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Just to clarify - Selling Power?

pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Champions Online Discussion
Or are mods and junk going to drop outside of lockboxes?

Because as it stands now you can either buy, for real money, a vehicle which outperforms a Champion in almost every way.

Or you can get a drop and then buy, for real money, a key to unlock your drop for a chance to win a much more powerful vehicle.

And with the mods granting powers when you slot them, we are literally being sold powers. Individual abilities, or, worse yet, the random chance of, individual abilities. And the more money you shell out the, the more powerful you get.

What's worse is that now that we have to actually buy powers, and their upgraded ranks, for real money, Silver players still don't get to hue their powers? Because lets be real here, being Gold means **** to having vehicles.

I usually try to reserve judgement til I've actually played with or at least seen the system, but this whole implementation thing I greatly dislike.

The system itself sounds great, but hiding vehicles behind lockboxes, and then their powers behind more lockboxes, well, this is bull****.

I find it especially striking since nobody wanted vehicles for combat. We wanted vehicles for travel.

Where did the sudden idea that vehicles should not just be useable in combat, but replace it altogether even come from?
Post edited by pion01 on


  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Ferengi made a secret survey in STO. Vehicles with awesome powers are selling better than vehicles that just...travel.
    And all the little boys and girls are exstatic now that they can have powerful vehicles that outperform their sucky ATs. Or something.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • man515drakeman515drake Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Pion I agree with everything you have said and it is leaving a bitter taste.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have no doubt that they'll sell well. That's part of the problem.

    It leads to balancing and development priorities that stray from the core of the game.

    It redirected resources into a system that, for the most part, was completely unnecessary away from something that may have enhanced the game of Champions Online, rather than turn it into Auto Assault.

    It creates a foundation for an environment where the only way to win or progress is by spending more money.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »
    Or are mods and junk going to drop outside of lockboxes?

    They might drop, but at insufficient rates. :frown: And then there's the whole % chance to fail on fusing.
    pion01 wrote: »
    Because as it stands now you can either buy, for real money, a vehicle which outperforms a Champion in almost every way.

    Not yet (you can outperform vehicles in combat as it currently stands, before this patch hits and probably after tpp), but it seems to be heading in that direction. Which concerns me greatly.

    It concerns me greatly because it destroys the fun of having a super hero, replaces with a focus on vehicles.

    In my experience, this makes the game more pay-to-win, which hurts business in the long-term as seen in other MMO's like Battlefield Heroes (which they have made strides to make it less pay-to-win and thus their business is doing better).

    Additionally this game is a small MMO with a niche market focused on being a superhero game and being highly customizable.

    As another poster put it (I forget the name), Batman rides his Batmobile. Batman isn't replaced by his Batmobile. The Dark Knight films are not with him in the vehicles all the time. Same thing for The Avengers. Or even the Justice League.

    Make sense?

    pion01 wrote: »
    And with the mods granting powers when you slot them, we are literally being sold powers. Individual abilities, or, worse yet, the random chance of, individual abilities. And the more money you shell out the, the more powerful you get.

    What's worse is that now that we have to actually buy powers, and their upgraded ranks, for real money, Silver players still don't get to hue their powers? Because lets be real here, being Gold means **** to having vehicles.

    Yeah... LTS & Gold are getting a bad end of this deal, in a big way too.

    Honestly you know what would make it fair?
    • 1 Free vehicle of your choosing, bound to account.
    • Unlimited RetCons

    That way they can still profit all they want from the mods themselves, and freeform on Gold or LTS is something you are truly unlimited with.

    pion01 wrote: »
    I usually try to reserve judgement til I've actually played with or at least seen the system, but this whole implementation thing I greatly dislike.

    The system itself sounds great, but hiding vehicles behind lockboxes, and then their powers behind more lockboxes, well, this is bull****.

    :frown: I'm finding it hard to refute this negativity.

    pion01 wrote: »
    I find it especially striking since nobody wanted vehicles for combat. We wanted vehicles for travel.

