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xiesha911 Arc User



  • Oh sorry didnt know that "required to use English only" thx gulberat. i will edit little bit "It will never happen ... The bulk of the players are Americans and Germans. In 2 years of playing the game, I met only one fleet - "Russian starfleet" and one Russian-speaking player (after a failed STF he lying "dead", called all…
  • STO casuals advices always make me laugh XD Good Tactical Captain will always outperform Engineer on the ground... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQkEQis_2oo
  • STO is all about DPS... Federation Tactical Captain - master of ALL. RRF-Fed Tactical Captain - if you are min/max. Science Captain - only good as ground healer. Engineer Captain - only good as ground bomber. Tactical Captain outperform them in ground and SPACE combat. Heck... Tactical Captain can use Science ships and…
  • So OP, you made a wrong choice (like me) and create a useless Eng or Sci, spend a lot of Zen for Inv/Bank/Doff slot unlocks, billions of EC on ships/traits/boffs/doffs... and now you want Re-Career to Tac? 50 %+++ of all STO toons are Tacs (for the reason). If Cryptic made "Re-Career"... 90 %+++ of all STO toons will be…
  • In every PvE-only MMO ppl become boring very fast... What to do at endgame? Why upgrading? To do what??? ISA... CCA... ISA... CCA... ISA... CCA... ISA... CCA... ISA... CCA... ISA... CCA... ISA... CCA... again and again... again and again... again and again... again and again... again and again... STO need good, balanced…
  • In other discussion i read that Vonph drop rate is 1/750... So what is real drop rate 1/750 or 1/400~??? Quas price is 150mil~ (1/250 drop rate) and if Vonph drop rate is 1/400~... fair price is 250~ mil. And this is not limited time ship... lockbox ship for 900+ mil, srsly lol...
  • Ok... i see, people are selling a lockbox ship for 1bill... Well, considering the 1/3 chance from normal lockbox ship (and this is not limited time ship) i will just wait for reasonable price (300-400mill)...
  • Wait a second... Is this ship will be removed from lockbox after some time? "Limited time" ship?
  • Reading all of this, LOL... OMG it's like i'm in Mirror Universe xD http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9065123-star-trek-online-5-year-anniversary-infographic Majority is Tactical Captain - 50 %+ Engineers - 30 %~ Sciences - 20 %~ But this statistics for ALL Captains... If you take main…
  • Tacs are already OP. And giving them HEALING kit modules was a big mistake. Leave healing to Scis and Engi... and nerf Motivation (healing part) as well! Cryptic already give you big gift by cutting Hypo cd by 50% (+ healing traits also big mistake)... So slot Hypo doff and eat Hypo every 10 sec... Tacs are DD not a…
  • 100% agree... Vote to Kick needed for STO stf. Those afkers are so annoying. I'm playing ground stf alot, and in Brotherhood of the sword (elite) are the same guy (sci capt) always afking, he stands in 1st spawn point and doing absolutely nothing... I report him several times (i know it's pointless) but he still there. Now…
  • Perfect World Entertainment / STO (Cryptic) have a best F2P model on MMO market. You can have EVERYTHING without spending real $$$... Any ships, bank\inventory\doff\boff\ship\ slots unlock you can get just for playing the Game... I think i'm poor in STO, there are alot richer ppl than me. I just have 2+bill ec, 25k zen (in…
  • No New specialization... No Commando expand to primary... Sad and disappointed...
  • 4/3 no pilot maneuvers no battle cloak only lt.cmdr pilot Pilot ships are far more superior... But i will buy all bundle (Defiant/BoP/T'Varo) if... those ships will have superior starship trait (AHOD or EWC equal)... But im afraid Defiant starship trait will be useless gimmick :neutral:
  • Yes - I wanna change my main Sci into a Tac now!... And i will pay for that alot ZEN...
