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Priority One Podcast 237 | But What About the PvP?

winters83winters83 Member Posts: 501 Media Corps
Greetings, Admirals! You’re listening to EPISODE 237 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, August 27th, 2015 and made available for download or streaming on Monday, August 31st, 2015 at PriorityOnePodcast.com!

We have a very special guest host this week. Some of you may recognise his voice…he’s a former host of Priority One who’s come back to see his old stomping grounds, as it were. Please join us in extending a very warm welcome back to Mark!

This week, we’re continuing our Star Trek Las Vegas coverage with an interview we recorded with the team from Roddenberry.com. In Star Trek Online news, we’re looking over this week’s patch notes and talking about the state of PvP.

And as always, before we wrap things up, we’ll open Hailing Frequencies for your incoming messages.


Tracking the Devs
This week’s Community Question:

What sort of PvP would you be looking for in Star Trek Online, whether you already PvP, have given it up, or have yet to try it?

Let us know YOUR thoughts on this week’s episode by commenting below!

Finally, a heartfelt thanks to Geek Nation Tours, who helped us bring you on-site coverage of the 2015 Star Trek Las Vegas Convention from our own table at the convention hall! If you missed it this year, check out their website to find out how you can make next year’s trip to the convention the most memorable experience ever!


Priority One Productions is always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Trek. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well-known outlet for your work. If you have a skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to incoming@priorityonepodcast.com

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Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below or CONTACT US via our handy web form! Enjoy the show!

Web: http://priorityonepodcast.com/po237
iTunes: Priority One Podcast


Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
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Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
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Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast


  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    Thank you for bringing up PvP! It (we?) are not often brought up and it's nice to get some much deserved attention.
    What sort of PvP would you be looking for in Star Trek Online, whether you already PvP, have given it up, or have yet to try it?

    I used to be/still am a diehard PvPer, but I have given up on STO as a whole (for the time being). Open Beta until a few weeks ago.

    What sort of PvP would I be looking for? Well, STO already had it - Season 1.2. Team based, 5v5 is amazingly fun... when it's balanced.

    Before, there was actual skill and tactics involved. Everyone had a role, everyone had a purpose. There was a distinct difference between a Cruiser, Escort, and Sci. There were distinct advantages to run a Sci/Escort or Eng/Sci, and teams were varied and hugely coordinated.

    Now? Now it's Starfighters Online. You're either an undying zombie (no limits on stacking Immunity) or popped in the blink of an eye, thanks to things like 100% CrtH Beam Overload with evermore increasingly powerful weapons, tons of sources of ShieldPen, instakill procs, and things like Isokinetic Cannon that routinely autohit for 60k+ directly through shields.

    New maps would honestly go a long way.

    But as far as new game types? Bring back Space Assault. It already exists; the code is there, the map is there, the mechanics are there. It just needs to be hooked back into the queues. It was unceremoniously removed around Season 1 for no reason. New modes could include: Escort the NPC (or even player), Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and many more.
  • robyvisionrobyvision Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    I'm a modest person. I would like to play pvp that is playable.
  • macwilliam1975macwilliam1975 Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    I would get involved into pvp if there was a purpose to it. IMHO, I would like to see a reward system to it with special gear as rewards. In other games, pvp gear is often the highest level gear in that said game. Setting up pvp ques for level ranges ex. lvl 10-19, lvl 20 -29, etc... with options for normal, advanced, and elite. Perhaps this could control some of the player vs. player balance.
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    To highlight from massively..."Faction balance and guild control" and "Class and playstyle balance". Both of these do not exist in STO. Not even remotely close. I'd go a step further and say STO is one of, if not, the most, unbalanced game I have ever played.

    Essentially, if you want to have any meaningful PVP, you need to go play another game. This is a PVE game. It's just something I've had to come to accept over the years. As praxi5 mentioned, it used to be fun around season 1.2 or so.

    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • zobovorzobovor Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    [quote]This week’s Community Question:

    What sort of PvP would you be looking for in Star Trek Online[/quote]

    The kind this game still offers from the point it unlocs (Lvl 6 I think? ) , up until Lvl 40 .

    As long as no special consoles are used , no Romulans are present and no hybrid or Lobi or C-Store weapons are used .
  • xorvxorv Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    I listened to the podcast, but unfortunately didn't get the informed in depth discussion I was hoping for on STO PVP. Really ought to have invited on players who are or have been involved heavily in that side of the game to discuss the topic.

    "What sort of PvP would you be looking for in Star Trek Online?"

    First of all allow me to preface my answer with this. While there's never perfect balance in any MMO, developers to have functioning PvP must take that side of the game into consideration when adding content. This game doesn't really take game balance into consideration very well, and appears to add content with no regard to the consequences of it in PvP. It' not that PvE in STO is any more balanced than PvP, but the majority of players don't tend to notice or care about the imbalances in PvE like they do in PvP. But that caring more about imbalances in PvP also touches on why PvP in MMOs is attractive and desired by many players. In a sense It matters more than PvE, it has more of a sense of consequence, and while perhaps not as relaxing as drifting through PvE content, it's far more engaging. So I think having PvP in STO is worth while, but in order for it to work there needs to be some changes in the existing game and the way the developers put out new content.

    I think everyone who PvPs in this game or wishes to will largely agree with what I said above, but they're unlikely to all agree on what is the "sort of PvP I want to see in Star Trek Online". There's going to be a lot of variation among players to that answer.

