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By Riker's Beard! Linux!

twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
After some time fluttering around the planet, I find myself in a land of Linux users. (They seem friendly. No signs of turning into ravenous death monsters after midnight... yet.)

So tell me folks, what do I need to know to get the game running in WINE... or something else. I'm not sure which Linux this is, but I see a gear with a K stuck in it.

And that's the end of my knowledge.
Post edited by twg042370 on


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    radaikofromulusradaikofromulus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    After some time fluttering around the planet, I find myself in a land of Linux users. (They seem friendly. No signs of turning into ravenous death monsters after midnight... yet.)

    So tell me folks, what do I need to know to get the game running in WINE... or something else. I'm not sure which Linux this is, but I see a gear with a K stuck in it.

    And that's the end of my knowledge.

    My suggestion would be for you to get Crossover games from codeweavers. They have a version for Mac and Linux. It isn't virtualization and it does have wine as part of its core, but it has a polished UI and makes installing games much easier.
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sounds interesting. Is there more to know?
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    dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The major problem is with games like STO, is they rely heavily on DirectX. DirectX is not supported under Linux (hence why you need WINE). SO you would need to install WINE and manually install the libraries from a DirectX package.

    EDIT: I see that WINE is packaged with most of the DirectX9c DLLS now.

    Look here: http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ for everything you might want to know.

    Here are some recent tests of STO under a couple different Linux Distros (Ubuntu 13.04 is fresh): http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=19203

    For the sake of argument: I use Linux on all of my desktops, but I keep a Windoze laptop around JUST to play games, because of the hassle.
    VADM William "Darkshadow" Shadow | Join Date: Apr 2009 |
    USS Immortal NX-93608-F (Oddyssey Tactical Cruiser)
    VADM Rogueshadow IRW Kirino Kosaka (Valdore Retrofit)
    LT General Morbo IKS Karac (Bortasqu War Cruiser)
    LT General Posu IKS Saya Takagi (Chel Grett Warship)
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    aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited May 2013
    directx works better in wine then in windows most of the time..

    what doesnt work is DX10..

    all you need for STO to work in WINE is IE8.. install this and you are good to go.
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Doesn't Steam now support Linux? You might be able to run it through steam, but I have no idea if it'd work or not - just a random guess.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    After some time fluttering around the planet, I find myself in a land of Linux users. (They seem friendly. No signs of turning into ravenous death monsters after midnight... yet.)

    So tell me folks, what do I need to know to get the game running in WINE... or something else. I'm not sure which Linux this is, but I see a gear with a K stuck in it.

    And that's the end of my knowledge.

    1) the distro you are using is unidentifiable by the app launcher menu icon [usually] - but you ARE using the KDE desktop [XWindows enviro]

    2) Yes, you need wine

    3) Because the launcher relies on IE, you need to run winetricks for IE7 or IE8

    4) There is more info here on running STO in WINE
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    adorlinadorlin Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Doesn't Steam now support Linux? You might be able to run it through steam, but I have no idea if it'd work or not - just a random guess.

    The Steam client itself has a Linux version, individual games still need to support Linux themselves. STO is not one of them, so no, STO will not work through Steam for Linux.
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    spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    why would you use an operating system that honestly has no mainstream support, requires work arounds to do the most common of tasks, and in general is not simple or easy to learn. I use Linux for one thing, a file server on a pentium 3, and thats only because I didn't want to buy a copy of windows 2000 for it. Honestly Windows is 100% perfect for any task you need to do unless your running a firewall or server at home. I personally LOL at the Linux userbase while I go about my business with an operating system that just works.
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    dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    why would you use an operating system that honestly has no mainstream support...

    Other than most major companies, and most server enviornments.

    requires work arounds to do the most common of tasks

    Which tasks might those be?
    and in general is not simple or easy to learn.

    Gnome or KDE are no different than Windows, both operate very similarly. For just about ANYTHING you would want to do you can use the window manager, you rarely have to use a terminal, unless you're like me and find it faster than the window manager's "idiot interface" (which I might add isn't foolproof).
    I use Linux for one thing, a file server on a pentium 3, and thats only because I didn't want to buy a copy of windows 2000 for it.

