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  • ^^ this right here. If someone took the time and farmed, or pulled out their wallet and payed i have no problem with them being in a better spot than someone that did not want to dedicate the time/money to achieve that. Stop being a lazy give me everything crowd. If i am face rolled because someone massively out gears me…
  • ^^ this, and for some reason people seem to think you are the only one with a artifact, what about the TR? I have seen quite a few lately with the **** emblem, then they just do not die. Also something I noticed since on my CW I run MOF i seem to take reflection damage for every single proc of my dots, that tends to add up…
  • Interesting how everyone only includes how to fight them as a gwf, what about a CW? CC is 1/2 as effective now with tenacity so you can no longer drop a rotation on them, they can ITC and just ignore your CC, their skills fire off faster than yours so they can stop your spells from landing, you cant target them while they…
  • The QQ is simple, most classes can do absolutely nothing vs a perma stealth build, and with healing suppression people cant even build high regen to counter the poke of daggers + bilethorn, so you just watch your HP dwindle away not being able to do a thing about it because you have absolutely no way to target a good TR,…
  • If they gave more glory for the longer matches sure, it might be worth it. Since they both decreased the glory you gain AND over doubled the match time its really <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> trying to get glory now. if your both fighting tooth and nail and the game ends 1000 to 999 why the hell does the loosing…
  • reasonably fine? anything more than 3 min is not reasonable... that was my wait time pre patch. now its 45 min+ . Pers its not just dont come without a GWF, TR are tearing mages apart since you cant do anything to them now, GF ignore everything and GWF just eat you
  • I'm finding the new pvp <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. first match of the day took almost an hour to finally get into, and when i finally got in i was with a bunch of people under 6k gs, second match similar. Third match everyone was 16k+ fourth same but lost that one then im back with 7k gs people. the lost match i…
  • Lobo It's because they are trying to make it take longer thats all, basically they are trying to introduce more grind for it, if they take away 100 glory from each match if you do anything more than 5 matches in a day you end up loosing glory, so those people that were grinding out 20-50 matches in a day end up loosing a…
  • Wouldn't a better idea be to reverse some of the nerfs that they have done? TR need the bleed back, they should be the highest single target dps in the game, CW do to much damage for the control they have, take some of the damage away but GIVE them more control dont just nerf them completely. that right there would help…
  • What he means to say is Currently there will not be FREE respecs for the upcomming update, we want you to all pay us money for changing how all the classes work. We realize that it might be an inconvenience to you but that is why we offer a respec token for ONLY 300 zen. We also reserve the right to change every class at…
  • Look at it this way, for most people (myself included) DD is worthless except for the shards, you cant sell the loot from the box and after a while your refine is so insanely high its not worth even refining stuff anymore because of the stupid low daily limit. I can run 4-5 Tos runs in the DD hour or 8 PK runs so the only…
  • I have mixed feelings, i'm seeing this as just another cash grab from cryp for the whole if you want to do more than one run a day you need to buy keys. honestly its not hard to get into a DD, and the only reason you go is to gear yourself or for the shards so they are taking away the ability to run it 3-7 times in the…
  • 3700? wtf are you smoking you do realize converted thats $37 for just a companion. The whole idea behind a store and ftp game is MICRO transactions, every time someone pays that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> high price of $30 + for just a single companion for a single toon your buying an entire game. On average…
  • pers ever think GWF is paper to your rock? how about the perma stealth TR that can tag you with some bile keep invis and you bleed to death. I know you miss being THE ultimate class for pvp and pve and everything else all in one but come on leave the GWF alone, they are finally in a good place for damage and survivability.
  • Yes stox it is Extremely easy to avoid, slowest skill in the entire game at the moment. 25% damage nerf is beyond huge for a dps class, its **** near relegating it into the utility section instead of the damage skills. It hits well now, but taking 25% from it will make it worthless. (everyone has it because it does solid…
  • Honestly, i cant argue with fade for suggestions, FLS should not be nerfed but sadly to many people whining is causing it. I would honestly even do something about reaping strike, IMO its a useless skill for gwf. There are if you are complaining that GWF are FINALLY doing the damage they SHOULD be as a dps class because of…
  • So what you are saying, as long as they gut the class again, nerf it back into the joke it was pre mod 2, your ok with that? We are finally seeing decent numbers from GWF for dps, they are FINALLY not ignorable in pvp (excluding tene spec) and you want then put back in their place at the back of the line? I play a GWF,…
  • Actually i gain AP fairly fast now, my main skills are Frontline surge and IBS, i swap out my other one depending on what im doing you can cancel threatening rush so its damage stacks really fast and if you want to really smack around yard trash go with trample the fallen +that is disgusting, for aoe i use wicked just…
  • Hey space long time no see, Yeah GWF are finally in a good place. I changed mine over to IV tree Destroyer spec and can do great damage in dungeons as well as tank. Sadly too many people want them back at the bottom of the barrel and are calling for nerfs (you know if a TR can't destroy them in pvp and can only…
  • You are lucky, 87 runs and still no helm on my TR =( i gave up and bought it.
  • GWF also get the feat that adds crit per strike, its not additive, it multiplies per stack. Weapon master 1.5% on every crit stacks 3 times +1 time per rank so total of 5 times at max rank.
  • That wouldn't bother me as much as seeing the person selling the item I was trying to get from it about 10 min later
  • You do realize they had nerfed the class to uselessness multiple times and gave them a small buff after taking the nerf hammer and pounding them into the ground
  • Tends to happen with a lot of the morons now. I am very shocked that you can still vote kick people both during and AFTER boss battle. It really should be disabled as soon as boss battle is started.
  • At the moment im using Lightfoot thief on crit bleed Cat Dancing blade 3% crit severity wild hunt rider 2% chance to increase damage by 10% Aranea 3% proc lightning damage and the **** lightfood thief makes a high crit fast attack build a beast
  • You don't top charts, at least not if someone that can play and has gear is in your group on another class. Its not the fact that you "can't" run a dungeon, its just the fact that if you bring another class instead of GWF you will have an easier/faster time. I have run with some of the best players on dragon server as both…
  • Ok first to copti on spider instead of dragging along a GWF just bring 3x CW the mobs NEVER touch the ground, or are dead because the aoe damage and they do NOT have to worry about saving the GWF (you say you have a CW then you should know the entire run is a sprint fest with 3x CW) CC+RANGE+AOE > LESS AOE + TANKING on…
  • Ok lets go to a different one say spider GWF has to chase the adds, CW goes nope pop goes the add.... 3 CW pop goes everything so boss NEVER heals how about kar? ooo adds.... naa up in the air .... ohh 2 -3 cw yeah all up in the air dragon dead move on... want me to continue?
  • Your joking right? The trash is laughable with any decent CW so that only leaves the boss, since you do 1/5 the dps of a TR your useless. If you got a good couple of CW then run 2 CW 2 TR 1 DC. If you have so so CW then just run 3 cw 1 TR 1 DC, you get a faster run than anything with a GWF If you just want to AOE blast…
  • so what your saying is that as my CW i can safely keep the party alive and CC but as my GWF i have to rely upon a CW that feels sorry for me? Your saying that a GWF role is to just be a taunt stick till the CW (the real class) can find the time to deal with them? why bring the GWF in the first place when you can just bring…