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aureleus Arc User



  • Exact same issue, been away for quite some time and ran into this login issue, quite annoying >.>. Also noticed that even though its patching it not taking up any actual space on the drive its installing too ? So is it *Actually* installing the 2GB+ patch or just wasting our time ?
  • Nice! Wish I knew about this before I decided to do my daily's, now my Main character is Stuck there, guess I'll request a GM to move my character :neutral: .
  • Just ran into this issue, Quite Annoying to say the least. Went in to get a good ground set and this bug makes that mission completely unable to finish. These are the types of bugs that need to be addressed asap, and the Lag issues too o.O.
  • *Its the Reaper Invasion!* O.O Sorry! Just had too! There similarities are quite close :D.
  • With the Romulans you need a certian amount of progression before certain things open up to you, for example sector space is pretty limited even after choosing a faction until you do a few more missions. I usually wait till about lvl 15-20 before I start a new featured episode with any new toons.
  • Its an Assumption that Literally everyone had when they 1st announced the set as a reward, they knew that the player base has been for a long time, wanted a Romulan Themed ground set that would go with the Romulan rep. Well we got the ground set, mostly, armor and shield, kits a nice touch, which leaves your choice of…
  • Do the mission Neutral No More. After that mission you should be able to do Uneasy Allies.
  • I miss the days when it was in the upper 60s >.< LOLz. And I agree the new ship packs are having an advese effect on the market. An I wouldn't rule out another fleet holding just yet, I have a feeling that when the Iconian stuff roles in were get a new holding, so were see what that does. Ya just what we need, just like in…
  • Its False Advertising is what it is, I was mostly doing that mission for the set AND the Tech Upgrade, its a waste of time if I don't get both when there both advertised as rewards. That is actually more misleading then I think they realize, makes it sound like none of us have alts we play, so in essence there TRIBBLE us…
  • I am going to be Pissed if this set Doesn't have a visual o.O, Been waiting a Long time for a Good Romulan ground set and we finally get 1 and there isn't a Visual ? Hopefully its a tailor unlock when you get the whole set >.>. Other wise this is a waste of time getting the set.
  • Same issue, just ran my KDF Rom through the mission to get the armor and didn't get the tech upgrade :(. http://sta.sh/02e0axcgghwa
  • My points still stand, whats the point of having test servers if there not used to fish out bugs ? I understand that there on a given time period given by there parent company, but that doesn't constitue as a excuse for a game breaking bug that Obviouslly would have been seen if they had Actually tested the episode prior…
  • Why shouldn't I be pissed at the dev's inability to test there product before releaseing it ? Whats the point of having Test Servers if there not going to actually use them to find And Fix bugs ?
  • Yup having the same issue as everyone else, do the developers even test there sht before they pop it out for release I mean Seriously ? How could you have missed a bug this game breaking in a mission o.O ?
  • Set your DX to Auto, should pick the correct DX11 for that 290X, Also this game has TRIBBLE poor UI coding, just run Fraps then open your rep pages and click on 1 of the reps and watch your FPS plumet, Then disable the UI all together by hitting Alt+F12. I go from a steady 60ish frames down to around 14 FPS when ever I…
  • I agree on the assumption that CR will indeed add DX12 to SC, it just wouldn't be smart Not to at this point. As it is, SC will have native Mantle support, which atm is only on AMD based GPUs. So adding in DX12, which any AMD GCN based GPU or current Nvidia card will support. An doing so will also keep the game pretty damn…
  • That is 1 thing I really like about CCP, they are Constantly updating there engine with the changing times, unlike Cryptic, which ultimately is going to bite them in the TRIBBLE some time lolz.
  • The funny thing with DX12 is that all it does is mimic Mantle *essentially lolz*, it doesn't actually add any other functionality other then some major performance optimizations to the Current DX11.2 API. So in essence DX12 is actually DX11.3 lolz even my 270X which supports DX11.2 will also support DX12 *which I believe…
  • #1: You apparently have not even looked very much into SC, it is so far off to a good start, everything they have said that they were going to do up to this point they have done. #2: Not built for the average gamers PC ? No I think that its actually pretty damn good on my Average PC, PII X4 955BE @ 3.8GHz, 8GB DDR3 @…
  • You must be referring to the ship manufacturing company's within the game, Origin *the old game studio* has nothing to do with SC other then CR use to work for them Way back when he worked for EA. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/about-the-game :D
  • Something we both can agree with! The playability of STO as of late has turned into a very grindy 1 at that. I find myself getting extremely bored when playing STO anymore. An the queues as many have pointed out are pretty much Dead atm. Not to mention the new Dil and EC sinks, AKA the upgrade system, sure I like it, but…
  • Actually, the game is in Pre-Alpha stage atm :P, Also he isn't actually out an about asking for More money, he did at the beginning with the kickstarter which was the point. How ever when he noticed that the kickstarter went WAY better then he had figured, he then decided to just use crowd funding entirely for the…
  • Your Take on CRs history is very misleading, I don't think you know or realized that he has already worked for EA in the past. He started his own company to get away from there BS that is, get it done at this date at any cost. An I like that he doesn't think the same way that MS and EA do, and that he actually wants to…
  • Scratches Head* o.O'...So let me get this straight. your essentially saying that anyone that plays, that doesn't have a Sub or LTS or buys Zen etc etc, has no right to complain when something in the game is Drastically changed, bugged or otherwise just wrong ? That's Ridiculous! :eek: So get this, I am a F2P player, I have…
  • That's the sad part about this whole issue with STO's performance issues. The Dev's don't want to even attempt to optimize it, cause it would take away there time to release new content. How ever if they were smart they'd overhaul the engine entirely, at the current rate there adding new content with higher system…
  • Just ran this on Adv in my new T6 Intel Warbird with the new Corrosive plasma weapons, DHCs in my case with a DC, Torps and a turret, 1st run through took me about 20mins to finish, so really can't say there ganna do anything else as the time to finish is vastly different per person. How ever as time go's on I expect I'll…
  • I just replicated this, and I my self have also noticed this issue. Which has been around for a LONG time. Press Alt+F12 to totally disable the HUD and your FPS will skyrocket, this proves, to me anyway that the HUD needs to be optimized. Or the Rendering engine itself needs a complete overhaul which would be better…
  • This makes sense actually, think about it. A group of ppl with Extremely *Specified* builds with the intent of DPS. These ppl are going to have an advantage when it comes to lvling, even solo, just in the simple fact that they kill the mobs far quicker then the average player. So of-course its going to look like and…
  • I've also have not spent a single cent on this game and I have managed to become one of the strongest members of my fleet. So Griping about not being able to *Afford* to play STO any longer is just a sad attempt at trolling, Seriously. I have gotten Several C-Store ship packs, which include, the Andorian ship pack,…
  • I agree that there new changes to the Exp tables is Way off, last night solo on elite in the Sakari system *very top portion of the Delta quadrant* I was getting around 1200 Exp per battleship. I am now how ever getting around 580 Exp per battleship, there is something seriously wrong here cause in the time it takes to…