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Official Legacy of Romulus Uniform Feedback Thread



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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Female Romulan Civilian upper has major clipping issues.....when running her back skin shows, and when I'm in aim mode.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1) In the tailor it seems you can zoom in way to far so the camera goes behind you character

    2) the romulan klingon 2 wrist items have different colour pallets for right and left hand.

    3) the romulan klingon 2 lower - only half can be coloured. the colour pallet does not work on the first box.
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    balordezulbalordezul Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have seen some clipping issues on npcs in the starter zone on a female near her left breast in the middle of her clothes. Might have been an issue of that breast size was set to stripper.

    There are issues with some of the wrist costume bits and clipping.

    Also I can't get any of the cool romulan tattoos to show up on any of my bridge office or my Subcommander.
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    suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Does the Male Tal Shiar uniform have any chest piece with a bird attached? I thought I saw a player playing male romulan that had such an addon on its chest, yet I found nothing like this on my female rom - http://i.imgur.com/BapNBci.jpg

    The only additonal element is the belt. Makes you wonder whether some other pieces, such as the cape, are going to be Veteran rewards... :rolleyes:

    As for other bugs I've noticed, numerous Romulan Klingon uniform pieces have colouring issues, which I'll try to demonstrate on a few examples, along with other bugs.

    http://i.imgur.com/r99iZMN.jpg - Romulan Klingon gloves have an option to change the character's skin colour, for whatever reason.

    http://i.imgur.com/I4uBssD.jpg - Several pieces appear twice, as seen here. Also, I've got access to Romulan Klingon outfits from both the Jacket Tight and Jacket Loose categories, even though they're the same outfit regardles.

    http://i.imgur.com/SUXpSU2.jpg - Romulan Klingon Wrist Attach Right has only a small range of colours available, while Wrist Attach Left has nearly all colours to choose from. Not sure which is working as intended and which is not though.

    http://i.imgur.com/UoOn3v1.jpg - Romulan Klingon Belt 2 with no Undershirt selected displays some weird silver squares on character's chest. Would be nice if they could be removed or disabled in some alternative variant of this belt, as it looks pretty nice.
    http://i.imgur.com/F4dNNBH.jpg - I would argue those silver bits look weird even with a proper Undershirt selected.

    http://i.imgur.com/m2AAziS.jpg - Note the "Lower" colour selection. Romulan Klingon 1 has three options available - two that change the pants colours and one that strangely does nothing (the middle one, brown-ish as default). However, Romulan Klingon 2 lacks the first colour change button, as it sticks with a previously selected colour, and you can only change the armored thigh part. And once agan, a colour option that does nothing is present (brown-ish one in the picture).

    http://i.imgur.com/fKmziil.jpg - some Chest Gear clipping, nothing new I guess... sadly.

    Also, I don't have a screenshot, but Romulan Klingon boots have clipping issues when used on bare legs (skirt). They seem all right with most pants options though.

    That's for the bugs for now. As for a general feedback, I really like the look and feel of nearly all the new Romulan clothing. I honestly didn't expect such a wide range to choose from. We've got a civilian clothing, more standard outfits, military-type ones, Tal Shiar uniform, allied-faction influenced ones, and there's probably going to be some more later down the road or perhaps in the C-Store. If only you could deal with all the bugs and clipping issues before launch, that would be great.

    On a somewhat unrelated note, I would really like to see an option to disable all those presets on the sides of my character model preview in the Character Creator/Tailor. They're weird, ugly, useless for an already created character, plus they're annoying when trying to move the camera and the cursor passes through any of them.
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    chiefbrexchiefbrex Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Tal Shiar uniform, when you select it, the top is initially a blank polygon top, until you manually select "Tal Shiar Uniform Shirt" toward the bottom of the Top options. This should be selected by default when you select the Tal Shiar uniform top.

    Also, on some of the Romulan - Tight top options, the bare/skin chest mesh bleeds through the top, notably around the shoulders.

    Also, it took two attempts to get uniforms to save and apply to my character. Basically wasting my free costume change, and costing me energy credits that I didn't have.
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    naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm having a lot of issues with the costume editor in terms of linked colors, where, for example, changing color 1 on boots changes it on pants and jackets. Also, right and left gauntlets bring up different pallets.

    BTW, I like new(?) Romulan color pallet, and wish it showed up everywhere.
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My issue is that the color palette keeps changing.

