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My horrific CTA party

thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2014 in PvE Discussion
So, after a few Protector's Speech runs on my GWF I hopped on my GF to let him have a go.

First run and I see 2 level 60 CWs and 2 level 60 HRs. I'm thinking ''sweet''. Even if they are not OP these 4 should be able to hurry this run up quite nicely and we'll get all the bonuses.

First wave - The Orcs and their catapults.

Now I had done this a few times so I knew I could just run down the stairs, ignore the mobs and destroy the catapults. After I arrive at the first catapult by myself while the rest fight the first group of trash I realise okay, these 4 haven't done this before. In party chat I type ''ignore adds, follow me and destroy catapults''. Nobody comes. I move to the next catapult with even more adds on me. I say again ''ignore adds, follow me and destroy catapults''. Nobody comes. I destroy the second catapult. I die on the way to the final catapult due to add horde on me while the other 4 are still fighting at the foot of the stairs. I rez, come back down the otherside and destroy the final catapult. Then, with a tail of adds I run to the boss, whom the other 4 are now ignoring even though they are a few feet away from him. I solo fight the boss. At this point I realise I have not seen or heard a single Singularity or Oppressive Force with two level 60 CWs in the party. I type in chat ''please ignore trash, fight boss, use AOEs''. Nothing. I solo kill the boss, adds despawn.

Second wave - Spellplagued

I run around, soloing 4 of the monsters that need to be killed, including Maws, while the 4 derps stay in one place at the front of the market killing a single boss and its adds in the time it took me to kill 4. I come to the final monster where they join me and lo and behold, with about a dozen mobs I see single target CC powers being used on monsters. Entangling Force for the win! Still. No. AOE. I type in chat again, ''PLEASE use AOEs it helps''. Nothing.

Third wave - Fomorian Witches

By this time you know the drill. I plead before the witches arrive ''AOEs PLEASE and focus witches''. They arrive and my GF continues to wail away at the primary targets while the CWs are continuing to use single target CCs on the trash around it. Again, I kill all 4 witches while they derp around single-targeting trash. More pleads of ''Singularity? Oppressive? Split Sky? Hurricane?'' are ignored.

Suffice it to say, we lost all bonuses because the lowest DPS party member was the one trying to complete the primary objectives. What made this more problematic is that because they were not controlling or damaging adds, I could never mount, so I ran around the streets and market of Protector's Enclave with adds in toe further slowing down what was already a slow run.

Even if these guys were fresh 60s in green, surely they'd know about AOE? Or maybe they were a troll brigade? Isn't it normal behavior to listen to the one person that seems to have a clue? I was both very frustrated and quite perplexed by what had just gone on.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Post edited by thestaggy on


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    mircalla83mircalla83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 36
    edited June 2014
    CTA Events and other Event Skirms suffer from the 'not trying, getting rewarded anyway, some idiot is going to carry us' syndrome that MANY Lv60 players (who belong to the crowd that LFGs in PE LFG) suffer from.
    In general, if you are that bothered, you are best of LEAVING and forming your own group of friends. In my case, my main is a HR, I am not 'max damage' and focus a bit more on debuffing with Commanding Shot and Thorn Ward, but I can deal with most stuff on my own, when I'm not suffering graphics stutter due to even more physics animated garbage than usual. I can deal with derpgroups, I also don't bother sweeping up suicidal Sub-60ies who think they can rambo it out like that 'same class' lv60 in the groups. And usually, I had been lucky, getting at least Silver grade bonus rewards.
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    ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    That's funny. Those two CWs are clearly full PvPers.
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    thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    That's funny. Those two CWs are clearly full PvPers.

    But don't PVP CWs at least make use of Oppressive Force?
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
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    ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    But don't PVP CWs at least make use of Oppressive Force?
    That depends on personal preference. I use Ice Storm and Ice Knife in PvP.

    Maybe they were just too nervous or rookie-ish so they even forgot to use Ice Storm.
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yesterday was best for op groups, I guess those guys grinded out their thrones and are taking a rest. Luckily I ground 2000 renown last night on my HR where I was low on the paingiver and all the runs were gold, got the last 1000 this morning and I was top, but mainly silver. I soloed one deathbell run completely, didn't even see the others after the first. Lol. Anyway, the throne is cool.

