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queue38 Arc User



  • I have been working on my Odyssey healer for a long time and this is what I use. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=healer38_0 Doffs are very important. they are in the notes the missing device is Jevonite Hardpoints. any question about my build on why I have thing the way I do just let me know. for my keybinds I…
  • I haven’t been able to test it yet but I can say I am very disappointed in what I have read. If you get rid of all the things you click on in a crafting system you can have 4 kinds. Mostly junk in - Mostly junk out Mostly junk in - Mostly good out Mostly good in - Mostly good out Mostly good in - Mostly junk out *Junk in…
  • Math! Beam arrays have a base damage of 100 at 50 power. Normal tactical consoles only add their % to the base so a +30% will add 30 at 50 power. So on your build the beam array base is 100 you get (at 50 power). Rarity gives 10 Dmgx2 gives 10 Starship weapons training at 9 gives 49.5 Starship energy weapons at 9 gives…
  • a2d gives me Immunity to Repel so my only issue should be holds.
  • sorry I made the build look odd with 2 arrays and 2 banks I am asking which of the 2 you would use. as in 4 banks or 4 arrays I just put 2 of each so people would know what kind I would use.
  • Its ok. I don't like aux2bat at all. I think it doesn't fit my play style because my main is a healing Eng. plus I think it makes a ship far to weak.* *only my opinion :D which have been known to be wrong.
  • still might drop one aux2damp for RSP
  • Well on my healer I know I can get really high I think when I am using all my heals/buffs it can get to about 65%(actual damage resist) but when I am not using them I think it is in the 40s. not sure I can’t look in game right now. I like to keep it as high as I can, so even if I am getting attacked I can keep healing…
  • that was my old build here is my newest one (am home now so I can look) http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=engcrazy3_0 I could drop my last flow console for the assimilated module or I might put the anti 360 beam back on. the drain part of the build is just a small part to boost the tetryon glider. I use AP weapons…
  • This is a little older version of what I run now for my “dps” build on my Engineer. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=engcrazy_0 The goal of the build was for pugging and a anti rom build. But it does use 3 pricey doffs, maintenance engineers that increases healing skill when using EPtA. I did drop the…
  • The max negative resis is 400% I think but there are diminishing returns. Here is the formula I posted a while ago I think it is correct. =-((1/((1+(1/(1-0.75))-1-(((1/(1- 0.75))-1)/(1+("Total+MAG"/((1/(1- 0.75))-1))+(("Total+MAG"/((1/(1- 0.75))-1))^2))))/(1+(1/(1-0.75))-1-(((1/(1- 0.75))-1)/(1+("Total-MAG"/((1/(1-…
  • When I was building my current PVP/PVE ship for my Engineer stealth detection is one of the things I wanted. Here is my build http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=wellroundedpvpbuild_0 With Aux at 130 I have really good stealth detection. Note must of the time it is about 100 I need my eng?s EPS power transfer or the…
  • I think they are from the fleet support duty officer packs. you should be able to get them out of the mini one also. Note the chance of getting are very small. I have opened 100s of fleet packs for the + healing doff and only gotten one VR but 4 or 5 Rare and many greens and whites.
  • Misguided no my dumb idea misunderstood yes. the main point of my idea wasn't just to make it hard. yes I said Elite STF's should be hard but that was a reply to what someone said. my idea was to make the EPtX powers better but have limited up time as a way to help with power creep and add depth to the game. This change…
  • AI improvement would be better. Are the Doffs for reducing EPtX not enough for you? I know its not 100% uptime but 90% some is still good.
  • well yes and no. running one EPtS would last 4 minutes even longer if doffs are used. and ELITE STF's should demolish most people that would make them, I don't know Elite! :D but to your main point it would hurt people some but also add new depth to the game like should I use this now or later.
  • don't forget some ships have built in powers
  • So which one do you think will be better? http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=pvpfighter1_0 http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=pvpfighter2_0 Doffs are 2 for ST cooldown and 3 for BO cooldown.
  • Also on a side note for everyone that thinks I am crazy I am :D and if this build doesn't work well here is my back up http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=tacticalbackup_0
  • So here is my new build for healing. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=tacticaldpshealer3_0 and the back up drain build http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=tacticaldpshealer4_0
  • How about this for Boff powers http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=tacticaldpshealer2_0
  • I will be using it for pve also so any input is welcomed. I know it has to many heals for pve.
  • One, my main Eng which I have always had. my tac might be in a month or two but he will be a torpedo boat (cheap) my sci is at lvl 50 but my other 4 toons aren't even at lvl 50 yet :(
  • I would not use it I like my Eng the most and my Sci and Tac toon will be all rep up someday:(. aslo Eng do make the best healers :D
  • a few things there are builds that are between optimal and mediocre. plus I prefer my enemy to not shoot at me :D also I think you missed my main point most helpful people around here will just try to push people into a optimal build, which have been posted many times. so why make a new post when someone can just look up…
  • I was hoping someone would answer that way. I feel the same way, that people helping each other makes the game better. But if someone says I do it this way and people just say they are doing it wrong, do you think most people will change? Most likely not but take the Engineer Escort in this thread. they are lacking spike…
  • I see your point but I like to build from the bottom up not top down. Doffs, lockbox consoles, rep passives I feel should only make your build better not be required for it to work. it doesn't always work that way but that just how I feel. I start basic and see what it needs, see all the thing that would help it.
  • I find this topic to be very funny. This is how I would sum up the talk so far ?No one has original builds anymore? ?Only one way works, the game its power creep and Cryptic's fault? ?Well I use an Engineer in an Escort? ?YOU CAN?T DO THAT, YOU NEED MORE SPIKE MORE POWER YOU HAVE TO CREEP IT UP TO THE MAX? ?I USE IT ALL…
  • yes I only use 2 VR on the EPtX system and 3 green + healing (I do now have one VR and 2 Blue but haven't used them yet) my Tac toon use the torpedo like just missing some rep bonuses and good gear and it works very well. 3 doff will keep 3 launcher going almost no stop. in fact if you have 4 the 4th won't always fire. and…
  • I know you meant what 5 people but here are the builds for my ultimate team. 1. Unmovable Object or Healer http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=5man1_0 Doffs are 3 VR Maintenance Engineer + healing when using EPtA and 3 VR Damage Control Engineer to reduce EPtX cool downs. 2. Pyro or Pressure Damage…