    I know being forced to join the other factions changes some but I swear I have seen it happen at other times.

    As an example. Created one Female Rom. She had thigh high boots. I picked a very dark purple (lol just realized she looks very Prince, Purple Rain) for them in character creation. Looks great. Later after being forced to renouce 1000s of years of Romulan heritage and be forced to serve the Klingons, the palette was completely different. The palette was not the same and most all orginal colors were missing. The boots would stay purple if you didnt edit anything. Palette was more bland and seemed to have fewer choices.

    I have noticed this on many items. Some seem to change from the large palette to the one with only a few (drab) colors. One jacket I had was done in Red using the top row red from the larger palette. Next time I edited it that palette was gone. Smaller one but not the smallest one. Color choices were changes. What I had as Red was no longer available and the choices were more pinky and instead of several red rows there was one-ish.

    Just need a CONSISTANT Palette. And preferably one that is Romulan focused and not the Klingon color choices. But some of the pallettes I saw were not Klingon ones anyway

    This isnt a complaint!!!!!! but.... we have too many accessories! I love the choices and the looks we can create but this causes a bunch of clipping issues and color issues ATM. We have belts and chest pieces that are "attached" to other section choices. Like picking a certain chest piece ads a harness and belt, then you might have a choice for an actual harness and another for an actual belt. The add Kit graphics on top of all that. So its very easy to end up with several layers.

    This is more prevalent on forced Klingon Romulans who have more options in this area. Like I say this is not a complait and love the choices but it does create some issues.

    Regarding forced Klingon Romulans - the shoulder pad options are just Klingon. Would love a specific Romulan version (broad or pointy) as opposed the basic KDF.

    Anway. Generally I love the uniform options and its one of the best parts of the expansion. Most are very well done. Most issues are simply technical
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    norai2011norai2011 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So I have noticed that the Tailor keeps changing my face gen data and I have no way of getting it back. Before entering the tailor it looks like this.
    And after it looks like this
    And if I try and save my costume before entering the tailor; it looks like this after I hit the load button

    I have also found clipping issues with the romulan KDF costumes.

    And I guess a couple of minor final thoughts. There are no badges or rank indicators at all. Now I know the RR is a militia but even militia units still have rank structures and insignia. Also if we are going to beam around by tapping stuff on our wrist could we please have a wrist peace that has some sort of computer display on it?
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    happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    wilv wrote: »
    I was under the impression that the first 4 BOFFs you recruit are unique (like the special STF drone and FE Reman/Breen/Jem'Hadar boffs) and aren't meant to be customized.

    Well, that would be dumb. They've joined the Republic but are forever dressed like farmers? Yeah, dumb. Either clothes/uniforms specifically should be changeable, with physical features locked, or if that's impossible then it should all be changeable.
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    norai2011 wrote: »

    And I guess a couple of minor final thoughts. There are no badges or rank indicators at all. Now I know the RR is a militia but even militia units still have rank structures and insignia. Also if we are going to beam around by tapping stuff on our wrist could we please have a wrist peace that has some sort of computer display on it?

    would be nice to have REAL Romulan options for those of us who want no part of the the Republic nonsense.

    I also do not want Fed or Klingon choices. The indignity of having to serve aliens is enough without having to be branded a traitor to your race.
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    assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    norai2011 wrote: »
    And I guess a couple of minor final thoughts. There are no badges or rank indicators at all. Now I know the RR is a militia but even militia units still have rank structures and insignia. Also if we are going to beam around by tapping stuff on our wrist could we please have a wrist peace that has some sort of computer display on it?

    I use the "Romulan Federation 2" wrist option on the left for that. And I would love to use my veteran AGT badge on the Romulan Federation 2 Uniform, but that probably won't come true.:(
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
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    kasandarokasandaro Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sometimes the tailor diesplays no character, need to relog to fix it..

    Had this happen, accidentally mousewheeled over it, realized that it was zoomed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way in, to a spot between my char's legs (hence showing nothing).
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    bevan72bevan72 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    yeah, i had the same effect on my romulan uniform. tearing whilst in certain positions
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kasandaro wrote: »
    Had this happen, accidentally mousewheeled over it, realized that it was zoomed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way in, to a spot between my char's legs (hence showing nothing).