    I'm not calling you out or anything, just curious why you would want to do that? You're a fan of Windows, and Windows XP Professional runs just fine on a PIII.
    Honestly Windows is 100% perfect for any task you need to do unless your running a firewall or server at home.

    I will not argue that Windows is fine for "the masses" who don't do much but gaming ,web surfing (watch for viruses kids) and some light word processing. However that is not what *I* do. I like to have a computer with a slim OS (windows is way over bloated) and low overhead, that does the same thing Windows does with less effort and is less susceptible to viruses.

    However for the sake of argument, OpenGL can and always will run rings around DirectX.

    I personally LOL at the Linux userbase while I go about my business with an operating system that just works.

    Ok, THAT cracked me up... the words "Operating System that just works" has NEVER been part of ANY Windows advertising, and likely never will ;-) (unless of course they say "Windows: the Operating System that JUST works.")

    Seriously though, not to derail the thread, this is about playing STO on Linux, I know people do it, I know they have a few issues with it, I wouldn't do it personally, why? Because that is what Windows is good for, toys (look at phones and Xboxes).
    VADM William "Darkshadow" Shadow | Join Date: Apr 2009 |
    USS Immortal NX-93608-F (Oddyssey Tactical Cruiser)
    VADM Rogueshadow IRW Kirino Kosaka (Valdore Retrofit)
    LT General Morbo IKS Karac (Bortasqu War Cruiser)
    LT General Posu IKS Saya Takagi (Chel Grett Warship)
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    smidgysmidgy Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    why would you use an operating system that honestly has no mainstream support, requires work arounds to do the most common of tasks, and in general is not simple or easy to learn. I use Linux for one thing, a file server on a pentium 3, and thats only because I didn't want to buy a copy of windows 2000 for it. Honestly Windows is 100% perfect for any task you need to do unless your running a firewall or server at home. I personally LOL at the Linux userbase while I go about my business with an operating system that just works.

    At the risk of potentially responding to a troll post, I'll answer this - the downside to running an OS that 'just works' (though the idea that this is an accurate description of Windows is somewhat debatable) is that you are confined as to what that OS can do, and how it does it, to what the original makers of that OS allow. With Linux, there's only two barriers to what it can do - your own programming ability, and your imagination. This means that anyone with the know-how can get a Linux distro and completely rewrite and reconfigure it from the ground up, and distribute it, totally legally, which gives it an amazing level of versatility, which is why you find some flavour of Linux in everything from mobile phones to supercomputers.
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    nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    why would you use an operating system that honestly has no mainstream support, requires work arounds to do the most common of tasks, and in general is not simple or easy to learn. I use Linux for one thing, a file server on a pentium 3, and thats only because I didn't want to buy a copy of windows 2000 for it. Honestly Windows is 100% perfect for any task you need to do unless your running a firewall or server at home. I personally LOL at the Linux userbase while I go about my business with an operating system that just works.

    And we LOL at you. Linux is free and once you figure out the basics of wine and where to put what ( its not that hard btw ) games can run smoother due to no bloatware in the background. Lets not forget 90% of computer viruses are made for WINDBLOWS . Also Linux isnt TRIBBLE.
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OS fanboyism aside, I've decided to wait until my hardcore Linux-using brother shows up to get this all sorted for me. I will show him the thread though. See what he says.
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, I can't believe they allowed Nepht out of the CO forums...;)
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    OS fanboyism aside, I've decided to wait until my hardcore Linux-using brother shows up to get this all sorted for me. I will show him the thread though. See what he says.

    Good luck getting it going. As a dedicated *nix user myself I even had some trouble getting STO going at first, but it does run well once you do.
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    why would you use an operating system that honestly has no mainstream support, requires work arounds to do the most common of tasks, and in general is not simple or easy to learn. I use Linux for one thing, a file server on a pentium 3, and thats only because I didn't want to buy a copy of windows 2000 for it. Honestly Windows is 100% perfect for any task you need to do unless your running a firewall or server at home. I personally LOL at the Linux userbase while I go about my business with an operating system that just works.

