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smidgy Arc User



  • Actually, if you consult the F2P Feature Matrix: http://sto.perfectworld.com/about/freetoplay/features-matrix The stipend is still listed on there, so I'm going by Hanlon's Razor, and attributing this to incompetence, not malice.
  • I really do think some kind of journal or record is needed so that players can verify for themselves that they are getting the Zen they should be getting. I have an LTS, and I got an email telling me about the new Scimitar ships, and I said to myself 'last time I logged in, I seem to remember that I had 4000 and something…
  • Please, please, please, don't inflict that on yourself. Steam utterly and completely sucks for games like this, because, if the Steam version isn't completely bang up to date, it wars with the version downloaded by the official launcher, causing unnecessary client wiping and downloading galore. However, if you are some…
  • This whole thing actually puts me in mind of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIaORknS1Dk
  • How can I put this delicately? Speaking as someone who is currently typing this on a PC whilst sitting less than ten feet from a PS3 and an Xbox 360, I can confirm from personal experience the person you're laughing at is completely correct, and it is them who should be laughing at you. The ignorance required to utter this…
  • Well, actually he said he had 3 boffs, total, but even if you were right, you still must be bugged, as I have 7 Romulans, 2 Remans, a Nausicaan, an Alien and a Klingon as Boffs or waiting to be boffs, and all bar two obtained from mission rewards or from 'New Officer' missions.
  • You must have a bug. I have a KDF-aligned Reman at level 39, I have not bought a single Boff, as of yet, and have 12 Boffs, if you include the ones sitting waiting to see if I'll get them to join my crew or simply train from them. Now, one was from the Legacy pack and another was a Liberated Borg from LTS, but that still…
  • Occam's Razor dictates that the thing that Cryptic called the mail system was intended to be...erm...a mail system. That only requires the assumption that Cryptic didn't mislabel it. Now, you can argue about Bayesian logic and try to argue that, no, really it was intended as a storage system, and that Cryptic are therefore…
  • Part of the problem is that nobody actually knows what will get you banned, or even what this system is designed to ban you for, except in very general terms (namely, that it's supposed to cut down or eliminate goldspam). However, despite numerous reports of auto-bans caused by things only very, very loosely connected with…
  • Basically, there is an auto-ban system designed to combat gold-spammers, which is a laudable goal. However, it's seemingly been designed by utterly brainless idiots, as the way it works is that it's triggered by certain unknown keywords or phrases which might only bear a very vague, passing resemblance to gold-spam if you…
  • I got a slightly weird version of this - every 'exchange sale expired' message was duplicated, one with the item attached, one without. I could take the item and delete that message, but not the duplicate. However, when I closed the mailbox and reopened it, they'd deleted themselves.
  • Actually, the last response from anyone at Cryptic in the thread about this was that this IS working as intended. The only thing that has been said is that they're 'considering adjusting the way the warning is displayed', but that's all. There's been no response to the posts about perfectly innocuous things that have…
  • Not quite. What they've actually done is like allowing full-world PvP, but made certain areas 'safe' zones where attacking players isn't allowed, even though you are physically able to do so. However, they aren't actually going to list these areas anywhere, but instead leave you to try to work out and/or guess what they're…
  • That worked, thanks.
  • A couple I've found: 1) Unable to create Off-Duty uniforms. I am able to modify an already existing Off-Duty uniform with an existing character, but the drop-down box to change from 'Uniform' to any other option is greyed out and cannot be selected when creating a new outfit unless you select an already existing Off-Duty…
  • I had this problem, but may have found a fix. I'm not sure if all parts of this are necessary, but it worked for me: 1) Open up Available Skills panel (little button on top right of power tray) and make sure 'Lock Tray' is deselected. 2) Open up Character Status panel (U key, by default), go to 'Stations' screen and clear…
  • Then I sincerely hope 'the way it should' gets reviewed and altered very bloody quickly. This is a grotesquely ill-advised and badly thought out system that serves as a minor inconvenience, at best, to any actual gold-spammer, as they simply abandon that account and create a new one, but can be a fairly major hassle for a…
  • Well, if you want to be certain of getting the absolute latest files from scratch, there's a sticky at the top of this forum for the latest launcher. Download that, put it in a folder of your choice, then run it, and it will download the latest version of the game client into that folder. This does have the slight downside…
  • From my own testing, this looks like it could be related to cloaking. My first new KDF had this bug, and he approached the Seg'pa whilst cloaked - no Feddies, and, seemingly because I waited until the reinforcements turned up before I tried relogging, when I did, everyone except me disappeared, so that character is…
  • At the risk of potentially responding to a troll post, I'll answer this - the downside to running an OS that 'just works' (though the idea that this is an accurate description of Windows is somewhat debatable) is that you are confined as to what that OS can do, and how it does it, to what the original makers of that OS…
  • Actually, they have on some things, but not on others. As an example, I have my VA Engineer decked out with the Nukara set, and I can now only disable the shield visuals, but not anything else, but, if I equip the Aegis set, all parts of that still have the 'Disable Visuals' option. I'm guessing this is an error by…
  • Kinda related to this - if Romulan is to be to Plasma weapons what the Federation is to Phasers and Klingons are to Disruptors, then it might be an idea to either replace the low-level crafted Phaser/Disruptor weapons with Plasma ones or simply add them so that Romulan characters can craft instead of buying, if they're of…
  • Considering this is a beta test, don't you think they might prioritise people who've shown they actually file bug reports and such-like from past tests? I have an LTS and have bought the Legacy pack. I did both without any expectation of getting any sneak preview of LoR on Tribble - I simply bought them because what was in…
  • I sort of have that bug, but with the slight wrinkle in that I have no 'Colour Configuration' option to choose from, so I'm stuck with the smooth, gray, textureless top.
  • Another bug, possibly related to this - when trying to change characters, if I select my new character too quickly, the game sometimes seems to think I've still got the character I've just been playing selected, so logs me back in on that character.
  • I have to completely agree. The Romulan faction and storyline has been done extremely well. If the Klingon content for the lower levels that is going to get added is of the same sort of quality, then the only problem might be that the Federation becomes the faction that nobody plays.
  • Well, whether it makes sense or not, as far as I can recall, there has never been any indication from canon sources that a ship's hail can be used to determine a ship's location precisely enough to get a target lock, and there are actually quite a few scenes, in various bits of Trek, of cloaked vessels having ship-to-ship…
  • Just testing things out in tailoring screen, first one is a bit of a weird one. Both Romulan Republic uniform tops clipped through the Romulan Republic wrist attachments. Same problem occured with 'Survivor Romulan 01' and 'Survivor Romulan 02' (but not 'Survivor Romulan 03'): http://i.imgur.com/FRzPeTf However, when…