    I don't think you can say "nobody" but the overwhelming majority of us (including myself), both on the forums and in-game, wanted vehicles for traveling. I even mocked vehicles for being overpowered before they came out. Sadly my mockery is turning into reality:
    ( Can I say I told you so yet? >_< )

    pion01 wrote: »
    Where did the sudden idea that vehicles should not just be useable in combat, but replace it altogether even come from?

    Now THAT is a great question. I have some theories but no facts.
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »
    I have no doubt that they'll sell well. That's part of the problem.

    It leads to balancing and development priorities that stray from the core of the game.

    It redirected resources into a system that, for the most part, was completely unnecessary away from something that may have enhanced the game of Champions Online, rather than turn it into Auto Assault.

    It creates a foundation for an environment where the only way to win or progress is by spending more money.

    I think they'll sell well at the cost of further alienating a core aspect of the player base. In turn, future releases will be less profitable as customer retention issues become more apparent.
  • ramthananaxramthananax Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    PWE doesn't care about balance. They don't care about the game. All they care about is sucking as much money from the game while spending as little on it as possible. It's obviously not a long-term solution for the game; but I suspect they're not planning on the long term for the game.
  • perfect0777perfect0777 Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Completely agree...why the HELL do i need a jet...i thought i could fly already....why do i want a tank...arent i already strong enough to punch through steel or whatever...i hope vehicle use is restricted to travel, a few open zones, and maybe PvP. Otherwise its just a way to milk the Mindless Morons of more cash without making the game better or more fun to play...it just makes twerps 10 feet tall and the unimaginitive think they are better players than you ...
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Completely agree...why the HELL do i need a jet...i thought i could fly already....why do i want a tank...arent i already strong enough to punch through steel or whatever...

    I don't know, are you strong enough to punch through steel? :biggrin:

    (I get your point, and I can agree. Your super-human strength should be your focus if you want it to be)
    i hope vehicle use is restricted to travel, a few open zones, and maybe PvP. Otherwise its just a way to milk the Mindless Morons of more cash without making the game better or more fun to play...

    This is part of what concerns me greatly, yes.

    it just makes twerps 10 feet tall and the unimaginitive think they are better players than you ...

    Off topic, but do you think we could get Super Magnifier and Super Shrinker to stay on all the time? Like how Dark Aura works? That would be fun if we could.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    I don't think you can say "nobody" but the overwhelming majority of us (including myself), both on the forums and in-game, wanted vehicles for traveling. I even mocked vehicles for being overpowered before they came out. Sadly my mockery is turning into reality:
    ( Can I say I told you so yet? >_< )

    Now THAT is a great question. I have some theories but no facts.

    That's my point tho. Nobody wanted the vehicles for combat. They wanted them for travel, and combat as well, if it was possible, as a secondary priority.

    Instead the speed has been nerfed, the prototypes were already OP'd and making all but the top tier characters replaceable nearly instantly, and that's before the R3 weapon mods.

    At what point did combat overtake travel as the priority?
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am truly humbled by how they implemented this.... so much worse than even I thought it was going to be.

    I'm cranking my cynicism all the way up for this prediction:

    1 year from now, Champions Online will be a better example of pay2win than Cosmic Break.

    All right guys, I set the bar high, but I think you can do it.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »

    That's my point tho. Nobody wanted the vehicles for combat. They wanted them for travel, and combat as well, if it was possible, as a secondary priority.

    Instead the speed has been nerfed, the prototypes were already OP'd and making all but the top tier characters replaceable nearly instantly, and that's before the R3 weapon mods.

    At what point did combat overtake travel as the priority?

    When they felt they could monetize it all.
  • perfect0777perfect0777 Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Quote by agentnx5

    Off topic, but do you think we could get Super Magnifier and Super Shrinker to stay on all the time? Like how Dark Aura works? That would be fun if we could.