    I think this should be listed as a BUG. I had the same issue except I was zoomed AAAAALLL the way out. But I didnt zoom while on the screen. It just opened zoomed out. Took me for ever to figure out it was a zoom issue
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    sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I found that the Federation Republic variant uniforms tear a bit when the character crouches, aims, or otherwise has to compact or twist their torso in some fashion.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It would be nice IMO if we just had some more 'proper' Romulan clothing options, perhaps instead of the KDF/FED uniform options. All of the options I have seen so far are either patched together by rags, or completely lacking in Romulan aesthetics.
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    sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It would be nice IMO if we just had some more 'proper' Romulan clothing options, perhaps instead of the KDF/FED uniform options. All of the options I have seen so far are either patched together by rags, or completely lacking in Romulan aesthetics.

    Basically, you're asking for Romulan Tal Shiar outfits.

    Even though the player characters are automatically part of the New Romulan Republic, and it's thoroughly explained during gameplay that, despite whatever past they may or may not have had, they currently are living out on a farming colony, just trying to live their lives.

    .... and even though a bunch of those outfits already have incredibly Romulan shoulder pads and such...

    .... and ALSO even though, you can actually unlock a Tal Shiar uniform later on during missions....
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    Basically, you're asking for Romulan Tal Shiar outfits.

    Even though the player characters are automatically part of the New Romulan Republic, and it's thoroughly explained during gameplay that, despite whatever past they may or may not have had, they currently are living out on a farming colony, just trying to live their lives.

    .... and even though a bunch of those outfits already have incredibly Romulan shoulder pads and such...

    .... and ALSO even though, you can actually unlock a Tal Shiar uniform later on during missions....
    Romulan does not equal tal-shiar necessarily. I am aware of the Tal-Shiar uniform. We have some shoulderpad clothing options....which are ragged and patched.

    I am just wishing that they had spent a bit more time giving more Romulan-looking uniform options. The majority do not fit the Romulan vibe, IMO.

    Some reading comprehension please, I adressed most of your points within the message you were replying to. :D
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    seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2013
    I want the purple reman uniform that comes in the legacy pack to be usable on my romulan captain.

    Shinzon wears it in Nemesis. Why is it reman only?
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    suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I want the purple reman uniform that comes in the legacy pack to be usable on my romulan captain.

    Shinzon wears it in Nemesis. Why is it reman only?
    While at it, I noticed that Reman Boffs have a free access to this uniform on Tribble, even though it's supposed to be a C-Store unlock.
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    sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Romulan does not equal tal-shiar necessarily. I am aware of the Tal-Shiar uniform. We have some shoulderpad clothing options....which are ragged and patched.

    I am just wishing that they had spent a bit more time giving more Romulan-looking uniform options. The majority do not fit the Romulan vibe, IMO.

    Some reading comprehension please, I adressed most of your points within the message you were replying to. :D

    You'll have to pardon me for saying what I did, but I see waaaay too many people complaining on the forums these days about saying the Romulans we're being set up to play as in LoR are not "real" Romulans, because it seems everyone equates being a real Romulan as one who is in the Romulan political machine/military/Tal Shiar. It's kind of aggravating, because it overlooks the fact that Romulans existed who were not part of those bodies at all, and in fact probably outnumbered the total populations of those entities combined. And we've seen so very little of regular Romulan civilians that it can be very easy to forget what they look like or how the act.
    But frankly, we have seen what regular Romulan civilian clothing looks like, and it's, well, rather unremarkable. Plus, the ragged and patched look fits perfectly with how the beginnings of the tutorial are set up, so honestly, I'm not see much of a problem either way. It's win/win for us, and much more colorful and interesting than the relatively bland looks of the TNG era.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
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    superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Romulan Federation tops of the Romulan males look unfinished. The female versions look better.
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Romulan Klingon 2 Belt Option needs to be split into a belt and chest gear option. Going from a belt to FULL ON BANDOLIER is just WAY too much, especially when otherwise my female KDF aligned Romulan has no chest gear options outside the Romulan Republic ones.
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    thedoctor0889thedoctor0889 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hope this is the right spot for this, when you pick your allegiance, all of the sound effects become that factions sounds (ie level up, opening doors) Transporter effect becomes faction transporter (ie beamup becomes red instead of green)
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    greathandlergreathandler Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    On the Romulan Fed side most of the female civilian tops are clipping even some of the sleeveless ones can even show no arms and you only get some floating hands.

