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tostrekkie7 Arc User



  • The quickest method for leveling characters is during the Double XP events. They're held relatively often. You can get to lvl 50 just by completing the Klingon War episode. You can complete that episode easily in one day. If I remember correctly, the Borg Red Alerts also provide bonus XP for completion as well.
  • Thanks for the reply louthelou. I thought the same thing, but Dry Dock Slots (400 Zen),which is also a Service, is on sale. The Dry Dock Slots also cost less than Loadouts and Ship Slots so to suggest they're not on sale because they're already inexpensive doesn't appear to be logical either.
  • I don't want to rain on your parade, but you DON'T own a T6 Connie. You don't if the ship you're speaking of is the T6 Kelvin Heavy Command Cruiser (HCC), or as it's sarcastically referred to as, the JJprise. You own an iteration of the USS Enterprise. In fact players who own the T1 Enterprise have more right to claim they…
  • I really like the design of the new Jupiter. Sure beats the "Cruise" ship design of the old Jupiter you see in missions. My only concerns are as follows: 1. Design symmetry. Will the lower nacelles position be adjustable? How about removable? I just think the ship would look more aesthetically pleasing than the current…
  • Sometimes I think there's just too much variation period. Why? Because Cryptic had/has to create sinks to counter the large amounts of wealth players have collected. Players have BILLIONS in EC, MILLIONS in refined Dilithium, hundreds of thousands in Fleet Credits and Reputation Marks. Oh and let's not forget all the…
  • Thanks for the info neomodious. Here is what I discovered. I originally purchased 4 photonic engineer BOs off the exchange on one character. I therefore had 4 photonic BOs in my BO Candidate Queue. I wanted all 4 on one Away Team. Problem was I couldn't commission any photonic engineer. So taking Neomodious' info, I placed…
  • Negative on the wrong faction. My toon is a KDF Klingon & the Photonic Eng is KDF as well. He has the KDF symbol not FED. I've double clicked on the BO & tried using the Commission icon as well. When I get the Join menu and choose join, nothing happens.
  • Yay, I think I got one no one's mentioned yet. The lovely Adrienne Barbeau (Maude, Swamp Thing) Played Cretak in the DS9 episode Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
  • Orion, you, and a majority of the player base (me included) agree that the R&D system in it's current state is first and foremost a resource-sink. Why else would you have a crafting system with absolutely no control over [mods]. STO is the only MMO I've ever played. Enlighten me guys how do the crafting systems in other…
  • This is a good idea, just add a conversion mission to the Special Event Rep system. If Cryptic REALLY wanted to be fair, allow players to buy this years event ship with pearls and the understanding any excess pearls are worthless thereafter.
  • If you've been around long enough, you should know NONE of the previous currency exchanges have EVER been "fair" or "equitable" towards players. In other words, we're all still getting shafted in the end. Further why would Cryptic care if players got the event ship on day one. Players still had to earn the currency to buy…
  • If you're interested in opening up one Ensign Tac skill slot, drop one of the Tac Team skills. Now add 2 Purple or 2 Blue + 1 Green Conn Doffs. This will allow you to keep Tac Team running all the time without any global cool down and buff all your Attack Pattern skills. Will also give you another Eng Tac skill slot to…
  • I agree, the Propaganda Poster load screens are entertaining. I hope they keep designing more. Good work Devs, never thought I'd look forward to a loading screen more than I do now. Here are my favorite ones. Most Trekkie: Federation Command Insignia created with starships. (If the starships were detailed I'd so want one…
  • Comments moved to another thread
  • Rest In Peace Leonard Nimoy. I have been, and always shall be, your friend.
  • I agree the R&D queue needs a Cancel option. I don't know if it's a bug but on a number of occasions I will click on a category (let's say Cannons) but will only receive Beams projects. The only way to clear the Beam projects info is to close the R&D menu completely and reopen it. Even then opening any category several…
  • You can also promote a BO from their Status tab. Choose "Promote" from the Career Options pull down located at the bottom of the menu screen.
  • I needed some easy Omega Marks & decided to run Infected Space Normal. The STF started out just fine. We destroyed the first Borg spawn & broke to the left transformer (standard operating procedure). After we destroyed the left transformer we got the message we failed the optional. WHAT??? We counted our ships & discovered…
  • In the mean time just put one of your STO screenshots on your desktop and start clicking and cursing as usual. It can't be any worse than the lag on the holodeck servers since the STO 5th anniversary launch. :D
  • Thank you for the information guys. If I had known we were going to lose access to TS3 I would have grind the Facility 4028 mission for it before the R&D Skill Manuals were launched. Note to Devs: If you're trying to decide how to put TS3 manual back into the game, please DON'T make us play Facility 4028 to get it. (To the…
  • Since LoR, Cryptic has been pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. They have been conning us. They want the player base to believe there are currently 3 factions - Fed, KDF, and Romulan. There aren't. Cryptic can create as many playable species as they want, but as long as the only choice you have is to join the Fed side…
  • It's been stated several times in this thread but it is important enough to be repeated, equipment IS NOT as important as skills, teamwork, and strategy in Advanced (or any) STFs. I have a Klingon Tac flying a basic BOP. I have no points invested in any Specialization or Traits. All my equipment is common Mk XII. The only…
  • It's those deceitful Romul.... er, North Koreans fault! Hell hath no fury like a Trekkie scorned!
  • I once listened to a interview Dan Stahl gave wherein he stated he wasn't satisfied with the procedures needed to train BOs. He went on to say he wanted to do away with the trading method and simplify training by making ALL the BO skills available from the BO Skill Trainer. That would be the most simple solution to the…
  • It's not a bug. You stated "I had him done to about 10% when all of sudden he releases a staggering amount of fire (almost a one shot) that forced me to back off to restablize my shields and hull." If you disengage from battle too long, the NPCs will reset (to 100% shields & hull) and return to thier original position in…
  • I was surprised by the number of Tac BO slots (5 = 2 LT + 3 LTC) the Dauntless got. It also gets +10 to weapons power as well. Is it possible they wanted to give a Sci ship more fire power at the cost of some science abilities?
  • Kind of ironic (or completely logical) Dracula is a Science Officer. Counter disclaimer: System Analysis is not a practical alternative to the Plasmonic Leech. System Analysis is an active toggle ability only available on Federation Science Vessels, Klingon Support Vessels, the Odyssey Science Cruiser and the Bortasqu'…
  • A Boff is lost for good once it trains another. Lucky for you, you can re-run the mission Facility 4028 to get the Jem'Hadar Boff an unlimited number of times.
  • I've got to disagree with this comment. The Plasmotic Leech IS a MUST-HAVE console - PERIOD. This is the Item Information: The Plasmonic Leech enhances all of your energy weapons. Any energy weapon fired will now also drain the target of power and transfer that power back to you. Energy is stolen from all four subsystems.…
  • GO DOWN FIGHTING This skill is worthless at this time. If a ship's hull gets below 50%, an instant heal can make GDF unusable. In the opposite scenario, once below 50% Tacs in escorts don't survive for very long so any benefit from GDF is minimal at best. I suggest making GDF usable at any time just make the base damage…