    Disclaimer: I am doing this quite sarcasticly and mean no offense, I am a Linux AND Windows user, and am not "bashing" Windows, but I do feel it necessary to clear up some misgivings about linux being "bad"

    Linux users LOL at the Windows userbase:

    1)Ask a Linux user the last time they defragged - they'll laugh in your face

    2)Ask a Linux user what Antivirus/Anti-Malware software they use - they'll facepalm then fall on the ground laughing

    3)Ask a Linux user the last time they couldn't start the machine due to a "registry problem" - they'll just stare blankly at you.

    4)Ask a Linux user if they like the new UI "features and effects" in Windows Vista, 7, and 8; They'll ask you what's new about them

    Sorry I could go on for hours.. but .. you get the idea :)
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    nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    Also, I can't believe they allowed Nepht out of the CO forums...;)

    If its made by Cryptic ima stalking it...im such a Cryptic fangirl..its sorta like eating glass only more painful :<
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    zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's hard to get this thing work on Linux. Too many dependencies on "Win-only" software. Tried it few times, got it working once, not very stable so I abandoned this idea. Still would love to have my games work flawlessy on Linux. I start to like this system, it's light, fast and good looking. And far easier and fast to use the Win.

    Until something breaks, then it is a hell to repair anything.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Disclaimer: I am doing this quite sarcasticly and mean no offense, I am a Linux AND Windows user, and am not "bashing" Windows, but I do feel it necessary to clear up some misgivings about linux being "bad"

    Amiga users LOL at the Linux userbase:

    1)Ask an Amiga user the last time they defragged - they'll laugh in your face

    2)Ask an Amiga user what Antivirus/Anti-Malware software they use - they'll facepalm then fall on the ground laughing

    3)Ask an Amiga user the last time they couldn't start the machine due to a "registry problem" - they'll just stare blankly at you.

    4)Ask an Amiga user if they like the new UI "features and effects" in Windows Vista, 7, and 8; They'll ask you what's new about them

    Sorry I could go on for hours.. but .. you get the idea :)

    Some slight tweaks to highlight the total absurdity of 'e-peen' arguments.

    People use what they like and enjoy, lets leave it at that eh?
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    equinox976 wrote: »
    Some slight tweaks to highlight the total absurdity of 'e-peen' arguments.

    People use what they like and enjoy, lets leave it at that eh?

    Perfectly fine with it :) I use both personally, and they both have up and downsides, but felt it necessary to point out some of the better features of one. As somebody posted about.. if certain things break, it CAN be a ROYAL pain to fix it.
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm partially thinking of taking what few savings I have left*, and getting a Windows 7 (The least crashy one I've used) laptop with nothing on it but some games and a wifi connection.

    But if I get it running on the rig I'm sitting in front of for the forseeable future, I can save my meagre savings for buying good coffee.

    *I shouldn't have spent that week in Tokyo...
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited May 2013
    Well there is another way, you could have 2 partitions on your hard drive. 1 for Linux and 1 for windows. Use windows when you can't get a game to work on Linux and use Linux for everything else.

    I used to have that set up but eventually got rid of Linux. I liked it, it was fast, smooth, sorta managed to get a game or two to work after a week and generally nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be. However most companies did not support it years ago which meant while my main hardware worked my soundcard didn't. Needless to say this was a deal breaker so I deleted it.

    I would be tempted to make the switch to Linux again but it's always worth keeping a mainstream OS around just in case.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't bother with WINE because IMO it's a hack that has a tendency to break. Sure, once you get it set up it probably runs fine... until you need to add something new. I've tried it in the past and don't need the frustration.

    I'd like to get a PC running virtualization with a Linux VM and a Windows VM. Then I'd run VNC locally and run STO that way from Linux (assuming video driver passthru works). Virtualization is the way to go.

    After that, a separate boot partition would work for me, too.

    That said, I am not very happy with what I hear about Windows 8 and I may cut the cord on Windows after 7 once and for all. I won't be running it willingly, that's for sure. Gaming is the only reason I didn't buy a Linux laptop the last time.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I don't bother with WINE because IMO it's a hack that has a tendency to break. Sure, once you get it set up it probably runs fine... until you need to add something new. I've tried it in the past and don't need the frustration.

