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Fed/Engineer/Cruisers need extreme help!

ajgamer1701ajgamer1701 Member Posts: 191 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Federation Discussion
Plain and simply put, engineers esp feds in cruisers with their "commander engineering(HAHAHA WHAT A JOKE)" boff seating and Engineer skipper abilities in general DESERVE an extreme re balance! We, engineers are the laughing stock of the whole game, its quite sad, and I am hoping for such a rebalance in coming s10 delta rising, and if not, then ,.... WHEN can we expect this? I mean in PvE we (engineers) are not bad yet just a bit lacking but in PVP, were absolutely HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sick and tired!!!!!! 75% dmg resist % or drm scales need an extreme rebalance as well, and I am NOT the only 1! Engineers and cruisers need an extreme overhaul! by at least 50% . make engineers mean something again! We have been "NERFED" for FAR 2 LONG!, and DONT tell me its my build cause its not, max defense builds in any engy in any cruiser is killed in nothing flat pvp by only 1-2 let alone 5 focus, if any1 should be able to tank 5/1 it should be engy in cruis not sci in cruis,/carrier and certainly NOT tac's in escort's with very little heals that are not even necessary because you cant put a 1% DENT in their shields with max attack no matter what weapon type even with eptW3 and elite flt WC with % for every power lvl over 75, it all means ZILTCH! Escorts/tacs and sci/tacs/rom dreads have it all , the rest have NOTHING! so Y do I spend time on this game if my choice in type toons is limited to sci/tac/eng when engy is the bottom of totem pole? In space, ... I mean on ground were almost unbeatable but shouldn't mean we cant do same in space so what gives?
Things are only impossible until they are NOT! (Picard)
Post edited by ajgamer1701 on


  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It may come in S10 (2015), but don't hold your breath for DR (aka X2). :rolleyes:
  • xsilvermanxxsilvermanx Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Can't tell about PvP because -I- am horrible in PvP in general (some exceptions though) but in PvE I do love my Engineer-piloted Cruiser (Galaxy-X). Carrying instances is generally not a problem for me, wouldn't talk about being underpowered (note, I'm not flying A2B-build or DEM + Marion). Also Commander Engineering... Never considered RSP3? What I loved to play was also EWP3, by now I've switched to Aceton Beam III and EWP1, both sweat abilities (apart from the common Commander-ability DEM3).
    Also you shouldn't be able to tank 5/1. I don't know nothing about PvP but to tank the entire enemy team is not what you should want to achieve. By maximizing your resists and stuff you lose most of your offensive potential as well as your support potential and in PvP a pure tank means nothing. Cause players don't check for the aggro you generate but will choose their targets. So a tank that's able to heal his team is an interesting target for the enemy team and the longer he is able to hold it (Miracle Worker x2 ftw via special engi-trait) the better.
    Yeah that's about it. It's your build :-)
  • xsilvermanxxsilvermanx Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yeah, RSP3 may not be the wisest choice PvP-wise :-P

    However NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NO ship should be able to tank 5/1. Read my comment again!
  • xsilvermanxxsilvermanx Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yep, your resolve still stands, as I failed a bit and didn't put the reason I wanted to, in.

    What happens, if what you want would be achievable (tanking 5 on 1)? Take a look at one hypothetic premade 5vs5, one team using 5 of those tanks. The result is a draw because no one is gonna destroy anyone. That's why those tanks should not be able to work and gladly they don't work mechanics-wise ;-)
    Also, as for Engineers / Cruisers can't put out Damage:
    That one (taken from http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1164511) gets good feedback. I'm too lazy to look for more builds that utilize Cruiser DPS, just using google.com will help you quite much ^^
    Not any Cmdr Eng ability is worthless. Why does everyone put DEM3 into their cookie cutter builds?
  • twofatnutstwofatnuts Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Actualy cruisers needs more hull health by about 50% and more shields its stupid that my defiant have only 10k less hull strenght than my old dreadnought that just laughable.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    twofatnuts wrote: »
    Actualy cruisers needs more hull health by about 50% and more shields its stupid that my defiant have only 10k less hull strenght than my old dreadnought that just laughable.

    The biggest problem with cruisers? It's the totally borked "Crew" mechanic, that even Cryptic admits is borked! Yet they do nothing about it!

    One of the "selling" points of cruisers is their increased crew compliment over smaller ships, supposedly to increase hull repair rate, which it does do, but unfortunately the crew "recovery" rate is the same for a BoP as it is for an Oddy.