    Don't suppose these guys are bots..? One run this morning every other toon had the same lame white healer companion out.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Well, i noticed that in events like CTA u may meet a rly common spiece of idiots, the ones who refuse to learn. At all. They r just, i dont know, not thinkable beings? Maybe learning hurts? I cant get how cant they, after like ~5 runs or more, dont learn how to run CTA.... It must be state of mind, which refuse to learn. Vegetables with ability to press r/lmb i guess.

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    godhricgodhric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 437 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Mine's kinda worst with pt of 2 TRs and 2 DCs.. Each of the other class are lvl 60.. while the rest is below 35. The lvl 60 DC is never healing, use sacred flame alot.. and do punishing light to the shard while the adds are left munching me (I'm using my HR toon with 10k blue gears). I kept frustratedly ask for heals (because my pots & dodges arent enough to tank all the adds, obviously to the lvl 60 DC, since lower lvl DC (25) CTA is having unscaled healing amount) and he/she seems to not speaking english. The CTA run took SO LONG that even when the speech are already finish, we are still in the mid- 3/4th of the run .. so there are no bonus reward at all.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1. If you want a functional group get one ready beforehand or
    2. Solo most of it yourself.
    3. GWF seems to be better fit this event then CW, as alot of it is ignore adds while they pound on you stuff, so GWF fits right in while you destroy portals and catapults and junk. CW was way better last event.. so hey nice change up.
    4. I have no ideal where some of these people hide out honestly, I think some of them just do not do any sort of DD's or PVP or anything but for some reason roll into the CTA's , I never think Im better then average, but some of these people make me look great:p
    5. IF you have to explain a basically skirm event to them, then your already in trouble.. they give you blue dots/circles on maps, tell you the time you need to beat it in and give you the (save 6 poeple, destroy portals, save money) clue as well so you got me how they ignore that and chase random mobs out of the blues and stuff.
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    sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited June 2014
    A lot of people don't read chat.
    A lot of people don't understand English.
    A lot of people are very young.
    A lot of people don't really understand how things work (A cleric comes to mind, he was using no at-wills at all, just using encounters when they came off CD - like healers in other games who only 'heal' but don't 'dps').

    But still, I think bots. Your party must have been bots.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I've only played this a little, and I think it'll get more smooth for me once I'm better able to memorize which spawns can be avoided to focus the objective ones. Sometimes I dither while squinting at the screen looking whether there are commoners to rescue.

    And I ran one with my level 60 cleric where I slotted DPS right up to the end because I was the only one in the group that could effectively AoE. It went pretty well, actually.

    (And I think you might have just beat my Sab Whisperknife's Garrundar CTA pugstory. Congratudolences?)
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

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    fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Keep in mind, if it is unbearable, you can just leave and re-queue ;)

    Most PuGs I find OK, some faster, some slower. On a rare occasion I have run into one that is obviously not going to work or I will end up doing all the work, so I will leave in that situation.
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    pandora1xpandora1x Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Honestly the server merge was a terrible idea. Nobody speaks english anymore and it irritates me so much. I remember on Dragon server where everyone spoke english and the parties were SMOOTH all the time because people understood tactics/strategy.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    pandora1x wrote: »
    Honestly the server merge was a terrible idea. Nobody speaks english anymore and it irritates me so much. I remember on Dragon server where everyone spoke english and the parties were SMOOTH all the time because people understood tactics/strategy.

    Uh... not sure if serious. All shards were always international.

    The tone almost reads like someone making fun of someone waxing nostalgic over "the good ol' days" (since they're not generally as good as made out).
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    But I really do want that throne. So I'll have to put up with said ignorance.

    Play SCA. 30+ tokens a game. Probably about the same return on your time as doing the skirmish.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    pandora1xpandora1x Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Uh... not sure if serious. All shards were always international.

    The tone almost reads like someone making fun of someone waxing nostalgic over "the good ol' days" (since they're not generally as good as made out).

    I've literally never, ever, had anyone not understand me back then in Dragon shard. Now when I explain strategies I get "?" or something similar 75% of the time.
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    devaneiodevaneio Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't bother healing people anymore, just do my bad dps. Maybe a divine FF or Astral seal.
    First because group usually don't provide any help, leaving me with all the aggro.
    Second because they think that they have an amazing dps, when great part is provided by my debuffs.

    Nice to see individuals dying, thanks to their arrogance.
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    My 15k DC got paingiver last night. I started off trying to heal but the party scattered and I found myself alone. Died and then switched to my soloing powers. Finished up mostly soloing everything.

