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Reduce torp/mine cooldown times?

officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
edited May 2014 in The Academy
What are the ways to reduce torpedo & mine cooldown times?
Which DOff's? Capn skills? BOff's skills? Ship skills? Whatever else?

Thank you.
I might need to ask what your jargon means, theres alot of language that is still foreign to me so go easy.
Post edited by officerbatman81 on


  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You need Projectile Weapon Officers for the possibility of decreasing the cool down time. The higher the quality of the officer the more time that can be shaved off (2 seconds to 5 seconds). Below is a link to the PWO:


    It is best to have 3 PWOs of purple quality. 3 because some people did the probability math and that was the optimal number of PWOs you should have for best results. You can assign up to 5, but you get diminishing returns to the point where it's best to use the last 2 Doff slots for other officers. If you are in a Fleet starship I believe you can have a total of 12 Doff slots instead of 10 slots.

    You can purchase purple PWOs off the Exchange, but they will be expensive. I would guess at least 2.5 million ECs each. Alternatively, you can get them for free, but time and luck is involved. If you are not aware, there are colonial chain missions which is a series of 7 missions to establish a colony is "unexplored" areas of the galaxy map. Below is a link to the 7 various missions. The last mission is known as "Renown" and you get a blue Doff as a reward. It also unlocks the "Support Colonization Effort" mission which is your ultimate goal.


    "Renown" mission blue Doff reward based on the unexplored region:


    "Support Colonization Effort" mission will reward you with a specific purple Doff, but only on a critical success. Otherwise, you only get a refugee (Fed) or prisoner (KDF). The chances of you getting critical success naturally depends on the quality of your Doffs. If you assign the "right" Purple Doff to this mission and with all the right traits for the best critical results you only have around a 34% - 37% of getting a critical success.

    You want to focus your efforts in the Khazan Cluster. Hopefully you have developed your Doffs to a decent level.

  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You CANT use more than 3 projectile doffs at a time. That is the maximum number of projectile doffs you can use. There is a limit on how many doffs of 1 category you can use. And its 3 as i remember, in some cases 2.

    And its recommended to use 3 blue ones, instead purple. The difference between using blue or purple is almost nothing. And you probably will prefer to have the purple ones doing assignments.

    Now, you can get em from the exchange, or you can get em doing duty officer asisgnments, specially the ones located in the star clusters. The assignment chains located there grants you a great quality doff at the end of the chain. You will need time for doing this, so i recommend you that if you are in a hurry, just get em from the exchange. If you do so, dont go for the purple ones, since they are ridiculous expensive in some case, with the blue ones, as i said will sufice.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    all players also get a free (one-time) purple doff named "Law" (BtC) from http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_A_Fistful_of_Gorn
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited May 2014
    you also get a blue projectile doff from the Facility 4028 in the dominion story arc.

    Duty Officer Requisition - Dominion Cadre
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