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pvehero Arc User



  • oh noes... Don't they know that walking under a raptors wing, much like walking under a ladder, is supposed to bring bad luck? :eek:
  • It's said that walking under a raptors wing, much like walking under a ladder, brings bad luck! :eek:
  • Yup, they should splash to everything except the other mines belonging to the same cluster. (Because that would make dispersal pattern completely worthless) I would so totally 'splode myself all the time if they did this... it'd be awsome!
    in Really Comment by pvehero December 2012
  • heh, no wonder I haven't even bothered logging in the last month. I've been staying out waiting for it all to get better... but it only gets worse... :p
  • Yup, it would be better to name it Shai-tan. (Bad-guy from another book series, that also can't be named without risking disaster.... Which is how the original voldemort bug got it's name, after those who named it by it's right name in forum met with sudden and mysterious disaster...) ;)
  • ^^this the cannon hit is "only" for 8k. The killer question is how someone got debuffed enough to make it hit for 18k! :o
  • This doesn't make sense... even if you were running without shields, you'd have to have 60% negative hull resist... and assuming there are diminishing returns on negative as well as positive resists, that would take... -150 resist? so if you'r own resist was +60ish, you'd have to be defuffed 210. barely even possible...…
  • Doing one mission you don't like to do, just because you need some numbers, is a grind.
  • First, a turret is a puny thing to waste. Barely noticeable. From what I understand, the KCB deals almost the same damage as the 180deg torp, so not bad. In addition, there are at least 3 good reasons why I can't use a regular torp: - I have no fore slots available for torps, and I sure ain't gonna let the enemies out of…
  • hmm... I haven't bothered queueing up since s7, with the rep grinding and the bug and all... so things may have changed... pre-s7 however, i think at least half the matches that popped were against premades. And no, I'll go PvE before I go begging for charity.
  • uhm... ever seen a pug vs. premade? usually always ends in a 0-15...
  • I think this one can be really good... Normal escort: DBB, DHC, DHC, DHC, TUR, TUR, TUR With this: DBB, DHC, DHC, DHC, TUR, KCB, TUR it's like a extra torpedo weapon without giving up a front slot. Sure, you'll give up a turret, but that's such a puny weapon anyway.
  • Well SOMEONE has to be Frank! Liking it is not required! :D
  • actually, no... as for all the other acronyms; yes, you can earn Omega Marks without them! :)
  • hah, tried it and had a good lol or two. (PvE) My escort suddenly had two additional Cmdr sci boffs :D Nothing like a good GW3+SS3 combo before unleashing ScatteVolley3+TorpSpread3! Those Tholians never even saw it coming! :D The biggest surprise: For PvE play, two extra Cmdr sci slots really didn't do much for my escort…
  • I would also like to know this... Not being a dili grinder myself, I have heard that getting to the refine limit takes about 2.2 hours of grinding. If this holds true, I'm surprised that someone, after spending 15 hours daily grinding dili for 7 toons, still has time to play Halo... :o
  • I don't believe it's even that specific. I think PWE is more of a "Profit! Make it bigger!". I'd be surprised if anyone involved in that decision even knows what STO is. After all, STO is one many little games from one of the many little studios PWE own. The only thing they want to hear from Cryptic is "Yes, we made more…
  • So all those changes... ...the ones we cried loudly about when we learned of them... ...the ones we said would break STO after we got the specs... ...the ones we said they'd be idiots to implement, when we tested it on tribble... ...the ones that they lied (poorly) about their intentions of... ...the ones anyone with half…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • lol, fixed it. There was some quotecode mixup :)
  • Easy, you just hit APD3 and FBP3! ;) woah... this solition is just so... Trek. :D
  • I do, a big one, but i have no idea what to do with it... :p (proving the 20th century saying "it's not about the size...") EDIT: I've heard this is not a sploit, but people seem reluctant to lay down the details. If it's not a sploit, and people seem to believe they shouldn't tell, is it an easter egg? Should this thread…
  • It's not only you... I could have sworn i made a thread an hour or two ago, and now i can't find it anywhere :eek:
  • This matches my testing based on tooltip calculations perfectly! (hah, and they said i was using flawd data by relying on tooltips!) Anyway, for a ship with a torp launcher, APO also buffs the torp, and then jumps ahead in damage dam... i hate it when someone steals my system! :D
  • I did... uhm... I mean, someone I know did some extensive calculations on APO1/CRF3 vs CRF2/APO3 damage, and came to the conclusion that CRF3 gave a marginally higher sustained damage (like 1%), while burst potential was rougly equal. I think, however, that when you include torpedo damage the APO3 solution will be best, at…
  • Spacebar solves part of the issue, but does not allow for optimal efficiency. I must admit I run a rather long keybind on mine, but there would be advantages to micromanagement. I tried running TSS first, but found that every time I needed it my aux power was at 0. In play, I actually use ST more than ET. HE even with 5-10…
  • Fun as this is (especially on the vet ship), it comes with extreme opporunity cost... - 2x Lt boff stations - 3x doff slots - Permanently no-power-to-aux. I think no matter how it's used, the user sacrifice almost as much as he gains. :) (and I'd hate for them do mess with it, as it opens up a lot of new build…
  • I really don't see much imbalance in STO... no, I'm serious, I don't... To break it down, we have at least four kinds of balance. 1. Faction Balance: Fed vs Kling balance - This is the question of "Do one faction have a general advantage over the other?" - KDF ships are in general a bit weaker, but with leech and cloak,…
  • It would take: - The big bug/exploit to be fixed - Balance pass on energy drain pets - Balance pass on Tractor pets - Balance pass on AMS console - Balance pass on Leech console And that's all. Really, it's that easy.... :P
  • Yeah, it's like if Ford tried to sell you a car, saying... "yeah, we haven't got the brakes to work, the steering is a bit on and off, and we haven't installed seats yet, but give it a try and if you like it and drive it for a year, we may fix those things!"