    I want Faction vs Faction and Fleet vs Fleet PvP in an open PvP environment with strategic objectives (some short and some long term) where both fleets and individual players are rewarded for participating and particularly for winning/succeeding with objectives. Think of DAoCs RvR type gameplay. What I'm specifically not interested in participating in is Arena type PvP or contrived leagues and duels.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    I'd like PvP that is separate from the influence of PvE, at the moment the rules that govern ability/power and gear interaction and so on are are set for both PvP and PvE equally. I'd like it that the scale/effect of gear and traits on powers to make less of an impact on abilities in PvP. That way it'd be more about the skill of the player and not about FAW/Kemo/Neut Sprd3 and DPS with 'X' gear and 'Y' traits to score 70k+ crits that skip shields on a ship with 60k hull.
    Leave the DPS nonesense to the PvErs who actually need it to because of the HP boosted bricks we face in PvE.

    It'd also be an idea to impose a moderator on PvP war zones kind of like a referee with the power to break up a gank or perhaps using rewards to encourage players to support and protect newbies who are trying out PvP so that they don't have to be exposed to the idiots that are left who have no clue on how to PvP without the latest meta.

    I'd also love to see a big scale space and ground PvP battle-zone with rewards greater than PvE (after all PvP requires far more skill than PvE ever will) with drops being no lower than very rare and taking out more experienced and better equipped players would reward epic gear (locking PvP gear setup once in the zone maybe? So it can't be removed). This would also require a means of preventing ganking and abusing rewards. I'm sure there are reputable PvPers would love to be moderators and would be good at it.

    Fleet involvement in PvP

    Rewarding pugs more and premades less in "Pug vs Premade" arena and C&H this way Premades would be encouraged to fight other Premades to get higher rewards than simply face rolling everyone in a 15 - 0 match. It'd also encourage teamwork in a pug for a higher reward.

    More maps (I'd love to see a map with a dense asteroid field where escorts have the advantage but also a nebula that disables shields where cruisers have the advantage)

    A PvP rep with greater rewards for good sportsmanship and punishment for idiocy and abusing the game's mechanics or ability/console imbalance.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Really good show!

    "What sort of PvP would you be looking for in Star Trek Online, whether you already PvP, have given it up, or have yet to try it?"

    Low level PvP has always been the best PvP. It's free of most of the power creep. If one goes into a Red Alert, space battle zone, or any other instance where their level is lowered, their stats and consoles all level down. I would LOVE for Cryptic to change PvP instances to do the same. The problem with PvP is that there is too much damage and healing making a situation where one is either unkillable or killed in just a few seconds if not less. Lowering the level in PvP zones would fix this problem by bringing both damage and healing in line without touching PvE. The system already exists, why not put it in PvP?
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    If they want successful PvP they should follow the GW2 model.

    Ships are divided into classes (Escort, Carrier, Dreadnought, etc) each class shares the same stats, console, and weapon slots, so the only difference between the Galaxy-X and the Scimitar would be the model.

    New PvP specialization, Boff abilities & traits, Duty officers, captain skills & traits, class abilities and gear, only usable during PvP, all PvE content is excluded from PvP and vice-versa, but some abilities might retain the basic (or similar) functionality with rebalanced stats, still PvP is balanced independently from PvE so balancing a shared ability or trait will only affect either PvP or PvE instead of both.

    You'll be provided with basic PvP gear, you can choose between several variants and you can unlock and purchase more diverse gear and upgrade previously unlocked gear, that gear is stored in an independent PvP inventory and cannot be used for PvE.

    You can chose between several Boff configurations for your ship class and can select your Doff configuration from a Doff roster.

    Exclusive PvP leveling and currency to unlock and purchase all previously mentioned stuff.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Been PvP'in since Dec 2012..
    There's been many changes, I'm still here.
  • xiesha911xiesha911 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Only proper balanced "Heroes vs Villains" (+increasing reward) will bring majority to PVP.
    Also Cryptic can monetize it by selling additional Hero\Villain fron C-store.

    In current state PVP is... there are the same few ppl (10-20 ?) playing space PVP from time to time... And ground PVP is completely dead...
  • frontline2042frontline2042 Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    Going to preface this with the fact that I've only done pvp in WoW so my views may be "tainted" but here's what i want:
    -A reason to play. Good gear (doesn't have to be the best but something on par with rep gear and has pvp centric stats in addition) that can be acquired at about 5-10 hours a piece (one a week roughly ) or a better dilithium/hour rate than other methods (discounting the contraband doff mission)
    - objective based pvp. While a mass slaughter is fun, fighting over points is more fun. Jace mentioned alterac valley and that was a good one, so was arathi basin (5 control points that generated points first side to reach the goal won). Have one side defend a point against the other for X minutes or something similar.
    - ditch the idea that the federation and klinks are still in a war. We've been allies against the borg, dominion, vaadwaur, voth, and iconians. It doesn't make sense to keep pretending that after so long fighting common enemies each side hasn't redeemed itself in the eyes of the other to have joint training maneuvers. Let pvp be mixed factions in a war games scenario to test out those maneuvers. Not only does it make sense story wise but as far as game play goes it'd do wonders to get people playing since we wouldn't be waiting 20-30 minutes praying for a queue to pop.
    Ignorance is an obstacle not an excuse
    Let the stupid suffer
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