    Romulan belts seem to not work with every costume piece as mentioned above by others and the romulan civilian skirt also do some clipping with most of the jacket tops.

    On the Romulan Klingon side... its a bit more then just clippings, I experienced that while I could change the color on my left wrist item I wasn't able to do so with the right one, the color patterns that could choose from on the right side is the same as the left one and no matter which color I would choose it didn't change. The Romulan Klingon 01 chest piece is really clipping, plus it seems to have something strange showing ad the top, between the throat and chest area.

    Things I have at the moment only experienced when trying to change the clothes on my BOs is that when I change the color of one piece of clothing all the others change to that color.
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    nadiezjanadiezja Member Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I haven't had much in terms of clipping trouble, apart from some issues with the Temporal Ambassador gear. But it surprised me how... adorable... my character was in all her outfits.
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    suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Moar bugs and observations:

    http://i.imgur.com/Y2jugsl.jpg - Male Tal Shiar uniform is gray until Colour Configuration is choosen from the list (reported already from what I've seen).

    http://i.imgur.com/KD6UUyg.jpg - Tal Shiar Chest piece is only available for Male characters
    http://i.imgur.com/yJtsitR.jpg - No Tal Shiar Chest piece for Female character - I know it'll clip with all the oversized TRIBBLE players give their female characters, but I'd still like to have this option regardless...

    http://i.imgur.com/Adpdh6Y.jpg - Mercenary Belt 03 appears on Reman boff for whatever reason.

    http://i.imgur.com/8aEcdJV.jpg - Romulan Klingon outfits do not display any skin on Reman boffs.

    http://i.imgur.com/FOCPZxw.jpg - General complaint, even the darkest colour option on ANY boots is brighter than other parts. Everything seems gray and I cannot make purely black boots on any character.
    http://i.imgur.com/yJtsitR.jpg - Like here, the boots colour is the darkest I could pick, yet it's still brighter than the colour of pants.
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    smidgysmidgy Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    suaveks wrote: »
    Moar bugs and observations:

    http://i.imgur.com/Y2jugsl.jpg - Male Tal Shiar uniform is gray until Colour Configuration is choosen from the list (reported already from what I've seen).

    I sort of have that bug, but with the slight wrinkle in that I have no 'Colour Configuration' option to choose from, so I'm stuck with the smooth, gray, textureless top.
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    tmichctmichc Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well, here's some more feedback on the character creator/tailor (following the 22/04 patch):

    - The strange colour palette differences between left and right gauntlet are still there. Here's a couple of screenshots to illustrate what I mean: Right gauntlet, Left gauntlet.

    - On some occasions (but not all), the colours will get linked together, so that changing the 1st colour of the trousers (for example) will change the first colour of the rest of the outfit. This also applies to boots changing the colour of the chest gear, and other circumstances. Here's some pics to illustrate this problem: Trousers linked to jacket, Boots linked to trim and chest gear

    - As others have mentioned, there is some tearing/glitching on the civilian vest shirt whenever the character does something that involved upper body movement. Here's a couple of shots of my female character during the tutorial: Firing her pistol, Crouching with pistol drawn (also notice skirt clipping)

    - Initial character creator is also somewhat dark and moody for some reason, making it difficult to see what my character looks like. Character creation screen.

    - Romulan civilian trousers clip when using the Romulan Republic Belts 1 & 2, and the Romulan Republic jackets. Front, Rear.

    - None of my Romulans (character or Romulan BOffs) have access to the Winter Jackets. My new 'ally' BOff, on the other hand, does. This is somewhat annoying as the Romulan contact on Drozana is wearing a short black winter jacket. I was hoping to make my character can look like this. :D

    - Forgot to take shots of this one, but there's also a problem using the 'Civilian Work Trousers' (a male only option - why do female characters/BOffs get the short end of the stick repeatedly?) with any of the Romulan Republic Belts. They do tend to clip, but that could be because I'm using loose trousers on a character costume item that's designed to be worn with the Romulan Republic set (which has tight trousers).

    - Edit: my male BOffs (I have yet to get it on my male character) have the problem others have mentioned of the Tal Shiar uniform being an amorphous blob before the correct map is selected.

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    fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There are a lot of clipping issues with the costumes. The overall pattern is that when you stay into one style, there are none or very minor clipping issues, however when you are going to mix things, for instance Rom Republic with Romulan klingon, almost nothing does fit anymore.
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