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xsilvermanx Arc User



  • That feature is already in the game, only without the dropdown-menu. It's also way better than EVERY single other implementation of personal housing. What am I talking about? The Foundry of course. It's just (I think) 10000 Dilithium for your own personal space station where you can even walk around, meet NPCs, everything.…
  • New C-Store unlock: not-upgradeable T5-Miranda. Now that T5 won't be the top tier much longer, we may be able to ask for that :D
  • Yep, your resolve still stands, as I failed a bit and didn't put the reason I wanted to, in. What happens, if what you want would be achievable (tanking 5 on 1)? Take a look at one hypothetic premade 5vs5, one team using 5 of those tanks. The result is a draw because no one is gonna destroy anyone. That's why those tanks…
  • Yeah, RSP3 may not be the wisest choice PvP-wise :-P However NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NO ship should be able to tank 5/1. Read my comment again!
  • Can't tell about PvP because -I- am horrible in PvP in general (some exceptions though) but in PvE I do love my Engineer-piloted Cruiser (Galaxy-X). Carrying instances is generally not a problem for me, wouldn't talk about being underpowered (note, I'm not flying A2B-build or DEM + Marion). Also Commander Engineering...…
  • so, the F2P-game I'm talking about handled it quite well. Most of the time there was no GM-abuse however I can remember one time where a GM wanted to have some fun and accidentally changed the course of a PvP-fight. He promptly abandoned the place himself and apologies publically on the forums. And to some extent:…
  • Could you specify? I don't play NW.
  • I don't see them either, but tbh doing a good mission is MUCH work (I have 3 missions WIP since 1 1/2 years, ok, I'm not working on them that much but I plan on finishing them some time in the future ^^) so giving out a small amount of Zen that could be converted to Dilithium or whatever seems reasonable to me, gives an…
  • "lousy a****** you are" (translated from german). Why? Well, let's say I tried to build a farm mission. Was kind of ineffective what I've built though :D No, it's not published anymore :-P Ah, and somebody told me that he wasn't able to find the starting location for a mission. Well, I had mentioned Brea-System (or better…
  • Imagine the fun if a mod was not an evul HOBO but a Dental... :D
  • Thanks for editing but tbh I don't think you anonymised this enough. I'd put "Random Nickname @ random handle" and edit some things you were saying. People still could recognize the player by nickname and start of the handle. However that's only my 2 pence, and I'm not a mod.
  • You may want to edit your post, naming and shaming is not allowed in this forum. Edit them names out (yours is okay, but you should even get the name of the person in white out) and everything will be fine (I think). Oh, and be fast with doing it, otherwise the thread may be locked nontheless.
  • Sent you an invite. Thread would be solved then, the "unknown irregular times" is meh then.
  • Let's say I played the last mission, skipped the other 4. Still I have access to every Zone Wide mission on Defera but that special one. Also I'm Lvl 50 and have Omega Rep finished, access to Dyson Sphere and Undine fight zones. No mission active currently, will just play Defera Temple now to see whether I can make it…
  • So I forgot to mention something else: I tried to switch instances but nothing works to get that mission shown. It isn't available today either. I do know how that mission works but I can't play it. Like, I can't accept the mission. I'd be able to finish it if I could accept it. So question to everybody: Could you check…
  • don't worry op, if you're good enough as a healer, you'll get recognition as well as that DPS boat that killed everything. Just play like you want to play the game and ignore those that shout at you that you should be parsing 15k because that is the minimum you should be doing in your ship... . I'd be beaten up by them,…
  • What, if THIS would be the unique feature of all T6-ships? The ability to launch such a Aeroshuttle from every ship? Nobody would buy a T6, except if you could equip the Shuttle yourself, up to and including choosing a universal BOFF to control the ship and deciding on his abilites that he will use himself... If so…
  • Edited the headline, oops :D Ok, no double abilities then. Beam Overload should have a place in that build then. In contrast to the headline: Would a Galaxy-X using 4 DBBs and KCB, 1 [arc]-weapon and ... be better? I think it could be worth it to place turrets in the back as to maximize forward weapons' damage output,…
  • Is that vid worth anything boff-skill-wise? Equipment is looking good, weapons minus "why the hell don't you separate that saucer and get your front on the target?" -> two dual beambanks in front, together with Experimental Cannon and Torp, back without the Mine, gonna get three Arc-beams on it (KCB, weapon of Dyson Sphere…
  • It's not a bug, it's a feature? Seriously? So to get to lvl 1, you need 50 / 100 (not sure which) XP, for level 2 it's 260, for level 3 10,000?
  • It would suffice if that money-trick worked for PWE cause what does zero-priced, nearly infinite content mean for PWE? That's what the Foundry does, although poorly implemented. So by accepting this idea and maybe adding reputation marks / fleet marks to Foundry-missions (I'll assume that the marks are rewarded based on…
  • Thank you for forwarding the idea. So atleast it was/is discussed by the devs, let's hope for the best then. EDIT: Sadly Jedi-mindcontrol doesn't work in Star Trek, imagine a pic of Obi-Wan Kenobi: "This is the idea you are looking for."
  • Yeah, it's sad that such a great thread goes rather unnoticed. However it may be the wrong section for constant player-reads, still devs should be reading them all (or have someone read nearly all threads and ideas, high-rated ideas shouldn't go unnoticed) and tell so. So we wouldn't have to up the thread every 19 days :-p
  • I think you can level up with Foundry mission, it'll take only a "tad" longer ;) Like your idea though, could be kinda awesome RP-wise, if you found good missions. Also, this is "not" a push, and hopefully never will be a necro :-p
  • I'm sorry to say that but there is no such thing as "constructive criticism" on your idea, because: 1. You want a torpedo-build with the T'Varo 2. Enhanced Battle Cloak 3. Shield Tanking Now the 1. alone is great, got this myself. Especially if flown together with 2. in an effective way this is devastating both PvE and…
  • Why weren't the devs insta-convinced? I guess everyone who read this thread properly has been ^^
  • hey there, from what you've written, it sounds like you wanna try a torpedo boat using a cloak. Build for a Torp-boat: This thread is the ideal starting point. I'm using it myself at the moment and so far (Lvl 34) it's working great, crits all over the place and the like. As for the cloak: It's kinda difficult for…
  • ........you. ... ****, no one? It's this: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=943411 To post atleast one serious wish ;)
  • Why is this standing in "The Art of Star Trek Online"? Push it everywhere, this one improves gameplay for all factions. ****, I wanna have this right now. Flying around doing random missions. Push this thread, everyone ;)
  • *sniff* but I love my super-duper-not-getting-hit tank-cruiser. I don't want it to get a scratch, so it may not generate threat whatsoever. Honestly though, I don't like the idea. I fly an Exploration Cruiser Retrofit as an Engineer and the BOFF-skills I use work great. Just for the records my specs: Front: 1 DBB…