    So a BoP can lose 95% of it's crew and recover almost instantly, and therefore Hull Repair rates go back up to +100%, almost instantly ... But If an Oddy loss 95% of it's crew, it takes around three and a half DAYS for it to recover, so the repair rate stays at 1 point per hour for those 3.5 days ... (Ok, maybe I exaggerated a teeny tiny bit, just for effect)

    Yes, you can slot DoFF's to increase crew recovery, and yes, you can slot consoles to improve crew recovery, but then cruisers would be doing less damage once again, and not be able to tank as well, so we'd be right back at the start again!

    IF Cryptic actually fixed the Crew/Hull mechanic so that Cruisers recovered hull WAY more quickly than escorts, due to there larger crew and NOT based on crew% as it is now, then "tanking" would take on a whole new meaning.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • draigondraigon Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    The biggest problem with cruisers? It's the totally borked "Crew" mechanic, that even Cryptic admits is borked! Yet they do nothing about it!

    One of the "selling" points of cruisers is their increased crew compliment over smaller ships, supposedly to increase hull repair rate, which it does do, but unfortunately the crew "recovery" rate is the same for a BoP as it is for an Oddy.

    So a BoP can lose 95% of it's crew and recover almost instantly, and therefore Hull Repair rates go back up to +100%, almost instantly ... But If an Oddy loss 95% of it's crew, it takes around three and a half DAYS for it to recover, so the repair rate stays at 1 point per hour for those 3.5 days ... (Ok, maybe I exaggerated a teeny tiny bit, just for effect)

    Yes, you can slot DoFF's to increase crew recovery, and yes, you can slot consoles to improve crew recovery, but then cruisers would be doing less damage once again, and not be able to tank as well, so we'd be right back at the start again!

    IF Cryptic actually fixed the Crew/Hull mechanic so that Cruisers recovered hull WAY more quickly than escorts, due to there larger crew and NOT based on crew% as it is now, then "tanking" would take on a whole new meaning.

    Not to mention that skills like boarding party rely on crew. I like that skill, but finally gave up on it. My Oddy may take a barrage of torps and only lose 10% hull, but my crew will be wasted and boarding party no longer works.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    draigon wrote: »
    Not to mention that skills like boarding party rely on crew. I like that skill, but finally gave up on it. My Oddy may take a barrage of torps and only lose 10% hull, but my crew will be wasted and boarding party no longer works.

    That's another thing that's terribly wrong with the crew mechanics. How did 3/4 of the crew taken out when my hull got less than 10% damage. If my cruiser has about 7% hull then I get why my crew's dead but if an enemy barely scratches the paint of my ship 75% of my crew will become redshirts as in "just dying for the sake of showig potential danger".
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ignore this guy.


    He necroed a years old thread.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    DRM /Dmg resist scales need an overhaul, should be 99% cap 90% attainable at least

    So you want to give every ship and every captain in the game super resists then? because those numbers of yours are done easily on any char, on any ship.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Engis / cruisers dont really need help they just need a way to do dmg without this lame broadsiding
  • oridjerraaoridjerraa Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I've been PvPing regularly as an engineer in cruisers for over two years. They can be very hard to kill, and a lot of fun in pve, but many of their captain class abilities are worthless!

    Nadion Inversion? You should never, ever need this ability as an engineer. If you stack a lot of beams, 6 or more, just add Cutting Beam and Assimilated Console.

    EPS? +35 power to all subsystems and a huge chunk of power transfer sounds great on paper, but again power isn't something engineers are hurting for. Add in the risk Tykens rift and all that power transfer equals one dead ship!

    Rotate Shield Frequency dose not hold a candle to snb/alpha. It's underpowered because a good engineer is already running near shield resist cap and the regen element on its own is a drop in the must have resilient shield bucket.

    Miracle Worker. A Yo yo mechanic that, again, seems good on paper but it dose not feel like something Scotty, it's namesake, would rescue the enterprise with! A miracle for me in pvp/pve is immunity to all debuffs, holds, disables, and buff stripping for me and my teammates. 30 seconds of being unstoppable means you have to kill the engineer to get rid of that damn miracle worker and that means engineers become a threat again instead of the ignored until last kill.

    as it stands we engineers are spam healers and not anything else in pvp and aggromagnets in pve.

