Then again, you're not the great gamer you might be in belief of, you are.. All you ever do is cry, nerf this, nerf that.. my class is too weak this, my class is underpowered that.. (check your own post history for reference). You hopped onto the GF bandwagon, after you came to the conclusion, that you are not good at…
Now that the DPS of the GF got adjusted (crippled into oblivion), Cryptic should adjust the tankiness of DD's. DPS classes are waaaaaaaaaaay too tanky for their roles. They have too much hp, too many ways to avoid damage, too many dodges, while still being able to dish out tons of damage. Remember guys, you cried because…
Have fun digging through years of forum posts. Or just ask a developer, like i said above. I explained why the GF in NW is a Leader/Controller, already. It's not rocket science to understand it...
They are being referred to as leaders due to their selfheal abilities.. That's the reason why in NW, the GF is a leader (fighter's recovery, etc.) / controller (fls, bull rush, etc.). This was stated by a developer and it wasn't a typo, because people were asking if it is a defender or a leader. Also wiki pages are not the…
Nah, you should read the gamepedia thingie more carefully. Here, this is from the article you just posted: [...]Guardian Fighter has a secondary role of a leader[...] Besides, we had developers directly stating (on these very forums), that the GF indeed is a, Leader/Controller... Nice try, though.
Also, restricting the use of ITF to the support / tact. tree would make sense, since it is the best support skill in the game. But the same should be done about KC, it should be restricted to the (now shieldless) Conq. tree. BAM! We just balanced the GF. Why can't the devs do it, though? lol
Actually (if it was up to me), i would remove the shield entirely from the conqueror tree and give the GF an offhand shortsword / 2nd weapon plus two clunky dodges (heavy armor should dodge slower). The problem is, when i suggested this back in the day before the GF-rework hit live, all the TR went on barricade and started…
Wrong. The GF class is a LEADER / controller... And i believe we are forgetting about a certain thing the developers mentioned in the past > They are working on a queue system in which any class can either queue as DPS, tank or support, depending on their spec / tree. So please, stop spewing disinformation. Take care!
In my opinion, exploiters and those who happened to obtain their things as gifts, from exploiters... should not be allowed to demand anything game mechanic - wise, since the biggest imbalance in PvP to this day is not drains or stealth rings, neither shadowclads but. The biggest imbalance is caused by a huge gear gap, that…
@mamalion1234 I've fought your TR and i believe SW several times and all i can possibly suggest is, you should learn to play against GF's. (i don't mean this in an offensive way, no hate intended) You only compete in PvP, if you either have an OP or a DC in your team to support you (when i fought you, you had 2x DC and 1x…
It would also solve the matchmaking problem(s), since we could choose who to pvp with / against. All it takes is a PvP - Potions Vendor from whom we can stock up on potions, etc. and a PvP mode NPC where we can choose the PvP Type (Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, King of the hill, Capture the flag, etc.) and the number of…
Embracemysword is actually my cousin. He quit because Cryptic did not bother to punish the many AD exploiters, which forced him to spend thousands of dollars/Euros, just to be on par with people who never spent a single cent on NW, people who stored massive amounts of AD on mule accounts, people who controlled and ruined…
And a TR isn't able to spam a DAILY as if it is an encounter? Stop being such a hypocrite. A TR can tank an entire party without taking any damage, while being able to build enough AP to use SE (A daily) within a second. A GF has to actually face the attackers in order to block incoming damage. As long as your IQ is above…
As you've already mentioned it is a COMBO, rather than just having to press a single button if one's AP is full. Considered that a GF is nowhere close of being as tanky as a TR (Rogues aren't supposed to be tanky, at all) and would not be able to kill a thing without having a high burst damage. What would a GF's role in…
Bann all those who exploited in order to get free/massive amounts of AD - PvP is fixed. It's not rocket science. And considering that their buddy - developer isn't part of the Cryptic staff, anymore.. it might actually happen. It baffles me to see that all of the top exploiters are to this day still playing this game, even…
The real issues PvP is suffering from are the exploiters, who abused various bugs / glitches, etc. in the past. They abused leadership armies, the astral resonator bug, CN boss 1 shotting, negative AH bidding, the Nightmare lockbox bug, botted in foundry missions and the likes. I took a long break from NW, because i…
@pando83 It's not like i bought all the completion tokens, at once but over a period of 5-6 months. I'm a wrestling coach, i'm not earning that much. The three alts are my girlfriend's toons, i bought her the tokens because she does not have lots of time, due to her job. I farmed the boons on my main and exchanged AD to…
Squeakers gonna squeak. Joke aside, $50 in exchange for something that takes a month or more to get, seems pretty reasonable. I've bought the available campaign completion packs for three of my alts on my other account and exchanged AD for zen for another one of my toons, which didn't take that long even without ever…
Any purely melee focused class. In my 12 years of mmo - experience, i came to the conclusion that playing as a ranged / caster class, is a sign of fear and weakness (in PvP, at least). Range grants a certain amount of 'safety / safe zone' before actually engaging in combat, already (The same can be said about stealth.). I…
But you were aware of the chests being bugged. Why should Cryptic compensate something, that's your own fault? I don't get it. I'm not trying to be rude, but if something is bugged and you know it is.. then stop doing the bugged stuff and go do something else, instead.
@charonofssi They are letting people that duped billions of AD, play the game, instead of banning them. So i doubt anything will be done, regarding a few thousand gold and some items. Not sure why this is the case, when every other mmo acts immediatly in such situations (if the evidence is apparent), as you've also…
I'm not here to discuss. I merely stated the obvious. But if you insist me to go into detail, sure, here we go. The current system discourages botting because of several reasons. One is the fact that power points are not guaranteed, but random. Another one is the fact, that it takes a boatload of EXP to actually get a…
I couldn't agree more. I stopped playing for about 6 months, thinking by the time i come back, these exploiters will be history. To my surprise they are still playing, still unpunished, still ruining the game. They are forcing me, to spend hundreds of Dollars, just to have fun in pvp... while at the same time they have…
Meh, i have gotten 6 power points from 14 level ups, after the exp pool - change. The chance of getting one seems to be around 50%, which is either yes or no. I find the current exp needed to be ok. A guaranteed power point after each level up, would just encourage people to bot in foundry missions, until they can max out…
People who abused various glitches/bugs in order to gain an unfair advantage over others, technically reaching BiS levels without having spent a single penny on NW. Since the bugs have been fixed a long time ago, i will list a few: GF 1 hit boss kills in CN, negative AH bidding, preview shard mail glitch, astral resonator…
The legendary warrior.. used that autism no-jutsu, once too often. Joke aside, is this really what's left of the NW PvP community, these days? Been gone for a while...
We already know that the TR class is broken, since mod 1... Try the same playing as a SW, GF, GWF, or any other class even OP, i challenge you to it. You will then realize that the only one living in 'Narnia' is you... Sorry to say, but it's just the truth.