Huh, might explain why my boss has been trying to order them for the past three months and has got nothing but excuses and redirects. <_> Maybe the gremlins got them.
I'm always skeptical of Kickstarter projects. It looks, neat, I guess, but I'm failing to understand -how- it will work. (They seem to do that a lot in KS projects.) Also, annual fees? Eww.
Actually, a very easy way to farm boxes was to simply sprint through the level, since none of the enemies scaled with you (That is, the Westside arc though.) and smite Poe in one or two hits, grab the box, and leave without disabling the bomb. Repeat as necessary for moneyz. Economic update. Interesting. Gonna miss…
Erm, that's a bit of a stretch, but I can see your reasoning. Looked to me like the classic 'Sci-Fi' soldier scenario. Look at Sci-Fi games, what are the space marines usually fighting, primarily? StarCraft, you got the bugs called Zerg. Halo, you got the bugs called Flood. Starship Troopers, you got the bugs called-...The…
To be blunt? No. It's gonna either take a crapton of trust between you folks or it's not gonna happen. EDIT : Lol, second post already begging for someone to give them one.
Pretty sure they are talking about Millenium City Walmart, a similar thing to Club Caprice Bingo but, a bit more(okay, a LOT more) blunt about it. I've seen the OP's toon there. And, to answer the question, lets put it this way : CCB removed the handles to be nice about it. MCW is not nice about it. They are, technically…
...What is this Club Penguin? Erm, you might want to PM TT directly on this. <_< It sounds, really off. Like, can you not log on at all? Or is it just a chat ban style?
I'm in a slight hurry to get the pieces for Hackjob. Why? I will be, the very best, Like no Fudge ever was. To punch Gravi is my real test, To tank Frosticus is my cause. I will travel, across the street, farming far and wide. Each rampage, to understand, the mechanics deep inside. GOTTA FARM 'EM ALL. (I was a bit bored.)
Chat bubbles got their padding back? Ooooooh. Sky Carriers super rewards got changed to something more reasonable, sounds fine. I should have ran it more before. :tongue: Fire and Ice crediting everyone? Sweet. Costume stuff. Also sweet.
As was said above, most just want a damage reduction on it, and I've advocated for a damage reduction with it myself since the damage penetration is extremely strong on it, in other threads concerning it. Please don't put words in fudge's mouth. I never said it should Snare or Root. And invisible army fights invisible…
For you. Since you don't speak for the silent masses they are both correct and incorrect, since the likelihood of every single player utilizing it purely for how it looks is, extremely low and already I can name off two people I know that use it for the damage. So, get off the horse, and understand the views of other…
I'm gonna add, my comp-sci teacher way back when loved the 'Hooked on a Feeling' song, so I'm totally expecting them to be all super-happy about it. Especially since they were a comic and movie nerd.