasn't this latest nerf due to BiS/Near BiS healers doing too well in ToMM? How would these temp HP act or behave any different than the shields pallies already provide? Does it simply replace all the existing mechanics and differences between healers? How would these rates…
Paladin (Oathkeeper) Critical Touch may no longer proc when an offensive action such as Valorous Strike is used without a target. So much for getting folks shielded up before a fight. Oh well.