    I'd like to get a PC running virtualization with a Linux VM and a Windows VM. Then I'd run VNC locally and run STO that way from Linux (assuming video driver passthru works). Virtualization is the way to go.

    After that, a separate boot partition would work for me, too.

    That said, I am not very happy with what I hear about Windows 8 and I may cut the cord on Windows after 7 once and for all. I won't be running it willingly, that's for sure. Gaming is the only reason I didn't buy a Linux laptop the last time.

    Windows 8 is bearable if you install Start8. It defaults to the regular desktop and adds in the start menu again. Before the final build the code was still in the operating system and you could turn it on with a registry hack, but they found out ppl were doing it and ripped it out altogether... Start8 is the only app I know of that adds it back in.
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    byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    good on you for going Linux

    it seems to be on the way up. really just needs more people to use it then at some point developers will see that porting their games for Linux will be worth it.

    I think we only really need a couple of big games to come out with Linux support and we will see a massive increase in it's use.
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    curs0rcurs0r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The most notable downside of Win 8 I have noticed is the disk access speed compared to win7. It's a bit sluggish. Other than that it's Windows. Dual booting isn't so bad and I have most of the same tools (gimp for example) on both platforms now. I game in Windows and Linux (yay Steam and yay Kerbal Space Program). For STO I say you may as well use Windows so you don't have to bother with the gymnastics of Wine setup and I think there's a mild performance hit too. If Windows simply isn't an option for you then as someone said install IE8. If it still doesn't work I think there's a winetricks ie8 that should get you rolling.
    I'll sell you some weapons from New Romulus. Never fired, only dropped once.
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    spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Other than most major companies, and most server enviornments.

    Which tasks might those be?

    Gnome or KDE are no different than Windows, both operate very similarly. For just about ANYTHING you would want to do you can use the window manager, you rarely have to use a terminal, unless you're like me and find it faster than the window manager's "idiot interface" (which I might add isn't foolproof).

    I'm not calling you out or anything, just curious why you would want to do that? You're a fan of Windows, and Windows XP Professional runs just fine on a PIII.

    I will not argue that Windows is fine for "the masses" who don't do much but gaming ,web surfing (watch for viruses kids) and some light word processing. However that is not what *I* do. I like to have a computer with a slim OS (windows is way over bloated) and low overhead, that does the same thing Windows does with less effort and is less susceptible to viruses.

    However for the sake of argument, OpenGL can and always will run rings around DirectX.

    Ok, THAT cracked me up... the words "Operating System that just works" has NEVER been part of ANY Windows advertising, and likely never will ;-) (unless of course they say "Windows: the Operating System that JUST works.")

    Seriously though, not to derail the thread, this is about playing STO on Linux, I know people do it, I know they have a few issues with it, I wouldn't do it personally, why? Because that is what Windows is good for, toys (look at phones and Xboxes).

    working with alot of large compaines since i used to be an IT contractor, corprate America runs on Windows Server actully. except for there firewall. The reason behind this being quite simple actuly. Microsoft Exchange server and Active Directory. These 2 features are already built into Windows Clients and saves money over an alternative client and you just need the server software to run it which is alot cheaper than paying for a license for an alternative mail server and alternative domain software for a corprate setting. Lets not also forget that almost exclusivly client machines in the office are Dell or HP running Windows XP or Windows 7. As for why I'm not running XP on my file server its quite simple, I sold my XP pro disk back when Windows 7 came out for about 150 bucks, I'm not interested in buying it again, and I don't run a domain server so I dont need Windows Server. Like I said linux is reserved for firewalls and some file servers, domain and mail control is almost exclusively Windows Server. I got alot more work because im an MCST than I ever got with my Linux+ certification I promise.

    Windows 8 is bearable if you install Start8. It defaults to the regular desktop and adds in the start menu again. Before the final build the code was still in the operating system and you could turn it on with a registry hack, but they found out ppl were doing it and ripped it out altogether... Start8 is the only app I know of that adds it back in.

    Wrong classic shell is a great alternative, I use Windows 8 for my home PC now and quite frankly love it, I do own Start8 but I have stopped using it, I actually have grown quite accustomed to the new interface and actully prefer it over the start menu.
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