    Brody ToS veterans
  • alejogalejog Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Against a coordinated team or lot of damage an engineer in a cruise will die, as it should since then all pvp would end in draws where the tacs give up and only the untouched healers are left looking at each other. However, an engineer in a cruiser can heal like nobody and tank like nobody and if you are not doing it well I'm sorry to say it's you not the class/ship. Some of the best healers in the game are engineers in cruisers, so go talk to them and find out how the do it instead of qq info because you are not invincible.

    Finn, Entrax, Edna, Tobias to name just the ones that come quicker to mind If you look at hilberts you can see all of them.

    Are some ships too tanky, very likely, but the problem is NOT that engineers are not survivable enough. No single person should be able to stalemate a match

    You die, get over it.

    I myself run a sci in a sci ship as a healer and am engineer in a cruiser as a healer and in both I heal well (very specialized builds on both) but I also die under concentrated fire on both.

    As Brody said if there is a problem with engineers on STO is that their powers are worthless outside of healing/tanking.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]-32nd Vipers- PvP Team

    Nothing is impossible to him who would try.... except getting cryptic to care about pvp.
  • nuwok1nuwok1 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My primary toon is an engineer, specifically a healer. I'm a regular PvP'er. In addition, that same toon (using a different ship+loadout) consistently performs 16k DPS in PvE, thanks to the people over in the 10K DPS channel. Also, I've been playing this toon for 3 years now. I just wanted to start out with some credentials before I go further.

    I think the majority of your complaints come from either a bad build or misunderstandings of the mechanics.
    boff seating and Engineer skipper abilities in general DESERVE an extreme re balance!


    Cruisers come in a huge variety of configurations. You are not lacking for boff seating. The Odyssey (any of the 3-pack) is an excellent ship. If you want to go more tactical, the Assault Cruiser Refit or Avenger are excellent ships. If you want to go more science, the Support Cruiser, Star Cruiser or Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser are also excellent. As a healer in PvP, I fly the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser. When in PvE, I fly the Fleet Avenger.

    In terms of Engineer Player ability, your complaints are a little more valid. Tactical captains have some excellent offensive abilities, specifically two buffs (Attack Pattern Alpha and Go Down Fighting) along with a debuff (Fire on my Mark). Science captains also have some excellent offensive abilities, specifically two debuffs (Sensor Scan and Subnucleonic Beam).

    Engineers on the other hand do not technically have any offensive abilities. Of the space abilities (5 in total), two are personal heals (Rotate Shield Frequency and Miracle Worker), one is a personal buff (Nadion Inversion), one is a targeted buff (EPS Power Transfer) and then, of course, the team buff (Engineering Fleet).

    The thing to remember here is that Engineers and Cruisers are really good for boosting and maintaining power levels. Both the EPS Power Transfer and Nadion Inversion abilities, along with the EPS Manifold Efficiency trait, reflect this. If you want to do damage with a Cruiser and you are playing an Engineer, then you have to take advantage of that. Use those boosted power levels along with Directed Energy Modulation and Fire at Will. It's what they were built for. Add some Elachi Disruptors and you'll see some huge damage numbers.

    Now, let me be clear, DEM+FAW is not always a good thing. I'm just saying that it can be an effective build, especially for an Engineer.
    but in PVP, were absolutely HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sick and tired!!!!!! 75% dmg resist % or drm scales need an extreme rebalance as well

    On this, I highly disagree. In PvP, damage resistance is very fluid. Just because you have a high damage resistance out of combat or when you pop all your abilities, doesn't mean that your damage resistance is going to stay high throughout a fight, especially in PvP. Once you throw in Fire on my Mark, Sensor Scan, Disruptor procs, etc, into the mix your damage resistance can drop dramatically. Having some purple Neutronium consoles doesn't mean you are actually tanky.

    Damage resistance mechanics work very well in the game. In fact, I would argue that in PvP damage resistance is king. You just have to understand the mechanics of it. You need to know what buffs it, what debuffs it and _especially_ when to use it.
    Engineers and cruisers need an extreme overhaul! by at least 50% . make engineers mean something again! We have been "NERFED" for FAR 2 LONG!

    I know a few people on the the Hilbert PvP leaderboard with FAW+DEM cruiser builds which consistently rank very high in both damage and kills. On the other end of the spectrum I, myself, rank very high on the healing side.
    and DONT tell me its my build cause its not

    Publish your build! Let other people take a look. Ask for advice from the OrganizedPVP channel. Maybe it not your build. Maybe it's just your playstyle or a misunderstanding of how something works.
    killed in nothing flat pvp by only 1-2 let alone 5 focus, if any1 should be able to tank 5/1 it should be engy in cruis

    Cruisers are not invicible. If you have two or three very good tactical players in escorts on you, you're very likely going to die. Doesn't really matter who you are. That's what they do. They blow stuff up quickly.

