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perfect0777 Arc User



  • I like the menu idea...it would fully integrate items into all of the games economies...sell items for Gs...put items up for bid or buy items at the Auction House remotely...allow for a always there costume creator that lets you wear your just found costume piece in moments without having to use up a slot just to carry…
  • i sub and did get my "free" hideout but your choices are limited..you dont get to choose your hideout from all that are available to buy and secondly by subbing every month you basically can say you bought your hideout on a payment plan instead of all at once. that said hideout are neat..i get the cave one for "free" and…
  • :biggrin: i remember when P&P D&D had a cartoon with wizards and elves and such around a table and they were playing that great fantasy game "Papers & Paychecks"...LOL...I LOVED it...
  • get of freeform and i become a dc sidekick..as bad as that is..end of story
  • easy..costume creator..getting that look worthy of a major superhero/ine...i could just see one of my toons at the watchtower or avengers mansion and they would fit right in..because thats how magnificent they look...more costumes..more genres of costumes..the more costume stuff the better..and make size scale that…
  • how about this...TP foe...simple idea..city of had it...you click an enemy use the power your enemy appears in front of you..used with a good dps attack its devastating.would make pvp interesting as well. it would help melee reach enemies that are ranged without having to take damage running jumping up to them. used with a…
  • sheesh...ive got tears in my eyes...so many memories...good job all
  • best idea i heard all day...be very nice to have one..thanks for your efforts regarding this matter.
  • I see a lot of flaws in your argument and one or two valid points. The biggest flaw is the central theme of your argument which seems to be that if everything in the game were completely free youd spend all this money on the game. What money? For what reason? What need to spend anything if everything is free! You seem to…
  • Ive heard a LOT of political crap and insulting nonsense from people since Obama won the american election...why is that chat not dealt with...?
  • Quote by agentnx5 Off topic, but do you think we could get Super Magnifier and Super Shrinker to stay on all the time? Like how Dark Aura works? That would be fun if we could. Ill do you one better...an entire AT built on size change like Marvels Ant-Man or DCs Giant Lad...GOD..i always thought that would be the…
  • Wow..its just a game after all..i mean a little money might be spent (and wasted) on it if you dont like where the game is going...but really...youd think some horrible thing happened or you had to survive a war or something..i mean really...i dont usually say this but maybe you should stop playing for awhile...do…
  • Completly agree with the idea...im from City of too and when people began to ***** about lack of content they made AE...it was without a doubt one of the smartest things City of did during its entire run and gave the game years more life and the game owner years more sub cash. Get on this CO...do it NOW!!!
  • Completely agree...why the HELL do i need a jet...i thought i could fly already....why do i want a tank...arent i already strong enough to punch through steel or whatever...i hope vehicle use is restricted to travel, a few open zones, and maybe PvP. Otherwise its just a way to milk the Mindless Morons of more cash without…
  • I love the idea that people still get a kick out of the Pulp, Golden age, and Silver age look of comics. What REALLY has to go is the "sexy" category..i mean a little skin here or there is fine and a little buxomness doesnt hurt (i cant help but notice for example the default breast size in the creator is the largest size)…
  • I think PvP is what will keep this game alive long after the excitement of beating Poe...yet again...fades away. PvE is fine...you explore the world, level...get neat stuff...but at the end of it all if there is no new content in the form of zones then you end up with your greatest character having nothing to do and your…
  • my god..no more surveys...anything but that
  • COH refugee myself currently trying a monthly sub ...VERY disappointed at how buggy this game is..is it because of how many staff you have to maintain and develop it...ive been there when it comes to having near impossible demands placed on you at work while simultaneously staffing is slashed...i feel for you..hoping for…
  • bios are everything they explain why your toon can lift a car to why s/he cares so much about getting even with this or that villain group...i have had people tell me some of my bios were well written and interesting and i always read the bio if there is one when i see a toon i like..i love original looks and stories..it…
  • i get it..instead of forcing you to jump into fighting to get energy you could simultaneously gain energy while preparing for the fight..i like this idea very much
  • also freeform toons..cant believe i forgot that..it cost me a fortune but finally having my toon CONTROLLED FORCE be all she can be..it is VERY nice
  • what i like..i like size modifiers..finally my toon CHINA can be the size she deserves to be...blasters actually survive and do quite well in this game...i like having a lair...i miss masterminds though..my toon moll cant lead her gang here...sigh
  • wow..very discouraging words ..kind of sad to hear them..makes me rethink wanting lifetime...
  • i was a city of player for years bought things in the market as well as a subscription...i have been only playing my "free" account now for less than 3 weeks and ive already spent 25 dollars on this game...very much considering lifetime for this game...:cool:
  • city of games had some of the best character creation/costume options out there..im surprised cryptic which helped make that game a sucess for years hasnt done more with this game