    Ill do you one better...an entire AT built on size change like Marvels Ant-Man or DCs Giant Lad...GOD..i always thought that would be the coolest..and something even City of NEVER did...anyways..back to your originally scheduled rants...
  • jolokia13jolokia13 Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm a gold subscriber.

    To a superhero mmo.

    Flying tanks and ambulances are not very superhero-ey.

    Am i the only one who doesn't give a rats tukus for lockboxes or vehicles? I don't want a damn plane. I want other things fixed instead.....or a new zone....or fixing the dumb costume restrictions....
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »
    Or are mods and junk going to drop outside of lockboxes?

    Because as it stands now you can either buy, for real money, a vehicle which outperforms a Champion in almost every way.

    Or you can get a drop and then buy, for real money, a key to unlock your drop for a chance to win a much more powerful vehicle.

    And with the mods granting powers when you slot them, we are literally being sold powers. Individual abilities, or, worse yet, the random chance of, individual abilities. And the more money you shell out the, the more powerful you get.

    What's worse is that now that we have to actually buy powers, and their upgraded ranks, for real money, Silver players still don't get to hue their powers? Because lets be real here, being Gold means **** to having vehicles.

    I usually try to reserve judgement til I've actually played with or at least seen the system, but this whole implementation thing I greatly dislike.

    The system itself sounds great, but hiding vehicles behind lockboxes, and then their powers behind more lockboxes, well, this is bull****.

    I find it especially striking since nobody wanted vehicles for combat. We wanted vehicles for travel.

    Where did the sudden idea that vehicles should not just be useable in combat, but replace it altogether even come from?
    Im not a fan of vehicles either, but this post is a bit over the top.

    1. As i understand it MODs just drop, like any other loot (burst alerts) and are not in lock boxes. If that is true that invalidates 70% of your complaint.

    2. Also, Vehicles being stronger than heroes is a myth (especially for free forms). Your to much of a CO O.G. for me to believe that your aren't capable of building a free form hero (even theme based) that cant out perform a vehicle. Can you imagine if kempo said he cant outperform a vehicle??:tongue:

    3. Its not fair to say nobody wanted vehicles for combat. I believe there would be rage post if vehicles didn't work on combat. What we know for sure is that people complained when they released travel powers that don't work in combat. If people expect travel powers to work in combat, what makes you think no one expect the much touted vehicles to work in combat?

    4. You admit you didn't even try the system your self yet.

    Again, i don't even like vehicles, but this post reads like a knee-jerk reaction full of exaggeration.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    smoochan wrote: »
    1 year from now, Champions Online will be a better example of pay2win than Cosmic Break.

    Meanwhile, GW2 has literal cash to gold conversions and TOR is going F2P next week with players having to buy the ability to take off their helmet and get an extra hotbar. And CoX, which had constant new content and an affordable cash shop, got the door slammed in its face by NCSoft.

    The train's not only left the station, is well past Clarksville now.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Im not a fan of vehicles either, but this post is a bit over the top.

    1. As i understand it MODs just drop, like any other loot (burst alerts) and are not in lock boxes. If that is true that invalidates 70% of your complaint.

    You're understanding is incorrect - Weapon MODs are available in the Hover Tank Arsenal lockbox

    2. Also, Vehicles being stronger than heroes is a myth (especially for free forms). Your to much of a CO O.G. for me to believe that your aren't capable of building a free form hero (even theme based) that cant out perform a vehicle. Can you imagine if kempo said he cant outperform a vehicle??:tongue:

    You are incorrect - Vehicle damage for a particular AoE maintains was outpacing all but the most top tier builds, which skews balance in PvE gameplay development, to the point they were outperforming in everything including the scored open events.

    3. Its not fair to say nobody wanted vehicles for combat. I believe there would be rage post if vehicles didn't work on combat. What we know for sure is that people complained when they released travel powers that don't work in combat. If people expect travel powers to work in combat, what makes you think no one expect the much touted vehicles to work in combat?