    The reverse is also true. If you have two or three very good engineering players in offensively built cruisers on you (using FAW+DEM), you're very likely going to die.

    You are not going to solo kill every escort you see just because your ship is bigger.
    i have RSP3

    Please don't use RSP3. It's silly and usually ineffective. For most builds, I would not recommend anything more than RSP1. For newer players just getting started in a cruiser, I'd even recommend running two RSP1 abilities. That's what I did when I got started.

    If you are playing an offensive build, your high level powers should not be defensive.

    If you are playing a simple tank build, without at least being an off-healer, please don't PvP. Zombie cruisers just take up space and don't contribute. This is coming from someone who plays a tank+full healer.

    If you are an off-healer, you should balance your high level powers between offensive and cross-healing. Use something like Auxiliary to Structural, which can be cast on yourself or a teammate.

    If you are a full healer, your high level powers should never be self-only.
    I mean on ground were almost unbeatable but shouldn't mean we cant do same in space so what gives?

    No. It's called game balancing.
  • darlexadarlexa Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    frankly I find, most fed starships skew towards engineer than I would like.

    even the ships that should be more tactical like the chimera, avenger, and galaxy x.

    I would support retooling things a bit. maybe expand on the level up effect they have detailed for teir6 ships or have teir 6 versions.
  • hpgibbshpgibbs Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I have. A fed Caitian engineer, and it's a fun character. Though compared to my fed Tac, rom Tac and my science kitty, the engineer is astoundingly meh. When I first got my engineer to 50, I specked him as a healer and he was nearly indestructible. I had to do a respec so I could get the reputation projects maxed, and healers aren't needed in PvE. And with him as a healer, I was not dying even in PvP. I wouldn't go so far to say that engineers are worthless, but they really do need some love.
    The Grate Lorde Cheesus
    Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
    Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
    Kirks Prot
  • darlexadarlexa Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I wish that the fed starships weren't quite so heavy towards engineering. I mean, I understand it, but most of the "warships" are skewed towards engineering. I understand that too, but it still erks me to have a combat focused ship with more engineering slots than tactical.

    and the engineering focused ships have virtually no tactical slots most of the time.

    its about as bad for sci ships as well.

    I understand it of course, fed is a lot of engineers and scientists, but it still grates on me with classes like the avenger being such a pain to outfit for tactical abilities.

    I amd hopeful that t5-u will address that a bit.
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    darlexa wrote: »
    I wish that the fed starships weren't quite so heavy towards engineering. I mean, I understand it, but most of the "warships" are skewed towards engineering..

    ...warship? Heavily skewed towards engineering?

    You *do* realize that Escorts are the warships of the Federation fleet, right? Not cruisers?

    I have a Trill engineer in an assault cruiser and her ship is impressively resilient, having tanked the CC's pulse a few times, but it's not all that deeps-y, which doesn't bother me much.

    Mostly, I think the issue is twofold - A, STO (like most MMOs) is heavily skewed towards murderizing things - the "good" cruisers, Avenger, Excelsior, Regent, all have a LtC Tactical station. The Gal-X, being a dreadnought cruiser, should have a LtC Tac, but does not, because.. reasons. The other cruisers, with either a Lt or a Lt and an Ens station, are not considered as "good".

    B, the cmdr engineering abilities are pretty underwhelming. Aceton beam, boarding party, extend shields? Who uses these things? (I use extend shields on my escort, but that's an discussion for another place.) Eject warp plasma is good in specific builds, but not very frequently used.

    The only "good" cmdr eng ability is DEM III, and that's offensive. Maybe if they added/buffed some of the Cmdr eng abilities, people might be less annoyed with the Galaxy's "ALL of the engineering!" layout.
  • stardefence1stardefence1 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    hiya all
    im sorry to bother you all
    but for some crazey reason I cant send a new thread
    hence im messaging on this thread

    all day today I have done nothing but fleet missions
    and then I suddenly remembered I still haven't collected my kdf enemy officer
    for hitting rank 4 on DIP
    it was taking me ages to deside what one to choose
    so I went for a walk and came back to find my daughter had jumped on and
    dident choose any he just got a nausican to train one of my other officers in cannons
    but I really wanted to have this one on my crew

    can any one help me is there any other way to get another one by buying one or doing any dip missions

    please let me no if any one has any ideas

    many thanks for your time ?
  • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The problem here is not with Engineers, but with how the game is played.

