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Build Questions

queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
edited June 2014 in PvP Gameplay
So my Tactical alt is almost done with the first 4 reps and I plan to do some PVP with him. I think I finally decided on what type of build I will use but want some other opinion on it.

Note this is my PVP only build my PVE build is done and works fine.

I am going to go with a beam build while trying to max out my ACC. I went beams with ACC because A. I suck at flying with cannons in PVP B. my torpedo boat was fun but I couldn’t get many kills and C. I suck at Vape builds.

Ok here is the build http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=pvpaccbuild_0

My questions are should I go beam arrays or dual beam banks in front? And for Engine, Core, and Shields plan to have both Fluidic Counter Assault and Dyson Joint Command. I like the Fluidic set more because of the hyper engines and Covariant shields but with the 3 pcs Dyson set I get Proton Barrage. But which set would you use?
I am @allenlabarge in game :D
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  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1. 3 aux2sif? You only need one...it's defaulted to global cooldown

    2. No neutroniums

    3. Just 1 ept?

    4. No sci team

    5. Your weapons...

    6. No kcb

    7. Aux2damp always on cd due to aux2sif

    Look at your boffs skills and do some subbing
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    1. 3 aux2sif? You only need one...it's defaulted to global cooldown
    it was awhile ago but I thought I did some testing with cycling and 3 aux2damp with the doff that make the damage resist go longer you can have two over lap and get something like +75DRM

    2. No neutroniums see above

    3. Just 1 ept? I have 2, EPtE for speed and turn and EPtA for seeing cloaked ship, better heals(cause I don't have many) and better aux2damp

    4. No sci team might make one of the TSS into ST

    5. Your weapons... that was one of my questions lol

    6. No kcb no I have my 3 aft weapons for set bonuses and I am buffing proton and photon damage with the set bonuses

    7. Aux2damp always on cd due to aux2sif don't have aux2sif

    Look at your boffs skills and do some subbing
    still might drop one aux2damp for RSP
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    My bad...try a single aux2bat build with aux2damp...you'll get much more done this way

    Sorry but the mistake again

    If your going beams, have trouble with targetting...get a tractor beam and go dbbs or forgot holds and deal with beam arrays.

    good luck
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    My bad...try a single aux2bat build with aux2damp...you'll get much more done this way

    Sorry but the mistake again

    If your going beams, have trouble with targetting...get a tractor beam and go dbbs or forgot holds and deal with beam arrays.

    good luck

    Its ok. I don't like aux2bat at all. I think it doesn't fit my play style because my main is a healing Eng. plus I think it makes a ship far to weak.*

    *only my opinion :D which have been known to be wrong.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
  • queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    sorry I made the build look odd with 2 arrays and 2 banks I am asking which of the 2 you would use. as in 4 banks or 4 arrays I just put 2 of each so people would know what kind I would use.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
  • queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    My 2 cents:

    You don't need that many a2d. Max 2, that should give you the option of using another eng ability.I know all the buffs don't overlap but the damage resist does which means I can have 2 going all the time. but even with that one still might go.
    Pattern omega is a must on pvp escort.must I don't know maybe but APB has better up time. but I had APO and went to APB I will have to see how I works
    Maybe replace TSS1 with PH1 if I get tractor to much I think I will do this.
    I used to play with a mix of beam arrays and dual beam banks, it didn't work so well for me. Builds usually require some type of uniformity for damage dealing.
    Spire tac consoles are better imho.yes but I am going for ACC that's why.

    Skill points recommendation
    -power performance; 6 points
    -warp core efficiency: 6 points
    -inertial dampeners: need only 3 and pattern omega is your best friend. I will play around with skills some I still have 5ish respec tokens

    That should be enough for the basics.

    a2d gives me Immunity to Repel so my only issue should be holds.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Alright, my buzz is gonr...Let's see if I can really figure this build out...

    My biggest concern is the lack of heals. Hazard emitter and two transfer shield strengths will not keep you alive. The lack of rsp is also a huge no no for me...an oh **** button should always be present.

    I see your using epta and epte. I'm curios as to why you would choose epta over epts. Your hoping to boost he, tss and aux2damp to insane levels...why not pop a battery? VR quatermaster doff and 9 points to starship batteries will do you well here.

    Apparently I'm extremely unconventional when it comes to tactical choices, I prefer to have them at global cool down. an omega once a minute, a tt every 30 secs and crf every 30 secs just doesn't sit well with me...with keel'el and sci team I'm not to scared of a sub nuke. But that's just me.

    Food for thought, a single aux2bat would would HE, omega, aux2damp, and both emergency powers on cooldown. Would definitely help your theme here.

    You would want bfaw over bo...a quick burst is a finisher...not an opening strike.

    Most prefer torp spread as it doesn't miss.

    With this much maneuver, I'd go dbb. If you can't handle it...go beams and drop aux2damp .

    I'd really consider an enhanced neutronium or 2...but that's just me

    There's a few other things, but not as crucial as the other points I made
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • ussboleynussboleyn Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The APB debuff is cleared by TT.

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