  • "How can we get more people involved in ground pvp?" I was playing (pug) GPvP regularly not long ago (for kill accolade)... And i will not play (pug) it again... 1. Very... VERY, very long time to wait for queue popup. 2. GPvP even more broken than SPvP... + There are the same few ppl playing it, and when you pug there are…
  • Eng and Sci captain space abilities are complete garbage compared to Tac captain abilities... Why Does Cryptic "hate" Engineering and Science so much? Because majority of all main characters are Tac captain... Eng and Sci in current meta are useless space gimps.
  • I bought... Command Battlecruisers Mega bundle (AHOD) - and i love those ships... Suppressive barrage III :smiley: T6 Cross Faction Battlecruisers bundle (EWC) - "must have" starship trait Pilot Ships... they fun, but have USELESS starship traits - NO DEAL. Waiting for... T6 Defiant/B'rel/T'varo bundle +useful starship…
  • "Science needs some love" Majority STO players is Tactical captains (fed tac) ALL love gone to them... How many players have Science captain as MAIN character? 5-10% of ALL playbase... so forget about love. My main is Sci.. i love ground healing abilities, but in space im flying a2b Cruisers/Escorts. Only 2 starship traits…
  • From my little experience (i was grinding PVP kill accolade last month) you need to fly fast VERY FAST to avoid all this Neutronic torpedo spread... to avoid those Tyken's rifts and 135' targeting arc attacks... "warp out" from battle, restore hp, go back to fight...
  • "Nerf pls... " Majority of STO players is Tacticals. Cryptic will never "nerf" them... This is before Chroniton Jolt nerf - Hardest ground stf completed by Security escort... https://youtube.com/watch?v=drr4FOIBs4k I think those guys can repeat it (ever after cj nerf}. And in Space Tactical FAR more superior than other two…
  • My main is Sci and i'm playing a lot (A LOT) NTTE, BOTSE, Rh'Ihho Station Elite (i don't like Bug Hunt - it's way too long). I always pug and im lucky if i see another Sci in team (~ 60% tac ~ 30% eng) ... Well, in NTTE dps means... If at least 1 Tac in pug know what his doing (spam TI, ST and summon Security Escort army)…
  • Only proper balanced "Heroes vs Villains" (+increasing reward) will bring majority to PVP. Also Cryptic can monetize it by selling additional Hero\Villain fron C-store. In current state PVP is... there are the same few ppl (10-20 ?) playing space PVP from time to time... And ground PVP is completely dead...
  • Sci ships are worst STO ship type. Some space magic useful for PVP, but for PVE it's almost useless... Look how ppl using SCIENCE Annorax... 5 embassy plasma console + BFAW everything and maybe throw some GW in process, just for fun.
  • Cryptic will never nerf tac, and don't care about eng and sci coz 50-60% STO playbase is tac... When i created my main sci i don't know anything about STO meta... after some time i discovered that tac can use sciboff skills more effectively... it was like WHAT?????? It's like some Archer in fantasy mmo can use mage staff…
  • Look at Summer Event... There will be no more Breen ships, also... if you dont have Sarr Theln Carrier yet... you will never get it
  • •Plasma Feedback Cascade •Hypospray – Melorazine Bugs do not use energy weapons :smiley:
  • Sad... but true. My main is Sci, so much resources spent, so much accolades earned... all of this was waste of time :( And soon enough i will reroll to Rom Tac... I wish i knew the state of game when i create my toon...
  • "It will always be bound to AUX power. There." Well... Then i stick to Ground. 3 Elite Ground missin in 10-15 min is better than 1 Advanced Space for the same time :smiley: No need to upgrade anything and no need to purchase Starships (Event Ships + MkXII is more than enough for Future Episodes)... "So what is your setup…
  • "Higher aux power means higher potency of those abilities." Those are Captain abilities and must preform at higher potency no matter what (similar to Tactical and Engineer Captain abilities)! How about this - BOUND Miracle Worker and Rotate Shield Frequency to auxiliary? Engineer Captain will be "happy" when Miracle Worker…