    I said they would not be wanted for combat as a primary prupose. A vehicle that is solely for combat is Power Armor. Players were clamoring for a way for their street level, non-flying, non-teleporting heroes to get around, and that it would be nice if they could kick something while speeding through the city.

    This is not that. This is an entire combat and loot system based and developed around vehicular combat, with missions to boot.

    4. You admit you didn't even try the system your self yet.

    No, I admit that I haven't seen some of what is being pushed to live - particularly the final customization and some of the modding, but that doesn't negate any of my points on how it's being presented - through random chance lockboxes and greater function through greater pay.

    Again, i don't even like vehicles, but this post reads like a knee-jerk reaction full of exaggeration.

    I think it reads like a knee-jerk reaction full of exaggeration because you haven't yet experienced what I'm talking about. I can appreciate that what I'm saying won't ring true for everybody, but not the parts you're pointing out.
  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    smoochan wrote: »
    1 year from now, Champions Online will be a better example of pay2win than Cosmic Break.

    People always use this term pay2win, but since this is mostly a pve game, what would I be winning besides access to vehicles? Are you thinking they'll make content that you can't win without vehicles?
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    From the vehicle tutorial:
    Vehicles are in lock boxes, Z-store, and drifter store.

    Mods come with vehicles or can be found in the Q store, or drop as rewards. (lock boxes aren't the only way to get mods)

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    People always use this term pay2win, but since this is mostly a pve game, what would I be winning besides access to vehicles? Are you thinking they'll make content that you can't win without vehicles?
    I've asked this question a lot. A lot.

    The most coherent answers I've received so far are basically that some players feel that if their completely free character isn't quite as awesome as the guy down the street who's been buying Zen since we first got Zen, it makes them feel bad, even though we're not in competition with each other. They want to be able to compare epeens and feel good about it.

    I could see this as a complaint if PvP were a really huge part of CO. But it's not. And I really wish some folks would get over this.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've asked this question a lot. A lot.

    The most coherent answers I've received so far are basically that some players feel that if their completely free character isn't quite as awesome as the guy down the street who's been buying Zen since we first got Zen, it makes them feel bad, even though we're not in competition with each other. They want to be able to compare epeens and feel good about it.

    I could see this as a complaint if PvP were a really huge part of CO. But it's not. And I really wish some folks would get over this.

    Geesh not again...

    pay to win is an expression meaning being able to pay real money for in game advantage.

    Its like if a football team could pay to get more players than another team so they have an advantage.

    It means people with more money get better able to play the game than people spending more time and becoming better players.

    There are plenty of ways to make money (and most games do) without this slippery slope.

    Vanity items, quality of life items etc, or heres a radical idea how about selling an expansion with something new to actually DO in the game?
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    I've asked this question a lot. A lot.

    The most coherent answers I've received so far are basically that some players feel that if their completely free character isn't quite as awesome as the guy down the street who's been buying Zen since we first got Zen, it makes them feel bad, even though we're not in competition with each other. They want to be able to compare epeens and feel good about it.

    I could see this as a complaint if PvP were a really huge part of CO. But it's not. And I really wish some folks would get over this.

    Jonsills. Play a game called Battlefield Heroes by EA's Dutch subsidiary Easy Studios. You'll understand a lot more I think.

    It's not a concept that can be put easily into written form, because it's partly subjective. What does happen is that it will KILL the fun in the game if the balance gets out of whack, and it is a balance thing.

    Too little pay-to-win and you won't sell any micro-transaction stuff, because you have nothing people want. Additionally you will have people complain about being bored that they've hit max level and have no more room to grow stronger. You can go out of business as a MMO from having insufficient revenue.

    Too much pay-to-win and you kill the fun of the game, trivializing everything you encounter and creating a hostile community full of arrogant have's and whiny have-not's (not that the whining isn't justified, but it is going to be a lot of negative hostility all around, and not fun). This will cause the game to decrease in size and therefore cut your revenue down and down until it reaches a threshold where either you make it less pay-to-win or you go out of business.

