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  • The GWF in NWO is basically the Barbarian in Diablo 3, dumbed down and simplified just so that nobody would say it's a 1:1 copy. Just open a D3 Barbarian guide and you'll notice that just about every skill and passive is very similar, if not identical, to what the GWF has. Anyone remotely familiar with Diablo 3's…
  • Hi, I've posted my concerns about Spinning Strike on several other threads already, but I'm curious what your opinion is of its shortcomings, which currently are: - animation spin-up + cast time = 4-5 seconds = Student of the Sword expiring by the time Spinning ends. - Destroyer stacks gone the moment Spinning Strike is…
  • The only result you managed to achieve is make Spinning Strike look less obsolete than it did before. Simple as that! Like 99% of GWF skills, it may serve a purpose in a specific situation now, such as dispatching a bunch of weak mobs faster than you would have with Slam + at-will spam. In ANY other situation, Slam looks…
  • There is a problem, however, when the "building around" the weaknesses of Sprint involves not relying on it at all. 3 out of 5 classes have fundamentally the same function in their escape mechanic. Where is the variety here? The same 3 classes + 1 (GF) are granted immunity to effects via usage their Shift kill. The same 4…
  • The ups and downs of our AoE dailies at the moment, while ignoring our AP generation, focusing on PvE only. Slam Good: - Allows you to keep attacking with your normal rotation, keeping SotS and weapon debuffs up on everything, while maintaining Destroyer/Weapon Master on yourself. - Can pop Unstoppable at any time. - Some…
  • I can prove my claim to any skeptic. All they need to do is let me know when they will be in PE on my server (Beholder) and invite me to a party (Hartark@belprah), so that we can head over to the dummies, equipped with a stopwatch and keen eyes on the buffs underneath my character portrait. I've tested this repeatedly over…
  • I'm getting sick and tired of posts like "GWF is fine, you just need to l2p". They are invalid, and for one very simple reason: the existence of threads like this. You will see evidence of the SAME feat working DIFFERENTLY for different GWFs, not working as stated for some (me + whoever wrote the GWF section of the game's…
  • Been using it for a long time, eh? Along with many others? Pray tell, if it's a build that has been known for such a long time and been used by many pro GWFs, yourself included, before and after the patch, then how come this is the first time I've seen even the slightest mention of it?
  • I prefer Ice Axe over Reaver's Edge for PvE as well, due to superior combat stats. Unless you are Sentinel, of course. I'd also put Valiant Duelist on par with Berserk Champion. The former is easier to get and the difference in stats is ArP/Defense vs Recovery/Deflection.
  • Explain this to me, then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycPGx-dFO74 How should I interpret this? A problem on my end only? A bug for only some GWFs? A problem... in my head? Or I need to l2p? Or l2 count? Because I honestly don't get it.
  • I highly doubt that 1) is going to happen anytime soon. 2) depends on how many GWFs start putting it on their bars* and 3) is 99% sure to happen. * Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think that it was no coincidence that Roar and Slam got the heck nerfed out of them within the same patch. The only thing that makes sense…
  • I tested it by looking at the duration of the Battle Awareness buff underneath your target icon. And I tested it again, just for you and a second ago, with my character sheet up and while it was running. Power went back to its normal value as soon as the Battle Awareness buff expired, while Slam kept on going. Test it…
  • It's not enough because: - Destroyer lasts only 3 seconds. RS full charge cast takes 2.5 seconds. Add in a delay in-between casts and you'll be hard pressed to build stacks. - Same with Weapon Master. - I've had SotS stacks expire frequently, if I use RS too much in my dummy-whacking. This almost never happens on other…
  • I don't think the comparison between Not so Fast and Daunting Light is adequate, because the latter is pure damage, unless feated for it, while NsF comes with a debuff by default. Granted, it's a crappy debuff. A VERY crappy one, actually, perhaps meant to be in synergy with the even more useless Reaping Strike, but still…
