We're having this discussion again. No one's saying that you can't do the same that you would do with Beams than you can with Cannons, Torps, or whatever else (except probably Mines). And no one is saying that copy/pasting Beam builds onto Cannons (or vice versa) is a good idea. My point is that the potential is different.…
While we're at it... There shouldn't be a "de facto" build of FAW/EPtW/Plasma Explosions/Kemocite if you can afford it. There should always be (equally as) good alternatives; but right now, there aren't. Why? * Overcapping. Either Cannons need to be allowed to benefit from it, or it needs to be removed entirely. This has…
PvP is the easiest form of repeatable content that they can add. STFs, FEs, Battle Zones, you name it. They're all the same, and after you've played them a few times, you know exactly when and what to do, and then they fade into the Land of Boring. PvP is never the same and is endlessly repeatable. If they gave us PvP…
That's what I tell myself every time I'm tempted to shell out money for a ship. Without PvP, it's just going to end up being the same FAW and/or TBR ship that I've already played for years. What's the point of spending on something that's effectively just going to be a skin?
If you're not constantly balancing your shields, either via TacTeam or manually re-distributing (I have mine bound to spacebar with Fire All Weapons, for example), you're heavily under-utilizing your shields. If an NPC (or another player) is up against someone doing that (which really should be everyone), then you've got…
Thank you for bringing up PvP! It (we?) are not often brought up and it's nice to get some much deserved attention. I used to be/still am a diehard PvPer, but I have given up on STO as a whole (for the time being). Open Beta until a few weeks ago. What sort of PvP would I be looking for? Well, STO already had it - Season…
Yes, it can be quite damaging. Doubly so if you throw Sensor Scan + AP:Beta onto your targets and can use an OSS to boost both the SS and GW. And don't forget the Aftershock DOff. It does trade off damage for it's CC, though. If you're looking for raw damage, look at Destabilizing Resonance Beam (which actually works a lot…
Everyone knows Torp Boaters are heathens :p Even I've switched my Scis over from Torps to Energy, because it's just so much easier. Still don't use the Plasma Explosions though (too space poor to afford them).
I agree fully. It would have been one thing for them to say "Ooops, they weren't supposed to Crit at all sry" and remove the functionality - honestly, that would have made much more sense and avoided the trust and PR kerfuffle they've gotten themselves into. But they've said that everything should have been Critting, and…
Quite true. That's why I said that one of the first things that needs to be looked at (nerf wise) is NPC HP. They were, as far as I know, jacked up and increased based off of artificially inflated DPS coming from things like the broken Enhanced Armor Penetration and Plasma Doping (either the Burn or Explosion). Now that…
Atrox and the Andorian Escort pack. Nice and shiny when they came out, quickly relegated to 'RP only' status when they were outclassed within like 2 months.
... Did you not read it either? I pointed out several Buffs, to many various things, and asked to investigate Overcapping. At no point did I say anything along the lines of "HEY, NERF BEAMS!" If that results in Beams not benefiting from overcapping anymore, that is a fix, not a "nerf." If overcapping is intended, then…
Not just ISA. It also works for Fleet Alert, CC, Khitomer, Cure, GG, Undine BZ, general space patrols/FEs and more - those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Of course you have to move around to get the spawns (and maybe hit F once or twice), but once you're there, Park and Pew.
FAW is too good. It does everything - there are no downsides. The only (and I really mean only) time you don't want to use it is in top level Elite queues (like HSE) where pulling more than one enemy isn't advantageous. Every other time, FAW is the answer. Need spam cleared? More than one enemy? Enemies spread out? Just…
I think Reman (or is it Romulan?) Prototype Covariant has a better capacity. I heard (have not confirmed) that people have gotten nearly 40,000 shield capacity with the proper consoles and ships (Wells) with them.
While it's a great QoL improvement to have everything Account Bound for players, it goes against Cryptic's business model and mentality. They want to have super rare and hard-to-obtain items. They like the scarcity - it encourages you to either log in daily to "earn" your way up to that item (Rep, for example) or for you…
That's my problem with it. It's not going to be fundamentally different than the DOff'ing we have now. You'll use ships instead of DOffs, and get slightly different rewards. But it's still the same "Click click done", Pokemon in Space. There's no actual playable content.
It honestly just feels like a lot of Development time spent on DOffing; DOffing with ships won't "feel" any different than the DOffing we already have, and it doesn't actually add much in the way of content. Maybe 5 minutes spent on 10 clicks, then that's it? Pokemon in Space. Granted, that's just based on what little info…
Did you even read anything I said or...? Where did I ever say to nerf Beams? I said that Overcapping should benefit either all Energy Weapons, or none at all. That is to correct an issue that it is giving a huge benefit to something and not other (obviously not WAI), or is something that shouldn't be happening at all in…
Added. Yes. They've still got innate disadvantages when compared to Energy Weapons. For example, Energy Weapons are nearly instantaneous. Cannons have a bit of travel time, but not as much compared to Torps. Buffing Torpedo speeds would help a lot. Many times, Energy users have completely wiped out mobs before my Torp…
While FAW itself doesn't quite make sense to me (an AoE that does more damage than single target, even when you're only firing at a single target? k), many people smarter than I have convinced me that the beast that it currently is is a result of a smatter of things combined together: Overcapping, range/damage drop off,…
Kemocite is actually a wonderful example - why are, in your logs, 2 consoles doing more damage than entire BOff ability? Why are they doing almost as much as your weapons?