    The answer is to find the happy medium, and have enough VOLUME to move sales and profit. Strive to keep current customers happy, recruit new customers, and make sure things work and are in balance.

    It's not black & white, Jon. I wish you'd stop making comments like what you ended with and would OPEN YOUR MIND a bit to trying to understand this balance and why it is important both to the community and the MMO business. The key is in having fun. Game are more fun when they are in-balance.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    From the vehicle tutorial:
    Vehicles are in lock boxes, Z-store, and drifter store.

    Mods come with vehicles or can be found in the Q store, or drop as rewards. (lock boxes aren't the only way to get mods)

    Rank 1 mods come with vehicles, with two Rank 2 exceptions, and TT has confirmed here that there is no plan to include a way to recieve Mods in some non-lockbox way in the near future, and while "most" will be available as mission rewards, we don't know what rank they'll be, if that reward will be in the form of a Hover Tank Arsenal, or what those missions will be, because currently, there's 2 missions for vehicles - Nighthawk and Carrier.
    jonsills wrote: »
    I've asked this question a lot. A lot.

    The most coherent answers I've received so far are basically that some players feel that if their completely free character isn't quite as awesome as the guy down the street who's been buying Zen since we first got Zen, it makes them feel bad, even though we're not in competition with each other. They want to be able to compare epeens and feel good about it.

    I could see this as a complaint if PvP were a really huge part of CO. But it's not. And I really wish some folks would get over this.

    You don't think that this will shift the balance of production away from the core CO gameplay the way alerts did?

    The most coherent answer you've chosen to hear, maybe, but not the only one that was given. If you disagree with everything else, so be it, but don't pretend it's the only one you've been given that makes any sense.
  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    Jonsills. Play a game called Battlefield Heroes by EA's Dutch subsidiary Easy Studios. You'll understand a lot more I think.

    Counterpoint: Isn't Battlefield Heroes a PVP game? Jon's talking about PVE.

    IMO, any disussion about Pay4Power in MMOs went out the window the instant the words 'Chinese Gold Farmer' hit the gamer lexicon.
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »
    Rank 1 mods come with vehicles, with two Rank 2 exceptions, and TT has confirmed here that there is no plan to include a way to recieve Mods in some non-lockbox way in the near future, and while "most" will be available as mission rewards, we don't know what rank they'll be, if that reward will be in the form of a Hover Tank Arsenal, or what those missions will be, because currently, there's 2 missions for vehicles - Nighthawk and Carrier.
    The highlighted part is misleading because there ARE NON-LOCKBOX WAYS to get mods rite now on live. Lock-boxes are not the only way to get mods.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The highlighted part is misleading because there ARE NON-LOCKBOX WAYS to get mods rite now on live. Lock-boxes are not the only way to get mods.

    You're right, my mistake, I was actually going to address that and got distracted - the other way is the Q store, which I'm not a big fan of, but you are correct, the option is there.

    However, the top tier vehicles and mods are still lockbox based, which is my point - you can have base stuff, but an increased ability requires money

    i.e. Selling Power.

    note: On live? You mean like Lucky Gems? Vehicle Weapon Mods are not the same thing as the Lucky Gem type mods... or are you referring to the just updated today patch (since I just saw the splash page)? And if so, are you referring to the Drifter store? Because guess what - Drifter Salvage comes from lockboxes too.
  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    I've asked this question a lot. A lot.

    The most coherent answers I've received so far are basically that some players feel that if their completely free character isn't quite as awesome as the guy down the street who's been buying Zen since we first got Zen, it makes them feel bad, even though we're not in competition with each other. They want to be able to compare epeens and feel good about it.

    I could see this as a complaint if PvP were a really huge part of CO. But it's not. And I really wish some folks would get over this.

    You'd think it'd be more Play2Win. When the jets were first available you could do a daily to get a chance at one. That's how I got mine. Or you could grind Q and make enough to get one. Does having 3 jets and spending $0 on them mean I won?

