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edgecrysger Arc User




  • As i said, kids.. so sad. You dont realize the whole "proof" is the game itself, do you?? dont worry, they are not going to bann you for telling 1% of the truth. I hope.. lol.
  • You crazy if you think i have 100$ to bet at anything lol. The game could be still going, another different thing is, if it is going to be still a "game". I like when people call others "trolls" and the only thing they are doing is saying the truth lol. How hypocrite is this community, seriously. I could call you troll as…
  • Again. Bombs , mines, and mortars are useless against so many enemies... and you depend on your enemies walking into em. Who cares if a mine can kill a mob instantly if you first need to lure him into the mines?? bombs?? bombs are worst than mines. Mortars??? mortars hits regular mobs maybe once every 20 times. They are…
  • I know, i was talking about the ridiculous sizes of those "wallpapers" in some cases. Because that is what they are called when you go to the media gallery. I hope u understand now.
  • And you should think before you say stupid things. Do you really thing that they dont do server stability stuff every week in the weekly patch?? What else will they do?? :confused: that was my point... :D
  • Yeah this is most likely. Chornitons in STO are not even closer to the ones the Krenim used in the show. But same happens with transphasic, they come from the "future" (remember the last episode of Voyager) that will be almost the same year as STO is based, but still, they are really stupid compared with the ones Janeway…
  • I dont have a clue. lol, i started playing about 1,4 years ago. But after everything i saw already.. im not talking about the content of the game, im talking about the QUALITY of the game in general. Only seeing the quantity of bugs increasing exponentially in the last year, without even being fixed, that is a direct proof…
  • Not 4 , but its a fact, the game is dying since 1 year ago. It is a truly unhappy reality. :(
  • strongest? i never thought engineers were the strongest ground class, not by far. Tacticals are the strongest ground class. Since the beginnings of times. Engineers are just passive ground fighters. Tacticals are the ones who go in direct confrontation with your enemies. And still they kill any enemy faster than engineers,…
  • And this is the reason this game will never be better and has the days over. How the hell can you say " No, because by in large it works and works well.", seriously????? of course, because if that was not the case, nobody will be playing by now. This is the most buggy game ive ever played in 25 years. And even if you say…
  • The problem is when you use that weekly maintenance time to do, nothing? . Because thats what cryptic is doing week after week. If you tell me that the game is down EVERY DAY for a couple of hours, but cryptic is using their resources to FIX the bugs of the game, i will not care at all. I will even be willing to stay…
  • I would but i dont explain complicated things to kids, sorry. About the game, people that cant see its dying, are just people that refuses to believe it. Because if you cant see the game is dying.. you need glasses :P, the game will not be able to contain so many bugs (more and more month after month) eventually. They are…
  • You wrong lol. Its the same with shuttles. I was doing the "last stand" mission the other day, and it happened to me. No weapons anywhere. And if that was not the case, it doesnt matter , since eventually that bug will appear. 20 players are too much, and shuttles are not an exception. I said in other posts, how dare…
  • LOL, we dont need proof, its obvious. Only new people or people who doesnt give a TRIBBLE about the future of the game cant see it. Cryptic is doing it on purpose, but i dont think some of you will have any idea what im talking about, of course.
  • Exactly. Then, please mods, dont call em wallpapers, because it leads to confusion.
  • Its not that. Usually a weekly patch will mean they will fix (or at least try) 2 or 3 bugs, every week. That is better than nothing i guess. But for the last weeks or months, they didnt try to fix ANYTHING, and they are doing the same week after week. Its something to be upset, and concerned, but it looks like the majority…
  • Sorry, but i think you are the one who dont have any idea.
  • I dont think so, as i said, any good motherboad nowadayas has a really awesome 5.1 system (or 7.1) with a really decent quality. Unless that gamer is too obssesed with the quality of the sound, he will never buy specifically a sound card. And again, a good integrated sound system is not going to give any problem at all.…
  • I just dont know why people like to fly shuttles. Its the most terrible thing you can do in STO. Sometimes you cant even see your own shuttle at all. So many dumb icons that makes the visibility almost zero. Not to mention the weapon graphics, so ridiculously big and sometimes the only thing you can see are fireworks. But…
  • You CANT use more than 3 projectile doffs at a time. That is the maximum number of projectile doffs you can use. There is a limit on how many doffs of 1 category you can use. And its 3 as i remember, in some cases 2. And its recommended to use 3 blue ones, instead purple. The difference between using blue or purple is…
  • 20 players, shuttles, and the invisible weapons bug?? fun?? i dont think so.. lol, but well, good luck everyone!. :P
  • You can even avoid Steam or watever (until we are forced to use arc in time) just running the clien EXE file of the game (the one inside the "live" folder). Of course you will not be able to update or check files or things like that and you will be loging in the main game screen, not in the launcher. When i dont want to…
  • People are supossed to post their systems IF they have fps issues.. please, dont do the opposite. The purpose of this is to collect infor about those users, if we post all our systems even if we dont have problems, this will be useless in the end. BTW, yes, the soundcard can cause fps issues as well, or struggle problems,…
  • Lol, and i thought that was applied to the engineers.. lol. Its better to make a cover shield and stay cover while your away team, turrets, mortar and support drone do all the work.. i suposse xD.
  • NUKARA is tetryon, not antiproton. Anyways, people with a lot of alts will be getting bored sooner. Its an universal rule.
  • Undine ships, Tholian ships, Temporal Ships, every ship that should not be playable or belongs to the bad guys. Also, the scimitar, hate that ship. Too big (even bigger than it should be), always blocking everything in space and too much power creeped. As people said it was the beginning of all problems, so, lets get rid…
  • Just watch enterprise and you will have a bunch of ideas about Andorians.
  • It doesnt make any sense. If they make the interiors as they please, with the size of a coliseum, they are not longer "interiors". I played a lot of foundry missions with tiny corridors and i never had a problem with my entire away team. The ship interiors should be that, ship interiors, not just some random gigantic rooms…
  • I discarded 4 of em. All from the FE rerun event, 2 remans and 2 breen. I was tired of seeing em in my overflow bag without any chance to recover em. Again, thanks cryptic , erm, for nothing lol. Unfortunately cryptic didnt seem to care too much about this bug (well, im not surprised, anyways).