    Then my 12k GF got paingiver in her KC armor... If I'd known beforehand I'd have gone with her Valiant Warrior set and at least speeded up things.

    Today I've done ONLY guild runs.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    this aint hardcore raiding we are talking about here, or coordinated pvp. You dont need to speek the same language to understand what to do.

    Blue circles are not in languages, they are in colours =P.
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    jimdenjimden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This AM ran with a group, levels across the board but not one 60. A true Pug.

    What got me, was the "runt" trolls died like always. Yet the "thorns" were these tiny supermen.

    My HR can hold it's own in most situations, the thorns would lose almost no HP.

    Yes I first took care of those pointy capped good time healers they lug around.

    When did the thorns become unkillable?
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I ran one yesterday queueing with one of my TRs and my husband's GWF. They're both in full T2 (farmed), nice enchants, etc. I'm just trying to get the daily done enough times to get garden keys for all my troops, and he's coming along so that I don't have to 100% pug. We can do this! I don't actually care about getting the speed bonuses except as a point of pride... it's kind of fun to see if you can still do it when your group is doing everything they can to hinder you. :p

    So the rest of the party ends up being CWs, a 6, a 60, and a mid-level one. The 60 is actually typing in party chat, and has apparently decided to show the level 6 around (same guild). They are discussing how boring the speech is... amusing. I think it's going to be ok.

    We had Dead Rats. Not sure where the rest of the party is, but no problem. This is the simplest starting challenge anyway so it won't matter if they're a bit slow to start because of the first-timer.

    We had Ashmadai devils. The party is somewhere behind us while we charge from portal to portal. They help with the Shocktroops by pulling two together. I am totally willing to overlook a level 6 using Entangling Force and Ice Storm and mostly standing there trying to Magic Missile things to death. I know they don't actually have any other spells.

    I am not impressed when the level 60 CW is using the same loadout. And what a way to set an example for your friend who's a new player too. The first time she gets killed, I pick her up and she thanks me. I quickly learn that I am actually better off letting the rest of the party be dead.

    We still finish off the final Shocktroop with time to spare, because big bads don't live very long when sandwiched between the dynamic duo of tanky and sneaky DPS.

    Fomorians... uh oh. This might get ugly. Too many mobs getting pulled without needing to be and a lot of being stuck in combat and unable to interact with cauldrons and move on. Trying to nail the witherers before they heal the big targets. We're still doing not bad up to #3 and then it actually falls apart. Our strategy of the GWF pulling leftover mobs away so I can get out of combat and do the interact does not work, because the level 6 has a Thorn on her and is running back and forth all over the stables with it chasing her so we can't get a bead on it. Keystone Kops anyone? We make our best effort at recovering during the Magra fight, but lose the bonus by seconds.

    I inspect the level 60 CW. T1 PvP set, I'm guessing bought. No enchants slotted at all, not even rank 4s. I vaguely suspect this person does not actually play the game, except to stand around and snark. When we collected our rewards, they were still making jokes about the droning old man speech.

    Husband had suggested that CTAs, this one in particular, bring out everyone's characters that they levelled at the campfire and never learned how to play, never slotted any powers other than the ones automatically assigned as they unlocked. And I'm inclined to believe he's onto something, having now observed many level 60s that do play as though they were still level 6.

    My main who collects companions will be getting a Travelling Entertainer... and he shall be dubbed... Pugwizard.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    wanderer0000wanderer0000 Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> players are in high suplly on this game, thats just normal on any game I guess, but when the new changes go live, specially the ones on CWs then you will really see failed <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on this game, to this moment CWs are the only ones holding this mess playable on low gear, pve since one or two good CW can save any party on skirmishes and most dungeons... just wait and see how it will go after they nerft it.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Just did another run where I'm basically thinking the entire time, "just stay down, STAY DOWN... omg stay down so that stuff will stop chasing you around so I can actually kill it and get out of here".

    The main problem was not being able to get them to stop allowing the battle wights to heal off them. That took *forever* as a result. I'd get one most of the way down, somebody would pull it away from me (I'm in stealth so I can't avoid that), and all my effort would be undone.

    Basically soloed rescuing civilians from aberrants. I think the party decided to pick a fight with an intellect devourer. <snide comment averted>

    Edit: PS If you nerf my stealth I won't be able to carry like this.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Please try to think of it from the other point of view.