    The reason Pay2Win confuses me so much is because besides open alerts, there are no leaderboards. So how do we know who is winning?
  • wufflechanwufflechan Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just had a vehicle mod drop off a random mob for me...>.>
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Posts: 3,781 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Quote by agentnx5

    Off topic, but do you think we could get Super Magnifier and Super Shrinker to stay on all the time? Like how Dark Aura works? That would be fun if we could.

    Ill do you one better...an entire AT built on size change like Marvels Ant-Man or DCs Giant Lad...GOD..i always thought that would be the coolest..and something even City of NEVER did...anyways..back to your originally scheduled rants...

    Or like Microman who is standing in the RenCenter on a table right next to Dr Silverback and gives you some missions related to Dr Destroyer's lair. 'Cause you know, Champtions Online already has one IN GAME.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    wufflechan wrote: »
    I just had a vehicle mod drop off a random mob for me...>.>

    Perfect, then my question is answered and I concede my point.

    Thank you.

    edit: mostly.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Posts: 3,781 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »

    You're right, my mistake, I was actually going to address that and got distracted - the other way is the Q store, which I'm not a big fan of, but you are correct, the option is there.

    Also the auctionhouse because they're not bound.
  • haleakalahaleakala Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »
    At what point did combat overtake travel as the priority?

    At the point that someone saw money in it.

    They should just change the name of the game to Devices For Sale Online and be done with it.

    I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.

    Willie Nelson

    T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
    Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
  • thalast1thalast1 Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What is this?

    You guys complain about getting content, and now that you are getting this great vehicle system, you complain?

    To have fun you have to spend a little money!
    And Cryptic surely needs the money for further support!
  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    thalast1 wrote: »
    What is this?

    You guys complain about getting content, and now that you are getting this great vehicle system, you complain?

    To have fun you have to spend a little money!
    And Cryptic surely needs the money for further support!

    Gw2 must really suck if trolling over here is more fun.
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    pion01 wrote: »

    You are incorrect - Vehicle damage for a particular AoE maintains was outpacing all but the most top tier builds, which skews balance in PvE gameplay development, to the point they were outperforming in everything including the scored open events.

    Just beat an even level hover tank on my force quarry build without breaking a sweat. Bionic shielding was enough to make it a nonthreat.

    Vehicles are NOT stronger than players.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,208 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just beat an even level hover tank on my force quarry build without breaking a sweat. Bionic shielding was enough to make it a nonthreat.

    Vehicles are NOT stronger than players.

    You heard it here folks. One example makes the entire argument invalid. We can all go home now.

    Take me seriously, I dare you.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was always against that whole vehicle crap, but most people here always told me how great
    they are and that every hero these days fires rockets from a jet instead of using something
    like superpowers. So i think we got what the majority wanted, and only a small minority
    wants maybe real playable content instead.

    Now i wait for the day when they remove the costume-creator, and we select a ship to start
    with and after that we one day we maybe can buy "Become Hero" devices :rolleyes:

    Maybe they really should simply shut down the game instead of trying to milk the players
    only with crap instead of really developing anything new that earns the name content.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just beat an even level hover tank on my force quarry build without breaking a sweat. Bionic shielding was enough to make it a nonthreat.

    Vehicles are NOT stronger than players.

    Due to the nerf, it's possible and I don't know, but things to consider -

    Your character is probably already equipped and being played by you - an experienced player with familiarity with the character.

    Your opponent was brand new to the tank, and likely not outfitted with proper mods yet, using Rank 1 powers.

    Now, I'm not saying this is all true, but it's just something to keep in mind. Vehicles are brand new, once figured out they will likely alter the curve. They will also probably make more money than adding content for non-vehicles.

    Now, I could be completely wrong and vehicles will be balanced against characters, and the income they provide will not redirect resources away from core gameplay, which would be awesome.
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You heard it here folks. One example makes the entire argument invalid. We can all go home now.

    Take me seriously, I dare you.

    Never said it did.

    And don't worry, I don't take you seriously.:wink:

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
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