    The Engineer makes a great tank, but the game in general doesn't need tanks. Even the newest PvE isn't difficult enough to make a dedicated tank/aggro/healer necessary on a team and even the little Defiant isn't nearly the glass cannon it should be.

    Our Devs have been hung up on the "make things go BOOM quickly" aspect of this game for so long now that raw DPS is pretty much all that matters.

    I've played several MMOs where a tank is an absolute necessity because if a heavy enemy even so much as looks at a DPSer that player is dead. You need someone there to draw the fire, take the hits and throw a heal or two.

    Unfortunately the only way a tank is going to become valuable in STO again is for the difficulty to massively increase... but that goes against what we've seen so far b/c Cryptic wants all the scrubs in their rainbow boats to be able to complete the Elite difficulty missions without breaking a sweat.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Engineers are fine in pve. Ground is a no-brainer. Space its about optimizing what you have and what you can change. You cant change your captainskills, but your consoles, you energylevels and such.
    I pug regularly with tacticians and engineers, and honestly, there isnt much difference in the end. Tacticians will have better dps in a overall very good /high dps team, but simply because of stacking. If you play with pugs, meaning, play alone, it doesnt make such difference IF you build your ship optimal to your class. You got tank abilities as captain class, go offense in builds. You can go far more offensive with an engineer than with a tac if you also have a no-kill-directive, which dps-players have. Because dying= dps loss.

    Seriously, my monbosh pugged with 20k and a friend of mine has a Odyssey doing nearly the same in pugs. I dont see a problem.

    If all STFs were like hive with much incoming fire, tanks would benefit, though a tank must have dps to hold aggro. But if all STFs were like hive, the game would die within a month because "its so difficult, nerf nerf enemies, buff buff me".
  • squatsaucesquatsauce Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Engineers are fine, honestly. Cruisers might still need some tweaking, seeing as how their originally intended role is largely irrelevant, but the cruiser auras went a long way towards improving that.

    It is my opinion that most of the cruisers are decent enough. The problem is that some of the least compelling ships to play in the game also happen to be cruisers and that skews folks' perceptions of them.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    hiya all
    im sorry to bother you all
    but for some crazey reason I cant send a new thread
    hence im messaging on this thread

    all day today I have done nothing but fleet missions
    and then I suddenly remembered I still haven't collected my kdf enemy officer
    for hitting rank 4 on DIP
    it was taking me ages to deside what one to choose
    so I went for a walk and came back to find my daughter had jumped on and
    dident choose any he just got a nausican to train one of my other officers in cannons
    but I really wanted to have this one on my crew

    can any one help me is there any other way to get another one by buying one or doing any dip missions

    please let me no if any one has any ideas

    many thanks for your time ?

    Hey man, sorry that no one has answered your question yet.

    If you choose a diplo boff and have it train one of your original boffs. Your chance is now gone. You won't be able to get another diplo boff on that toon unless you find one on the exchange from the old diplo system.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Hopefully the info makes it to you
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I actually stopped playing with my Tac Toons and use only my engineers in cruisers. It already has more hull than escorts and with the right consoles (Fleet Spire and Universal Reputation) deals a lot of damage and with your engineering skills you can fly right into the battle and stay there a long time. Cruisers need more skilled players who are not always looking for the highesrt Damage output. If you have a lower Dmg output but can keep it up for a longer time because you have better survivability skills thats as good or even better than a pure damage dealer. Also, nothing beats a broadside attack.
  • darlexadarlexa Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I actually stopped playing with my Tac Toons and use only my engineers in cruisers. It already has more hull than escorts and with the right consoles (Fleet Spire and Universal Reputation) deals a lot of damage and with your engineering skills you can fly right into the battle and stay there a long time. Cruisers need more skilled players who are not always looking for the highesrt Damage output. If you have a lower Dmg output but can keep it up for a longer time because you have better survivability skills thats as good or even better than a pure damage dealer. Also, nothing beats a broadside attack.

    a variation on this, my galaxy x has a pretty decent punch. but what really changes things is that I use my fighters as an extension of my weapons. I leave them set to go after whatever I am targeting. except against voth or other races that are murder on small craft, it more than doubles my offensive firepower.
This discussion has been closed.