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  • NO blame intended, I too have purchased Zen using a CC, PayPal, PWE cards and Non-PWE cards and was NOT put on probation. Perhaps some other transactions caused this action.
  • Attachment not found. Attachment not found. Attachment not found. Attachment not found.
  • As others have mentioned it's all about You. How you want to play, what you want to play and accomplish. My 2 cents, if my L 60 HR attacked as fast as my L 60 TR, hands down the HR would outshine the TR. I enjoy my HR, ranged attacks, melee attacks a thrill to watch. Yet my TR is unmatched for attack speed. Put it down…
  • This AM ran with a group, levels across the board but not one 60. A true Pug. What got me, was the "runt" trolls died like always. Yet the "thorns" were these tiny supermen. My HR can hold it's own in most situations, the thorns would lose almost no HP. Yes I first took care of those pointy capped good time healers they…
  • The question states, "anything". Certain death wails and spell sound interactions are cool. My favorite, "Ebon Downs" during the quest to destroy 5 shards guarded by 5 "entranced" Hero's. The background music sounds "Middle Eastern". I'll just listen until the 10 minute warning pops up, move and continue to listen another…
  • Thanks, somehow I missed that announcement.
  • We all have seen the spammers, and have avoided them. Then you, being l33t, get a "tell" in game inviting you to their "gold mine". Taking advantage of an offer to you and ONLY you, the l33tist, you got what in the back of your mind told you it would never happen. I too received a "tell", instead I contacted in game…
  • 2 questions, What level characters are you bringing? I want to show up with the right firepower. The photo included with your post shows an area of Vellosk. Is that where this takes place?
  • If possible my mains will do a version of "Clint Eastwood" in "For a Few Dollars More" or if you like the modernized version, "Bruce Willis" in "Last Man Standing". Where the leads play the two sides against each other for the biggest paydays. My alts will pick sides, ground-pounders to the "Townies" and the spell users to…
  • My vote, Sharandar, for two reasons. First, The multiple zones and storyline. I can't get enough "Witch's Fen". I go in different each time, once I even started out trying to "bare knuckle" the zone! Second, The first NPC down the hill, I try to start up a conversation, she seems shy and hasn't said anything yet, I'll keep…
  • Some type of selector option, so the companions' gender is known. Ran around with the very first companion, a Cleric, male name, female gendered until I could afford the name change. Now with any new companion, I ask in chat the gender.
  • I believe they'll be under the options tab in the section gameplay
  • I believe I'm logged in at the PWE Forums and not ARC. I only say this because when the Forums returned after the downtime the ARC Forums looked like it does here and the PWE Forums had awful color complimenting one another. Now, where do I change the color combinations for replies? This dark background and a ghostly gray…
  • OK, if I'm understanding the reply, I must enter the quest at less than 50% and stay alive during the quest at less than 50%?
  • Twice it happened, L 25 HR accepts quest, "stay alive at only 50% health or less". Health less than 50%, kill last "Rotter", quest fails, message reads "you left quest" I guess so, killing last minion quest is LEFT completed. EXPLAIN! I'm waiting.....
  • Like "zebular' said, In game hit esc, go to options, click keybinds, find your current key change it. check for the key that had been slotted and change it as well. You may also have to change any and all keybinds on that account and any other acct. you may have.. Simple!!
  • First off I agree with "zebular" on "get a stone", but bear with me a moment. I came to NW from another D&D MMO, there my Cleric was top notch and I also had a superior Rogue. Beginning NW, I first built the Cleric. But the NW Cleric didn't play like the other. So I next built a TR. OK this I was pleased with, and I had…
  • still the best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHylj...yG2TEjIKCRU2gw
  • ion, I can't help with the info, I too want to know. zak, don't know about the armor/weapon enhancements being at the WB, both armor/weapon are available in AH. Pricy too, "lesser" bids start at about quarter million AD, buy outs about 100KAD above that. Want a Vorpal? they "start" in the millions of AD.
  • That's correct, just go behind the waterfall. During my quest, the "sparkly guide" led me past that point and up to the hillside, I looked forever until I asked in "zone."
  • I do like another post about a Rooster Mount, I'd get one for sure. Chickens and Ducks though don't have the reputation that Geese have for being Aggressive. That would be my choice as a "Fowl" striker.
  • Fulminorax While playing fetch the Old Geezer calls out the name "Puff"
  • Without the exact #s in front me my TR is trying to balance the three. Power 1500 Crit 1700 ArmPen 1300 Im trying for about 2000 for the three by L 60 ArmPen items are harder to come by and don't have the #s of Power or Crit. Most items uncommon, a few rare. Looking forward to the purple items when I get to them. ATM gear…
  • troglodyte, hydra, wyvern, chuul let's not forget lions, tigers, and bears OH MY!!
  • I too had the same issue after the 6/28 update. Issues with both "NW and STO." Tried all the first post suggestions. Found "NW" had auto-loaded into WIN 98/3 Compatibility, I switched to WIN 7 Compatibility. Both games working normally again. That's what fix worked for me, hopefully this may help.