Hello Heroes,
Okay, I have been thinking about this idea for a while. I have been a supporter of the Brigade hero concept ever since I have learned of its existence.
The Brigade is the brain-child of Biff Smackwell, who is currently acting as the Community Moderator for the CO board. His suggestion of what to paste into the Brigade history/bio explains the hero's concept pretty well, I think.
"I am Brigade, the Multi-Man. I am a Super Hero with a unique ability to split my body into multiple copies. Beyond that, whenever a new copy is made, it develops its own powers, completely independent from the original."
The Costume
Another for Silver accounts
Now I do not have a Brigade myself, but, as I said, I sincerely support the concept and would like to show that support by encouraging others to show their support as well. At least for one day. This is why I am proposing a Support Brigade Day for April 1st.
My idea is a simple one for anyone who wants to participate. On or before March 31st, you create a Brigade hero according to Smackwell instructions using the Brigade costume file and then on April 1, some where between 6:00 and 8:00 PM server time, every new Brigade logs on and then tries to meet up on the Mill City Map / Instance 1 in the RenCen. With a bit of luck, at some point, 100 Brigades will take over the map entirely.
I'm suggesting April 1 for a few reasons. First, as far as I know there is no big, new event happening so this would be sort of a player created event. A nifty idea if I do say so myself. And secondly, while not a deliberate April Fools prank, it might be fun to confuse a few players into thinking they missed the introduction of a new Arch, for moment or two, as they spot all of the Brigades chilling with Defender in the RenCen.
Now here's the thing with this Brigade Day idea. You might join just for the day and get to be part of some of Biff Smackwell's history making Brigade antics, like become part of a CO record breaking River Dance line. Or you might see that the concept is a fun one and decide to keep your Brigade as an active hero. All that I'm asking is that you be a Brigade for just one day to find out. If you do, I'll be there as well. You will know me when you see me. I'll be the one wearing a Brigade costume and hangin' with Defender.
btw - I did not consult with Biff Smackwell on this so if he says, "Nope. Ain't happenin'!" Well, we can ignore him and celebrate his idea without him. Or move it to a day that better suits his schedule.
Nothing I've posted here is set in stone. We can be flexible. Needs of the many and all that.
So would you like to be Brigade for a Day?
* * *
Seems to be some confusion on how you make a Brigade Hero.
Step One - Down load the costume file and place the file into your Screenshots folder where your Champions Online game is saved to. If you don't know where that is you will need to check out
this Wiki link.
Step Two - After you open the game, create a new hero using the Smackwell Brigade costume file. Name the hero Brigade.
Step Three - Add the following to the new Brigade's Bio - I am Brigade, the Multi-Man. I am a Super Hero with a unique ability to split my body into multiple copies. Beyond that, whenever a new copy is made, it develops its own powers, completely independent from the original.
Step Four - You are ready to join the game as part of Brigade.
Optional - Step Five - If you decide to remain a Brigade go to the
Brigade Character Thread and post your desire to remain a Brigade.
Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
There's a whole bunch of cool tips posted to the Protips thread.
Number 27 is still my current fav. :biggrin:
Also, sorry for the confusion. I've edited the original post. It now includes all of the info folks might need to add a Costume file and where to add it etc. :redface:
Just remember, for it to be a complete Brigade get-together, we'll need to also have the inevitable dance party afterwards. :biggrin:
This looks fun! I support it!
Exclamation marks!
Dance party with women of large stature!
That's exactly why I got a super-mag for my Brigade. :biggrin:
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
If I can just decide which powers to give him...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Every experiment needs a test-rat
Why you're just a low-down dirty rat, aren't you? :biggrin:
If nothing else, I'm trying to signal boost this on Twitter. #SupportBrigadeDay
Dunno how successful I'd be, but if anyone else has an account it might be good to spread the word.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
We'll never get THAT many. :eek:
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In the history of Brigade a female Brigade was propose. Smackwell decided to create a multi - heroine and he called her Myriad. Her costume is a bit different, but she's basically a lady brigade.
Here -
87 pages and maybe 20 plus are about the creation of Myriad.
there it is!
If anyone has a Brigade or Myriad who needs an invite to their respective SGs, feel free to grab me if I'm in-game (global handle in-game is @RandomChance42) or send me a PM.
Well, I'm stuck out of town without the system I play Champs on until tomorrow or Wednesday, and this current laptop I'm using can't run the game.
Hope you guys all have fun, and grab some screencaps for me!
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Now every time I try to logon it takes forever and it very laggy while I'm on, then when I try to switch to instance 1 it tries for a while, but instead it boots me out.
Could be a local problem because there are Verizon guys working on my street as I type this. I'm still trying but you know what to do If I don't show - Begin the Brigade - without me.
Also, if I do show and suddenly depart. :redface: It means that I'm still trying - unsuccessfully. :rolleyes:
-Just us messing around by Defender
-Providing entertainment for one of Flare's Costume Contests
I would've shown more if I had any, I left in the middle of the CC excitement. Unfortunately I think 5 participants was the highest we had.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Wasn't the smash hit we'd hoped for, but your efforts were worth it, zed. Thanks!
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In recognition of this (and of his flame powers), he called himself Fire Brigade...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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And you got a new guy out of it - Fire Brigade. Hey, you should ALL climb up on one of the Ladder trucks Down Town for a screen cap of Brigade as a fire brigade. That'll work. :biggrin:
I'll toss my hat into the ring, of course, I'll throw my own spin onto it but, otherwise I'd be up for it.
Deliciously nutritious!
The White-Winged Weekend Warrior!
Some of the old links are not working correctly so...
Brigade Thread
If you're unfamiliar with Brigade, then you should read the rules for becoming part of Brigade. There are not a lot of rules. I think there might only be two. But the big one is your hero must be named Brigade to be part of Brigade since it it a duplicate copy hero concept.
That said, Brigand, might not be a bad name for a Brigade gone bad that then becomes a good Brigades nemesis.
A lot of the old caps are missing from the old thread, but if they were still there you could see that a lot of what Brigade does (or did) when together is fight one another nemeses. That, and get silly between battles. (Is the river dance pic still up?) :biggrin:
Oh, I just remembered. There's even a third rule. Never mind. Just read the OP at the link.