    Only strong high-end players, or perhaps TRs in stealth, have the ability to simply ignore adds and focus instead on destroying catapults/Deathknell shards/whatever. New level 60's, and everyone else below, can't do that. So they have to fight the skirmish the way it was intended to be fought, i.e., fight each group of adds one by one.

    Please don't criticize players for fighting a skirmish in the manner it was intended to be fought. Sure not using any AOE at all is dumb. But fighting mobs *and then* destroying catapults is perfectly legit.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think most complaints have very little to do with people being undergeared, lower level, or not particularly fast at killing things, as long as they are making an obvious effort to follow the objectives and are not playing in a manner that is completely party unfriendly (ie. scattering mobs).

    It's the groups that (for example) get distracted by the four zombies in front of the Grand Emporium and never actually make it as far as the Auction House that cause frustration, not only because it takes them several minutes to down those zombies (probably due to not using any AoEs), but because they could have simply avoided them in the first place.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Husband had suggested that CTAs, this one in particular, bring out everyone's characters that they levelled at the campfire and never learned how to play, never slotted any powers other than the ones automatically assigned as they unlocked. And I'm inclined to believe he's onto something, having now observed many level 60s that do play as though they were still level 6.

    This is very true, since the Garden will be very convenient for invoke/bank/crafting alts.

    I myself am running two alts through that normally get no playtime. One is my rogue (just didn't enjoy the playstyle), who I leveled through all Sharandar and DR boons, in full purple, so not awful -- except for my poor play. :P

    The other is my bank alt GWF, who I leveled only to the bag quest in Neverdeath Graveyard, letting her reach 60 by invoking/leadership. When I dusted her off, she had lvl 23-30 greens and no powers/feats picked past lvl 30. So I did the powers, bought blues for all her slots for 100-120 AD each, then splurged on an epic weapon. Didn't bother with enchants.

    She is consistently 2nd in damage dealt and enemies slain, no matter if everyone else is 60.
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    This I agree with. Although using your head doesn't require a lot of GS. For example:
    After the 3nd time (if you only play the daily you've done it 3 times now) of playing through it you surely realize that all trash mobs vanish when the objectives are completed. Why then do you spent 10 minutes on a mob that's not your objective? Those catapults can be gone in less than a minute. But people take 10 to kill the muggers and hexers. By then I'm trying to solo the first boss. Not very much fun as a CW/HR/not-perma TR. So in the end all I can do is try to shorted the time wasted by helping the rest of my team lose less time.

    Another example:
    During the catapults objective any ranged character can take out the last catapult first by simply shooting from the alley south of it. He'll only draw 4 axe throwers with that. Surely that's manageable.

    But I guess that if you don't know all the street names in PE, I can imagine people not thinking of such a strategy, even though the map clearly indicates there's a path there leading straight to it.

    The problem is players actually playing stupid and still think that blind button bashing everything out of range is the key to everything. How hard is it to spot 5 bags near some rats? How hard is it to realize they glitter and are clearly meant to be interacted with? Any idea how annoying it is when you're the only one trying to get the bags and keep getting interrupted by others who drag mobs upon you because you happen to be the closest lvl60 DPS class?

    Common sense is as rare as BI gear drops in this game.

    The first time I did this skirmish, it was with my level 38 CW. The objective was to destroy the catapults. Okay. So I head on down to the street on my 50% mount, but by time I got there, there were no catapults. That's because the level 60 guys on their 110% mounts had already gotten there ahead of me and taken the first one out. I couldn't see the other two, because all I saw was mobs mobs mobs. So I started fighting the mobs. What else was I supposed to do? I didn't even know where the other catapults were. Well the mobs killed me not long after because I was the only one fighting this huge ton of mobs with this lowly level 38 CW. And so I'm thinking, "WTF I'm the lowbie player here, why am I the only one fighting the mobs? Where's the powerful level 60 guys?" But if you had been one of the level 60 guys, you'd probably be thinking "WTF is this idiot level 38 CW doing fighting mobs when he's supposed to be taking out catapults?"
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    And I just did this skirmish again on my lowbie CW, the team was my CW now at lvl 41, and four other players, none of whom were above lvl 20. We didn't get any of the bonuses, the speech was long over even before we finished the second objective, everyone died at least once, but I would rather do it that way than play on a team where 3 lvl 60 guys are just zerging through everything and leaving the lowbie players behind to fend for themselves.

    Incidentally, Knox's congratulatory message changes at the end when you don't get any bonuses. I didn't realize that until this time.
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