  • I tested Punishing Charge in the 'AOE test pit' foundry a few minutes ago and found out the following: 1. Punishing Charge on its own, when used 3 times on a 5 targets, earned me 56% AP. Calculates to 18.7% per charge, 3.74% per mob. 2. Punishing Charge while Unstoppable + Unstoppable Action 5/5 used 3 times on 5 targets…
  • I highly doubt that 5 seconds of 25% extra Power from an overly nerfed Daily that is tough to build up to can result in a 3 million damage difference. And yep, it is indeed only 5 seconds of 25% Power after Slam. The tooltip lies, as stated here and as verified by me just a few seconds ago. :/ I'll be speccing out of this…
  • Using Reaping Strike, you get 2.2% AP for the first "whoosh" of charging it up (the minimum time you must cast it for to deal any damage), 4.2% for waiting until the second one and 5.2% for full charge. At first glance, this sounds nice, but if you factor in a 1 second delay between the 2.5 sec casts, it still amounts to…
  • The best way to improve Reaping Strike is to make it a copy of Duelist's Flurry, except AoE oriented - no cast time, but slow to build up and devastating when in full swing. Instead of a stacking bleed, it should do a stacking debuff, which allows party members to recover a small (but dependant on stacks) portion of their…
  • Doesn't seem to be the case anymore, judging from some dummy-whacking. Didn't matter if I hit 1 or 3 targets with WMS, I still get 1.5% ap per swing.
  • The damage buff it provides is exactly 20% for both at-wills and encounters at rank 3. Additional AP gain appears to be 30%. I can definitely see Battle Fury's advantages, even in its current state... provided that the stars align and the moon shines in its full blue glory. On paper, consistently hitting 5 targets with IBS…
  • My reason for asking it was that I think that there's a difference between entering a dungeon to gear up and entering it to just clear it, having already obtained all upgrades you could possibly have from it. :) Anyway, you proved me completely wrong in that regard, having steadily progressed with gearing up from actually…
  • What if I want to run CN with 4GWF and 1DC? Also, how did you acquire the T2 (and presumably, T2.5) for your GWF?
  • Yep, I totally wrote that I can do Malabog in greens. I suggest you work on your reading comprehension. My post focused on a single argument of what you provided - that you're really great at reviving party members and that they couldn't have done the run without you running into AoE to save them. Groups that clear CN…
  • If there are mobs in the game that can be 1-shotted by damage dealers of certain GS, then they should be 1-shottable by tanks with the same GS as well. The idea is simple: by 1-shotting the mob, the damage dealer practically has 100% damage resistance, because the mob didn't get a chance to retaliate. In other words, 100%…
  • And I've done 4-man Traven Blackdagger, without a GF in the party, on my poorly geared Destroyer GWF, without taking any damage from any his special attacks (and with him focusing almost entirely on me), except for a few ticks of his fire bomb. I've also done him with a full party and seen GFs get 2-shotted by him. Now, is…
  • The following suggestions are coming from personal experience and frustration, while playing as a GWF and mostly address PvE issues, as my Destroyer spec gets me destroyed in PvP. 1. I'd like to see Sprint removed from the game completely and replaced with Punishing Charge by default. As it is now, Sprint only offers…
  • I've tested this as well, on dummies. You can easily get the bug if you build Determination to 100%, pop Unstoppable, then Roar immediately afterwards. The strangest things happen to my Determination bar when I do that, in that order. Not to mention that what they stated in last patch, that "Unstoppable: Several odd cases…
  • So, to recap, currently Unstoppable seems to have THREE bugs. It's tragic, hilarious and outrageous, all at the same time! 1. The age-old, known-since-beta, "toggle" that makes it unusable until map change. They said they fixed it in patch notes... but, as I found out from a PvP match earlier today, they HAVEN'T. 2.…
  • Why the heck not? Regardless of what class you play, you still have the same achievements in your Journal. A simple logic (demanded by many players) in any mmorpg is that skill should matter, too, regardless of what class you've chosen. Another simple logic of any mmorpg, or any game in general, is that variety comes at a…